EZ Server

General Category => Updates => Topic started by: Hunter on October 03, 2010, 03:26:12 am

Title: Updates 10 03 10
Post by: Hunter on October 03, 2010, 03:26:12 am
Made a_Miner Quest NPC's Invincible
Pyzjn respawns every 10 minutes with 50% chance of of A Glowing Black Stone
Hadden respawns every 30 minutes with 50% chance of loot of FB Earring
Velketor Spiders Quest Item Silver Chitin Handwraps Drop Rate Reduced
Delete all Silver Chiten Handwraps from merchants and players
Nagafen Quest Item Drop Rate reduced
Ladyvox Quest Item Drop Rate reduced
Epic Vendor - Ranger 3.5 and 4.0 Epic Bow/Sword Code created
Monk Epic 2.0 - 4.0 Graphics Changed
Warrior / Paladin Epic Graphics Unchanged for now.
Crafters Guild now shouts Congrats
Update Source Code - Hopefully fixes Buff Durations

Changes that affected us from the change log file:

Derision: Implemented Blocked Buffs.
Derision: Fixed Blocked Buff spam every time you zone.
Derision: Implemented OP_ClearBlockedBuffs.

Derision: Fixed crash in combat logging when a player was DoTted, zoned and then died from the DoT.

Derision: Only one Rez confirmation box is allowed to be up at a time (per character).


I'll probably work on more updates before my weekend is over. Trying to finish up the "Noobie Guild Quest" which would be our 4th Guild Quest on the Server with rewards like Noobie Item v3 etc.

Title: Re: Updates 10 03 10
Post by: Zenshu on October 03, 2010, 03:50:05 am
Still having an issue with buffbot's buffs staying active.  "Most" of the buffs seem to disappear within 3 minutes. 

Things seemed to be working fine before the restart tonight @ ~1am PST.  Post restart, I began having issues.

Title: Re: Updates 10 03 10
Post by: Lored on October 03, 2010, 04:04:54 am
Hadden was killed just as server came back up, been 30 minutes and he still hasn't respawned :(. Corpse just disappeared on us.

Title: Re: Updates 10 03 10
Post by: Hunter on October 03, 2010, 04:53:22 am
Keep me posted. I'll see what I can do.

Title: Re: Updates 10 03 10
Post by: Wack on October 03, 2010, 05:13:57 am
Dunno if this helps but with buffs from the buffbot I realized that anytime I have a buff on that the buffbots buff wont overwrite is when I get the 3minute long buffs from them. not sure if this helps find the problem but

Title: Re: Updates 10 03 10
Post by: Zenshu on October 03, 2010, 05:48:45 am
Still having issues with buffs.  I'll provide a little more detail to see if this can help you figure out the problem.

Current toon I'm using = lv50 monk

The following buffs are starting at full duration and then dropping to a 3 min (or less duration), after about maybe 2-3 seconds:
Nettle Shield            15min (1:18 after 2 sec)
Spirit of Fortitude     27min (3:00)
Spirit of the Shrew   36min (3:00)
Wushi's Focusing     80min (3:00)
Conviction              150min (3:00)
Clairvoyance            80min (3:00)

Note -
Acumen of Dar Khura    63min
Speed of Salik               43min

are NOT dropping in duration and stay in effect.

Title: Re: Updates 10 03 10
Post by: Lored on October 03, 2010, 05:57:26 am
Just curious about this, but do you mind posting which client you're using? I'm pretty sure its an issue on the server, but you never know.

EDIT: Update on Hadden since reboot. He's still taking 1hr to spawn.

Title: Re: Updates 10 03 10
Post by: Hunter on October 03, 2010, 06:17:23 am
Someone test for me, unequip all your armor, then get the buffs. What are the timers then? Heard its possible that focus effects are overflowing.

Title: Re: Updates 10 03 10
Post by: lerxst2112 on October 03, 2010, 06:18:37 am
Acumen and Speed of Salik are both fixed duration buffs, they don't adjust based on the caster level.  The rest do and it would appear they are being cast at level 1.

