Bored at work, so if you're new to the server, here's the complete reference to *the stuff you need to do, the basic order you need to do it*
Level 1: Go to newbie vendor, buy book of complete healing, a magic box, a couple backpacks, other freebie stuff.
hail the gnome by the epic vendors in surefall glade. Follow the dialogue to get flagged for the quest.. Teleport to the field of bone, kill 5 giant skeletons to get rewarded with a bag of platinum (vendor $$).
Kill the Giant Scorpions in the pit until you find the gnome's gun. Give the gnome the gun to get the pre-nerf Circlet of Shadows. Not only does it invis you, you can click it on and *then* hail the buff bot to make sure the buffs you get from buff bot last their entire duration.
Level 10-20: Use "Find" to get the level 10-30 quest npc, he's a pain to find by normal means. Hail him, he'll whine about crocs in oasis, and you port to Oasis to begin this leg of your journey. Either kill the crocs to complete the quest obligations or (and much more beneficial) hang out by orc highway and slaughter orcs in order to accumulate your class specific armor.
Level 20-40: Head to mistmoore. Kill things, loot gems, jewelry, and your class specific armor.. Can get a quest to kill gargoyles in Surefall, but most of the gargs (besides the 2 at the zone in) are way too far in for your level.
Level 35-60: Hail Quest npc in surefall (using find) to get quest flag.. Head to dulak.. kill mobs to gain class armor, kill ship builders to fulfill quest obligations... team up with other ppl in zone to take down boss mobs (much better gear).
Level 47-70: Plane of Fear is great. Stock up on gems, get some levels. If you can team up with a couple other people, target Dread, Terror, and Fright, for they can drop augments which are very handy at your stage of character development.. Be careful and use the /con system, not all spiders and gorillas and such are created equally.. some hit in the 220s and *hurt*.
Velketor is another good zone in the level range.. Can get a quest in surefall to kill 20 kobolds in exchange for a bag of platinum (vendor $$). Spiders (rarely) drop a Silver Chitin Fist Wraps, which (while lore) can be sold to other players (or banked for your eventual Fighters Guild quest). Velks is really light on loot if you don't levitate over to the castle. If you do choose to chase kobolds, use the buddy system.. The named kobolds rape solo toons of appropriate level.
Level 60: Bastion of Thunder. HAIL the npc in surefall, get the quest to kill elementals, it's fantastic money for your level. BoT finally drops armor upgrades to boost you from your mistmoore armor. You will enjoy this place.
Level 70: Grats, get back into BOT to finish your armor. You now need to multi-task.. Your new checklist is this:
Grind AAs: lots of them.. if melee you'll want +hp, avoidance, mitigation, double attack, etc... basically in that order.
Make Cash: Kill the castle in Velks, mobs in plane of fear, city of mist, ldon, etc.... Do Bothunder elementals quest for bags of platinum over and over.. Camp fighter and caster guild items.. Kill ldon mobs (level 2-6) praying for a charm drop to sell in /ooc. Kill wisps for hours on end.. Anything.. be creative.. make that money ho!
Start epic 1.5 - You need to get some help to kill Terroantula in Sro, or Quillmane in SK to get your epic 1.5 book. And then you'll need to hit Plane of Time to gather all 10 pages from the 10 bosses. Time drops armor upgrades from BOT. Mobs here hurt, your days of soloing are officially over for the time being.
Start your FG/CG Quest: Check the guide on here for the checklist, but outside of nag/vox, and Kings cards, the rest you can acquire on your own. You may want to acquire excess items to sell to other players to start building your personal fortune. A nice bonus for completing FG: you get a res clicky, and can train your combat type skills to 400 by hailing an npc in the fighter guild. If you went CG: you get a nice pet clicky, and access to the most confusing zone on the server.
QVIC: save up 100-150k to pay someone to run QVIC for you. Of all the "runs" you can buy on this server, jesus, i can't state it enough. BUY QVIC. Get your 15 tokens (flag for 3.0 epic fight + Plane of Dragons) and as much armor as you can, the armor here is huge in helping your survivability and is needed for the combos to make Tacvi/T1+ armor. BUY QVIC. BUY QVIC x1000.
Start your epic 2.0: Ldon. Mobs here are painful, but in a group you can start gathering your pages without too much trouble. Turn the cards you find into POINTS, not armor..You'll be getting real armor from QVIC soon enough.. points and charm upgrades are too valuable to burn points on armor you'll replace that's marginally better than Time armor to begin with.
Alternatively, you need to kill Master of Weaponry to get your epic 2.0 book, and this can be accomplished simply by saying in /ooc "Can someone help me kill master of weaponry?" and watching a bored warrior with 4.0s zone into chambersb and obliterating the mob, ressing you afterwards, and potentially even corpse locking the corpse until 3 minutes have passed to make sure you can loot it.
Once you got all that covered, it's back to linear progression:
Epic 2.5: once done with your epics 1.5 and 2.0 and FG you get to take part in probably the most aggravating thing you'll encounter on the server till airplane: The Hushed Bankquet. If you haven't downloaded MQ2 by now, please do, it's key to dodging the stupid beholders. The ratio, for those who know, of barrels you kill in order to obtain a key is roughly 2,387-1. And the ratio of keys given to locked chests until you get a 2.5 book is about 57-1. Bring a snickers bar. About the only thing the masses can agree on regarding the bankquet is: the chests deeper into the zone seem to cough up books a bit more often.
Probably the best way to handle the bankquet is to park your toon in a room with 4 barrels and kill them every 5 min while you load in a second box to do *anything* else with so you dont go insane.
Epic 3.0 : Once you have your 15 qvic tokens, can kill twinkletoes. A solid group can take him down, or one bored uber warrior/paladin/sk type. Simple tank n spank, no adds. Loot book. get 3.0. Do the truffle shuffle.
Tacvi: once 3.0 flagged (qvic tokens) look in /ooc for tacvi loot rotting. Sure, you could form your own group and kill stuff, but it's far easier this way. If you are a leather/cloth or chain class, you very well might be able to score all your qvic gear and tacvi gear without ever killing a mob by just joining groups for rots.
Plane of Dragons+: Join a guild. kill things. Your time as a solo toon grinding your way to uberdom is over. You now offically need help. Alternatively, you can now use your 3.0 Tacvi-geared toon to help grind up your own box army.
Important note from Plane of Dragons: The ring that is free on the vendor (bought to port there, as a clicky), has 1500 hps and some really nice stats that (unless you've been RoA'n, and you havent) blows away anything you currently have for a ring slot. Buy the Ring of Dragons and *equip it*.
There it is..the rough draft.. I wish i had something so simple, linear and laid out like that to guide me when i started.
Please read Danyelle's guide, it's 100x better than this for content, this is meant as a quick reference.