EZ Server

General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: Draca on February 08, 2020, 07:00:31 pm

Title: Sleeper's Tomb Issues
Post by: Draca on February 08, 2020, 07:00:31 pm
I know there is a small minority of people who have made much progress in Sleeper's Tomb so far, as the gear requirements to enter are a long grind. I have been in Sleepers almost since it opened, and while I have yet to finish all of the quests, I have killed every mob and boss in the zone, and have some concerns with current tuning, and bugs in the zone.

     First issue is with Zeixshikar, which is one of 2 warders who are not spawned with the rest of the zone, but must be spawned. Zei spawns adds, they are not particularly difficult, but they also will most of the time never quit spawning. They will continue to spawn until eventually the zone crashes. Zei seems to hold agro, even through death, and as a result will chain spawn adds until it would seem zone runs out of NPC identifiers and crashes.

    Second issue is with certain mobs who have a habit of spawning twice, most frequently Last Stop and Alpha Male. These share a NPC model, so I'm not sure if that causes some sort of issue, but they also have to be pulled with a pet before engaging or they will typically one shot you. When 2 of them are stacked, it's impossible to do so, and can be quite frustrating, especially if have cleared to Last Stop and run into this.

    Third issue, and I've not heard any official stance on this, but the invis effect generated by the Spirit of the Ninja clickie (and maybe others) used to work on all but the bosses in the zone, and it no longer does, was this an intentional change, or an accidental one? If I'm honest, being able to invis through everything is a bit of a joke, but perhaps the long spawn golems and gargoyles and such can see invis, and the pesters and short spawns can't, so you still have to clear through, but it's not a frustrating disaster to recover from a wipe.

     Finally, the changes to Kerafyrm, specifically the ridiculous number of adds spawned now, are completely overtuned for the vast majority of people's groups.    I agree that you should have to deal with the adds, prior to the change, pulling her off to a warders pad to avoid her adds' agro should not have been possible, and rooting her is a totally reasonable solution. That being said, her adds were already brutal when there was 4 of them, their fear and stuns are difficult to deal with, as you cannot always get a cure clickie off, and you are forced to try and re-position (if you can ever get the debuffs off) without getting smashed. I typically use a combination of UA gloves enrage and Savage Onslaught discipline to melt Kerafyrm, and deal with the adds after, hopefully looting Kerafyrm before I get swarmed by adds and their stuns and fears. While it could be said that you could slowly kill her, thus spawning the adds in a more controlled fashion, this is simply not true the majority of the time, as you cannot reposition easily for the incoming adds when Kerafyrm is up, as she will summon you (almost always putting your back to adds), as well as due to the random nature of burst riposte damage from warriors, sometimes she melts whether you want her too or not.  My solution is to leave Kerafyrm rooted, or even better, a small leash radius the size of her platform. This would give you a way to position her prior to adds, and have a reasonable chance to survive, and not simply get ganked because you can't possibly position properly. Secondly, the adds need to be reduced, by half at least. This fight isn't difficult because it requires skill and good positioning and strategy, its difficult because it's (the amount of, and spells cast by, adds mostly) dramatically overtuned for most people, which is a shame, because it could easily be the former.

     To be clear, everything is still killable in Sleeper, including Kerafyrm as she is, but through tuning and bugs, certain fights are difficult for the wrong reasons. Some bosses require some thought and strategy, Abyxcos being a great example of a boss that stumps a lot of people when they first attempt him, others, like the knockback warder, Vyskudra, require some well timed cures and positioning for consistent kills, which is exciting and fun to figure out. Some of the buggy bosses are not fun when they bug out, and others, like Kerafyrm, need some tuning. Overall, it's a fun zone, even the quest grinds are not too bad (for EZ Server anyway), and I thank Rent and Akka doe the time they put in making 10.5, I would just like some communication on some of these issues, so it can be a workable zone for everyone who comes after.

Also, trading a GSS for 100 EZ Credits...daddy needs CT death touch clickie!!


Title: Re: Sleeper's Tomb Issues
Post by: spuddson on February 09, 2020, 06:04:40 am
Im getting multiple Zeixshakar's up at same time

Title: Re: Sleeper's Tomb Issues
Post by: neccos on February 09, 2020, 02:17:18 pm
great suggestions, unfortunitly I don't think any will be taken into account other than those that finished it the first couple weeks (

Title: Re: Sleeper's Tomb Issues
Post by: Serra Angel on February 10, 2020, 09:37:53 am
I agree the adds are several times more powerful than the Sleeper herself and the fact that they are allowed to pummel from behind insures a fast kill. Also they cast spells that the boss should be the only one casting. After all the root and dots are all named with Kerafyrn. Why isn't Kerafyrn the only one casting them?

Title: Re: Sleeper's Tomb Issues
Post by: Akkadius on February 10, 2020, 01:34:06 pm
Sleeper has been Rent's initiative and creation to help expand his capabilities; I'll ping him about some of these outstanding issues and if he needs help getting through some of them I will be happy to help him

Title: Re: Sleeper's Tomb Issues
Post by: Rent Due on February 10, 2020, 02:58:08 pm

     First issue is with Zeixshikar, which is one of 2 warders who are not spawned with the rest of the zone, but must be spawned. Zei spawns adds, they are not particularly difficult, but they also will most of the time never quit spawning. They will continue to spawn until eventually the zone crashes. Zei seems to hold agro, even through death, and as a result will chain spawn adds until it would seem zone runs out of NPC identifiers and crashes.


This has been addressed in game today. A new changelog entry was added for this.

Title: Re: Sleeper's Tomb Issues
Post by: Dimur on February 10, 2020, 11:36:10 pm
This has been addressed in game today. A new changelog entry was added for this.

This doesn't appear to have been fixed, I made a fresh instance today to test it and was able to aggro him and die with the rest of the raid sitting well out of aggro range and even with me being dead and him not having any aggro targets he chain spawned nonstop until I got too bored to wait out the zone crash.  Screenshot attached, you can see he is summoning an add every 3 seconds ad nauseum and the spawns in zone on left window are only spawns containing zeix in their name.

