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1  General Category / Updates / Re: 10.67, Tier 11 & Other Things.... on: November 17, 2021, 09:30:04 pm
This is fairly simple, what do you guys want out of Tier 11?

Maybe this is just me, but the incredible grind of T5 and T10 and really captured that "hell level" feeling for progression. I'd love to maintain that idea, even if it was just coincidental, and save the next mega-grindy tier to be T15 (if/when you get there). That doesn't mean I don't want a grindy T11, but I think you know what I mean. The challenge of T5 when you first get there just isn't the same as T1-4 at all. And T10 is like 10x T5s combined in grindyness.
2  General Category / General Discussion / Re: Ignore Death Ultimate Augment on: September 14, 2021, 05:30:56 pm
I may get poo'd on (especially because I main a Rogue that uses Ignore Death heavily for things like ZPs), but Ignore Death was clearly an augment to help people survive who are not tanking, mainly from things like AoE when the tank pulls a group of mobs. With EQ's limitations, it may be impossible/very difficult to code, but having it not be a proc and instead 100% uptime effective when equipped, but only works against targets that are not targeting you could make the augment still prove 100% effective in its intended scenario, while 0% effective in its unintended scenario.

It's unfortunate that an item like this receives any kind of nerf after being functional this way for such an immense amount of time though. Things have been set in a certain way for so long that I'd worry nerfs, even though they're deserved, could scare people away. You could always go the route you mentioned of simply leaving it unchanged in current content and building around it in future content.
3  General Category / Suggestions / Re: Broken Stuff Repair Shop v3.0 on: July 30, 2021, 02:38:43 pm
Not sure if this is bugged, disabled on purpose, or if I've just been very unlucky.  In T9 I've yet to see an Ancient Willowisp and nearly been through the faction/epic on 18 toons.

Just for feedback because I aggressively farmed ancient willowisp for several days out of curiosity. Over the course of roughly 10,000 willowisp kills, I saw 2 spawns.
4  General Category / General Discussion / Re: Halloween Double Loot/Credit Event on: April 07, 2021, 03:16:25 pm
If were talking about things we'd like mine are the following...

100000000000 dollars
A new house
World Peace

I'd settle for double loot though for sure..


I'll take any one of those. I don't think I'll get any of those, but I'll take any of them.
5  General Category / General Discussion / Re: Christmas Stuff??? on: January 25, 2021, 05:28:51 pm
Sorry to hear how incredibly busy things have been Akka. I know not everyone understands it all the time. Most of us (well, I hope most) understand things going on. We appreciate the immense amount of work you've put into EQEmulator as a whole over the years. Who knows where things would be without you. Being here specifically, we're super grateful for your part in EZ and the taking over after Hunter to keep the community alive.

Whether or not I directly have time myself, we can borrow on the strength of the community members to keep the spirit of EZ server continuing on. There is no "stronghold" grip here - anyone who is willing, capable and can actually contribute is more than welcome to. You have to keep in mind though that it takes a certain level of ability / talent to be able to build content and do it in a way that doesn't fall completely flat. There's a lot of pressure on anyone who tries to take on the next level of incremental content and challenges that folks don't exactly understand. Anyone who does take them on will see oversight to ensure that things have continuity from the previous tiers

This is somewhere I would love to help out but I'm probably in the same boat you're in. While I know I am capable of doing the stuff, time is a hard factor to come by. I tried communicating this to some people in /ooc a few weeks back as people were talking about wanting to see new content. As a programmer, I began grasping the concept of pressure that can be involved, but I don't think I fully understood until I actually developed and shipped a game. Sometimes you finish something and you have that sense of wanting a new project. Sometimes you want to keep working on the project but there's a lack of money coming in from it and you have to leave it, even worse when in comparison to a project like EZ where there's no money at all. Without understanding, people just want more even though it's far from that simple.

As mentioned, my time is sometimes limited (though I get time off occasionally and have far more time than you), but if you feel there's anything that you could use help with, I'd be more than happy to help when I can. I know it's also a situation where you don't exactly want lots of hands touching things which can be hard to manage.
6  General Category / General Discussion / Re: Christmas Stuff??? on: December 31, 2020, 09:43:58 pm
Godtank was joking. There was no quad loot. In case people didn't get the sarcasm in the post (text can be hard to tell sometimes).
7  General Category / Quest and Guides / T3 Token Combining Macro on: December 30, 2020, 01:59:18 pm
EDIT: Thanks RedDwarf for fixing up the macro!

