EZ Server

General Category => Server Status => Topic started by: Chunka on October 02, 2010, 03:27:55 pm

Title: server gone, 10/2 at 4:23 EST
Post by: Chunka on October 02, 2010, 03:27:55 pm
Went boom, not in server list

Title: Re: server gone, 10/2 at 4:23 EST
Post by: Fugitive on October 02, 2010, 03:29:37 pm
Prolly Hunter messing with Database..

He was going to reboot and make some changes today sometime..

Title: Re: server gone, 10/2 at 4:23 EST
Post by: JDFriend on October 02, 2010, 03:30:03 pm
Not correct it is there its just down... check server list with the offline link

Title: Re: server gone, 10/2 at 4:23 EST
Post by: robcore on October 02, 2010, 03:30:41 pm
He usually brings the server down with a message to log out though...

Title: Re: server gone, 10/2 at 4:23 EST
Post by: Dood on October 02, 2010, 03:31:11 pm
Poofed, he did mention multiple reboots today but there was no warning. /shrug

Title: Re: server gone, 10/2 at 4:23 EST
Post by: JDFriend on October 02, 2010, 03:32:40 pm
well if updates were due wouldnt they post a scheduled downtime? so that people know at 3pm cst server going offline. Last night he posted announcement. Sucks where your doing epic progression and u jsut get kicked... oh well hope everything is ok on their end.

Title: Re: server gone, 10/2 at 4:23 EST
Post by: Fugitive on October 02, 2010, 03:34:07 pm
Expect the server to have a few reboots this weekend due to fixing/adding more custom content. Will be working with a lot of the ideas (and complaints) floating around the forums lately for our content.


He prolly was messing with Database and it just dropped us...(hopeful)

wait till you spawn a t3 or t4 boss and then suddenly get the server reboot message..

and of course it could always be worse.. the server could just be neglected and never cared for @ all..
It will rise again !!

Zombie Nation!

Title: Re: server gone, 10/2 at 4:23 EST
Post by: Maxima on October 02, 2010, 03:34:20 pm
When it happened the other day he was unable to restart until the 5 AM reboots (probably working at the time since he works crazy hours.) Hoping not the case today, as I dropped 200k on guild instances and haven't made it back yet. lol :s

Hopefully he's working on something.

Title: Re: server gone, 10/2 at 4:23 EST
Post by: Tibador on October 02, 2010, 03:34:54 pm
he did post ...................................................

http://ezserver.online/forums/index.php?topic=1014.0 (http://ezserver.online/forums/index.php?topic=1014.0)

Title: Re: server gone, 10/2 at 4:23 EST
Post by: JDFriend on October 02, 2010, 03:43:32 pm
id love to help hunter be able to receive a message on his iphone saying server went down and remote call in to the pc to restart the program, this sucks on a weekend to wait till 5am restart :(

Title: Re: server gone, 10/2 at 4:23 EST
Post by: JDFriend on October 02, 2010, 03:46:03 pm
well heres hoping he lives in EST, so he might get home sometime soon, i srsly doubt hed ignore the status till 5am.

Title: Re: server gone, 10/2 at 4:23 EST
Post by: Kylekurth on October 02, 2010, 03:47:29 pm
If you read the forums he said that the server would be coming down alot for updates.  To the average person that to me would mean that he is there and doing stuff.  Just how I look at it.

Title: Re: server gone, 10/2 at 4:23 EST
Post by: JDFriend on October 03, 2010, 11:01:10 pm
there was a yellow server disconnect msg, maybe he said something we didnt see with spam etc.?

Title: Re: server gone, 10/2 at 4:23 EST
Post by: Lored on October 03, 2010, 11:03:35 pm
Yeah, but Hunter will usually give some sort of notice about rebooting the server or bringing it down in case people are in the middle of something. I hope we don't have another version of the LDoN source edits that happened a couple weeks ago.