Do you need to click the text to get buffs, or are you in fg/cg and over 65 so it is automatic?

Title: Re: Updates 10 03 10
Post by: lerxst2112 on October 03, 2010, 06:22:12 am
Someone test for me, unequip all your armor, then get the buffs. What are the timers then? Heard its possible that focus effects are overflowing.

My toons with no focus effects have the problem.  Only the toons that need to click the confirmation text have had the problem as far as I can see.

How are the buffs cast?  quest::selfcast, quest::castspell, $npc->CastSpell, or some other method?

Title: Re: Updates 10 03 10
Post by: Boraxo on October 03, 2010, 06:48:36 am
First take is that SCHW just went from the easiest drop to far and away the worst.  I spent 45 minutes in Velks this morning with one other person in the zone for most of that time.  Cleared spiders a few times and never had a drop.

Extremely rare drop from multiple mobs in a zone that was often overpopulated anyway is going to make that place the hell hole of the universe in short order.

Title: Re: Updates 10 03 10
Post by: Chunka on October 03, 2010, 06:50:02 am
Thanks again for the work, Hunter.

Title: Re: Updates 10 03 10
Post by: lerxst2112 on October 03, 2010, 06:56:32 am
First take is that SCHW just went from the easiest drop to far and away the worst.  I spent 45 minutes in Velks this morning with one other person in the zone for most of that time.  Cleared spiders a few times and never had a drop.

I agree it might be a little low.  I killed all the spiders about 2 times and didn't see 1 drop.  I wouldn't mind farming for it a bit, but if you get a couple of people/groups in the zone, there just aren't that many spiders to go around.

Title: Re: Updates 10 03 10
Post by: Boraxo on October 03, 2010, 08:02:23 am
First take is that SCHW just went from the easiest drop to far and away the worst.  I spent 45 minutes in Velks this morning with one other person in the zone for most of that time.  Cleared spiders a few times and never had a drop.

I agree it might be a little low.  I killed all the spiders about 2 times and didn't see 1 drop.  I wouldn't mind farming for it a bit, but if you get a couple of people/groups in the zone, there just aren't that many spiders to go around.
The biggest problem is that there is no 'camp'.  With it dropping from multiple mobs in there it's just going to be a huge free for all competition.

Title: Re: Updates 10 03 10
Post by: Loyal on October 03, 2010, 08:07:20 am
First take is that SCHW just went from the easiest drop to far and away the worst.  I spent 45 minutes in Velks this morning with one other person in the zone for most of that time.  Cleared spiders a few times and never had a drop.

I agree it might be a little low.  I killed all the spiders about 2 times and didn't see 1 drop.  I wouldn't mind farming for it a bit, but if you get a couple of people/groups in the zone, there just aren't that many spiders to go around.
The biggest problem is that there is no 'camp'.  With it dropping from multiple mobs in there it's just going to be a huge free for all competition.

Since the pair I had last night got deleted >< i have gone back and started farming for them.

This is a pretty popular leveling zone for new people and this change has ruined it for them. There was an entire group farming spiders when i got there. It took them a minute or two to kill a spider. In that time I could have half the spiders killed. I felt bad for the group and left. There wont be to many people doing as i have done - so velks has been ruined for the new people.

I would suggest making it drop off a single mob in velks much like all the other pieces. Ohh and restoring all the handwraps and just deleting all but one pair from peoples inventories!

Title: Re: Updates 10 03 10
Post by: Boraxo on October 03, 2010, 08:50:40 am
There was a lot of discussion in regard to the new crafted armors as to who were the potential customers.  Well, I was a potential customer, I've never set foot in PoD and have been in Qvic once, but I have enough plat to buy a couple T2 pieces and know how to make more.

How?  By selling FG sets.  It is the one way that non-boxing, mostly solo players can make that kind of plat.  I buy lguk and sebilis instances and I farm all the other stuff in off hours or when no one else is in those zones, and I'll leave if someone else comes wanting the camp; in short, I don't interfere with anyone else.  When I went to bed last night, I had 3 full FG sets (which is enough for one more piece of T2 armor), and I could have filled out 2 or 3 more with just staffs, schw and lightstones, which I didn't think would be any kind of problem.  Now I have none, and am facing what looks to be an incredibly difficult couple of camps to finish any of those out. 

