EZ Server

General Category => Updates => Topic started by: Hunter on October 14, 2010, 10:18:10 pm

Title: Ninja Looting
Post by: Hunter on October 14, 2010, 10:18:10 pm
You are not allowed to loot from an NPC that you did not kill. Even if the corpse is going to rot, then let it rot! You must get permission from the person that killed it, since they may have alt boxes that want to loot the items. You can try to justify and make excuses, but the end result will be a ban if you were not given permission. You've been warned.

Edit: Oh yeah, asking retarded questions will get you #revoked from ooc and tells.



Title: Re: Ninja Looting
Post by: Isaaru on October 14, 2010, 10:25:25 pm

Title: Re: Ninja Looting
Post by: funkinmofo on October 14, 2010, 11:59:45 pm

Title: Re: Ninja Looting
Post by: Aname on October 15, 2010, 04:16:54 am
It's a real shame that Hunter has to make a new thread about this.  It's in the rules folks.  Read them.

http://ezserver.online/forums/index.php?topic=8.0 (http://ezserver.online/forums/index.php?topic=8.0)

Don't loot mobs that don't belong to you unless the person/group that killed it gave you permission.

Title: Re: Ninja Looting
Post by: Gnaughty on October 15, 2010, 06:16:47 am
Yeah kinda surprised to see he has to make another post about it, read the rules.

Title: Re: Ninja Looting
Post by: Isaaru on October 15, 2010, 08:26:06 am
Yeah kinda surprised to see he has to make another post about it, read the rules.

Despite it being in the rules there's constantly douche bags arguing it on the forums as well as doing it ingame.

Title: Re: Ninja Looting
Post by: Cracken on October 15, 2010, 12:13:15 pm
         Why not just make everyone playing on ez give you their address hunter. So when the act up you could sent out a crew to break their hands. All payment would be on their behalf of course. That would be what 3-6 weeks without EQ (ez style). Give them enough time to think about their actions ect.. *Yawn* then i woke up from that wonderful dream.

          Sad times indeed it takes a tops of 5 mins to read the rules at that.  :(

~GL of Classic Composers

Title: Re: Ninja Looting
Post by: Rostam on October 15, 2010, 04:52:01 pm
shit like this is happens when EQ on EZ becomes wow like (click-able quests, click links to port, fast exp etc etc) and the WOW crowd starts to play on EZ.

you don't see this happen on T3+ (even T2) becasue they dont have the patience to make it there, Ninja looting stuff happens with the lower end content.

i say make it harder. 3 day spawn on mobs  with 0.001% chance to drop anything, and another 0.001% chance of that being what you're after.....

that'll run them away.


Title: Re: Ninja Looting
Post by: Otaduke on October 15, 2010, 05:06:11 pm
How about some Code to turn that ninja looted item in to a lump of Coal and the looter gets flaged KOS, a new title that displays "Ninja Looter" then turns them in to a guttess chicken that a lvl 1 player could touch and kill them but the chicken buff stays on for a few days. I think the "Warhammer" folks did something like this for their game. Well the turning into a guttless chicken part only but still it's a cool concept.

It would probably happen once but then news would spread don't touch stuff that don't belong to you.

Draw back is that if someone killed the mob for someone else then the other person should have to be on group with them to not get branded and chickenized.

Title: Re: Ninja Looting
Post by: Rostam on October 15, 2010, 09:28:55 pm
How about some Code to turn that ninja looted item in to a lump of Coal and the looter gets flaged KOS, a new title that displays "Ninja Looter" then turns them in to a guttess chicken that a lvl 1 player could touch and kill them but the chicken buff stays on for a few days. I think the "Warhammer" folks did something like this for their game. Well the turning into a guttless chicken part only but still it's a cool concept.

It would probably happen once but then news would spread don't touch stuff that don't belong to you.

Draw back is that if someone killed the mob for someone else then the other person should have to be on group with them to not get branded and chickenized.

did you forget you're playing on a free server? you have any idea how much work that is?

Title: Re: Ninja Looting
Post by: Thalia on October 15, 2010, 11:41:59 pm
shit like this is happens when EQ on EZ becomes wow like (click-able quests, click links to port, fast exp etc etc) and the WOW crowd starts to play on EZ.

trust me the WOW crowd isnt here when you get someone to run up to you and say plat pls, pls plat then open a trade window with you that is the wow crowd.

Title: Re: Ninja Looting
Post by: funkinmofo on October 16, 2010, 12:22:12 am
trust me the WOW crowd isnt here when you get someone to run up to you and say plat pls, pls plat then open a trade window with you that is the wow crowd.

Its practically at that point, with the people begging for epic runs, gear runs, etc.
Especially sad when its easy enough to accumulate enough wealth to pay for the same thing, just proves that there are far too many people running around expecting stuff handed to them with absolutely zero effort on their part. Funny thing I noticed....guildless people tend to offer something of value for what they are asking while people in guilds are the ones expecting the free rides. Hope Hunter can find some respectable people to act in Guide capacity to revoke those peoples ability to /tell and /ooc.

Title: Re: Ninja Looting
Post by: Balthor2 on October 16, 2010, 12:25:55 am
Shame another crop of retards have come forward to sit on the throne of asshatery.

#revoke is always fun!

Title: Re: Ninja Looting
Post by: Aname on October 16, 2010, 06:18:42 am
Ignoring those with their hands out will make them go away. 

Title: Re: Ninja Looting
Post by: Boneman on October 16, 2010, 06:43:28 am
I think the 2.5 min timer is fine after that it is free for all.  If you need it so bad and you killed it than loot it.

Title: Re: Ninja Looting
Post by: Smoka on October 16, 2010, 07:03:49 am
I think the 2.5 min timer is fine after that it is free for all.  If you need it so bad and you killed it than loot it.

It doesn't matter what you think. That is against the rules. If you wish to play like that, then don't complain when you get banned.

Title: Re: Ninja Looting
Post by: Demin on October 16, 2010, 07:47:33 am
If I need it, I will very likely loot it within 1 minute.  However, if an alt that isn't logged in needs it, or a guildie needs to zone in and run to the corpse, it's going to take a while.  Thus, the rule....don't loot if it isn't yours or you don't have permission.  The end.

Title: Re: Ninja Looting
Post by: Domeiz on October 16, 2010, 09:39:36 am
exactly, I was having a guildie loot a pattern in PoD and some rat came up and looted it while i was turned around, wasn't able to get a screen shot :/.

Title: Re: Ninja Looting
Post by: Thyl on October 16, 2010, 10:05:49 am
I think the 2.5 min timer is fine after that it is free for all.  If you need it so bad and you killed it than loot it.