To Use:
1. Put this in your macro folder.
2. Make sure you have an empty A Magic Box in the last inventory slot.
3. /macro combineT3 (or whatever name you gave it)

The macro will take a bit to run, especially if you have hundreds of tokens. I put comments in the code in case someone wants to make changes to the way theirs operates. I specifically noted a section where there's a 1 second delay. Depending on your latency, you made need to increase that number.

Download Link is at the bottom of the post.

Here is the code if you prefer that:
Sub Main
    | check for Magic Box in Slot10 and is empty and open all bags
    /if (${InvSlot[pack10].Item.Name.NotEqual[A Magic Box]}) /multiline ; /echo Put a empty Magic Box in Last Slot (No.10) ; /endmacro
    /if (${InvSlot[pack10].Item.Items}) /multiline ; /echo The Magic Box has item(s) present - unable to combine ; /endmacro
    /keypress shift+b

    /declare i int local
    /declare T3BossTokensCount int outer 7
    /declare T3BossTokens[${T3BossTokensCount}] string outer
    /varset T3BossTokens[1] The Prince of Darkness Quest Token
    /varset T3BossTokens[2] The Faceless Quest Token
    /varset T3BossTokens[3] The Tranquil Quest Token
    /varset T3BossTokens[4] The Oceanlord Quest Token
    /varset T3BossTokens[5] Split Paw Quest Token
    /varset T3BossTokens[6] H-One N-One Quest Token
    /varset T3BossTokens[7] The Lightbringer Quest Token

    /for i 1 to ${T3BossTokensCount}
        | if you have the token AND more than 1 of it (need 2 to combine)
        /if (${FindItemCount[=${T3BossTokens[${i}]}]} > 1) {
            /ctrl /itemnotify ${FindItem[=${T3BossTokens[${i}]}].InvSlot} leftmouseup
            | first slot of last magic box
            /ctrl /itemnotify in pack10 1 leftmouseup

            /ctrl /itemnotify ${FindItem[=${T3BossTokens[${i}]}].InvSlot} leftmouseup

            | second slot of last magic box
            /ctrl /itemnotify in pack10 2 leftmouseup

            | combine
            /combine pack10

            | Pause for 1 second because of occasionally latency issues after clicking Combine
            /delay 1s

            | put it back in the inventory

            /goto :Combine
    /next i

/echo Done Combining.
| close all bags
/keypress shift+b

2021/02/18 - Added RedDwarf's fixes.
2021/01/02 - Added information for why the macro won't work for everyone.
8  General Category / General Discussion / Re: gtx 3080 on: October 29, 2020, 10:05:32 pm
Big Navi will have ray tracing. I am waiting until Nov 18 to get a 6850XT....hoping AMD learned from Nvidea's paper launch and have the cards to meet demand.  If they do, they will strip the crown off Nvidea's head. AMD had their press release for Big Navi yesterday (10-28-1010) and that's where I got my information from...am super excited as they claim it is a better GPU than the 30 series.

I'm pretty excited myself. I am going to wait for third-party benchmarks to come out first, but it's looking pretty promising.
9  General Category / General Discussion / Re: Solo on: October 21, 2020, 11:50:52 pm
To the first underlined section I picked out of your comment...makes it seem that what needs to happen is to make UW locked out until T7 (the tier that was out when UW was introduced)...and make MGB of higher tier buffs locked out for the same since it is so easy for you.

As far as the second comment I underlined...sheesh guy maybe you should have taken your leave and stayed gone instead of come back and try to paint us like that.  Everyone unserstands what SOLO means...this server was just not DESIGNED with that in mind.  

The first point: no one said it was easy. In fact, it's probably harder to push to the highest tiers solo than it is to actually play "as intended" with boxes. EZ, in general, isn't a hard server. By nature, it's not meant to be hard. You simply need to have boxes and you can pretty easily cruise through all content like it's nothing. The more boxes, the easier. By the way, locking MGB wouldn't change anything considering that would break the internal rule of outside assistance, depending on which way someone prefers to play. However, yes, locking out the UW would likely make it much harder, if not impossible, to progress far solo by any means. Would be weird to make that nerf because you disagree with someone, not because it's an actual problem by any means.

The second point says EQ's community, not EZ's community. The reason I said EQ's community is because all servers, including retail, have the majority of people with the same mindset. I didn't try to paint this community like that. It's just a fact of EQ players in general. There's not even anything necessarily wrong with it. My point was simply to paint clarification because the OP said "solo" and clearly none of the replies listened to that single word which inherently proves your last sentence wrong: everyone clearly doesn't understand what solo means.
10  General Category / General Discussion / Re: Solo on: October 20, 2020, 05:13:22 pm
I haven't played in some time now, but I was able to solo-Paladin through T8. There are a few others who have been able to do the same. Forewarning, though: you will have to do immense grinding. You can't simply just jump into the next tier when you unlock it. SoA, RoA, UW, UC all need to be ranked up as much as you can get them as soon as you can get them. Basically the goal is to out-gear a tier before you're even at the tier.