Whether it was intentional or not, you just took away (or at least made vastly, vastly more difficult) the one good way for people like me to accumulate plat and become customers for the other new stuff you've introduced.  You can't make that kind of plat farming gems or any other vendor drops.  Which is going to leave the new stuff to the people who are already way ahead.

Title: Re: Updates 10 03 10
Post by: Boraxo on October 03, 2010, 08:59:14 am
And two Vox kills this morning and no staff.  At least that zone will be orderly.   

Title: Re: Updates 10 03 10
Post by: Fugitive on October 03, 2010, 09:08:32 am
I normally don't complain unless I have input, but today my jaw hit the desk..

Why add more farming to this quest... It's like you fixed one bottle neck and added 3...( fixed hadden added velks, vox, nag) Honestly I feel that all FG/CG mobs should be on a 30 min or lower timer that has 50% chance to drop item...

If your going to do that reduce the spawn time of the Dragons...People are killing without getting any of the items now..
And two Vox kills this morning and no staff.  At least that zone will be orderly.  

Also, I would take away the ability to bind in any FG/CG zones.
I've seen people in route like woot I got the spawn heading there no one in zone, poof someone logs on top of the mob spawn kills.. loots logs...

I see bottleneck after bottleneck, and a lot of the bottle necks create breaking rules IE Trains in custom zones..

If you want to bottle neck the CH/FG stuff more.. then make the 2.5 zone give up books better... I've seen and known people including myself spend more then 8 hours in there.. over hundred keys..

I feel like


Velketor Spiders Quest Item Silver Chitin Handwraps Drop Rate Reduced
Delete all Silver Chiten Handwraps from merchants and players
Nagafen Quest Item Drop Rate reduced
Ladyvox Quest Item Drop Rate reduced

Title: Re: Updates 10 03 10
Post by: Hunter on October 03, 2010, 09:18:48 am
Spiders are about 1/100 for SCHW.

Vox/Naggy will probably get you 1 quest item per 2 kills, average, aka 50% chance, but there are multiple factors in that one.

Its really not that bad guys.

Need to know more about the Buff Durations, why they are acting the way the are, how people are doing it, which type of buff bot/buffs, what armor equipped, what level players are, etc.

Title: Re: Updates 10 03 10
Post by: Abuse on October 03, 2010, 09:54:29 am
While drop rates are purely your discretion. Ithink its a terrible mistake to delete items from players inventories for no legitimate reason.  Those items were honestly earned and it in effect punishes players for no real gain to the server.


Title: Re: Updates 10 03 10
Post by: Hunter on October 03, 2010, 10:12:34 am
Only item I deleted from players was the SCHW which I first searched how many totaled in peoples inventory, and it was thousands and thousands of them. People originally got them easily from practically 100% drop rates. Players will probably need to spend about an hour average in Velketor to get some now for their guild quest. It was broken, and is now fixed as intended. Its really not that bad. Hopefully everyone enjoyed it while it was broken for the last few years as a freebie step in the quest.

Drop rates are not set in stone, and I will continue to review them and make them as intended. Anywhere from half hour, to a few hours, per item is acceptable. If item takes 1 minute, or 1 day, then I need to adjust it. Just be happy I didn't delete the items from Naggy/Vox that people already farmed. I think this is the first time I ever mass deleted out of users inventory.

I'll continue to read forums for feed back on the quest. Considering alternate items to farm per step in the quest.

Also working on creating a Noobie Guild Quest, which would be easier, faster, items that noobs can farm solo without needing to have any gear, that probably a naked 70 could do easily with just some travel and knowing whereabouts of the items. Would be more obscure areas and zones to travel too for fun.

Title: Re: Updates 10 03 10
Post by: Fugitive on October 03, 2010, 10:16:05 am
Remove people that Bind themselves on top of the FG/CG spawns..

er not the people but the binds..