Guess what, no one gives a fuck what you think. I try to have a little more couth on the forums but I can't stand stupid shit like this. Aside from being a rule set by the guy who runs the server it's is just common decency to not take shit that isn't yours.

If you need something learn to kill things yourself, ask other people if you can loot, or else get the fuck off the server.

Title: Re: Ninja Looting
Post by: Thalia on October 16, 2010, 10:20:50 am
I think the 2.5 min timer is fine after that it is free for all.  If you need it so bad and you killed it than loot it.

Go back and read the post that is in yellow From the person who runs this serve, the post isnt hard to miss go to page one of this post and scroll all the way up and READ.Its people like you that hunter had to make a special post about ninja looking.

Title: Re: Ninja Looting
Post by: Ponzi on October 17, 2010, 05:27:07 am
trust me the WOW crowd isnt here when you get someone to run up to you and say plat pls, pls plat then open a trade window with you that is the wow crowd.

Its practically at that point, with the people begging for epic runs, gear runs, etc.
Especially sad when its easy enough to accumulate enough wealth to pay for the same thing, just proves that there are far too many people running around expecting stuff handed to them with absolutely zero effort on their part. Funny thing I noticed....guildless people tend to offer something of value for what they are asking while people in guilds are the ones expecting the free rides. Hope Hunter can find some respectable people to act in Guide capacity to revoke those peoples ability to /tell and /ooc.

Thats one way to look at it..

The other way is this: Not everyone boxes.. and even those that do...

I think we can *all* agree that once you get that *one* toon to a 3.0 / Qvic/T1/etc type gear with some augments, *then* you can really start doing things yourself and gearing out a full box..

Its the natural cycle of things. When i was new, ppl like Sauga and Prinni and Buckler (and many others i'm ashamed to have momentarily forgotten) took me around on their endeavors and helped gear up my monk to the point that i got the l337 gears and could gear up my own paladin, and whatever else lies down the road..

I've gone out of my way to pay it forward, killing countless 1.5epic mobs, Time Clears, LDON clears, MOW kills, etc... for other people new to the server that need that extra boost on Toon 1 to create their own personal armada of a$$-kicking. Pay it forward, it's what this server is built on. For every asshat hording plat and trying to sell incomplete epic 2.0 books, theres a dozen or more people selflessly helping others get started to enjoy this great server.

This server is EZ. This server is *not* easy starting out once you get past BOT. If you are as solo warrior with 1.0s / 1.5s grinidng your way though BOT/POTa, you *are* going to need help, whether in the form of some whacky 4.0 warrior whos bored or a full group of your peers, to progress. Thats what /ooc and /w all is for.

I of course agree  that some people have an inflated sense of entitlement, but that's few and far between.

You wanna help someone sometime.. Instead of laughing at the guy offering his only 10k for a 2.0 run in /ooc, HELP HIM. He obviously needs the 2.0 and someone to show him the ropes. He doesnt know how to farm bags of plat and use quests and camp FG/CG items, and whatever else to get started on his personal empire.. All he knows is what we all knew when we hit that wall on this server:

The stuff i'm supposed to be killing is kicking my tail.

So give him a hand.. Don't just give him a fish, teach 'em to fish. We're all pretty decent human beings behind keyboards playing a game we love. Act like it.

Title: Re: Ninja Looting
Post by: Aname on October 17, 2010, 09:28:11 am
I agree Ponzi.  Terminus and I have help many people on the server for free.  Those who offer to pay, thanks for the plat.  Those who can't afford it, no problem.  People helped us and I have no problem returning the favor.  For those who can't afford to pay, the only thing I ask is that they help someone else down the road.  It's not very difficult to be nice.   :)

Title: Re: Ninja Looting
Post by: Smoka on October 17, 2010, 11:18:24 am
Without evil, there is no good. =)

Title: Re: Ninja Looting
Post by: Thebone on October 17, 2010, 01:00:07 pm
Easy fix with ninja looting... if you need to get a toon there loot lock it with someone until the toon that needs the loot is there. If ifs something you cant loot or cant sell loot is and destory it Problem solved.... Fix yourself before you cry to Hunter

Title: Re: Ninja Looting
Post by: Rystan on October 17, 2010, 04:14:52 pm
How about some Code to turn that ninja looted item in to a lump of Coal and the looter gets flaged KOS, a new title that displays "Ninja Looter" then turns them in to a guttess chicken that a lvl 1 player could touch and kill them but the chicken buff stays on for a few days. I think the "Warhammer" folks did something like this for their game. Well the turning into a guttless chicken part only but still it's a cool concept.

It would probably happen once but then news would spread don't touch stuff that don't belong to you.

Draw back is that if someone killed the mob for someone else then the other person should have to be on group with them to not get branded and chickenized.

That's fantastic.  I had flashbacks to Heretic 2 where you could turn people into chickens... only on occasion you got a chicken with 999HPs and then you were running from the chicken cause one peck and you were dead!!!

Well said Ponzi - couldn't agree more!

Title: Re: Ninja Looting
Post by: Thyl on October 17, 2010, 04:41:50 pm
Easy fix with ninja looting... if you need to get a toon there loot lock it with someone until the toon that needs the loot is there. If ifs something you cant loot or cant sell loot is and destory it Problem solved.... Fix yourself before you cry to Hunter

So some people ignore obvious morality, and everyone else should "fix" themsleves?

Title: Re: Ninja Looting
Post by: Rastaman on October 17, 2010, 05:31:48 pm
Easy fix with ninja looting... if you need to get a toon there loot lock it with someone until the toon that needs the loot is there. If ifs something you cant loot or cant sell loot is and destory it Problem solved.... Fix yourself before you cry to Hunter

So some people ignore obvious morality, and everyone else should "fix" themsleves?

 don't take me wrong, but you just can't go thru life (EVEN less on a online game) expecting that people will follow obvious morality

Title: Re: Ninja Looting
Post by: Fugitive on October 17, 2010, 05:43:14 pm

I lock corpses real life all the time..
then the PoPo's try to ninja my stuff...


/wakes up

Title: Re: Ninja Looting
Post by: Gunther on October 17, 2010, 06:03:14 pm
It's sucks you have to lock a corpse if it has loot that you want on it. Yeah it takes more time, I should not have to lock it, he ninja looted my stuff blah blah blah.

When it comes down to it what would you rather be doing? Equipping you toons with the gear or pursuing it on this board knowing you're not gonna get the gear back?

Title: Re: Ninja Looting
Post by: Aname on October 18, 2010, 04:41:59 am
Gunther, how much time does it take to stay kneeling on a corpse?  You are already kneeling on it when you look at the loot and decide that you want it for another toon.  It takes a lot longer to farm the drop again if someone ninja's it.

Thyl, not trying to give you a hard time but you lock your house up because of immoral people.  No different in game unfortunately.

