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1  General Category / Sticky Topics / Re: EZServer Rules on: May 30, 2024, 01:10:12 pm
2  General Category / Sticky Topics / EZServer Rules on: May 30, 2024, 12:30:19 pm
EZ Server Rules
Updated May 2024

  • No exploiting
  • Don’t automate game actions while AFK.
  • Macro and script use
  • Server stability
  • Warping
  • MQ2
  • Account sharing
  • Real money transactions
  • Language
  • General conduct

Do not exploit any bugs or weaknesses in-game. If you happen to find a bug, it’s acceptable for you to try to replicate the bug once to confirm it and to provide as much information as possible to a GM.

If you discover a bug or glitch, please report it to a GM directly. Do not share the information with other players, especially if the bug gives an advantage. However, if the issue doesn't provide a benefit and your intention is to prevent other players from encountering the same problem, a warning is acceptable. For example, if you find a script bug with a quest NPC that deletes an item instead of upgrading it, you can warn others to avoid losing their items.

You have to be present at your computer and initiate manual pulls and attacks using hot keys. If you are AFK, it’s not acceptable for your characters to be in combat in any way. That means for example, but not limited to, that you are not allowed to park your character at a trivial NPC and let riposte do the kills for you in search of a named spawn while you are not at the computer.

Most of our in-game activity has to be done while actually being present at the computer. There are a few exceptions when it comes to certain actions that don’t provide experience, AAs, zone loot, boss/named spawns or task completion.

The exceptions are listed here:
- You may set up a macro that combines HoH tokens while you go grab a coffee. Same goes for handing in a hoard of rainbow crystals after an event. There will be no reimbursements for lost tokens or crystals due to a macro failing to act as it’s supposed to though.
- You may take a break while your characters are attacking a dummy in QRG either for DPS parsing or skill increases.
- It’s acceptable to take a break after a pull while your loot macro cleans up the corpses.

EZServer permits the use of custom macros, and E3, but there are limitations. Please read the following rules carefully. If you're unsure whether your actions comply with the rules, stop and ask a GM for clarification.

1. Automation Restrictions:
 It is not acceptable to use pulling macros, scripts, or any other form of automation to path around the zone for purposes of pulling and killing NPCs, moving between bosses, or for convenience.
Scripting and automating zone/instance hopping and “body killing” NPCs are also prohibited.

Currently we do no allow the use of buff bots to buff other players automatically, other than the scripted in-game NPC. Players are not permitted to automate buffs on their own characters. This means that scripts running in the background to automatically buff your characters without additional input are not allowed. However, you can set up a hotkey to call a macro with a buff routine or include it in a combat spam macro. This means you need manual input EACH time you want to buff your characters

2. E3 Usage:
E3 is intended to assist you in multiboxing your characters, provided you are at the keyboard and in control of your characters.
This does not mean having a macro completely play the game for you. You must manually pull mobs and use hotkeys to have your characters assist and engage in combat. Manual input is required for EACH mob you kill in a pull. You are not allowed to set it up so you can make a pull of i.e. 10 mobs, hit a /cleartargets or similar command to make your characters fight automatically until all the mobs in the pull are dead.

It is your responsibility to ensure that you comply with all our regulations if you use E3. If anything is unclear to you, ask a GM or make a post here.

3. Scripts and Macros
The same rules apply as with the use of E3. You are allowed to make macros that assist you in your combat situation, where i.e. you make class specific macros that run through various combat routines like using a combat ability, casting a heal or a damage spell when it’s tied to a hotkey you’re pressing.
You may use macros to automate looting or selling items to a merchant. You may also use macros to combine recipes as part of an item upgrade in the Magic Box, i.e. Shield of the Ages.

4. Prohibited Macros and scripts:
You may not create a hotkey or macro that targets a mob, moves to its location, and engages in combat on your behalf. In combination with the script/macro use we allow, this can be abused and is not accepted.
You may not use scripts or other methods to set up GM alerts that disconnect you or disrupt illegal game actions when a GM enters your zone. If you just happen to go linkdead every time a GM enters the zone, you would be in violation of this rule.

Please ensure you do not cause excessive zone latency or server bandwidth usage. This can occur for example if you create multiple instances simultaneously, perform several zone pulls at once, split your characters across many different instances or repop a large amount of instances. To help prevent these issues, a script is in place: you must have a minimum of three characters in the same zone, or you will be disconnected and the zone is likely to reset. That said, it’s also your responsibility to make sure you don’t run commands or actions that enforces a heavy workload on the server.

Certain MacroQuest plugins enable warping or ghosting, but using these features on EZServer is strictly prohibited. Our server monitors and flags accounts for warping, so please refrain from using them.

