EZ Server

General Category => Rants and Flames => Topic started by: GuyManDude on October 19, 2010, 12:17:50 pm

Title: Pliars - My apologies to Vaugh and other EZ players
Post by: GuyManDude on October 19, 2010, 12:17:50 pm
Last week I offered to help out Vaugh with Terrorclaw as I also needed it for my epic 1.5 run on my Ranger Pliars.  So I joined his group and we killed T/C.  I then went ahead and looted T/C of the book assuming everyone in the group got a copy (this was my first T/C kill) and promptly logged out without giving it much thought.  BTW, it took me quite a while to loot T/C because I had to figure out where to click him.   

The next day I logged in and did an /ooc to get a group to work on the 1.5 pages and got yelled at by a few irate players that I had ninja looted the T/C book from Vaugh who was supposed to get it.  Of course I sent Vaugh an apology, but I want to post the apology and explanation here where other people can see it.  I don't want my Ranger Pliars to not be able to progress because he got a bad reputation. 

Please rest assured that Pliars is not a ninja looter and that was a completely innocent looting of T/C.  I don't know why I didn't think to ask the group whether there was only a single copy of the book, but I didn't.   I guess becuase it actually took me so long to loot him, I figured I must have been last to loot him.

Anyway, my humble apologies to everyone involved.

Title: Re: Pliars - My apologies to Vaugh and other EZ players
Post by: Gunther on October 19, 2010, 01:27:16 pm
Seems honest enough, I can see a new person making that mistake.

Wasn't that how the loot was dispersed a long time ago in one of the expansions? Whole group would loot up 1 at a time and get whatever they needed? in other words it looked like one item on the corpse but each person could loot one?

I keep thinking of the goblin mission in Highpass that got nerfed years ago.

Title: Re: Pliars - My apologies to Vaugh and other EZ players
Post by: GuyManDude on October 19, 2010, 04:56:59 pm
Yes. Back in the day when I played EQ, it was very common for drops like this to appear as a single item but everyone in the group could loot a copy. 

Title: Re: Pliars - My apologies to Vaugh and other EZ players
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on October 19, 2010, 05:16:47 pm
This sounds legit. Hope everyone who saw the ooc banter also sees this.

Title: Re: Pliars - My apologies to Vaugh and other EZ players
Post by: Aname on October 19, 2010, 05:30:59 pm
Good of you to man-up and apologize.   :)

Title: Re: Pliars - My apologies to Vaugh and other EZ players
Post by: Demin on October 19, 2010, 05:48:36 pm
Seems honest enough, I can see a new person making that mistake.

Wasn't that how the loot was dispersed a long time ago in one of the expansions? Whole group would loot up 1 at a time and get whatever they needed? in other words it looked like one item on the corpse but each person could loot one?

I keep thinking of the goblin mission in Highpass that got nerfed years ago.

Dark Age of Camelot did quest loot that way (everyone on the quest got the reward in one kill).  He may have played that, too.

Title: Re: Pliars - My apologies to Vaugh and other EZ players
Post by: Reid on October 25, 2010, 02:56:16 pm
So the side of the story that Pliars wasn't privy to is: I came down to kill Terrotarantula for Vaugh, at his ooc request. I admittedly didn't see Pliars in the zone, or in the group until I attacked TerrorT. I saw him loot it on my screen right as I was teleporting out. Vaugh was notably upset, and I assumed he just got jacked. So when the ooc chat started up the next day, I was one to voice displeasure. I hate to say it, but I don't give anyone the benefit of the doubt nowadays. Ninja'ing happens, even on accident ... even I have been guilty of it (I play with lootnodrop on). So just let it be an experience learned Pliars. It is always best to ask what's going on when other's charity is involved.