Title: Re: Ninja Looting
Post by: Gunther on October 18, 2010, 07:45:05 am
Gunther, how much time does it take to stay kneeling on a corpse?  You are already kneeling on it when you look at the loot and decide that you want it for another toon.  It takes a lot longer to farm the drop again if someone ninja's it.

That was my point, I wouldn't want to farm it all over again. Thats is exactly why you need to lock it down if you really want the stuff. It is a fact that ninja looters will always be around to steal your stuff if you dont lock it down.

Better to lock the corpse and run your alt over if you really want an item.

Title: Re: Ninja Looting
Post by: Aname on October 18, 2010, 08:19:04 am

That was my point, I wouldn't want to farm it all over again. Thats is exactly why you need to lock it down if you really want the stuff. It is a fact that ninja looters will always be around to steal your stuff if you dont lock it down.

Better to lock the corpse and run your alt over if you really want an item.

I misunderstood you Gunther.  I thought you were saying it took more time to lock it down.  doh.

Title: Re: Ninja Looting
Post by: Thyl on October 18, 2010, 08:47:20 am
Thyl, not trying to give you a hard time but you lock your house up because of immoral people.  No different in game unfortunately.

I most certainly do. But I still wouldn't say that someone who got robbed is the person that needs to be "fixed".

Title: Re: Ninja Looting
Post by: Froakakhan on October 18, 2010, 11:28:40 am
IMHO i think the decay time on corpses in lower zones should be shortened.  zones like MM, dulak, and BoT are littered with free gear, and its giving newer players a state of mind that anything on the ground is FFA.

if you want that loot so bad for alt/guildie camp the friggin corpse.  if you keep the loot window open, no one can even see whats on the corpse. 

Title: Re: Ninja Looting
Post by: Thebone on October 18, 2010, 12:01:08 pm
Look at it like this when I said fix yourself I ment if you had that body locked you never woul of lost the gear... You need to take the steps to protect your stuff in any game.... Your not going to post your account name and password and think nothings going to happen are you? If your in a public zone then you need to expect people to come up and loot.... So if you need something off it lock it.... If you don't then delete it and poof that bodys gone... Don't get me wrong I don't think it's right to loot something with out it getting the ok... But you know people do then act crazy When it happens

Title: Re: Ninja Looting
Post by: gimpy on October 18, 2010, 02:27:46 pm
Ok, now how about this scenario that has happened to me, more than once?  I have a body locked, with someone coming for the loot.  They arrive, I stand up, but a bystander (who I have already told in /say that I am saving item for someone coming) loots the body before the intended recipient.  And yes, I now have fraps installed.

Title: Re: Ninja Looting
Post by: Thebone on October 18, 2010, 03:37:47 pm
thats when you have hunter track there IP and go do stoner bashing... Like in jay and silent bob strike back

Title: Re: Ninja Looting
Post by: Otaduke on October 18, 2010, 03:50:19 pm
How about some Code to turn that ninja looted item in to a lump of Coal and the looter gets flaged KOS, a new title that displays "Ninja Looter" then turns them in to a guttess chicken that a lvl 1 player could touch and kill them but the chicken buff stays on for a few days. I think the "Warhammer" folks did something like this for their game. Well the turning into a guttless chicken part only but still it's a cool concept.

It would probably happen once but then news would spread don't touch stuff that don't belong to you.

Draw back is that if someone killed the mob for someone else then the other person should have to be on group with them to not get branded and chickenized.

did you forget you're playing on a free server? you have any idea how much work that is?

Very True Rostam. I have no idea what programming skills would be required to pull it off. I have a cheaper solution. Make another forum topic labled Ninjas and Trains.

If someone catches someone ninja or training post their toons name on the Ninja's and Trains section for all to be on the look out for.

Title: Re: Ninja Looting
Post by: Rostam on October 18, 2010, 04:44:45 pm

If someone catches someone ninja or training post their toons name on the Ninja's and Trains section for all to be on the look out for.

how do we establish the standard for proof?

now we will get every tard on the server who has a beef with someone making accusations and posting names, even screen shots(doctored, not that hard).

do you realize that fraps does not prove anything?, i could fraps you ninja looting an item from me and you don't even have to be online.

if someone really wanted to doctor proof it would be super easy, the logs however would prove otherwise but how often do logs get looked at when someone posts a screenshot or fraps? it's just accepted as end all be all proof and action is taken by Hunter.

before you or anyone else asks, no i will not tell you how it's done, but doctored up fraps or screenshots have been done years and years ago on live servers trying to achieve exactly what you just suggested.

Title: Re: Ninja Looting
Post by: Gunther on October 18, 2010, 05:15:55 pm
Ok, now how about this scenario that has happened to me, more than once?  I have a body locked, with someone coming for the loot.  They arrive, I stand up, but a bystander (who I have already told in /say that I am saving item for someone coming) loots the body before the intended recipient.  And yes, I now have fraps installed.

Anyone remember a couple of toons named Jimmage and Jimwar?

Jim tried to do this exact thing to me and I did a /say "Jim get away from my kill, don't ninja" and it was enough for him to get the hint and move on.

Jim had also been reported in OOC so I knew as soon as I saw him he was gonna try to sneak in and ninja loot. A little direct communication can do wonders. And if they choose to ninja anyway? well get it out there on ooc or here in the forums, you might have lost your loot but a player can only gets so far with that type of reputation.

Title: Re: Ninja Looting
Post by: Otaduke on October 18, 2010, 05:24:43 pm

If someone catches someone ninja or training post their toons name on the Ninja's and Trains section for all to be on the look out for.

how do we establish the standard for proof?

now we will get every tard on the server who has a beef with someone making accusations and posting names, even screen shots(doctored, not that hard).

do you realize that fraps does not prove anything?, i could fraps you ninja looting an item from me and you don't even have to be online.

if someone really wanted to doctor proof it would be super easy, the logs however would prove otherwise but how often do logs get looked at when someone posts a screenshot or fraps? it's just accepted as end all be all proof and action is taken by Hunter.

before you or anyone else asks, no i will not tell you how it's done, but doctored up fraps or screenshots have been done years and years ago on live servers trying to achieve exactly what you just suggested.

Standard of proof is Fraps or Screen shots. If it can be doctored then perhaps multiple random people submitting proof. Of if one has proof and post it then let the community (jury) vote for the banning or not and ultimatly it's up to Hunter. Maybe with a community cracking down on the Ninja's and trainers they woud not happen as much.

Turning a blind eye or arguing that the proof can be doctored or invalid is not a solution either.

Fraps and Screen shots are the suggested tools by Hunter.

What do you suggest as a good solution to the ninja's and trainers?

I still like the chicken idea, just wish I knew how to write the code and submit it.