Title: Re: Sleeper's Tomb Issues
Post by: Dimur on February 11, 2020, 12:35:24 am
Observations -

I understand the whole idea of loot being rare off of static mobs, but the fact that you can clear the entire zone of a specific mob type that has a chance to spawn a rare mob and not spawn it, or just normally killing mobs on the way down stacks up 3-4 of a mob before you get there...it's borderline retarded and full fledged annoying.  Great for the random spawn when you get it, but re-fucking-diculous to clear all those mobs and see nothing.  Some of the placeholder mobs are on a regular zone respawn of like 20mins and others are on a 4 hour respawn, so if you're targeting a specific named that's triggered by the long respawn mobs...good luck ever seeing it without repopping and fully reclearing the zone ad nauseum. 

Which brings another thing I don't understand, there doesn't seem to be a specific loot table for any of the mobs, I've gotten Zeix's ring from 3 different warders, Last Stop and Alpha Male, as well as all other loot items with the sole exception of The Real Abyxcos.  I don't see the point of a shared loot table across named mobs aside from the zone quest pieces, maybe I'm just short sighted though. 

Speaking of The Real Abyxcos, okay...if a spawn HAS to be rarely spawned off it's PH mob, I get it.  But if the rarity of that spawn is bordering on re-fucking-tardedly rare, and spawning it requires clearing to it before it despawns (it's not that hard to clear the shit in between but it is annoying knowing you are on a timer), and killing it is anything but easy...it sure as fuck should drop more than 2 roses 9 out of every 10 kills.  Rare spawn + annoying timer before despawn + tedious trash to clear + challenging encounter should NOT = Haha fuck you on the effort, here are a few drops you can get off of any trash mob in the zone.  FYI, especially annoyed because I killed 4 full raid cycles of 18 instances of Abyxcos tonight and got 1 Real to spawn who subsequently dropped a woefully worthless plat bag (can this at least be changed to an expensive blue diamond) and 2 roses.  72 placeholders for 2 roses and a plat bag, this is why I have a hard time motivating enough to log on and beat my head against the wall chasing the unicorn.

UCv4 - The drop rate on the roses is fine if the point is to choke the will out of anyone wanting to gear more than 1 toon up with this quest.  I finished the pests quest on all 18 toons before completing this on my main, I have a second toon who has 35ish black roses and 20ish red to finish his, and a 3rd toon has been banking the overflow blue, white and yellow roses.  I average around 6 roses dropping per clear from zone to warders and killing almost every mob in between, but there are only so many times you can clear from zone in to zone end and repop if you want a chance at the long respawn placeholder mobs or reclear if you are just heading back down trying to spawn the triggered ones off the short respawn mobs before you decide to say fuck it.  At the very least, making the roses far more common off the trash mobs would make you feel like you're getting headway because even averaging 6 roses a clear and needing 5 different types means you are going to be lucky to finish a ucv4 once every 100 clears because we all remember how everyone ended up with  extra scales of certain colors with the ucv3 quest.

Kerafym - I think the fight is fine, it's completely doable even with the increased number of adds, but considering how rare you spawn her and the same propensity for shit loot she has as Abyxcos, what's the point of making it difficult?  If the shitty chance to spawn her and the shittier chance for loot remains the same, you may as well revert it back to only 1 each of the 4 add waves and call it good.  If you're going to increase the difficulty of the encounter and leave the loot chance shitty, people who can't handle it aren't going to bother with it.  If it requires you to be responsive and there's a legitimate chance of wiping, make it something rewarding enough to make people want to risk multiple wipes learning their own best way to defeat it.

See invis - I can see both sides of the coin on this.  Initially the first mob to see thorugh invis/ivu at the same time was Abyxcos.  To cast both invis and see invis on yourself at the same time, use an ninja click item for anyone who doesn't know what the fuck I'm talking about.  Being able to wipe halfway through the zone and invis your way back to recover keeps people interested enough to press on.  Wiping and having to reclear from zone in because shit respawned is annoying and will piss people off enough to not bother and go find something else to do.  I prefer to clear trash as I go because you have chances at Powerslave pieces, roses and gsoa from trash mobs and clearing in small pulls doesn't take long at all anyhow.  You also get the benefit of chances to spawn triggered named mobs.  I don't see the point in skipping content to powerfarm the always up on instance spawn named mobs, running down to just before Abyxcos and clearing him, then invising past the rest of the shit to Last Stop isn't my cup of tea.  But given the current drop rates for any kind of appreciable loot on current named loot lists, I honestly could care less if someone wants to spend their time doing that instead of working on farming roses and killing pests for those quests.  If you want to make it harder to farm this shit, make the reward better with higher chances of the decent loot.  Truth be told, even with every trash mob being see invis, you only have to clear down to Last Stop once and you can cycle instances nonstop to powerfarm the 2 always up warders and last stop as much as you want.

I don't know how viable it is to code, but let mobs be see invis on zone up, but any mob you kill that respawns while the zone is still active shouldn't be see invis.  This would let people clear their way through the first time, possibly wiping a few times on the way, and they'd still be able to invis past respawn to get back to their corpses.  All named type mobs can respawn with invis, but trash shouldn't, as long as the zone is active.  If that's too much to bother with, make all mobs with a respawn timer of less than 30 minutes not see invis, I'm guessing there's a way to isolate mobs by respawn time so this should be easier to do than the prior suggestion.  That way, wiping on the clear down again doesn't hinder you from being able to bypass the respawn trash to get to your corpses.

I'm going to end this rant here before I start drinking at become more annoying, these are my observations of things as someone who doesn't need jack shit from this zone save a few alts loot items and some ucv4 which, in it's current state, I don't care to bother with.  I can only imagine how frustrating it is for people still hacking away.

Title: Re: Sleeper's Tomb Issues
Post by: Rent Due on February 11, 2020, 12:55:18 pm
I am taking another look at things today.