Title: Re: Updates 10 03 10
Post by: Boraxo on October 03, 2010, 10:23:55 am
It might be an hour in Velks if you have the zone to yourself, though I've spent more than an hour in there this morning with very little competition and no drop yet.

But put 10 people in there all looking for it and it's going to be 10 hours (unless you're the unlucky one, and someone is always going to be unlucky, especially at a 1/100 chance).  Put 20 people in there and...

3 Vox kills, no drop.  No line at the moment.  That will change.  Relatively few people are aware of the changes. 

Title: Re: Updates 10 03 10
Post by: lerxst2112 on October 03, 2010, 10:38:48 am

1% chance feels too low to me, especially since there just aren't that many spiders in there.  I also went this morning to see how the drop rate was and felt bad about it because there were a couple of people in there getting experience from the spiders.  Yeah, chances are they never would have made it all the way up to the top, but I still felt like I was taking something away from them.

Change the quest item, or move it somewhere else.  Make it something rare off a giant in burning woods or some other zone that absolutely nobody goes to.  Don't turn Velks into a campfest since people are directed there while leveling.

Title: Re: Updates 10 03 10
Post by: Isaaru on October 03, 2010, 11:01:59 am
Why add more farming to this quest... It's like you fixed one bottle neck and added 3..

Because the server has no content.  The only way he keeps people busy is by adding grinds.

Seriously.  400-600 characters share a few zones.

Title: Re: Updates 10 03 10
Post by: Fugitive on October 03, 2010, 12:04:58 pm

Never thought about it that way Isaaru.

Title: Re: Updates 10 03 10
Post by: Loyal on October 03, 2010, 12:06:06 pm
50k guild instances!

Title: Re: Updates 10 03 10
Post by: Hunter on October 03, 2010, 12:19:32 pm
The drop rate for the SCHW is 5% (1/20) then has a 25% (1 of 4 items) that drop will be the item needed = 1/100 or 1%.

I could probably bump it up a bit, maybe 10-20% x 25%(1/4 items) 1/20 or 1/40.

Will probably have to make the dragon (Vox/Naggy) faster.

Also will probably need to add more instances.

I'd like to remove the guild / group instances from Guild Item zones, and just use the Public Instance that are cheaper, and possible even free, or near free, like 100 plat instead of 1000 plat to zone in, etc. So there would be 1 non-instance + 2 public instance = 3 versions of the zone for several people to camp same thing.

Will continue to tweak.

Anyone remember grinds on Live? Getting keyed? Getting Epic'd? Raiding ALL NIGHT hoping the guild leader will grats you on 1 item? Yup, thats been everquest. At least on EZ Server leveling up is faster, no penalty for dying, and possible to obtain godly items. Grinding is part of MMO's.



Title: Re: Updates 10 03 10
Post by: Microdia on October 03, 2010, 12:41:20 pm
If your not the only person in Velks killing spiders, it's going to be a huge bottleneck.  There just isn't enough spiders to support more than one person trying to get the schw.  If one person is trying to get the drop then there will also be no spiders left for the xp groups.  Maybe make it a zonewide drop?  That might fix it.

Title: Re: Updates 10 03 10
Post by: Isaaru on October 03, 2010, 12:50:51 pm
That might fix it.

It was never broke. 

Title: Re: Updates 10 03 10
Post by: Murrjok on October 03, 2010, 01:25:59 pm
These new " Fixes " have got the be the dumbest ideas i have ever seen. Ever. I stop playing for a bit and it just looks like more bottlenecks added. Glad i aint coming back.

More and More it just seems to Tailor to Higher ended people only. This is an obvious move to Keep new players Discouraged and population down. And keep new players out of higher end zones. Being FG and CG a requirement to advance your epics should have..

A. A SHORTER quest chain due to the fact the rewards aint that great.

B. Better Rewards for an Endgame goal.

Too many more of these " fixes " will result in loss of population i hope your aware of this. Your players are already Discouraged enough.