Title: Re: Ninja Looting
Post by: Boneman on October 18, 2010, 07:18:36 pm
Do you guys even hear what you are saying?  I thought this was EZ server.  I am not here to break rules.

Title: Re: Ninja Looting
Post by: Boneman on October 18, 2010, 07:22:36 pm

Guess what, no one gives a fuck what you think. I try to have a little more couth he server.

You sure about that bro?

Title: Re: Ninja Looting
Post by: lerxst2112 on October 18, 2010, 07:28:13 pm

Boneman, your first post in this thread was a direct contradiction of the rules as stated.  The rule is simple and the timer has nothing to do with anything, you didn't kill it, you don't loot it unless you have permission from the person that did kill it.

Honestly, I don't know why there's even a thread debating whether people should be forced to lock corpses or not.  The rule is simple, follow it and be happy, or break it and risk your account(s).

Title: Re: Ninja Looting
Post by: Boneman on October 18, 2010, 07:32:36 pm
You can't lock corpses.

Title: Re: Ninja Looting
Post by: Aname on October 18, 2010, 08:09:05 pm

Title: Re: Ninja Looting
Post by: lerxst2112 on October 18, 2010, 08:29:56 pm
You can't lock corpses.

It seems like, at this point, you just wish to be contrary and cause drama.  Have fun with that.

Title: Re: Ninja Looting
Post by: Strix on October 18, 2010, 08:39:39 pm
You can't lock corpses.

Get a toon to loot the corpse and not stand up.  Others who try to loot the corpse will get the message: "Someone else is already looting this corpse".
This is effectively locking up a corpse.

Title: Re: Ninja Looting
Post by: Thyl on October 19, 2010, 09:51:49 am

Guess what, no one gives a fuck what you think. I try to have a little more couth he server.

You sure about that bro?

Not sure why you butchered my text in your quote, but still damn sure. Hunter and Basher make the rules, you do not. It's acting in accordance with their rules that will determine if you get banned. You can make suggestions for changes but your opinion of what the rules should be is not the criteria for playing on the server.

This is a subject for me that causes a lot of irritation. I hate seeing people try to rationalize ninja looting, or even worse irrationally try to claim free for all loot rights on other people's stuff.

Title: Re: Ninja Looting
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on October 19, 2010, 04:37:10 pm
I think Thyl's reputation speaks as loud as his statement. Normally he does not speak so strongly in game or on the forums. The fact he did this time speaks to how strongly he feels about ninja looting. Boneman, your earning your own reputation too, and it's not a good one.

Title: Re: Ninja Looting
Post by: Boneman on October 31, 2010, 10:04:46 pm
Having a bad reputation here is not a good thing.  And you motherfuckers are mean

**check your corpses**

Title: Re: Ninja Looting
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on November 01, 2010, 02:17:54 am
And it took you that long to come up with that? Sounds like we have another high burner burning out.

Title: Re: Ninja Looting
Post by: Firetoad on November 01, 2010, 10:03:18 am
You can lock a corpse down while you get the other character to loot the item. However, the process of unlocking the corpse to let your other box loot will never be fast enough to beat out someone that is standing near spamming, the /loot command. Fact is, you need to switch between windows, and that split second you unlock the corpse, the ninja looter is on it. There is NO WAY you can lock someone out when you are multi-boxing.

Title: Re: Ninja Looting
Post by: Solbash on November 01, 2010, 02:00:40 pm
Mages are a ninja looters worst nightmare. Think about that one and see if you can figure it out :)

Title: Re: Ninja Looting
Post by: Otaduke on November 01, 2010, 02:29:24 pm
Gravity flux?

Title: Re: Ninja Looting
Post by: Solbash on November 01, 2010, 02:31:41 pm
Gravity flux?

Nope, gotta think harder.

Title: Re: Ninja Looting
Post by: lerxst2112 on November 01, 2010, 02:34:35 pm

Dunno what is special about mages, but anyone with an illusion that doesn't bend over when they loot has an edge at being undetected.

Title: Re: Ninja Looting
Post by: Solbash on November 01, 2010, 02:46:59 pm
Someone will eventually figure it out on here.

Title: Re: Ninja Looting
Post by: Naki on November 01, 2010, 02:53:38 pm
I think I've got a pretty good idea, but not sure I want to spread these ideas around.  Go doing that and pretty soon someone will start 'griefing' and things will get changed...


Title: Re: Ninja Looting
Post by: lerxst2112 on November 01, 2010, 02:55:12 pm
I've never played a mage beyond about level 20, but it'd be funny if you could just coh people away from the corpse.  I think that's group only though.

Title: Re: Ninja Looting
Post by: Solbash on November 01, 2010, 02:57:18 pm
Are you sure it's group only here?  ;)

Title: Re: Ninja Looting
Post by: Boneman on November 04, 2010, 10:25:26 pm

Do you guys really think I am here to loot your corpses?  You are wrong on so many levels.  Unfortunately I can only barely address one.

Kill your mob.  Loot the corpse.  Please understand where I am coming from.  If you kill it and let it rot...

Title: Re: Ninja Looting
Post by: zomgDanyelle on November 04, 2010, 10:37:24 pm

Do you guys really think I am here to loot your corpses?  You are wrong on so many levels.  Unfortunately I can only barely address one.

Kill your mob.  Loot the corpse.  Please understand where I am coming from.  If you kill it and let it rot...

>Implying 4 minutes is "rotting"


Title: Re: Ninja Looting
Post by: Bludlust on November 04, 2010, 10:56:26 pm

Problem Solved. :P

Title: Re: Ninja Looting
Post by: lerxst2112 on November 04, 2010, 11:12:20 pm

Do you guys really think I am here to loot your corpses?  You are wrong on so many levels.  Unfortunately I can only barely address one.

Kill your mob.  Loot the corpse.  Please understand where I am coming from.  If you kill it and let it rot...

Do you really think you are helping yourself to keep posting here?  If it isn't yours don't loot it.  If you do loot things that aren't yours, expect a ban.  Every post you make piles up more evidence against you when you're reported.

Title: Re: Ninja Looting
Post by: Lintrix on November 05, 2010, 11:49:43 am
trust me the WOW crowd isnt here when you get someone to run up to you and say plat pls, pls plat then open a trade window with you that is the wow crowd.

Its practically at that point, with the people begging for epic runs, gear runs, etc.
Especially sad when its easy enough to accumulate enough wealth to pay for the same thing, just proves that there are far too many people running around expecting stuff handed to them with absolutely zero effort on their part. Funny thing I noticed....guildless people tend to offer something of value for what they are asking while people in guilds are the ones expecting the free rides. Hope Hunter can find some respectable people to act in Guide capacity to revoke those peoples ability to /tell and /ooc.

Thats one way to look at it..