The general recommendation is to use the EZServer Classic build from https://mqemulator.net/downloads.php. If you’re new to boxing and to using MQ2, this is a safe choice where you’re less likely to activate plugins that automate actions that are deemed unacceptable on the server.

Players are welcome to use other versions of MacroQuest, provided they do not use any plugins, scripts, or macros that violate our server rules. If you choose to use different versions, it is your responsibility to ensure that you comply with all our regulations.

Players that get banned have their accounts linked together by IP. If you allow someone to use your account and that person breaks the rules, then your account will be linked by IP and banned as well. You have been warned.

Selling accounts, in-game services or items for actual real money currency is not allowed on EZ Server.  This includes buying, selling, trading, or giving away any money, items, or accounts. Anyone caught doing this will have the accounts banned and the items deleted. EZ Server is not responsible for any loss or damage incurred by unauthorized, player to player, transactions, or for any other reasons. This includes RMT trades for characters or credits. Those caught trying to sell their characters will have them banned/destroyed.

Offensive language and conduct will not be tolerated on our server. This includes, but is not limited to:

- Sexual Content: Any sexually explicit or suggestive language or behavior.
- Racism: Any language or behavior that discriminates against or belittles individuals based on race or ethnicity.
- Hate Speech: Any speech that expresses hatred or encourages violence against a person or group based on attributes such as race, religion, ethnic origin, sexual orientation, disability, or gender.
- Harassment: Any unwelcome behavior that demeans, humiliates, or intimidates people, either individually or as a group.
- Profanity: Excessive use of vulgar or obscene language.
- Inappropriate Names: Characters, guilds, pets, and any other in-game entities must not have names that are offensive or violate any of the aforementioned guidelines.

These rules apply to all public and private communications within the game, including chat channels, in-game mail, and any other form of interaction. Violations will result in disciplinary action, up to and including bans from the server.

- Spamming: Do not spam public chat channels.
- Trains: Do not intentionally lead groups of enemies to other players (training).
- Kill Stealing: Play fair. If you did not kill the mob, it is not yours to loot unless you have the owner's permission.
- Instances: You are not allowed to enter other players' private instances and start killing or looting without their explicit permission.
- Public Zones: Public zones are open to everyone. You cannot claim entire public zones if other players are present. If you want exclusive access, create a private instance. If a private instance is not possible, such as in Hills of Shade, you may zone pull as long as there are no other players in the realm. If you enter a realm and find another player already there, please find a new realm. If no realms are available and the player occupying the zone has been AFK for 5 minutes or more, you may consider the zone open and are free to pull (zone pull).
- Use common sense: The absence of a specific rule does not excuse inappropriate behavior. If your actions are deemed unacceptable, you will be held accountable. This includes trolling and general disruption of the community. If you try to ruin the game for others, you will be removed from the game. You will receive one warning to correct your behavior.

We reserve the right to add, amend, or remove any of these rules. It’s your responsibility to keep up to date with our ruleset. By adhering to these guidelines, you help maintain a fair and enjoyable gaming environment for everyone.

Thank You!

3  General Category / Updates / Re: Memorial Day Event on: May 29, 2024, 04:15:33 pm
We'll adjust the Dream Shards drop rate for one. It's going to be a bit more common next event.

I'm also pending some feedback on the damage/proc chances on the weapons, so they may see a minor adjustment as well in the coming days/week. Same may go for one of the pet clickies.
4  General Category / Updates / Re: Memorial Day Event on: May 28, 2024, 08:04:05 am
Thanks for the feedback. I have a feeling most of the zone is pretty balanced loot wise for the average level 79 player, but keep the feedback coming and we can see if any changes should be done.
5  General Category / Updates / Memorial Day Event on: May 24, 2024, 09:44:22 am


Halloween Event  -   Running
Fear Itself - Open.
Double Loot  -  Running.
Double Exp.  -  Running.
Credits  - Closed.
Rallos Zek event  - Closed

Events will be available on EZ throughout the weekend. Enjoy!
6  General Category / Updates / Re: Fear Itself, testing weekend. on: May 19, 2024, 07:17:30 pm
Test will end tomorrow. In about 10-12 hours from now.
7  General Category / Updates / Re: Fear Itself, testing weekend. on: May 18, 2024, 06:51:56 am
The new HW zone is now open. Remember to install the latest zone files before you load your clients in there.  Teleporter should respond on 'thuledream'. I don't recall if we allowed remote zone creation or not, so try it out. This zone has no public realms like HoS, but rather we intend for you to create your own instance.