If you're like me, it's not that MQ2 is hard, but rather when I refer to "solo", I mean a single box. EQ's community is pretty oblivious to the idea that solo could possibly mean 1 character and not multiple boxes. If you haven't gotten familiar with the server, though, I would suggest pushing through at least T6 with boxes/MQ2 (it really isn't too bad if you haven't used it before) to really learn the content before trying to do the crazy stuff like soloing. When I did my curiosity-Paladin-solo playthrough, I had a box of characters at T8 first.

There's been a few ways people also attempt this solo-attempt (these are the ones I've seen. There might be others).

1. Get 0 assistance from any players/your other toons (this is the way me and one of my brothers did it--trying to see who could get further).

2. No direct assistance, but allow trading (can purchase/get things like Rainbow shards, either from other players or your other characters).

3. Allow all assistance. Basically just a solo player trying to play with others for content. Because of the nature of this server, it's usually more someone else just runs you through something because they have 4+ boxes.
11  General Category / General Discussion / Re: gtx 3080 on: September 26, 2020, 12:20:37 pm
Well with all the 3080 cards crashing guess it was a good thing not many got them. Bright side though the new AMD cards are suppose to be cheaper and faster than the 3080's......

New cards crashing right when they come out isn't really even news. I see the same headlines every time AMD/Intel/Nvidia/Anyone launches a new anything graphics/processor-related.

And they'll probably be cheaper and not better performing/power saving/etc., just as they always have been (except for there one model that's still not as powerful despite being the same price as Nvidia's stuff every series). That could change, but we don't really know anything about the new Radeon cards yet. 99% of all leaks/guesses/estimates on the new Nvidia cards was straight up wrong, especially because the #1 estimate by like all sources said the new cards were going to start at $1500+ with an improved $2000+ version and a top-of-the-line $4000+ version. That proved to be woefully incorrect. Then the #2 guess was about 30% less power than they ended up actually having. Based on that, I'd assume the same leaks will be incorrect for the new Radeon cards as well. They could come out of the water with an over-the-top-powerful card for dirt cheap, but I'd say it unlikely based on history. Definitely wouldn't complain if it happens though.

12  General Category / General Discussion / Re: gtx 3080 on: September 17, 2020, 11:28:51 pm
I tried to get one too but I also missed it. One of my friends over at Nvidia said that the demand for this card is unimaginably higher than they could have possibly predicted and he "isn't even sure why." They supposedly manufactured more of this for launch than past years' cards and assumed it would be enough, but apparently it wasn't.

My guess was that the power is pretty extraordinary for a pretty low price. Lots of people (like me) haven't updated since 10XX series (I have 1060) and decided to skip the 20XX series altogether, so it could be the normal influx of 20XX series upgrading in addition to the massive number of us that decided the 20XX wasn't worth upgrading into and want the 30XX now.
13  General Category / Rants and Flames / Re: Ugh. More lockdown WTF!? on: June 22, 2020, 07:31:25 pm
Okay the disinformation in this thread is stupid.

1. COVID has a higher death rate than the flu. This isn't even something to debate about. Fact is that it's higher. Someone disagreeing doesn't reserve the right to "disagree", it makes them wrong. Even if it was less than the flu, minimizing death is still important to the ultimate survival of the human race, otherwise we'd let murder be okay.

2. China and India have larger populations than the US. Stop comparing the age of the country to anything. The age of the country literally doesn't change a single thing about anything EXCEPT the age of the country (go figure). Trying to argue the age of the country makes you look dumb. Don't bring up irrelevant points to support your argument. Not to mention if you're trying to consider "standard" country size, the US far exceeds "standard". We are considered MASSIVE. Just not as massive as China or India.

3. No one was fined in their backyard for being outside. A mother was fined for having a large mother's day party in her backyard where she invited a bunch of people and they all showed up. That's a blatant disregard for rules and it totally reasonable that she got fined for it.