The other way is this: Not everyone boxes.. and even those that do...

I think we can *all* agree that once you get that *one* toon to a 3.0 / Qvic/T1/etc type gear with some augments, *then* you can really start doing things yourself and gearing out a full box..

Its the natural cycle of things. When i was new, ppl like Sauga and Prinni and Buckler (and many others i'm ashamed to have momentarily forgotten) took me around on their endeavors and helped gear up my monk to the point that i got the l337 gears and could gear up my own paladin, and whatever else lies down the road..

I've gone out of my way to pay it forward, killing countless 1.5epic mobs, Time Clears, LDON clears, MOW kills, etc... for other people new to the server that need that extra boost on Toon 1 to create their own personal armada of a$$-kicking. Pay it forward, it's what this server is built on. For every asshat hording plat and trying to sell incomplete epic 2.0 books, theres a dozen or more people selflessly helping others get started to enjoy this great server.

This server is EZ. This server is *not* easy starting out once you get past BOT. If you are as solo warrior with 1.0s / 1.5s grinidng your way though BOT/POTa, you *are* going to need help, whether in the form of some whacky 4.0 warrior whos bored or a full group of your peers, to progress. Thats what /ooc and /w all is for.

I of course agree  that some people have an inflated sense of entitlement, but that's few and far between.

You wanna help someone sometime.. Instead of laughing at the guy offering his only 10k for a 2.0 run in /ooc, HELP HIM. He obviously needs the 2.0 and someone to show him the ropes. He doesnt know how to farm bags of plat and use quests and camp FG/CG items, and whatever else to get started on his personal empire.. All he knows is what we all knew when we hit that wall on this server:

The stuff i'm supposed to be killing is kicking my tail.

So give him a hand.. Don't just give him a fish, teach 'em to fish. We're all pretty decent human beings behind keyboards playing a game we love. Act like it.

Hate to ninja this from a month ago, but this was very well said!  kudos!

Title: Re: Ninja Looting
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on November 06, 2010, 01:25:50 pm

Do you guys really think I am here to loot your corpses?  You are wrong on so many levels.  Unfortunately I can only barely address one.

Kill your mob.  Loot the corpse.  Please understand where I am coming from.  If you kill it and let it rot...

Do you really think you are helping yourself to keep posting here?  If it isn't yours don't loot it.  If you do loot things that aren't yours, expect a ban.  Every post you make piles up more evidence against you when you're reported.

This is a very very good post. Right now, if someone was to accuse Boneman of ninja looting and not have any proof everyone would believe said person because of your own posts in this thread. You have labeled yourself at minimum a potential ninja looter. I have seen Hunter take things like this post into consideration when it comes to banning people.

Title: Re: Ninja Looting
Post by: Balthor2 on November 06, 2010, 04:33:01 pm
Agree Xiggie, this Boneman is a real tool.

Title: Re: Ninja Looting
Post by: Aname on November 07, 2010, 08:23:45 am
Agree Xiggie, this Boneman is a real tool.

It's like the guy who said - I only pulled 10 mobs, I can't help it if others came along - something to that effect.  I thought, so if I run thru an ldon and only intend to pull 10 but get a mass train, it's ok?  LOL

Advertising that you break the rules is just plain stupid.   ::)

Title: Re: Ninja Looting
Post by: Balthor2 on November 07, 2010, 12:23:13 pm
Its not the advertising part thats so stupid its his "I dont give a fuck and you cant stop me" attitude. That shit one day will get him crushed.
Whats the current dicksuckers guild? He would fit right in.

Title: Re: Ninja Looting
Post by: Deadshade on November 12, 2010, 06:18:21 am
I must say that I am mightily surprised .
I can be called a newbie as I only know Dulak and BoT - this is my first post here .
But I am a lawyer and there are 2 principles among others :
"Never establish a law that can't be enforced" and "Never establish a law without stating exceptions where the law goes against common sense ."

2 examples :

- When I was in Dulak I couldn't find a necro helm . So I shout "If somebody sees a necro helm , pst ."
Instead of getting an answer that this would be "ninja looting" , I got a tell "Found helm there and there and if you see BST hands , pst" . Indeed I found BST hands a bit later and sent a tell .
Checking rotting corpses in Dulak seems to be common practice . According to the rule I understand that I and the person who sent me the tell should be banned . Probably almost everybody in Dulak should be banned too .

- In BoT I found my both bracers on rotting copses . Somebody pulled the whole east wing and there were dozens and dozens of rotting corpses . A person came after me and was obviously checking them too . Here again I understand that both the person and me should be banned . It is current to see a shout "Chest so and so rotting there and there ." If somebody goes and loots it he should be banned because he didn't check whether the person shouting was the one who did the kill .

OK a rule is a rule so I will try to respect it . But I will clearly not report if I see anybody checking a pile of rotting corpses . Of couse everytime I see the person who did the kill , I ask if I can loot once the timer is over .
But if I may to make a suggestion , I would restrict the rule to the ninja looting of bosses .
Generalizing it to yard trash rotting around can't be enforced and people will keep checking it . In Dulak and BoT that's obviously common practice .

Title: Re: Ninja Looting
Post by: Fugitive on November 12, 2010, 09:42:52 am
I think you have a twisted view..

When I /shout rotting XXX on XXXX that was my kill I'm opening corpse FCFS....

I'm sure the others are like this.. the bottom line still is, if you didn't kill or get permission don't loot.. or even look in corpse.. cause if you don't know whats in it you will not be tempted..

Dulak, BoT, Potime, LDON, Qvic all the same, different stuff drops from a little of everything..

play respectful, not saying your not already. This has been addressed numerous times all it takes is someone recording you and blam your gone.. not really worth it...

boss/trash/or dead rangers...

and common sense is just be nice and follow the rules..

  • No exploiting
  • No warping
  • No bot / afk farming
  • No bad words
  • No spamming
  • No kill stealing
  • No hording Tiki's
  • Guild Quest camps
  • No ninja looting
  • No trains
  • Do not crash zones
  • Do not share accounts
  • Use common sense
  • Play nice and don't grief

Don't loot mobs that don't belong to you unless the person/group that killed it gave you permission.

Just because I haven't listed a rule, doesn't mean you can't get banned for a certain action. Use your head, You know right and wrong. Don't be an idiot or you'll get banned.

Users police themselves with Fraps since Hunter works a lot of hours IRL. You can find a copy of Fraps very easy on the internet.

Be sure to get your easy to use copy of fraps, and keep the hotkey ready to record people. If your going to down an important boss and feel that a player may grief you, then record the fight. I know videos sizes are huge. If the boss event goes without problems, then just delete that 500 meg file that was created to record it. Users police themselves on here. Screenshots are nice, but hard to prove that someone traveled with a train since screenshots are well, static.