Title: Re: Updates 10 03 10
Post by: funkinmofo on October 03, 2010, 03:26:14 pm
RE: velks
If you feel guilty about stealing the xp guys xp while looking for SCHW...and they are level 47+ group them while you go nuts killing the spiders. I am sure they will appreciate the free xp. Its what I have been doing.

Title: Re: Updates 10 03 10
Post by: Trinity on October 03, 2010, 04:17:47 pm
Hadden is not been fixed Hunter. He still is about 1hr spawn, I been here for almost 3 hours and hes only spawned 2 times and both was fishing poles no FBE. So please fix it to 30min and 50% thank you.

Title: Re: Updates 10 03 10
Post by: Lored on October 03, 2010, 04:24:37 pm
Funkinmofo: +1 for the suggestion, definitely a good idea as it'll help them level and will hopefully allow them to make friends here on EZ. I'll be following it :)

Title: Re: Updates 10 03 10
Post by: Rostam on October 03, 2010, 05:06:48 pm

Anyone remember grinds on Live? Getting keyed? Getting Epic'd? Raiding ALL NIGHT hoping the guild leader will grats you on 1 item? Yup, thats been everquest.

on live we had end game content to look forward to which made the grind worth it.

on EZ content ends after T2, it's all grind grind grind again all the way to the end, doesn't make it much fun.

Add content to the end game and none of this will be an issue, the gripe people have is that the only content in the game has turned into a grind, instead of the grind being the road to the end game.

No end game = no justification for grind.

Title: Re: Updates 10 03 10
Post by: Hunter on October 03, 2010, 08:53:35 pm
Hadden is not been fixed Hunter. He still is about 1hr spawn, I been here for almost 3 hours and hes only spawned 2 times and both was fishing poles no FBE. So please fix it to 30min and 50% thank you.

(EDIT): Miscalculated Hadden, respawn was 3600 and half hour is suppose to be 1800. See screenshots if anything else is missing.

Title: Re: Updates 10 03 10
Post by: Hunter on October 03, 2010, 09:01:15 pm
Will continue to revamp LDoN and Guild Quest. I realize this weekend seems like the nerf weekend. Some things needed to be done. I get as much done in my 1 day off as I can.

If anyone doesn't like it here, then there ARE other servers to play on.

EZ Server will continue to add (or fix) a little bit each week as it always has done for the least 3 years. Rules, drops, graphics, etc are not set in stone. This server is still a work in progress, and isn't finished yet. I appreciate everyones beta testing it for me! =)

Title: Re: Updates 10 03 10
Post by: Hunter on October 03, 2010, 09:03:15 pm
Oh yeah, after I'm content with LDoN and Guild Quest fixes, we have plans for LDoN v2, which will be dungeon levels 7-10 and require PoD / PoG geared players to (edit - not enter) to survive, or of course grouping up if lower geared. It will have Jewelry that you can rank up into the thousands of HPs, similar to what our original LDoN was 2 1/2 years ago if anyone remembers. Its another style of ranking up gear. And yes, its a grind, but it'll add many k's worth of hp's to your stats. Later on to-do list after fixing current stuff.


Title: Re: Updates 10 03 10
Post by: Hunter on October 03, 2010, 09:10:08 pm
SCHW will be 1/25 chance off both Frienzied Spiders in Velketor after next reboot. Edits are already made. This is up from 1/100 chance.

Title: Re: Updates 10 03 10
Post by: Boraxo on October 03, 2010, 09:20:38 pm
SCHW will be 1/25 chance off both Frienzied Spiders in Velketor after next reboot. Edits are already made. This is up from 1/100 chance.
Thank you.

Title: Re: Updates 10 03 10
Post by: Hunter on October 03, 2010, 09:29:52 pm
Decided to make Hadden 900 second respawn instead of 1800 seconds. And yes, by mistake, it was 3600 second respawn before cause I mistakenly took that for half hour, my bad.

Hadden should be easy now. (After reboot of course)

Title: Re: Updates 10 03 10
Post by: Chunka on October 03, 2010, 09:32:51 pm
Big time thanks. Greatly appreciate what you do, especially on your day off.