Title: Re: Sleeper's Tomb Issues
Post by: Serra Angel on February 14, 2020, 12:21:25 pm
With the new fixes more strange stuff is happening. Tjudawos spawned and I engaged him. He summoned 2 Juda the Betrayers both are just like Tjudawos completely immune to all spells. They killed my pally and wiped me. When I poped back in to the instance. They summoned me one at a time across the zone and killed us. Its like the aggro doesn't clear.

2nd time they summoned 1 Sleeper Banishment Guardian as Tjudawos hit 25% from my Furious discipline. I'm not sure why a Kerafyrn add is showing up as a Tjudawos add.

3rd time I went in with just the warrior and her furious disc and cure reward and took em all down.

Can you fix up the summoning and aggro not clearing even after one is already dead? And Sleeper Banishment Guardian should be removed from a Tjudawos add.

Title: Re: Sleeper's Tomb Issues
Post by: Rent Due on February 15, 2020, 08:00:32 am
With the new fixes more strange stuff is happening. Tjudawos spawned and I engaged him. He summoned 2 Juda the Betrayers both are just like Tjudawos completely immune to all spells. They killed my pally and wiped me. When I poped back in to the instance. They summoned me one at a time across the zone and killed us. Its like the aggro doesn't clear.

2nd time they summoned 1 Sleeper Banishment Guardian as Tjudawos hit 25% from my Furious discipline. I'm not sure why a Kerafyrn add is showing up as a Tjudawos add.

3rd time I went in with just the warrior and her furious disc and cure reward and took em all down.

Can you fix up the summoning and aggro not clearing even after one is already dead? And Sleeper Banishment Guardian should be removed from a Tjudawos add.

I will get with Akkadius as to why it is not clearing agro after you die. I fixed the "immune to magic" and the Banishment Guardian is as intended

Title: Re: Sleeper's Tomb Issues
Post by: Draca on February 16, 2020, 07:04:12 am
Rent, is there a reason loot modifiers aren't usable in Sleepers?

Title: Re: Sleeper's Tomb Issues
Post by: Rent Due on February 17, 2020, 01:13:41 am
Yes, all new zones don't allow loot modifiers till some time has passed.

Title: Re: Sleeper's Tomb Issues
Post by: Dimur on February 27, 2020, 11:37:07 am
Can Zeix and Tjud spawns be set to unique spawns?  The recent power up they've received make killing multiple spawns of them incredibly annoying, single fights they are doable but with the added pet type spawns and Sleeper Guardians it's not worth bothering with them if there are more than 1 or 2 of them up.  This is moreso a problem with Zeix than Tjud, when you spawn a Tjud you can mostly avoid any of his trigger mobs and not have to worry about spawning more but with Zeix there is no way to avoid 20 placeholders on the clear down if you spawn him early in the clear.  I'd wager that I average 3 Zeix spawns per clear and 1 Tjud every 3 clears, flagging them as unique spawns lets you just keep clearing knowing only one of the mobs will be up when you get to it.  I suppose the other option is to insert a coh bot toon just to skip ahead as soon as you pop a Zeix, but at a cost of 3 GSS just to get into the zone, it's hard to justify.

Title: Re: Sleeper's Tomb Issues
Post by: Dimur on February 27, 2020, 11:50:06 am
Side note, it looks like the rewards on the Zeix encounter are commensurate with the level of effort required to beat it, I like that it requires effort but also rewards are set accordingly.

Title: Re: Sleeper's Tomb Issues
Post by: neccos on February 28, 2020, 08:03:23 pm
5 Zeix spawns in 1 run can yield 100 or so baby's which is just undoable and a waste of a couple hours of trying to get to the end result with 14 flagged chars, if this is 10.5 WTF is T11 going to be ? Dam up the GSS drop if this is where its going, this is just not logical progression now.

Title: Re: Sleeper's Tomb Issues
Post by: neccos on March 01, 2020, 01:27:04 pm
Epic augs do not cast in sleeper weps, confirmed on shaman paladin mage and necro

Title: Re: Sleeper's Tomb Issues
Post by: Mersedez on March 01, 2020, 09:24:29 pm
5 Zeix spawns in 1 run can yield 100 or so baby's which is just undoable and a waste of a couple hours of trying to get to the end result with 14 flagged chars, if this is 10.5 WTF is T11 going to be ? Dam up the GSS drop if this is where its going, this is just not logical progression now.

I agree please up the GSS. Over 800 plagues killed now and no GSS or at least can you guys see if this thing drops.

Title: Re: Sleeper's Tomb Issues
Post by: Rent Due on March 03, 2020, 12:07:18 pm
Epic augs do not cast in sleeper weps, confirmed on shaman paladin mage and necro

This has been fixed

Sorry for the delay.

Title: Re: Sleeper's Tomb Issues
Post by: Dimur on March 03, 2020, 05:05:10 pm
Dropping a tangible data point here regarding GSS drop rate in T10, I dusted off my T10 flagged, no faction done mage to use as a coh bot in sleeper and started powering him through T10.  I ran him from dubious to ally in one faction and got boots done on another faction and haven't seen a GSS, but I have seen enough hammer pieces to make 1.5 hammers and got 3 gsoa.

Concrete numbers, since last night:
13,732 mobs killed
232 plagueborn spawned/killed
3 gsoa

Let's say for the sake of argument that I've been unlucky with the GSS drops and for every toon you flag ally to a faction you're going to average a GSS drop...3 armor factions = 3 GSS drops.  Ignoring that each character is going to farm the mythical hammer parts. take that rate and then multiply it by the number of toons that you are running (12-18+?) and factor in that all your toons are working factions together...so you'd have to run all 3 factions from dubious to ally [number of toons you are running] times JUST to flag for sleepers.  Not judging whether this is feasible, intended or unwarranted, just offering the data I have observed.

Title: Re: Sleeper's Tomb Issues
Post by: Loyal on March 03, 2020, 05:28:18 pm
5 Zeix spawns in 1 run can yield 100 or so baby's which is just undoable and a waste of a couple hours of trying to get to the end result with 14 flagged chars, if this is 10.5 WTF is T11 going to be ? Dam up the GSS drop if this is where its going, this is just not logical progression now.