Have a nice day everyone!

Title: Re: Ninja Looting
Post by: Nova5555 on November 12, 2010, 09:52:45 am
Are you sure it's group only here?  ;)

oh dear!

I have 3 55+ mages on different accounts, imagine the fun I could have lol
j/k I would never do that but woah this is deadly if true.

Title: Re: Ninja Looting
Post by: Bhanshei on November 12, 2010, 10:03:12 am
I do have a question.... If someone was to really fraps people looting in FoB, CoM, Dulak, and even BoT... would you really expect them to get banned???  

Would the person who frapsed a bunch of noobs looting in FoB be the hero who ridded the population of future "ninja looters", or the villain for picking on noobs and getting them banned???

Would and should Hunter pull the trigger on the level 2 "ninja looters" in Field of Bone??

This is just a thought....as its Friday and I'm bored at work!  However, FoB is the start of where the "ninja looting" behavior is learned....

Title: Re: Ninja Looting
Post by: Fugitive on November 12, 2010, 10:08:03 am
You are not allowed to loot from an NPC that you did not kill. Even if the corpse is going to rot, then let it rot! You must get permission from the person that killed it, since they may have alt boxes that want to loot the items. You can try to justify and make excuses, but the end result will be a ban if you were not given permission. You've been warned.

Edit: Oh yeah, asking retarded questions will get you #revoked from ooc and tells.



http://ezserver.online/forums/index.php?topic=1100.0 (http://ezserver.online/forums/index.php?topic=1100.0)

as you I don't see levels or zones.. so it is a blanket.. just pass it along follow the rules..

It's not like the rules are this extreme shit that impedes peoples play time..
I also don't see a bunch of assclowns trying to pen noobs down.. the noobs aren't the ones looting, it's the people that know the rules and try to justify it magically in the tiny skulls that's upon their shoulders.

/meh I make it easy /loot /destroy anyway but I never leave guild instances no matter what the cost will be... /assclows=thesuck.

Title: Re: Ninja Looting
Post by: Firetoad on November 12, 2010, 10:12:20 am
2 examples :

- When I was in Dulak I couldn't find a necro helm . So I shout "If somebody sees a necro helm , pst ."
Instead of getting an answer that this would be "ninja looting" , I got a tell "Found helm there and there and if you see BST hands , pst" . Indeed I found BST hands a bit later and sent a tell .
Checking rotting corpses in Dulak seems to be common practice . According to the rule I understand that I and the person who sent me the tell should be banned . Probably almost everybody in Dulak should be banned too .

- In BoT I found my both bracers on rotting copses . Somebody pulled the whole east wing and there were dozens and dozens of rotting corpses . A person came after me and was obviously checking them too . Here again I understand that both the person and me should be banned . It is current to see a shout "Chest so and so rotting there and there ." If somebody goes and loots it he should be banned because he didn't check whether the person shouting was the one who did the kill .

OK a rule is a rule so I will try to respect it . But I will clearly not report if I see anybody checking a pile of rotting corpses . Of couse everytime I see the person who did the kill , I ask if I can loot once the timer is over .
But if I may to make a suggestion , I would restrict the rule to the ninja looting of bosses .
Generalizing it to yard trash rotting around can't be enforced and people will keep checking it . In Dulak and BoT that's obviously common practice .

Let me put this in terms a "Lawyer" can understand...

Example one: You are guilty of receiving stolen property
Example two: How do you know that person actually did not get permission from the person that killed those mobs to loot?

Trash is in the view of the individual, don't project onto others what you think trash is.

And this goes to anybody, if you loot corpses long enough without verifying with the person that killed the mob, someday it will cost you. Not everybody will report you, but all it takes is one person having a bad day and the sight of someone sifting through their pile is all they needed to see to put them over the edge.

Title: Re: Ninja Looting
Post by: Fugitive on November 12, 2010, 10:16:42 am

Trash is in the view of the individual, don't project onto others what you think trash is.


Title: Re: Ninja Looting
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on November 12, 2010, 02:56:36 pm
Tiny insignificant post.

I must say that I am mightily surprised .
I can be called a newbie as I only know Dulak and BoT - this is my first post here .
But I am a lawyer and there are 2 principles among others :
"Never establish a law that can't be enforced" and "Never establish a law without stating exceptions where the law goes against common sense ."

2 examples :

- When I was in Dulak I couldn't find a necro helm . So I shout "If somebody sees a necro helm , pst ."
Instead of getting an answer that this would be "ninja looting" , I got a tell "Found helm there and there and if you see BST hands , pst" . Indeed I found BST hands a bit later and sent a tell .
Checking rotting corpses in Dulak seems to be common practice . According to the rule I understand that I and the person who sent me the tell should be banned . Probably almost everybody in Dulak should be banned too .

- In BoT I found my both bracers on rotting copses . Somebody pulled the whole east wing and there were dozens and dozens of rotting corpses . A person came after me and was obviously checking them too . Here again I understand that both the person and me should be banned . It is current to see a shout "Chest so and so rotting there and there ." If somebody goes and loots it he should be banned because he didn't check whether the person shouting was the one who did the kill .

OK a rule is a rule so I will try to respect it . But I will clearly not report if I see anybody checking a pile of rotting corpses . Of couse everytime I see the person who did the kill , I ask if I can loot once the timer is over .
But if I may to make a suggestion , I would restrict the rule to the ninja looting of bosses .
Generalizing it to yard trash rotting around can't be enforced and people will keep checking it . In Dulak and BoT that's obviously common practice .


Title: Re: Ninja Looting
Post by: zomgDanyelle on November 12, 2010, 04:44:52 pm
>See this thread is still going...

Title: Re: Ninja Looting
Post by: Fugitive on November 12, 2010, 04:51:37 pm
yeah... dead horse made a comeback...

Title: Re: Ninja Looting
Post by: Tibador on November 12, 2010, 04:58:43 pm

Title: Re: Ninja Looting
Post by: Thyl on November 12, 2010, 09:08:35 pm
That horse is now a fine mist.

Title: Re: Ninja Looting
Post by: Boneman on November 13, 2010, 01:54:28 am
You guys are crazy and have misunderstood me.  I do not take things that dont belong to me.

I know I have ruffled a lot of feathers and have even cost some friendships but I still think my point is valid.

Why do you kill things and not loot it?  Why would you kill a deer and not track its dying corpse and pull it out of the woods and mount it or eat it or whatever?  Why motherfuck me for cleaning up you mess?

If you do not want its loot please dont kill it.  Don't just kill it and let it rot because you can.  Of course you can, this is EZ server.  Do not hate the player hate the game.  If you kill something and the corpse is open and you let it get that way than you are wrong to say I cannot loot it.  I am hungry and can't always kill my own monsters.  