4. @Raygan, Freedom of religion (along with many other freedoms) only applies IF it's not a danger to society. We don't have absolute freedom in the US and we never will as that's just stupid. Absolute freedom would also allow, like point #1, murder to be okay. It should also be noted that the tickets issued to people in their cars is slightly blown out of proportions. Officers asked people to leave. If you didn't, THEN you got a ticket. That's reasonable for 2 reasons: 1) A warning didn't have to be issued. Ignoring a cop's warning, even if they're wrong, is just stupid. Leave and if the cop was in the wrong, hire a lawyer to deal with it. Any other option is stupid and cannot be argued otherwise. Dealing with legal activity through illegal means is never a way to accomplish something (outside of absurdly extreme measures like war). 2) People are not to be trusted. A gathering of people in their cars doesn't mean no one will get out of their cars and that's where danger can kick in. My city banned the drive-in worshiping because people kept getting out of their vehicles when police weren't around to talk to each other. Ironic watching religious people be anti-law and against integrity. I say this as an incredibly religious person (more than most). This argument of yours pisses me off the most because absolutely no one who claims anything about the constitution has actually read it (at least recently). There's a reason there's not lawsuits about this crap. It's because everything thinks the constitution lays out everything and it does not. On top of that, 99% of the constitution has contingencies to be valid.

5. This isn't communist China bull crap. Not even the same playing field even sort of. Even suggesting this means you either have no idea what communist means (very likely), you have no idea what it's like in China (very likely), or both (most probable). We're not like China. We're not like communism. Not even close to either. This argument is literally the same trying to say your pencil lead tip broke off so now that pencil is a horse. They're that far apart.

6. Other diseases like Ebola, H1N1, etc. are so insignificant compared to COVID that it would be up-playing it to say it's a "fraction" of the severity. In comparison, those diseases practically don't exist. The death rate of COVID may actually pass ANY DISEASE IN THE HISTORY OF MANKIND if we don't do something about it. We're almost at 10 MILLION so far and it's only been 6 months (we could be dealing with an increasingly quicker death rate for at least another year). For a frame of reference, the deadliest disease in history is Black Death at 75 million deaths, then Spanish Flu at 50 million deaths. Then AIDS at 32 million. For a better frame of reference to AIDS, we're at about 1/3 the AIDS death count at only 0.7% (less than 1%) of the time it's been around. The best part about the arrogant comment from Mersedez about "Then there were these "experts" that came up with these models saying how we're going to have millions of deaths. They were wrong and kept talking crazy shit using scare tactics." is that THERE ARE MILLIONS OF DEATHS.

7. Supply chain. Mersedez said "It wasn't 2 weeks quarantine. It was basically 3 months. As for the contingency plans and execution we can blame every administration from the Clinton's on up for never replenishing any supplies and getting crap made in China." Except this ignoring the fact that every administration actually replenished supplied regularly until Trump came along and destroyed that supply. There's a single administration to blame for how this has all been handled. Look at countries around the world. No one experienced an economy decline like we did and no one experienced a job loss rate like we did. You know why? Because many other countries (not all, some handled it worse than us) handled this properly by putting people first, not corporations. When you look at the economy destruction around the country, it's ONLY in countries that tried to save the economy by injecting cash to their businesses instead of giving people money, covering business costs so they can shut down, then letting the economy replenish itself with the money that was given to people. Simple economics that people learn in their MBA programs for finance. It's clear our "economy experts" in the white house don't have a good education (which is obvious to many already anyway--Trump, after all, has bankrupted 6 business and ruined several others until he was kicked off their boards).

8. America is NOT about choice. America is about freedom and protection. We have every single freedom and protection that we had before things shut down. Someone being inconvenienced is NOT the same as losing freedom. You can't compare the two like they're the same. What you find inconvenient I find convenient. What you're saying is "removing freedom" is what I would say is why we have freedom in the first place. You know how you lose freedom? Continue being stupid beyond belief and eventually the government has to start forcing behaviors because the people are nothing but bad on their own. Getting pissed off over losing freedom when none has been lost is exactly how a country becomes communist.
14  General Category / General Discussion / Re: Are accounts ever deleted? on: June 06, 2020, 01:01:04 pm
I'd definitely do what Danish suggested. One EQEmu account can have multiple game accounts (my main EQEmu account has 7 accounts on it), so check there (http://www.eqemulator.org/account/?LS). I went and logged into an account I made in 2008 that I haven't touched since and it still lets me login, so I don't think they delete them.
15  General Category / General Discussion / Re: Christmas on: November 19, 2019, 06:11:09 pm
If it's like last year, there was double loot Thanksgiving weekend and Christmas weekend/week. IIRC, they did double loot a few years ago starting the day after Christmas so people could make sure they were spending it with family. Not sure if that's what happened last year or not.
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