I agree please up the GSS. Over 800 plagues killed now and no GSS or at least can you guys see if this thing drops.

Similar boat here....killed 600 PBS and nothing with regard to GSS.

Every so often i check the website to see if there is anything new going on here. Last i played, Sleepers was just about to be finished. Seeing it had come out, i was super excited to come back to have something new to do. Once i found out the extremely high bar you must overcome to get flagged i about quit on the spot. I literally spent the rest of that day searching for another game to play because i didn't want more T10, nobody does.

Once i realized there were no other good options for me to play i got back on and started grinding T10....again.....I figured i would flag my 4th group who had yet to do anything in T10 and the increase PB spawns are certainly nice but its pretty clear that the GSS drop rate is so abysmal that ill have another group of characters fully factioned in T10 and still only be able to log 3 characters into Sleepers...

In my opinion the bar to get into Sleepers is far too high. I get that introducing another grind will go along way to keeping people busy for longer to buy time for potential future content, but that grind was just put in the wrong zone.

If it were up to me i would have put the grind/time sink in Sleepers itself but since that decision is made and likely difficult to change, i want to go on record as being in the camp that either GSS's need to start dropping at a much higher rate or perhaps only require 1 UA piece to flag for ST.

Title: Re: Sleeper's Tomb Issues
Post by: Serra Angel on March 03, 2020, 11:07:38 pm
I would like to also echo and add to the sentiment already posted on here. The GSS and GSoA drop rates are so insanely rare that its pointless to try to make any further progression to even get into Sleeper's Tomb. Its practically not doable.

Also the bosses pop rate in T10 is just as insanely rare as the GSS. You can kill all the ones that should spawn like Den Mother and she will never show. Same goes with the bandit boss by teleport. It makes the game totally not enjoyable.

Also the souls are a pain as they aren't stackable and seems to done on purpose this way cause the maximum annoyance possible.

Don't even get me started with Kerafyrn herself. The adds are so overpowered that survival is not even possible. And the fact that Kerafyrn consistent drops absolute JUNK even compared to the 4 keepers is ridiculous. No GSS not even ess, just 1 bags of plat and a rose. Its like an insult. It is kind of making T10.5 the same as the Kerafyrn encounter that doomed SOE who had absolutely no loot on her.

Title: Re: Sleeper's Tomb Issues
Post by: Dimur on March 04, 2020, 10:40:24 am
Not trying to play devil's advocate here Serra, but I think there are a few inconsistencies with a few claims in your post and I just want to address them.

Also the bosses pop rate in T10 is just as insanely rare as the GSS. You can kill all the ones that should spawn like Den Mother and she will never show. Same goes with the bandit boss by teleport. It makes the game totally not enjoyable..

The boss rates for bosses seems normal to me, the Den Mother has always been rare as fuck to spawn but if you focus on killing the basilisks in the zone she'll pop eventually.  You just have to be careful when pulling the whole orc camp that you target and kill the basilisks first and don't just kill all the mobs indiscriminately, killing jugs or stormbringer/shm orcs before all the basilisk are down is going to screw your chances of spawning the Den Mother if one of those types pops their associated named mob.  Also, it's not just the basilisks in the cave, there's a big concentration of them up in the northeast part of the zone and a bunch of single ones strewn throughout the zone that can all spawn her so make sure if you are focusing on her those are the ones you hit.  Sarnak bosses are rare too, because there are only 2 bosses there as opposed to 3 in the other two faction camps and one of the 2 can ONLY be triggered between 9pm and 6am game time off of a specific mob type that may or may not spawn at 9pm randomly...generally you get between 0-5 ph mobs to try to spawn it and they don't respawn with the rest, they only spawn when night is triggered and only once per day cycle.  Sharpclaw on the other hand is a fucking joke now and easily the biggest reason anyone would want to set up an afk macro to farm it.  You run through an active portal and have an infinitesimally small chance to spawn him, the active portal changes every 15 minutes.  You can set up your entire raid out of port range of the portal, send all of your toons through it 1 by 1 in 3 second intervals with them all triggering the spawn chance, coh them back and rinse repeat for hours before you see him spawn.  It used to be far more common to spawn him, now it's just fucking pointless to bother once you have the soul quest done on your main tank, this I wholeheartedly agree with you on.

Don't even get me started with Kerafyrn herself. The adds are so overpowered that survival is not even possible. And the fact that Kerafyrn consistent drops absolute JUNK even compared to the 4 keepers is ridiculous. No GSS not even ess, just 1 bags of plat and a rose. Its like an insult. It is kind of making T10.5 the same as the Kerafyrn encounter that doomed SOE who had absolutely no loot on her.

Kerafym is completely doable with the additional add per health trigger, she always spawned one add 4 different times and now she spawns 2 adds 4 different times.  She may not be doable the way she was before when people were pulling her out of range of the spawned adds and negating them, but the adds were always intended to be part of the encounter.  And when she spawned 1 add per health trigger instead of two, it was probably pretty easy to just burn the fuck out of her and kill her fast then deal with 4 adds...dealing with 8 adds might require a different strategy.  Protip, you won't damage her unless you have a bane weapon in your hand so it's easy to swap in your UW and burn the adds as soon as they spawn, then toggle your bane weapon back in and whittle her down to the next add spawn...rinse/repeat as needed.  I will agree with you that her loot is fucking horseshit for the effort involved in spawning her, let alone killing her.  She's far too rare to spawn off the warder kills and far too easy to trigger by cycling instances nonstop killing the two warders that are always up.  I'd much prefer that she's triggered as soon as all 4 warders die, requiring you to clear through the zone and spawning the two triggered warders before she'll show up, but clearing through and spawning them so all 4 warders are up when you get to the end means you WILL spawn her upon the death of all 4.