If you kill it and dont loot it apparently you are not as hungry as I.  Times are tough and food/loot/cash  is hard to come by.  If you kill something and leave that tenderloin on the ground than that is your fault.  If you walk way from it  than you have no right to tell me what I can and cant do to the corpse.  Please just loot it and destroy it for crying out loud.

Long live the necromancer.

Title: Re: Ninja Looting
Post by: lerxst2112 on November 13, 2010, 02:14:44 am

I do have a right to tell you what to do with the corpses of mobs I kill.  It is spelled out in the rules.  Every time you post you seem to ignore the fact that the owner of this server says you cannot loot something you did not kill without permission.  Me leaving a corpse unlooted does not give you permission to loot it.

Title: Re: Ninja Looting
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on November 13, 2010, 03:35:57 am
Someone fraps this idiot ninja looting or make a ban bonerman vote. You have admitted this has cost you friendships yet you persist with your invalid points. Don't you realize that when the mass majority of the server disagrees with you that you may be wrong? What a douche bag.

Title: Re: Ninja Looting
Post by: Hunter on November 13, 2010, 03:47:00 am
Doesn't matter if you agree with the rule, only that you follow them. Loot something without permission and you will be banned.

Title: Re: Ninja Looting
Post by: curator on November 13, 2010, 04:04:42 am
I disagree with the rule, but follow it, against my undieing desires.  I would hardly call looting corpses that have been left alone for over 5 mins with no signs of people, ninja looting.  Ive seen it many times in LDON.  Bosses killed continuously for the tokens with pages rotting and people just go in and take the pages.  I don't mind it.  I would rather someone loot my corpses of things I don't want.  Wasn't too many corpses the reason for crashes in some zones?  I know the reason is to stop ninja looting, but it seems it is causing more problems.  Why not make the corpse unlootable for 10 mins by someone outside the group, and after that anyone can.  If someone leaves a corpse for 10 mins, I'd assume 99% of the time, the contents are unwanted by the killer.   

Title: Re: Ninja Looting
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on November 13, 2010, 04:51:15 am
Aside from the whole stealing someone else's stuff it breeds a mooch atmosphere. You find yourself killing mobs with 8 people around you waiting to loot your stuff. And no, they are not going to wait for you to bring your alt, or auction it off, or wait for guildy/friend. You would have people having to lock corpses to save it for someone else because hey, the new rule says 10 minutes and it is FFA. It would be adding too much depth to the rule. Right now, it is black and white, want it, kill it, want someone else's, ask them.

Title: Re: Ninja Looting
Post by: Moriah on November 13, 2010, 12:09:37 pm
I also agree that something rotting is better looted then letting it rot, hence I /ooc LOTS of my rots if they are in public.

BUT, I understand and agree with the rule because it enforces simple respect.  You may not be able to kill stuff Boneman and you may be more hungry, then really what you should do is be more respectful and ask.  Nobody is saying you won't be able to loot rots anymore, you just need to ask.  And if you are REALLY so hungry, asking should be a minor inconvenience really, else I don't believe you are as hungry as you say you are and times aren't as tough as you make them out to be. 

Saying you disagree with the rules is fine, but while I in principle disagree with the rule, I understand it.  My question is when is the last time ANYONE on the server said "No, you can't loot my rots, let it rot!"  EVERYTIME you ask usually the answer is either "No, my alt/friend/whoever is coming" or "Go ahead!"

All the rest of us seem to understand that you simply just ask and there is no problem.  You seem to be caught up with saying you are too lazy or disrespectful to ask.  And nobody here on the forums ever said stuff rotting HAS to rot! Just ASK!

Title: Re: Ninja Looting
Post by: Deadshade on November 13, 2010, 12:34:32 pm
2 examples :

- When I was in Dulak I couldn't find a necro helm . So I shout "If somebody sees a necro helm , pst ."
Instead of getting an answer that this would be "ninja looting" , I got a tell "Found helm there and there and if you see BST hands , pst" . Indeed I found BST hands a bit later and sent a tell .
Checking rotting corpses in Dulak seems to be common practice . According to the rule I understand that I and the person who sent me the tell should be banned . Probably almost everybody in Dulak should be banned too .

- In BoT I found my both bracers on rotting copses . Somebody pulled the whole east wing and there were dozens and dozens of rotting corpses . A person came after me and was obviously checking them too . Here again I understand that both the person and me should be banned . It is current to see a shout "Chest so and so rotting there and there ." If somebody goes and loots it he should be banned because he didn't check whether the person shouting was the one who did the kill .

OK a rule is a rule so I will try to respect it . But I will clearly not report if I see anybody checking a pile of rotting corpses . Of couse everytime I see the person who did the kill , I ask if I can loot once the timer is over .
But if I may to make a suggestion , I would restrict the rule to the ninja looting of bosses .
Generalizing it to yard trash rotting around can't be enforced and people will keep checking it . In Dulak and BoT that's obviously common practice .

Example one: You are guilty of receiving stolen property

To qualify that as "stealing" is clearly exagerated .
Are you really serious and do you think that getting a bracer on a corpse that has been lying for 15 minutes with nobody caring is "stealing"? I just checked again in Dulak . Have 3 names of people who were checking corpses . As I said - it is common practice . And it is common practice because everybody knows that nobody gets hurt by it . When I kill something , I have also no problem with people looting "my" mobs once the timer is over . I sincerely think nobody has . So unless it is forbidden , I would like to ask the rationale for there being no exceptions to the rule  and have a civilized discussion about it . Sofar nobody explained how somebody would get "hurt" by the examples I gave in Dulak and BoT .

Example two: How do you know that person actually did not get permission from the person that killed those mobs to loot?
Because I asked him . He told me that one should always check rotting corpses because some drops w
can take a very long time .

Trash is in the view of the individual, don't project onto others what you think trash is.

Fair enough . As I said I am a newbie and I have not invented this word . Apparently everybody knows what is trash in Dulak and BoT . People use this term . That's how I learned it . People seem to distinguish between "trash" and "nameds" and everybody seems to understand the difference .

And this goes to anybody, if you loot corpses long enough without verifying with the person that killed the mob, someday it will cost you. Not everybody will report you, but all it takes is one person having a bad day and the sight of someone sifting through their pile is all they needed to see to put them over the edge.

Well that's something that I have never seen yet . Generally people who kill a pile of mobs , check it and run away are clearly not interested . I have yet to see somebody sitting by a pile of corpses watching if somebody else would take  what is useless for him . But I agree what you say may happen .
Imagine that you go to Dulak and report every single person you see checking corpses without asking the killer ...
For me this is just a game , I use common sense , if I can ask the killer I do so , if he's not around and the timer is over I check the corpse if it is not a "named" .
If one day somebody blows a fuse over a group of pixels , ah well ...

