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1  General Category / General Discussion / Re: T11 Feedback Thread on: August 28, 2024, 11:46:57 am
Finally getting some spells to drop.   

The Neco dots, incisor V and pyre V.  Previous ranks of these were able to be spread to other mobs by Epidemic the kael ones do not seem to spread.   Is this expected behavior?

Cleric Armor of the Crab IV vs III is only an increase of 45AC, no additional HP.  Is that correct?   At our numbers does 45AC actually do anything?

Still missing lots, would be nice to be able to exchange rotting spells or add them to the weapon rot turn in.
2  General Category / Updates / Re: What's next for the rest of 2024 on: August 08, 2024, 03:04:54 pm
Does that macro auto target the nearest mob that the main tank isn't targeting? 

No, "/xtar target #" selects target of the extended target window slot # it's a base eq command i believe. found the following that explains it a bit more. https://www.redguides.com/wiki/Command:/xtarget 

So if my main is targeting the mob in the first slot you could tell your off tank to "/xtar target 2" should select the mob in their second slot.  If you are using auto add hate target, I'm not sure if all toons xtarget window orders them the same though.
3  General Category / Updates / Re: 4th of July Event on: July 12, 2024, 07:35:22 pm
Rates seem fine, imo.  but, i can always complain about rng.  think i had ~20 noct kills until I got one veil.  and still no dragon bones.  but as long as there is some guaranteed progress on neck/weapon it makes up for it.  I don't mind things taking a while as long as there is a return on the time spent. 

I liked that you could be targeted with what you are looking for CT quest....except for draco, which may become a pain point due to the multiple random chances needed to get the bones.

My machine had problems with the zone/models kept crashing randomly on zone in, changing the chr_txt so they are all humans, helped some but didn't fix it all.  

It can be frustrating, for players who might not have much time to play.  It can be slow to kill the trash to get to the names and you can get screwed and your hour/two of killing trash can be worth nothing if your instance or server resets, either you lose your progress, or miscount and all the linked mobs are dead and the named isn't fully de-powered.  

With the limited time of the events and that they are usually over holidays where some may have real life commitments that make a longer dedicated session less likely, grinding out all the trash kills to maybe not be able to kill the named is a real kick in the nuts.  

If there was something to change i think having an option for the names to depower based on a different method may be warranted, either a final check in the script on all dead like abyss named or say turn in drops from the trash?  Collect X and turn those in and the names are depowered.  That way if you only get x-1 for that mob before something happens you can come back get one more to turn in and not have wasted the clear.  Or anything else that makes it feel like if you don't have dedicated time you still can make progress.

4  General Category / General Discussion / Re: Testing Help Needed - Test Server Code Update on: February 27, 2024, 03:34:40 pm
ZP time through sunderock no problems, exp seems a lot lower than live.  saw bosses, loot, triggers.

PoStorms had a crash on zone in for one of the toons.

Sunderock clickies don't all work, pie and beef platter do the rest seem to not be functioning.
Sunderock main crashed randomly no crash error just window gone

Frozenshadow 3 crashed on zone in.  Experience here says i gained experience (with a bonus) is that new?

Veeshan - tried pulling and run speed seem slow not sure how to get numbers to back it up.

Kael - seems the same.

Didn't notice anything else
5  General Category / Updates / Re: T11 NPC Testers on: January 28, 2024, 02:09:07 pm
24 Characters.
One/A - 1:30 for one mob,  2 mobs 6ish min,  3 mobs have to use all 3 tanks all discs die multiple times but eventually got em.  4 mobs wipe immediately.
Two/B - 5 min its rough though and usually tank dies and i have to recover.  2 mobs wipe every time.
Three/C - one mob immediate death.
Four/Protector of zek - 1mob less than a min, 2mobs 3min a few deaths.  3mobs 4min more deaths.  4 mobs wipe.
Five/D - one mob not immediate but wipe.
Six/E - one mob 10min had to zerg it at the end
Seven/F - one mob 5min to 50% then wipe.
Eight/G - one mob wipe
6  General Category / General Discussion / Re: EQ3 on: December 19, 2023, 06:02:00 pm
No opinion yet.  This is their 3rd? art style since they started.  Visual NDA is still on though.    I'm partial to old eq models, hated how cartoony wow looked, new world was really pretty but pretty only lasts so long.  Would be fine with 8bit if it is fun.
7  General Category / General Discussion / Re: EQ3 on: December 16, 2023, 04:52:29 pm
Pantheon pre-alpha for pledges was supposed to be today.  cancelled due to server load issues is what i hear.
8  General Category / Updates / Re: EZ Server Admin Team News on: November 29, 2023, 05:40:27 pm

Before you lock Kael, what about the summoners pack?
9  General Category / Updates / Re: Testing Help Needed - Test Server Code Update on: February 01, 2023, 01:59:40 pm
CoH no longer works outside your group like it used to.
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