I also prefer the idea of a lesser keying requirement for the zone, personally I don't think it should require UA at all at this point but it should require the completion of the Mythical Hammer quest.  If the concern is higher drop rates of GSS means an increase in how fast UA enters the world because of how incredibly powerful it makes a character, then require the flag to be ally to all 3 T10 factions and completing the Mythical Hammer quest so that the character is able to make UA but needs to farm GSS to do so.  If someone wants to take a bunch of undergeared toons into a zone and try their luck, let them have a go at it...if they find they need to backfarm UA for their warrior they can go back to T10 and do so.  The entire progression of EZ has historically been one that doesn't impose hard limits on working your way through...you aren't required to farm ultimate charms or subsequent upgrades to play in zones, you aren't required to farm Ultimate Weapons to progress, the progression points determine how viable the content is power wise and it's up to the player to determine whether or not they are able to do it with the resources they have or if they need to flesh out their gear more.  If I'm able to do T10 in my Orc Armored, ucv2 (not even 3) warrior rocking one UW and a bunch of toons with strike augs, why not let me progress after I've done all the faction required farming in T10?  To complete T10 you have to kill somewhere between 12k and 15k specific mobs for 3 different factions, spawn enough bosses to make the armor pieces for your raid, and along the way kill 1k randomly spawned plagueborne mobs while looting 6 rare drop pieces of the Mythical Hammer quest on each toon, isn't that enough of a grind?  I appreciate the keying process being difficult, but it seems a bit excessive at this point.

Title: Re: Sleeper's Tomb Issues
Post by: Serra Angel on March 04, 2020, 07:25:47 pm
With respect Dimur I've been careful to kill basilisk first. And NO the Denmother doesn't show up even with weeks of killing basilisk. Thats why I know something is wrong with the pop rate. Heck I even got the Vampire Lord to show up within that time and we know how rare he is.

This is not to mention just how dangerous the basilisk pulls have now become with the ridiculous speeds.

And about the sleeper survival is definitely not possible. All the adds aggro on you instantly no matter which direction you come from. Maybe their aggro range needs to be reduced. One spawn I can survive 8 no.

Title: Re: Sleeper's Tomb Issues
Post by: Dimur on March 04, 2020, 07:41:30 pm
Not sure what to tell you regarding Den Mother, I've seen her 4x since yesterday afternoon and I'm just mass killing and not really trying to spawn her.  If you have a Qvic mount, you can easily outdistance the basilisks but if you get too far ahead it seems they get confused on what mesh path they need to take and end up warping on you.

As far as Kerafym, are you saying you get 8 adds every time you get her to a health trigger event?  I've done her a few times since the changes and only 2 adds spawn at the health intervals for me, as soon as they do I immediately stop dps on her and take out the two adds then return to beating on her.  If you're seeing 8 per wave, then I'd say something's wrong with the event.  In either case, if you see me on and have her up, I'd be happy to come show you how deal with her and the adds.

Title: Re: Sleeper's Tomb Issues
Post by: Mersedez on March 04, 2020, 08:51:22 pm
850 plagues now no GSS. What's the point of adding in a new zone when people can't get into it because items don't drop.

Title: Re: Sleeper's Tomb Issues
Post by: Chieftan on March 05, 2020, 04:31:02 am
Am at same point myself
800+ on pb quest on 2nd group, not 1 GSS or GSoA
And using DL tokens a lot of the time

Can't even complete my UA set, let alone 11 more

Not fun anymore

Title: Re: Sleeper's Tomb Issues
Post by: Dimur on March 05, 2020, 11:50:42 am
Just feeding some additional data points in after my previous one, I'll post that one here first just to keep it all together.  Farming T10 the last few days, here's what I've seen:

Camp 1 - Single loot
13,732 mobs killed
232 plagueborn spawned/killed
3 gsoa

Camp 2 - Single loot
2,393 mobs killed
48? plagueborn spawned/killed (I crashed so my counter restarted part of the way through but this should be pretty close to accurate)
1 gsoa

Camp 3 - Triple loot
2,990 mobs killed
31 plagueborne spawned/killed
0 gsoa

Camp 4 - Single loot
6,822 mobs killed
104 plagueborn spawned/killed
1 gsoa

Camp 5 - Triple loot
3,013 mobs killed
58 plagueborne spawned/killed
4 gsoa

Please note, this is a mix of single and triple loot instances...the two triple loot instances were both 2 hour triples and both were ~3k mobs killed...between the 2 triple instances I looted 3 GSS, so an aggregate of 4 hours of triple netting me 3 gss means that if it were single loot I'd have to maintain a kill rate of 1.5k mobs/hour to average 1 GSS every 4 hours.  This is an extremely small sample size when considering the obviously very low drop rate so it's likely skewed towards the high end of drop rates.  
Looking at the 3 single loot instances, I didn't record the length of the play sessions because it's irrelevant and there were plenty of afk times...we can use the 1.5k mobs/hour kill rate we did in the triple instances to extrapolate the best case scenario and maintainable kill rate.  What I'm really trying to illustrate is aggregate total mobs killed per return on time invested, so totaling up the single loot sessions we get 22,947 mobs killed overall and 2 GSS looted over the duration of those kills.  This puts the drop rate closer to what I was expecting, ~ 1 GSS in every 10k - 12k mobs killed.  Running a T10 faction from start to ally is going to be ~ 15k kills required of the specific mob type.  If you average a GSS every 10k - 12k mobs, you should end up with 4 or 5 GSS by the time your ENTIRE raid reaches ally faction to all 3 camps.  That wouldn't even finish gearing out your warrior in UA, let alone spare 3 GSS PER toon to flag for the next zone.  

This is all based off my own numbers, so I am curious if this is anywhere near what people have experienced in terms of the GSS they looted while grinding all 3 factions to ally, since I'm taking a small dataset compiled over a few days as opposed to the normal amount of time people take to finish T10.