I will be on all day, sometimes idle. Let me know in game or on Discord if anything seems off in the zone, please.
8  General Category / Updates / Re: Fear Itself, testing weekend. on: May 17, 2024, 12:58:34 pm
Do we need to login to the test server to help with this or the normal EZ server?

Event will be on the production server not the test server.
9  General Category / Updates / Fear Itself, testing weekend. on: May 16, 2024, 06:41:59 pm
Welcome to...
Thule Dream, Event Zone

Fear Itself


In the vast, mysterious realm of Norrath, where legends and nightmares intertwine, there exists a place shrouded in darkness and fear. It is a realm beyond the waking world, where the fabric of reality frays, and the nightmares of mortals come to life. This realm is known by many names, but most commonly as "Fear Itself" or "Thule Dream."

Legend has it that Thule Dream is a plane of existence created by the dark deity Cazic Thule, the God of Fear. Deep within the darkest corners of Norrath, where the shadows whisper and the night is eternal, lies the entrance to this twisted realm. It is said that those who dare to venture into Thule Dream find themselves lost in a dream of terror, where their deepest fears manifest into horrifying realities.

The origins of Fear Itself are steeped in ancient lore. It is said that Cazic Thule forged this realm from the nightmares of mortals, drawing upon their darkest fears to create a domain where he reigns supreme. Within Thule Dream, the boundaries between dreams and reality blur, and the denizens of Norrath find themselves at the mercy of their deepest anxieties.

The creatures that inhabit Thule Dream are as varied as the fears of those who tread its twisted pathways. From grotesque monsters born of nightmares to malevolent spirits that haunt the shadows, Thule Dream is home to some of the most dangerous and terrifying beings in all of Norrath. Here, the laws of nature bend to the will of Cazic Thule, and chaos reigns supreme.

At the heart of Thule Dream, amidst the swirling mists of fear and despair, lies the throne of Cazic Thule himself. It is here that the dark deity plots and schemes, weaving the nightmares of mortals into his grand tapestry of terror. Those who dare to challenge Cazic Thule must first navigate the treacherous depths of Thule Dream, facing their innermost fears along the way.

Now, as the veil between worlds grows thin and the shadows lengthen, the gates to Thule Dream creak open once more. The air is thick with dread, and whispers of ancient evils echo through the land. Adventurers brave enough to venture into the depths of Thule Dream will face trials unlike any they have encountered before, for in the realm of fear itself, only the strongest will survive.

And so, the stage is set for an epic battle of courage and determination, as heroes from across Norrath unite to confront the darkness that lurks within the Thule Dream. But beware, for in the realm of fear, even the bravest souls may find themselves succumbing to the darkness that lies within.

Zone information:

• Fear Itself will have a level 79 level requirement.
• The mobs in the zone are tuned similarly to the present Kael difficulty.
• New mechanics we've not seen on EZServer before.
• Various quests for powerful items, some which are class specific.
• A new currency, and a vendor where you can spend it.
• Some nostalgic bosses may appear if you're lucky.
• ....and much more.

I've made a short teaser on YouTube that you can watch while waiting for the event to start if you don't mind SPOILERS. Click on the picture below to watch the teaser.

Zone Files:

Remember to download the new zone files for Thule Dream. You NEED to update spells_us.txt, dbstr_us.txt, thuledream_chr.txt and thuledream_EnvironmentEmitters.txt to play in the zone.
Event information:

Draca and I wanted to give this zone a test run for you all, and we figured that doing it on the day after the Norwegian Constitution Day was perfect Smiley The event will run for a day or two, so we can collect some data on how you're all doing in there and make adjustments if necessary. Some values may be set higher than intended on purpose for this first run, just so you know not to expect everything to be set as final in this first round.

Assuming that things go smooth with some transfers and setups, we'll start the event on coming Saturday around 12pm GMT +2, but delays may occur.

Hope you all enjoy!

For Akkadius & Draca,

EZ Admin Team
10  General Category / Sticky Topics / Re: Official Guild Creation Request Thread on: April 21, 2024, 03:37:37 pm
I would like to request a guild creation.

Guild Leader: ( Cinwar )
Guild Name: ( Jade Dragon )


11  General Category / General Discussion / T11 Feedback Thread on: March 20, 2024, 01:18:26 pm
T11 Feedback Thread

A month has gone by since we released Kael Drakkel, our latest progression zone, and it's been a month filled with some adjustments and enhancements based on your initial reactions. Yet, we realize we haven't formally opened the floor to gather your comprehensive feedback.

Before we dive into the details, it's important to address a topic that not only pertains to T11 but also holds significance on a broader scale.

We're all different and while some players choose to just play quietly on the server, we all got our thoughts on the experience. Not everyone may choose to voice their thoughts through OOC discussions or Discord banter—and that’s perfectly okay—we hope that many of you will share your thoughts here on the forums when you find time for it.