Title: Re: Updates 10 03 10
Post by: Hunter on October 03, 2010, 09:38:52 pm
Increased Avatar of Hell chance to drop pages from 5% to 10% since he drops 2 pages (9+10). Effective after reboot.

Title: Re: Updates 10 03 10
Post by: Hunter on October 03, 2010, 09:41:37 pm
Made Shadow, the Epic 3.5 Boss, a 1 hour respawn instead of 4 hour respawn.

I better stop doing edits for tonight before the entire EZ Server becomes just too easy.

Title: Re: Updates 10 03 10
Post by: Fugitive on October 03, 2010, 09:54:47 pm

Title: Re: Updates 10 03 10
Post by: Balthor2 on October 03, 2010, 10:23:42 pm
You know what people, some of you are fuggin annoying.
I think Hunter made some pretty awesome changes.
Yes a few things got nerfed but over all these changes are for the better.
The fact that Balthor, one of the most vocal anti change players, is here telling you to STFU really should set you back and make you think about it.
Some of you might want to do what I am doing and take a short break and play on another server for a bit.
Reading the forums daily I am glad that I am taking this break and seeing the changes have me looking forward to when I can take the time to come back and play.

Title: Re: Updates 10 03 10
Post by: Trinity on October 03, 2010, 11:02:23 pm
You know what people, some of you are fuggin annoying.
I think Hunter made some pretty awesome changes.
Yes a few things got nerfed but over all these changes are for the better.
The fact that Balthor, one of the most vocal anti change players, is here telling you to STFU really should set you back and make you think about it.
Some of you might want to do what I am doing and take a short break and play on another server for a bit.
Reading the forums daily I am glad that I am taking this break and seeing the changes have me looking forward to when I can take the time to come back and play.

I agree 100% Hunter is doing a hell of a job keeping server up to date as much as possible while making it so that content is not just finished easily in 1 night.

I mean come on people are you that nearsighted to understand if everything was so easy it would be boring. These changes are for the better of the server.

Hunter much appreciated on a hell of a job man. I think people who complain need to either leave or figure out that they are not the only person on the server and the content is not built specifically for their play style which is easy mode. Some people love just being able to have things almost handed to them.

Don't let those people get to you. They clearly are selfish.

Title: Re: Updates 10 03 10
Post by: Gnaughty on October 03, 2010, 11:14:49 pm
Yeah thanks for all the work you put in this weekend, as always its much appreciated by this guy and his crew of misfits.  Balthor I'm a little upset that you did'nt say goodbye or anything I thought you had hung yourself or your wife rage stabbed you or something.  Next time say something!  I was so looking forward to you being the first guy to kill MCP behind crab and us.

Title: Re: Updates 10 03 10
Post by: Gnaughty on October 04, 2010, 12:20:13 am
I dont want to sound like an asshole Hunter but please please please can we go to a sword for war4.0?  that axe was so badass and we even learned how to turn off the effects so it didnt lag us out.  Those axes were just so damned cool.  Any sword Im sure would be cool, just anything but the ones we have now.  Somone told me the other day that if I were to stick tennis balls on the end with all the points that it would look like an old mans walking cane.  That made me die inside a little bit.  :'(

Title: Re: Updates 10 03 10
Post by: Rostam on October 04, 2010, 12:29:30 am
Somone told me the other day that if I were to stick tennis balls on the end with all the points that it would look like an old mans walking cane.  That made me die inside a little bit.  :'(

*Larry the cable guy's voice* : Lord i apologize for that right there ...

but it does look like an upside down walker haha. i'm sorry i killed you on the inside (but i said it in OOC)

Title: Re: Updates 10 03 10
Post by: Lored on October 04, 2010, 12:31:42 am
Oh god....lol....I'm going to be in tears everytime I see a 4.0 now. Makes me wanna edit the weapon graphic and put tennis balls on it :-D That my friends would be hilarious in game haha.

I can imagine you walking up to Kronos and the NPC just fall over laughing at your walker lol!