Additional results posted below, to keep things in one place
Camp 6 - Triple loot 3 hours
4,145 mobs killed (yes I was slacking)
78 plagueborne spawned/killed
2 gsoa

Camp 7 - Triple loot 2 hours
3,047 mobs killed
58 plagueborne spawned/killed
3 gsoa

Camp 8 - Triple loot 2 hours
3,095 mobs killed
59 plagueborne spawned/killed
2 gsoa

Camp 9 - Triple loot 2 hours
3,070 mobs killed
53 plagueborne spawned/killed
2 gsoa

Title: Re: Sleeper's Tomb Issues
Post by: Mersedez on March 05, 2020, 09:13:01 pm
Just feeding some additional data points in after my previous one, I'll post that one here first just to keep it all together.  Farming T10 the last few days, here's what I've seen:

Camp 1 - Single loot
13,732 mobs killed
232 plagueborn spawned/killed
3 gsoa

Camp 2 - Single loot
2,393 mobs killed
48? plagueborn spawned/killed (I crashed so my counter restarted part of the way through but this should be pretty close to accurate)
1 gsoa

Camp 3 - Triple loot
2,990 mobs killed
31 plagueborne spawned/killed
0 gsoa

Camp 4 - Single loot
6,822 mobs killed
104 plagueborn spawned/killed
1 gsoa

Camp 5 - Triple loot
3,013 mobs killed
58 plagueborne spawned/killed
4 gsoa

Please note, this is a mix of single and triple loot instances...the two triple loot instances were both 2 hour triples and both were ~3k mobs killed...between the 2 triple instances I looted 3 GSS, so an aggregate of 4 hours of triple netting me 3 gss means that if it were single loot I'd have to maintain a kill rate of 1.5k mobs/hour to average 1 GSS every 4 hours.  This is an extremely small sample size when considering the obviously very low drop rate so it's likely skewed towards the high end of drop rates.  
Looking at the 3 single loot instances, I didn't record the length of the play sessions because it's irrelevant and there were plenty of afk times...we can use the 1.5k mobs/hour kill rate we did in the triple instances to extrapolate the best case scenario and maintainable kill rate.  What I'm really trying to illustrate is aggregate total mobs killed per return on time invested, so totaling up the single loot sessions we get 22,947 mobs killed overall and 2 GSS looted over the duration of those kills.  This puts the drop rate closer to what I was expecting, ~ 1 GSS in every 10k - 12k mobs killed.  Running a T10 faction from start to ally is going to be ~ 15k kills required of the specific mob type.  If you average a GSS every 10k - 12k mobs, you should end up with 4 or 5 GSS by the time your ENTIRE raid reaches ally faction to all 3 camps.  That wouldn't even finish gearing out your warrior in UA, let alone spare 3 GSS PER toon to flag for the next zone.  

This is all based off my own numbers, so I am curious if this is anywhere near what people have experienced in terms of the GSS they looted while grinding all 3 factions to ally, since I'm taking a small dataset compiled over a few days as opposed to the normal amount of time people take to finish T10.

During Orcs I had 2 GSS drop but that was only during that double loot thing going on for the server stress test.

Gnolls 0

Finally starting Sarnaks. Pretty sure that will be a 0 too

Title: Re: Sleeper's Tomb Issues
Post by: neccos on March 06, 2020, 02:29:54 pm
When Akka announced that the GSS drop rate had been upped a bit it seemed reasonable for the amount of time spent but that appears to be gone again.  Doubles / Triples don't really seem to do much anymore except the pp bags, not even where single loot was a few years ago.

Title: Re: Sleeper's Tomb Issues
Post by: Dimur on March 06, 2020, 03:39:06 pm
When Akka announced that the GSS drop rate had been upped a bit it seemed reasonable for the amount of time spent but that appears to be gone again.  Doubles / Triples don't really seem to do much anymore except the pp bags, not even where single loot was a few years ago.

The drop rate has always been exceedingly rare, there NEVER was a time they dropped more plentifully than they do now.  The whole point I'm trying to make is to give QUANTIFIABLE feedback with hard numbers that the development staff can compare to the numbers they have and intend.  You completely debase your argument when you spit out shit you can't prove, THE SKY IS FALLING tactics don't work when pleading for current rates to be reconsidered and your baseless claim that drop rates were somehow way better before but now suck so bad that double and triple modifiers have absolutely no effect on them is retarded and counter productive.

Title: Re: Sleeper's Tomb Issues
Post by: neccos on March 07, 2020, 03:18:05 am
Yes your right no loot has ever been changed without a notice, I must have been living in a dream for the past few years. Unfortunately I was just never so anal to keep such stats on everything, my apologies.

Title: Re: Sleeper's Tomb Issues
Post by: Loyal on March 07, 2020, 07:53:26 am
Yes your right no loot has ever been changed without a notice, I must have been living in a dream for the past few years. Unfortunately I was just never so anal to keep such stats on everything, my apologies.

Hey now, its Dim's rectum that is the leading argument to effectuating some change, lets not pretend its a bad thing.

Title: Re: Sleeper's Tomb Issues
Post by: Serra Angel on March 11, 2020, 09:18:04 pm
Multi-spawn ZeixshiKar needs to stopped. Every time a spectre is killed there is a chance a ZeixshiKar dragon pops. Unfortunately the zone doesn't check to see if there is already a ZeixshiKar present and spawn another one right on top. Here I have 4 ZeixshiKars and I'm only halfway thru the spiral ramp from the Library. The zone really needs to stop these multispawns.

Title: Re: Sleeper's Tomb Issues
Post by: Dimur on March 11, 2020, 10:46:04 pm
I agree, this is like the third time in this feedback thread its been asked and has yet to be acknowledged. Can the triggered warders be set to unique spawns and not spawn multiple mobs?  The Zeix fight is easily the hardest and most OP in the zone with the full wipe dt dot along with the 2 Sleeper guardians as well as Zeix pet mobs PER Zeix, it is barely manageable with one up, nearly impossible with 2 or 3 up and good fucking luck when you spawn 4 or 5. Is my understanding that it is just a simple flag you enable in the npc table to flag a spawn as unique so only one can be up wrong? If so, just add a condition to the spawn trigger to add If npc zeix id NOT EXISTS, spawn npc zeix.