Our forums offer a dedicated space for meaningful conversations about your experiences, suggestions, and insights. While OOC chatter and Discord are fantastic for spontaneous interaction, they don't always provide the conducive environment needed for in-depth discussions with us, the developers. Draca and I find it challenging to engage fully in those platforms due to their ephemeral and mixed-content nature. Hence, we want you to bring your constructive feedback into this forum, where it can be thoroughly reviewed and considered. This not only ensures your voice is heard but also helps us compile and understand the community's feedback comprehensively.

I often find myself in tells or DMs with many of you and while I enjoy the interaction, I've sometimes thought that much of what we're talking about is probably topics that would benefit all our players to read about and respond to with their own thoughts and ideas. I've personally read bits and pieces here and there, both on Discord and in-game. I still have no idea what's representative, if anything, related to our content.

So with this thread we're inviting you to bring forth your feedback on T11, so we get a clearer picture of what goes and what doesn't, so we can make the most informed decisions for future updates.While we're particularly interested in the points listed below, feel free to share any additional feedback:

Characters: The number of characters you're managing and their classes.
Equipment: Details about your characters' gear level, for example, if you're outfitting 18 characters with top-tier items such as EoBAs, UC4s, UW12s, etc.
Combat Efficiency: The time it takes for you to defeat a standard NPC in Kael.
Time Investment: The total hours you've dedicated to exploring Kael.
Quest Progression: Your progress through quests within Kael.
Loot Accumulation: The quantity of armor and item pieces you've collected.
Favorite Features: The aspects of Kael you find most enjoyable.
Areas for Improvement: Suggestions for changes or enhancements to T11.

Just remember it's not limited to these point suggestions. We're interested in anything you may find relevant to T11.

Thanks in advance!



12  General Category / Updates / Re: Few Changes - T11, VP, Guardian Charm on: March 18, 2024, 03:39:42 pm
Since some of you newer players don't really know what to expect, I'll write about my experience with it all. I have been on both sides of the Guardian Charm.

When I first entered T10 with my initial 30 characters, I had never used Guardian Charm. Once I was strong enough, as in full Ultimate Armor and UC3, I could zone pull T10 with some finesse. Safest way was to kill Goops first, then use ZP. Obviously we don't all play the same way, just saying it can be done. In most cases, manually pulling T10 camps is much faster than doing a ZP, it's just more mindless to ZP.

After T10, Guardian Charm is not usable and it will not be usable in future tiers either. Also want to note that GC was never usable in VP, not even back when it was released. There is a debuff that will leave you pretty much insta-dead if you use GC when in VP. Kael has the same feature.

When it comes to essences, I found the quickest way to get them was not from Sleepers or VP, but rather combine ZP with a double or triple instance, targetting the various progression zones one by one.

Just my 2cp. I know it sucks when something gets removed or altered that you have relied on for quite some time, but I have no doubt you will all get by fine without it.

Guardian Charm gives a false pretense of how our content is meant to be fought. It's a pre-UC 1 item, that was never meant to be one of the most powerful items in the game even 15 years later.
13  General Category / General Discussion / Fear Itself, the new Event/Halloween zone on: March 15, 2024, 04:51:31 pm
A small update on Fear Itself, aka Thuledream, the new Halloween/Holiday zone we're working on.

- The zone has been populated with trash, semi-bosses, bosses and Uber(s?)
- The zone mechanisms have been added.
- Background story has been added.

... and we're currently looking at itemization, which is always a fun, yet creative challenge.

So we wanted to throw the ball to you all and see if you have any good ideas for what would be cool items and effects for the new zone. We got to be realistic of course, but if any of you are sitting on good ideas, we would love to hear them. That does not mean it's going to be added of course. We have many considerations to follow, but we'd love to hear what you all think.

An event zone is of course limited in availability and like previous Halloween zones, there will be some items that will take time to get, but will be worth the effort. We've gone through quite a few ideas already and have some cool stuff in mind, but we'd like to hear more of what you all think.

We will probably not comment each idea with a :thumbsup:  or :thumbsdown:, but will read everything and make note of your discussion regarding all this.

PS: There is also a thread on our Discord channel to discuss this.
14  General Category / Sticky Topics / Re: Official Guild Creation Request Thread on: March 14, 2024, 01:41:44 pm
Guild Leader: Asta
Guild Name: Propaganda

Thank you!

15  General Category / General Discussion / Re: It makes me very happy to see EZ server still kickin' on: March 10, 2024, 08:18:12 am
Hope to see you in-game soon  Smiley
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