Title: Re: Ninja Looting
Post by: Fugitive on November 13, 2010, 12:37:10 pm
pixels have feelings too..

Title: Re: Ninja Looting
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on November 13, 2010, 07:57:57 pm
Wow, how hard is it for people to understand that if you loot something that does not belong to you, you are running the risk of being banned? Sure, some areas are more risky than others. You can get banned for looting something that does not belong to you in PoG and you can get banned for looting something that does not belong to in FoB. You are more likely to get reported in PoG, but you are just as likely to get banned if reported. Stealing is a very defined word. Firetoad did not exaggerate the use of stealing.

People asking for justification or using the argument 'my examples aren't hurting anyone' are just simply looking to abuse a black and white rule. I think Hunters own words are best used to address those arguments.

Doesn't matter if you agree with the rule, only that you follow them. Loot something without permission and you will be banned.

But by all means, keep working on that reputation.

Title: Re: Ninja Looting
Post by: Fabdibikya on November 13, 2010, 08:23:06 pm
This really shouldn't be that hard.

It all boils down to the following things:
Courtesy, respect, communication, and honour.

Say what you want, mean what you say, do what you say, and for the love of all that is holy (or unholy, if you're evil), say "please" and "thank you".

Fuck around, and people will fuck you over and/or you will get banned.
Behave nicely, and people will carry you on their shoulders and make you feel like a giant.

Try it. People get Terrorantula and Quillmane killed for them the entire time without those people even knowing them. Entire 1.5 and even 2.0 runs are being done for free, simply because someone asked nicely and was patient and friendly about it.

You can be lifted all the way to Plane of Dragons level on the wings of kind people, if you manage to get into fighters'/casters' guild yourself. And hey, guess what? Almost any class should be able to get those items by themselves at lvl 70, or make the money for it by hunting wisps and selling two or three superior lightstones.

Just. Don't. Be. A. Stubborn. Asshole.

Title: Re: Ninja Looting
Post by: Ponzi on November 14, 2010, 05:06:34 am

Title: Re: Ninja Looting
Post by: Boneman on December 07, 2010, 09:43:02 pm
This really shouldn't be that hard.

Just. Don't. Be. A. Stubborn. Asshole.

I like that, hopefully I gave credit where credit was do.

Title: Re: Ninja Looting
Post by: Balthor2 on December 08, 2010, 07:59:18 am
This really shouldn't be that hard.

It all boils down to the following things:
Courtesy, respect, communication, and honour.

Say what you want, mean what you say, do what you say, and for the love of all that is holy (or unholy, if you're evil), say "please" and "thank you".

Fuck around, and people will fuck you over and/or you will get banned.
Behave nicely, and people will carry you on their shoulders and make you feel like a giant.

Try it. People get Terrorantula and Quillmane killed for them the entire time without those people even knowing them. Entire 1.5 and even 2.0 runs are being done for free, simply because someone asked nicely and was patient and friendly about it.

You can be lifted all the way to Plane of Dragons level on the wings of kind people, if you manage to get into fighters'/casters' guild yourself. And hey, guess what? Almost any class should be able to get those items by themselves at lvl 70, or make the money for it by hunting wisps and selling two or three superior lightstones.

Just. Don't. Be. A. Stubborn. Asshole.

I take the approach of ask nice and be not afraid to be told no. Whats the worst that can happen?

Title: Re: Ninja Looting
Post by: Boneman on December 09, 2010, 08:21:07 pm
You guys are exactly right.  I just like to question rules and see all sides.

Title: Re: Ninja Looting
Post by: Apology on December 10, 2010, 08:57:53 am

Title: Re: Ninja Looting
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on December 10, 2010, 03:54:25 pm
Well, I wasn't going to say anything but since someone else did I can't resist it anymore.

You guys are exactly right.  I just like to question rules and see all sides.

Wtf dude. You come here and your all like, loot your stuff or I'll loot it (but but not really me, I mean someone else might jack your stuff... yeah yeah, it's the gnomes that will do it, certainly not me). And then, like a month later your all, I was just joshin you guys, lulz. I just wanted to see all sides. I can not think of how dumb that is. I don't know if it is because I am not smart enough, or that I am not dumb enough to imagine the idiocy.

Title: Re: Ninja Looting
Post by: Ryvva on December 11, 2010, 11:26:53 am
I like the folks who walk up loot and when you ask if you can help them they say it was obviously rotting...

Title: Re: Ninja Looting
Post by: slaughterhaus on December 11, 2010, 12:46:33 pm
I like them too. I like to dream of a huge karma train visiting them at the birdbath 3 weeks later.


Title: Re: Ninja Looting
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on December 11, 2010, 01:04:48 pm
Those are just precious memories best captured on fraps. Or camstudios.org. (Shameless advert for a FREE version of fraps with unlimited videos).

Title: Re: Ninja Looting
Post by: Boneman on December 12, 2010, 05:22:04 am
This is crazy.  Why have you taken this out of context and tried to cause trouble?

I just cannot get behind wasting resources.

Title: Re: Ninja Looting
Post by: Smoka on December 12, 2010, 08:03:24 am
This is crazy.  Why have you taken this out of context and tried to cause trouble?

I just cannot get behind wasting resources.

It's simple. If you did not kill it, do NOT loot it.

Title: Re: Ninja Looting
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on December 12, 2010, 01:49:58 pm
This is crazy.  Why have you taken this out of context and tried to cause trouble?

I just cannot get behind wasting resources.

Nothing is taken out of context and you know it. You are supporting ninja looting. Myself and the most of the rest are against ninja looting. It is as simple as that. As for causing trouble? It was you who initiated the revisit. It's funny how in one post you said you were just looking to see all sides, suggesting that you weren't really into ninja looting but just the debate of it, (bs) and then you show your true colors by saying you just cant stand waste. You know what's a waste? A waste is a toon(s) you spent months building up but can not use because you got banned for ninja looting. Now that is a waste.

Title: Re: Ninja Looting
Post by: Boneman on December 15, 2010, 01:37:08 am

I dont advocate stealing.  Whats wrong here?  Whatever you do, dont question the man.

I wont feel right playing until we can agree.

Title: Re: Ninja Looting
Post by: lerxst2112 on December 15, 2010, 02:33:13 am

You just don't know when to quit.

Title: Re: Ninja Looting
Post by: Nomras on December 15, 2010, 04:51:43 am
if hunter puts the assasin quest reward rank 10 on a corpse i wouldnt mind being called Ninja!

rules are rules though! no flexiability ! no Merci!

Title: Re: Ninja Looting
Post by: Balthor2 on December 15, 2010, 06:40:34 am
Just stop posting. Everyone.
This topic is dead. Both sides are beating a dead horse.