Title: Re: Sleeper's Tomb Issues
Post by: Rent Due on March 12, 2020, 09:18:56 am
Multi-spawn ZeixshiKar needs to stopped. Every time a spectre is killed there is a chance a ZeixshiKar dragon pops. Unfortunately the zone doesn't check to see if there is already a ZeixshiKar present and spawn another one right on top. Here I have 4 ZeixshiKars and I'm only halfway thru the spiral ramp from the Library. The zone really needs to stop these multispawns.

This "should" be fixed now. I tested it a fair bit, spawning little axe guys and making him spawn and could not get 2 up at the same time. Hopefully this fixes it.

Title: Re: Sleeper's Tomb Issues
Post by: neccos on March 17, 2020, 10:16:22 pm
Regarding new sleeper weps that allow a slot 29 could the lore be taken away so u can get another Ultimate aug if u are using 2 one handers ?

Title: Re: Sleeper's Tomb Issues
Post by: Rent Due on March 18, 2020, 12:09:47 pm
Regarding new sleeper weps that allow a slot 29 could the lore be taken away so u can get another Ultimate aug if u are using 2 one handers ?

Good point, but no. Having (1) UW Augment is good enough. Sorry.

Title: Re: Sleeper's Tomb Issues
Post by: Poker-ecaf on March 18, 2020, 12:48:19 pm
isnt possable to make the augments lore and not lore on type ? u can use 2 diffrents ( not 2x Wideswing arc ) but style like ( 1xwideswing arc + 1x lifetap / or or or ... ) ...

Title: Re: Sleeper's Tomb Issues
Post by: Serra Angel on March 18, 2020, 02:57:56 pm
Is it possible to stop the Sleeper adds STUNS. This is the only reason why teams wipe in there. There are chain stuns by multiple Sleeper adds along with AoE dots. With the stuns nothing can be activated. No pally attack/heals are possible and no trigger cures usuable. Without the stuns it is at least a doable challenge, instead of an annoying impossibility. Thanks.

Title: Re: Sleeper's Tomb Issues
Post by: Rent Due on March 18, 2020, 07:40:43 pm
Is it possible to stop the Sleeper adds STUNS. This is the only reason why teams wipe in there. There are chain stuns by multiple Sleeper adds along with AoE dots. With the stuns nothing can be activated. No pally attack/heals are possible and no trigger cures usuable. Without the stuns it is at least a doable challenge, instead of an annoying impossibility. Thanks.

Is no one able to do it?

Title: Re: Sleeper's Tomb Issues
Post by: Dimur on March 18, 2020, 08:37:03 pm
I don't think the ones who can will bother, considering the loot table is shared with other mobs in the zone. If she spawns while I am killing shit, sure I'll go kill it, but I sure as fuck am not going to bother repopping and clearing back down or clearing down to there and cycling instances since I might get a shitty plat bag worthy of dropping in T5 and 2 bane weapons you don't need anyhow since you are already able to kill her. At least Real Abyx drops 4 flowers, Sleeper has nothing to offer aside from 1 in 10 chance at best of dropping a GSS I would only throw in the bank. If the intent is an encounter that is challenging but drops loot as shitty as the always up warders, its working as intended.  Otherwise you can scale it back to being on par with the rest of the named encounters.

tl;dr The ones who can beat it have no incentive to bother with the hassle of forcing its spawn

Title: Re: Sleeper's Tomb Issues
Post by: Ekiir on March 18, 2020, 08:44:22 pm
I don't think the ones who can will bother, considering the loot table is shared with other mobs in the zone. If she spawns while I am killing shit, sure I'll go kill it, but I sure as fuck am not going to bother repopping and clearing back down or clearing down to there and cycling instances since I might get a shitty plat bag worthy of dropping in T5 and 2 bane weapons you don't need anyhow since you are already able to kill her. At least Real Abyx drops 4 flowers, Sleeper has nothing to offer aside from 1 in 10 chance at best of dropping a GSS I would only throw in the bank. If the intent is an encounter that is challenging but drops loot as shitty as the always up warders, its working as intended.  Otherwise you can scale it back to being on par with the rest of the named encounters.

tl;dr The ones who can beat it have no incentive to bother with the hassle of forcing its spawn

What Dimur said +1

On the topic of killing Sleeper, its not hard - It's harder than before, sure, but far from impossible - Dimur has given perfect advise earlier in this thread on how to do it - Sure, if you throw yourself at her with 3-4 toons, You're not going to succeed, maybe with much luck, but it wont be a consistant farm.

So what's the scope of Sleeper - What is the event tuned for? - I kill it every time with no deaths, then again, I play more than 4 toons.

Title: Re: Sleeper's Tomb Issues
Post by: neccos on March 19, 2020, 02:34:11 pm
Trying to update sleeper spells #files does not work and cant find any links - any help to be able to mem a sleeper spell ?

Title: Re: Sleeper's Tomb Issues
Post by: neccos on March 19, 2020, 06:45:33 pm
ok 10 wipes on zex with 14 barely geared chars and get an epic pp bag in return, rewards are not worth the aggravation, this is like a T12 with out getting the T11 gear to be able to have a fighting chance - its not a logical or practical progression without a reasonable GSS drop rate.

Title: Re: Sleeper's Tomb Issues
Post by: Rent Due on March 19, 2020, 07:06:20 pm
I will look into it again.

Title: Re: Sleeper's Tomb Issues
Post by: Rent Due on March 20, 2020, 10:59:31 am
Kerafyrm Changes:

1) Eliminated 3 of his adds
2) Eliminated Plat bags from his loot table
3) Increased the chances of loot overall
4) Added "Powerslave" components to his loot table
5) Removed Retribution's Edge from his loot table
6) Added NEW weapon to his loot table

Title: Re: Sleeper's Tomb Issues
Post by: neccos on March 21, 2020, 12:29:41 pm
Spell files do not seem to be a part of the EZ server files download have tried a few times - download to ROF directory then extract and I still have the 2017 spell update files, sleeper spells are still level 255, am I doing something wrong ?

