EZ Server

General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: JDFriend on October 15, 2010, 03:33:01 am

Title: Frustration
Post by: JDFriend on October 15, 2010, 03:33:01 am
Hello. I'm not trying to upset other players but i have a question. Why can an enchanter not charm anything? and why cant a ranger go wolf form or use hail of arrows? As well spells like Holy Aura on pally dont seem to do anything. I get responses in occ, but they seem like bs to me, so thought i would post it here to see if someone has a real answer why?

None of these spells were post GoD era, considering ive been told that why alot of stuff doesnt work. Charm has been around since pre kunark. Im frustrated and id like light on the subject.

Title: Re: Frustration
Post by: Hunter on October 15, 2010, 03:53:25 am
Charm was being exploited and if I can verify that current source is fixed then i'd allow it again but would need some SQL code to remove the "C" attribute for npcspecialattacks codes from all NPCs. This server is not 100% like live, it's partly custom.


Title: Re: Frustration
Post by: JDFriend on October 15, 2010, 04:00:27 am
Hunter thank you for the response you gave me. Like i said in my early posts, i love it here, i love what you do for the server and what you work on to create content. The chanter thing i can see, have you seen or heard that wolf form doesnt work on ranger, i cant see that being an exploit issue. i got lame joke answers in ooc when i asked. And Holy aura doesnt seem to do anythng? Am i wrong or does it work without a buff icon?

I'm only asking to address it incase no one else has mentioned it for dev, I got answers like "thats why we jsut play pally's and war and clerics and shammy's" cause they are op.... lol... but i like rangers and chanters sometimes :)

Well, again thank you for your time and the information i got.

Title: Re: Frustration
Post by: lerxst2112 on October 15, 2010, 04:01:13 am
I rolled a ranger and went to the spell trainer and now wolf form, greater wolf form, and feral form are in my spell list under movement.   Are you unable to cast them?  Do you have the latest spell file?

As far as I know, auras don't work on any emu servers without custom code.  Only one server I have tried has them and they are a fairly recent addition.  Based on this information (http://www.eqemulator.org/forums/showthread.php?p=188520) it seems they are not supported emuwide yet.

Does hail of arrows work on other servers you have played on?  I don't know how up to date this information is since the thread is fairly old, but it sounds like it not working was an emuwide problem then.  http://www.eqemulator.org/forums/showthread.php?t=26116

Title: Re: Frustration
Post by: JDFriend on October 15, 2010, 04:05:21 am
I have em in my list no trouble at all i get the icon up, and i cast it and it says invalid something another. when i asked in /ooc, I was told cause rangers are broken and no one plays em. Yeah i have the same spells at 70, just for some reason i cant go wolf form or use hail of arrows, it casts and says interupted, even if im standing still in middle of newbie zone casting on a 80hp skelly, it doesnt go off at all.

Im using titanium, but i have the current spell update from last patch, was told it was only addressing SoD issues mainly, Titanium was fine, but now i cant cast wolf, and it helps with travel kiting etc, ill live if we cant cast it, but would be nice.

Title: Re: Frustration
Post by: lerxst2112 on October 15, 2010, 04:08:11 am

Could you cast it before the most recent spell file changes?

Title: Re: Frustration
Post by: Aname on October 15, 2010, 04:14:07 am
Wolf form has never worked for me either.  I use the SoD client. 
As for people saying bashing rangers, rangers are excellent dps and those same people will be rolling a ranger or two when they get to T3 and higher.   ;)

Title: Re: Frustration
Post by: JDFriend on October 15, 2010, 04:17:01 am

I didnt want to quote you but yes.... My first toon on live now 11 years ago was ranger. I love rangers, when played right they are deadly hybrids. Yeah wolf isnt critical i just came to address it 'cause asking anything too often in ooc gets retarded answers. If it is broken, maybe he can research the string, and see what is causing it. Im not asking for a revamp lol, just wanted looking into it.

Title: Re: Frustration
Post by: Aname on October 15, 2010, 04:18:53 am
JD, it would be nice if it worked, I agree.  But, rangers are still da bomb.   ;)

Title: Re: Frustration
Post by: JDFriend on October 15, 2010, 04:57:12 am
I feel like a noob, ok it works. it jsut doesnt override Bootstrutter's blessing, guess boot is faster. though i wouldnt know the %, but it does work have to click off bootstrutter or any sow u have.

GL and hope it works for you :)

Title: Re: Frustration
Post by: Aname on October 15, 2010, 05:01:34 am
thanks JD   :)

Title: Re: Frustration
Post by: Gnaughty on October 15, 2010, 06:41:18 am
OK its 3 am and Im tired so ill try not to sound too much like an idiot.  Hail of arrows does not work sine its a spell not an ability and cannot be done on emu atm.  Something like that was told to me by Secrets so there you go, and knowing is half the battle.                        GI Joe!!!!

Title: Re: Frustration
Post by: Secrets on October 15, 2010, 06:51:15 am
OK its 3 am and Im tired so ill try not to sound too much like an idiot.  Hail of arrows does not work sine its a spell not an ability and cannot be done on emu atm.  Something like that was told to me by Secrets so there you go, and knowing is half the battle.                        GI Joe!!!!

Hail of arrows is implemented *in latest eqemu*, and I did not tell you that, I told you the targettype is broken (which KLS fixed recently, the 'arc' type of spells)

Title: Re: Frustration
Post by: JDFriend on October 15, 2010, 02:11:59 pm
Secrets..... lmo at the last two posts, it was 3am and we were tired albeit. However, is it working or not? Because on my side using titanium, it doesnt work. Doesnt matter where i am or what i target. And maybe its a worthless spell anyhow, but I shall never know =)

Title: Re: Frustration
Post by: Isaaru on October 15, 2010, 03:10:56 pm
Hail of Arrows doesn't work on EZ.   

Wolf Forms work.   If you're having issues then it may be an issue with you.

Title: Re: Frustration
Post by: greenshag on October 15, 2010, 05:18:54 pm
Wolf Forms work.   If you're having issues then it may be an issue with you.

Casted (spell) wolf forms work, but AA wolf (guardian of the forest) doesn't work.

I think the first rank of it worked, but recently I noticed the higher ranks of it not taking hold on me. I'm not completely positive the first rank worked to it's fullest extent, but at least the illusion would take hold, and I believe the regen portion was working correctly.

The spell versions of wolf form just can't be casted if you have higher runspeed buffs already on, including Pack Shrew and Spirit of BihLi (buffbot buffs).

Also, after you get Runspeed5 any wolf form will slow you down, so the only reason to use it is for +atk, which is mostly just a waste of a buff slot on this server. Unless you actually like the barking sound every time you fire an arrow or swing your swords.

Title: Re: Frustration
Post by: Isaaru on October 15, 2010, 08:37:55 pm
Wolf Forms work.   If you're having issues then it may be an issue with you.

Casted (spell) wolf forms work, but AA wolf (guardian of the forest) doesn't work.

I think the first rank of it worked, but recently I noticed the higher ranks of it not taking hold on me. I'm not completely positive the first rank worked to it's fullest extent, but at least the illusion would take hold, and I believe the regen portion was working correctly.

The spell versions of wolf form just can't be casted if you have higher runspeed buffs already on, including Pack Shrew and Spirit of BihLi (buffbot buffs).

Also, after you get Runspeed5 any wolf form will slow you down, so the only reason to use it is for +atk, which is mostly just a waste of a buff slot on this server. Unless you actually like the barking sound every time you fire an arrow or swing your swords.

Didn't realize they specified AA.  Yeah, a crap load of AA's are broke and for no reason.  Good luck!