Title: Re: Updates 10 03 10
Post by: azzen on October 04, 2010, 03:35:44 am
Honestly... not even on Live servers was there is much attention to players wants and needs..

keep at it hunter..

Title: Re: Updates 10 03 10
Post by: sohami on October 04, 2010, 08:12:29 am
Honestly... not even on Live servers was there is much attention to players wants and needs..

This is very, very true.

Title: Re: Updates 10 03 10
Post by: Uxt on October 04, 2010, 08:12:56 am
Wahahaha, walking canes!

Turn them into pouches like the ones you see on the ground! FWAHAHAHA!

Title: Re: Updates 10 03 10
Post by: Gnaughty on October 04, 2010, 10:29:11 am
Shaddup Uxt. ;D

Title: Re: Updates 10 03 10
Post by: nuska on October 04, 2010, 11:55:51 am
so plans for a harder ldon with great items, this mean there will finally be a range item? :)

Title: Re: Updates 10 03 10
Post by: waerekrager on October 05, 2010, 01:16:59 pm
will charm upgrades be more common in the LDoN V2??  (Crosses Fingers) or atleast tokens from trash equaling V1 Boss tokens and Dbl that for bosses? would really make farming boring LDoNs much more fun i think and would give ppl in t3 content the incentive to head back there and check out the new LDoNs instead of not bothering with it because its just as easy to farm the same tokens on the lessar LDoN LVLs

And Yes HUNTER you are doing great the above comment wasnt a copmlaint or anything just a question as to the charm upgrades into the new LDoNs. i enjoy this server. GJ!

Title: Re: Updates 10 03 10
Post by: Veredus on October 05, 2010, 09:10:13 pm
Hunter, was advisor robe droprate nerfed at all? So far I've been here for 10 spawns with no robe and the guy before me gave up. Never had this much trouble with it before.

Title: Re: Updates 10 03 10
Post by: Gnaughty on October 06, 2010, 10:27:22 am
I just noticed the warrior 3.5 looked really cool can 4.0 look like that?

Title: Re: Updates 10 03 10
Post by: Tibador on October 06, 2010, 07:25:36 pm
I still say the old emp swords look is awesome no glow has that old world look just pure awesome.

Title: Re: Updates 10 03 10
Post by: fulton on October 07, 2010, 06:20:28 am
Did something happen to the forager spawn, I have not been able to find him in a couple days.

I track lots of hunters, but NO foragers in Trakanon.


Title: Re: Updates 10 03 10
Post by: Isaaru on October 07, 2010, 06:47:51 am
Kill the placeholders! 


Keeper Lasnik.....Wizard.....Lasnik?s Staff
Crusader Zoglic.....SK.....Iksar Ceremonial Breastplate
Dreadlord Fanrik.....SK.....Grim Paldrons
Hangman.....Plant.....Hangman?s Noose
Champion Thenrin.....Warrior.....Ghostly Robes
Harbinger Dronik.....Wizard.....Iksar Hide Mask
Klok Denris.....Warrior.....Korzanz Kit?iourkl
Bloodeye.....Raptor.....Trakanasaur Armor (different pieces)
Titail Sinok.....Monk.....Meditative Blanket
Squire Glik.....Warrior.....Gleaming Short Sword
Champion Arlek.....Warrior.....Knobbed Warclub
Silvermane.....Cat.....Sabertooth Amulet
Commander Sils.....Warrior.....N/A

Title: Re: Updates 10 03 10
Post by: Boraxo on October 07, 2010, 07:37:07 am
To add to what Isaaru said, if you can't find any foragers but lots of hunters, go to where the hunters are and you may well find a stack of critters, some of whom will be varioius named in his list. Kill them all to keep the cycle going - eventually foragers will start spawning.

Title: Re: Updates 10 03 10
Post by: Aname on October 08, 2010, 06:39:05 pm
There is a real easy solution for those who don't like the changes.  Make your own server.  Have your toon born with Endgame gear.  Have the end game mob dead at your feet.  Loot it.  Gratz yourself.  Then move on.