Title: Re: Sleeper's Tomb Issues
Post by: Dimur on March 21, 2020, 01:44:56 pm
Spell files do not seem to be a part of the EZ server files download have tried a few times - download to ROF directory then extract and I still have the 2017 spell update files, sleeper spells are still level 255, am I doing something wrong ?

Check your PM folder, I sent you a sharelink to my current spell file and the ST spells should work with it.

Title: Re: Sleeper's Tomb Issues
Post by: neccos on March 21, 2020, 03:56:05 pm
That fixed it TYVM )

Title: Re: Sleeper's Tomb Issues
Post by: Serra Angel on April 07, 2020, 11:18:18 am
Kerafyrm Changes:

1) Eliminated 3 of his adds
2) Eliminated Plat bags from his loot table
3) Increased the chances of loot overall
4) Added "Powerslave" components to his loot table
5) Removed Retribution's Edge from his loot table
6) Added NEW weapon to his loot table

This change seems to not be the case or it reverted to the old loot table. I killed Sleeper 3 times and got plat bags on each of them. And as you can see the loot is just not worth the effort at all. Getting extremely fustrated esp with lack of Powerslaves.

Title: Re: Sleeper's Tomb Issues
Post by: Ekiir on April 07, 2020, 11:24:44 am
Kerafyrm Changes:

1) Eliminated 3 of his adds
2) Eliminated Plat bags from his loot table
3) Increased the chances of loot overall
4) Added "Powerslave" components to his loot table
5) Removed Retribution's Edge from his loot table
6) Added NEW weapon to his loot table

This change seems to not be the case or it reverted to the old loot table. I killed Sleeper 3 times and got plat bags on each of them. And as you can see the loot is just not worth the effort at all. Getting extremely fustrated esp with lack of Powerslaves.

Rent fixed this issue today

Title: Re: Sleeper's Tomb Issues
Post by: neccos on April 10, 2020, 02:14:36 pm
Wow new snare added to sleeper, frustrating.  Guess that forces buying the group cure reward items.

Title: Re: Sleeper's Tomb Issues
Post by: Draca on April 10, 2020, 06:56:28 pm
I've not seen a new snare in Sleepers. If you're referring to the Pests snare, you likely had the old spell file, which used to (and maybe they just got around to fixing it)just showed up as an Unknown Spell and did nothing. I reported that months ago to Rent, possible they just fixed it so your local spell file didn't negate the effect.

Title: Re: Sleeper's Tomb Issues
Post by: Rent Due on April 11, 2020, 08:46:20 am
Wow new snare added to sleeper, frustrating.  Guess that forces buying the group cure reward items.

1. No, I did not add that spell to "force buying Group Cure".
2. Pestering Snare Spell was always intended to be in their arsenal, hence why they are an "annoyance"

Title: Re: Sleeper's Tomb Issues
Post by: neccos on April 11, 2020, 02:28:07 pm
Ok haven't been to sleeper in a couple weeks but its obvious there has been a change, all mobs snare now.  Didn't have to use cure on every pull before.

Title: Re: Sleeper's Tomb Issues
Post by: Raygan on April 11, 2020, 07:18:57 pm
You can pull with your pet to bypass most of these fyi...is it a butt pain to pet pull yes...but is it better than the snare or Dot/DT from the mobs?  YES!

Title: Re: Sleeper's Tomb Issues
Post by: Mersedez on April 21, 2020, 03:25:49 pm
2 Zeixshi still spawning


Title: Re: Sleeper's Tomb Issues
Post by: Mersedez on April 22, 2020, 04:07:43 am
Is this zone suppose to just drop plat bags 90% of the time? Anyone that's got even 1 full set of UA doesn't need more plat. I killed every boss except Kerafym and it was always 1 essence 1 plat bag. We had to get UA armor to get crap that we could've gotten easier in the lower tiers? Or does Kerafym drop the good stuff like 2 plat bags and 2 essences?

The dungeon crawl is fun but to get to the dragons and get shit for loot is stupid.

Title: Re: Sleeper's Tomb Issues
Post by: Serra Angel on April 22, 2020, 03:18:17 pm
Kerafyrn' loot is absolutey despicable for its difficult. Very rare chance of a GSS drop but most of the time barely even an essence, 4 roses and sleeper weapon or eye shield which only pure casters can use. It used to be even worse.

Title: Re: Sleeper's Tomb Issues
Post by: Raygan on April 24, 2020, 03:57:26 pm
Is this zone suppose to just drop plat bags 90% of the time? Anyone that's got even 1 full set of UA doesn't need more plat. I killed every boss except Kerafym and it was always 1 essence 1 plat bag. We had to get UA armor to get crap that we could've gotten easier in the lower tiers? Or does Kerafym drop the good stuff like 2 plat bags and 2 essences?

The dungeon crawl is fun but to get to the dragons and get shit for loot is stupid.

I take it that you just started in this dungeon. There is some good stuff that drops in there.  It is not common and shouldn't be. You get the UCv4 and upgraded bracers that allow some of your toons that previously had gimp mitigation a nice boost....I think maybe you are jumping the shark on your opinion of the zone! It is still being tweeked but try to remain positive.  We have exactly two people who make content for the server and pissing and moaning about the zone doesn't make them want to hurry up and create more content for you to complain about.

Title: Re: Sleeper's Tomb Issues
Post by: Mersedez on April 25, 2020, 04:01:54 am
After killing Kerafym a few times tonight, after the 3rd time I tried to jump into one of my other instances and it kept bringing me to the same one. I logged out, restarted my computer and everything, zoned to Nexus and tried going back into one of my sleeper instances and it took me back to nexus.

And I got toons that says zone unavailable. Did I break the zone ^_^?


Title: Re: Sleeper's Tomb Issues
Post by: Miriya on December 25, 2020, 04:29:46 pm
Just spawned 4 Zeixshi-kar's.  Guess it's not fixed yet.

Title: Re: Sleeper's Tomb Issues
Post by: Draca on December 25, 2020, 06:36:51 pm
Yea, that's broken....