EZ Server

General Category => Shadowknight => Topic started by: Popeel on October 18, 2010, 06:33:35 pm

Title: SK Caster's Guild
Post by: Popeel on October 18, 2010, 06:33:35 pm
Ok, I wasn't expecting much when my SK joined the caster's guild, all I wanted was the pet weapons and the skill trainer. My only complaint is that my pet cannot proc the "Fireblade v2", not only can he not proc the fireblade but, he will also no longer accept any other weapons. I originally thought, "Oh he, can't proc the weapon that sucks, at least he gets the HP if its in his off hand. I'll just give him a fiery defender in his primary." but no, he will not accept the weapon. I think the level cap on the Fireblade should be lowered, so that SK pets can proc it, or the SK should be able to have a higher level pet, not necessarily more powerful just high enough level to proc the Fireblade v2. For the time being this really sucks for SKs. Another solution... probably the easiest, just give SKs the ability to use the Master's Ring.
Any thoughts?

Title: Re: SK Caster's Guild
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on October 19, 2010, 05:22:06 pm
This has been discussed before. Just be glad you have a pet to buff yourself with. That is about as good as that pet is or should be.

Title: Re: SK Caster's Guild
Post by: Popeel on October 19, 2010, 05:51:18 pm
I guess my point is this, If my pet cant use the weapon to its full potential, I should at least be able to have him equip the weapons of my choice. As it stands right now my pet cannot equip any other weapons except for the fireblade.

Title: Re: SK Caster's Guild
Post by: lerxst2112 on October 19, 2010, 06:39:21 pm

If you dismiss him and summon another that will have no weapons can you hand him different ones then?  I know my pets won't replace a fireblade with a different weapon once they are equipped, but I believe I've given weapons to fresh pets successfully.

Title: Re: SK Caster's Guild
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on October 19, 2010, 10:00:12 pm
I was wondering the same thing....

Title: Re: SK Caster's Guild
Post by: Popeel on October 19, 2010, 11:33:02 pm
Actually lerxst2112 is right! I found that I was trying to give my pet a weapon in a zone that my pet will not accept weapons in. As log as your pet has not equipped a fireblade yet he will accept weapons. Thanks lerxst2112!

Title: Re: SK Caster's Guild
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on October 20, 2010, 12:26:15 am
Glad you were able to figure that out. Kinda cool if you can keep the pet alive so he can dish out some small heals to everyone.

Title: Re: SK Caster's Guild
Post by: sohami on October 20, 2010, 07:39:04 am
This has been discussed before. Just be glad you have a pet to buff yourself with. That is about as good as that pet is or should be.

Not sure I agree with this.

In live they're meant to add a little utility and on-the-side DPS. Why should this be any different on EZ? /shrug. Feels kind of a gip, SK is a class with a lot of useful "on the side" time abilities like their spells and their pet and FD. However the only useful skill on this server is the FD spell.

Letting the pet be mildly useful (letting them use the v2 swords is a perfect amount of upgrade IMO) It would give them more uniqueness and more "class like" and less like a gimp warrior with useless spells and a free buff pet.

Title: Re: SK Caster's Guild
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on October 20, 2010, 08:15:38 am
I have to say when I played live I knew very few 65+ sk's that even summoned their pet. The few times I did see one with a pet people looked at them and said words to the effect of, 'wtf are you doing man, put that damn thing away'. At really low levels I have seen sk use their pet but the higher you get, the more useless it becomes.

Title: Re: SK Caster's Guild
Post by: Rakharth on October 21, 2010, 12:11:32 pm
i rarely used a pet on live usually suspended it till a boss fight then used him till he died to get a very little boost in dps.

Title: Re: SK Caster's Guild
Post by: Thalia on October 21, 2010, 12:52:28 pm
Sks pets on live sucked the higher you got, and it seems the same here they are great for low levels but once you hit a certain lvl or start gettting mobs that rampage the pet is useless nothing can keep it alive. only usefull thing about the pet here is being able to summon it and get buffs.

Title: Re: SK Caster's Guild
Post by: Firetoad on October 21, 2010, 12:59:03 pm
The SKs I knew on live only used their pet to help single mobs, not for DPS.

Title: Re: SK Caster's Guild
Post by: Isaaru on October 21, 2010, 11:22:53 pm
Another solution... probably the easiest...

The easiest solution is for Hunter to edit the NPC which represents your 70 pet and make it high enough level to proc the swords or edit the weapon to allow it to be proc'd by lower level pets.