EZ Server

General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: Simp on October 13, 2010, 11:13:40 am

Title: crafted augment suggestions
Post by: Simp on October 13, 2010, 11:13:40 am
After spending multiple days and plat on getting the required skill to make the items required to get into the crafting guild , I honestly can't say I'm all that impressed with what's available. Having said that the Augments in my opinion just cost too damn much given the effect.If this is an alternative for Warriors anger augments it is in NO WAY on par with level of difficulty to attain vs. the Warriors anger augments available via T1 drops.

These were implemented to up the dps of DPS classes, in turn it's just a plat dump altogether to get a minor single target dps increase.
I would propose halving the amount of pp required to make these augments, but leaving the essence drops in place if not make them just a fraction rarer.

I realize that this is an all new concept of having the Crafting guild implemented and is undergoing tweaking, this is just an opinion and suggestion on my part. 

Title: Re: crafted augment suggestions
Post by: Warriorstack on October 13, 2010, 11:44:15 am
I agree with you 100%.  I went into the crafter guild today and attempt to make some augs.  To only realize that it would cost me over 1 million just to make the aug.  Needless to stay I stuff with anger augs for my DPS war.

Title: Re: crafted augment suggestions
Post by: Keto on October 13, 2010, 12:09:20 pm
I love the fact oh how people just find a reason to complain about everything. Yes they're a plat dump, yes they're hard to attain. 

I personally have 2 IcestrikeIV's on my paladin and doing parses on his dps before and after it increased his dps by 50%. I feel that improvnig a characters dps by 50% by spending 4 mil plat is a small price to pay. I've been running for the most part 4 AngerAug 5's on Kade and have never had an issue w/ anyone in my party taking aggro from the tank. Until i auged the weapons. My paladin is right where I want him now and am very happy that hunter introduced this.

I've also started working on getting the materials needed to gear out my monk with these augs and am looking forward to it. Am I looking forward to farming 8 mil plat to make his dps better? Hell no I'm not but It does give me something else to do.

I think hunter has introduced these augs pretty decently and lowering the cost of the ore required to make this will just make people complain about everything else. Before people complained that plat didnt have a value, now people are complaining that items require too much plat. What I feel should be done to help people get more plat is to at least have mobs drop more plat then the 10 plat they drop in higher tiers. Like t1 should drop plat off the mobs or at least from the damn chests (make it like 5k plat off a chest / boss), t2 should should be like 10k, and so on up the line. Having to go back to Velketors to farm for cash after being T2 is kinda sorry (and yes I know i can just sell the armor from t2).

Title: Re: crafted augment suggestions
Post by: sohami on October 13, 2010, 12:11:14 pm
still worth it, maybe, but comparing the two difficulties we're talking here. Wayyyy different.

Title: Re: crafted augment suggestions
Post by: Simp on October 13, 2010, 12:29:46 pm
Keto you missed the entire point of the post and just took it as a complaint in general(note the topic header "suggestion").  ::)

Title: Re: crafted augment suggestions
Post by: Keto on October 13, 2010, 12:30:53 pm
still worth it, maybe, but comparing the two difficulties we're talking here. Wayyyy different.

Those augs have been in game for a long time and are no drop.

These augs are dropable, and can be used by multiple classes.

I can agree with you that levels 1 and 2 of the augs are garabge. Level one should be a 150 damage proc, and level 2 should be about 325, then the rest of the tiers are fine. If they were ment to help out lower players like the armor was then the minimal upgrades they provide are not worth it. 500k+ in ore, 300k in Lightstones, and like 70k in essenes really doesnt make me want to farm something for like t1. i believe that 800k (assuming you farmed some mats) is worth the investment for 325 damage (talking about getting the aug at level 2 if it was about 325 damage)

Title: Re: crafted augment suggestions
Post by: Keto on October 13, 2010, 12:52:34 pm
After spending multiple days and plat on getting the required skill to make the items required to get into the crafting guild , I honestly can't say I'm all that impressed with what's available. Having said that the Augments in my opinion just cost too damn much given the effect.If this is an alternative for Warriors anger augments it is in NO WAY on par with level of difficulty to attain vs. the Warriors anger augments available via T1 drops.

I started reading from there basically. I also offered solutions to the plat problem in my post. but I did say something about what seemed like complaining from this.

Title: Re: crafted augment suggestions
Post by: Hunter on October 13, 2010, 02:13:41 pm
I might be willing to smooth out the dd proc curve among the 5 tiers of weapon augs, but I'm not lowering the price. Something you'll have to spend time earning, and worth bragging about. Want 50% more dps? Its not free.

I'll do more balancing and tweaking this weekend as always. Might increase the damage on the augs a tad. Everything else stay same, for now.

Title: Re: crafted augment suggestions
Post by: Hunter on October 13, 2010, 02:24:55 pm
Oh yeah, don't forget. Your not forced to do this quest line to make augs or armor. Only if you got time and/or loads of platinum, then your free to do it. This server is free to play, and you don't have to do every quest, just the ones you want to do!


Title: Re: crafted augment suggestions
Post by: Bhanshei on October 13, 2010, 02:47:04 pm
Are these Augs no trade?  I saw where the thought was they might be made for trade but nothing confirmed....

Secondly... a thought might be making the items that are crafted and "No Trade" its current listing, and having a similar item with less stats but cost fewer mats "For Trade"...

Aug that is "No Trade" cost 10 materials and has a proc of 1500
Aug that can be "Trade" cost 7 materials and has a proc of 1000

just food for thought..... 

Title: Re: crafted augment suggestions
Post by: krujo81 on October 13, 2010, 05:10:40 pm
sorry am not in the crafters guild but how much does it cost to make the augs if u already camped all the stuff urself?

Title: Re: crafted augment suggestions
Post by: Warriorstack on October 13, 2010, 06:27:50 pm
To get to level 4 is still like 3 million or so.  I dont have the list in front of me but some bars are a few hundred thousand plat.

Title: Re: crafted augment suggestions
Post by: lerxst2112 on October 13, 2010, 06:33:14 pm

Here is what it takes.  The Type I is free to purchase from the vendor.

Title: Re: crafted augment suggestions
Post by: krujo81 on October 13, 2010, 08:09:12 pm
wow good lord guess ill be farming the hell out of some plat lol