EZ Server

General Category => Quest and Guides => Topic started by: Rostam on October 02, 2010, 06:02:59 am

Title: Guide: HOH stone and T3 Bosses
Post by: Rostam on October 02, 2010, 06:02:59 am
this post will be updated as time goes on with more info and pictures.

T3 bosses are triggered, force spawned if you will, by handing in a Cyan stone in plane of sky.

you farm the stones in HOH but you spawn the bosses in Plane of Sky (yes a different zone ...)

plane of Sky has 3 islands where bosses can spawn on, it all depends on which island is available at the time.

islands are on 1 hour refresh, so if someone spawns a boss on island 1 it locks it out for an hour. Note: if someone in their own instance spawns a boss on island 1 it also locks out the public instance, they are all interlinked.

once island 1 is locked out the next boss will spawn on the next available island once the stone is turned in.

the avatars in HOH each drop at least 1 Red gem:


they can also drop an additional gem of a different color.

the red gems are then combined, and the result combined etc etc until you get a Cyan stone:


here's the combine:


the Cyan stones can further be combined into dark blue stones (to spawn T4 bosses) and then again combined to get a purple stone (to spawn Epic 4.0 boss).

2 Cyans = Blue(dark blue)... spawns a T4 boss

2 Blues = Purple    Spawns MCP (Epic 4.0 boss)

Will edit for corrections/typos etc later if need be as it's 4 AM and I'm a bit tired =-).

Title: Re: Guide: HOH stone and T3 Bosses
Post by: Darpey on November 24, 2015, 08:07:16 pm
islands are on 1 hour refresh, so if someone spawns a boss on island 1 it locks it out for an hour. Note: if someone in their own instance spawns a boss on island 1 it also locks out the public instance, they are all interlinked.

Holy Hell - colored stones, and a 1 hour lockout? I am thankful for tokens and instanced machine-gun-popping bosses

Title: Re: Guide: HOH stone and T3 Bosses
Post by: Expletus on November 24, 2015, 09:17:47 pm
Ahhh i still had stones in the bank up to last year

Title: Re: Guide: HOH stone and T3 Bosses
Post by: Noot on November 25, 2015, 01:01:37 am
This sounded like a giant pain in the ass.