EZ Server

General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: Gunther on October 19, 2010, 08:35:02 pm

Title: The Thank You Thread
Post by: Gunther on October 19, 2010, 08:35:02 pm
Exactly what the topic implies. If someone on this server helped you and you appreciate it let the community know. Hopefully it'll become a sticky for people to browse through.

I'll start.

Brogir, thanks for helping my noob out! almost a year of playing now
Ieawenpo thanks for that last 1.5 page I needed that got me started on my way
Therous thanks for helping me get a 3.0 flag
Gimpwar thanks for the T1 advice
Swamphy thanks for the excellent T1 armor and augs guides
And thanks to all for helping with my T2 questions in the T2 guide request last week!

If I forgot anyone sorry, theres just been too many helpful peeps out there to remember.

Play on!

Title: Re: The Thank You Thread
Post by: Fugitive on October 19, 2010, 08:49:11 pm
Thanks to my Guild, for putting up with me daily and making it fun to log in period.


few alts... (small amount)

Title: Re: The Thank You Thread
Post by: stricken on October 19, 2010, 09:00:53 pm
Needless to say thanks to Fugi  ;D for....XXX number of qvic runs and uncountable numbers of....everything. =D

Title: Re: The Thank You Thread
Post by: Therous on October 19, 2010, 09:04:16 pm
Therous thanks for helping me get a 3.0 flag
Swamphy thanks for the excellent T1 armor and augs guides

np at all with that, i'm glad i can make a difference by helping out even just a little =). and i'd also like to thank swamphy on that guide, i used it when i first started out, got all my RL friends to use it as well, and it helped tons. and also all the people i bug in /tell all the time to keep me occupied when there's nothing to do

Edit: Can't believe i forgot Sudrx, a LONG time ago he ran me through my very first Qvic run to get warrior flagged, and that started my progression completely. Thanks Sud

Title: Re: The Thank You Thread
Post by: Gnaughty on October 19, 2010, 09:47:56 pm
I get no love here :'(

Title: Re: The Thank You Thread
Post by: Cracken on October 19, 2010, 09:52:25 pm
        I would like to thank Compas for getting me my first real start. Mal and Rudo you guys both were the best. Also Crabthewall for giving us the info on how to drop Kronos after all those painfull hours. Cheers  ;D

~GL of Classic Composers

Title: Re: The Thank You Thread
Post by: Gunther on October 19, 2010, 10:08:21 pm
I get no love here :'(

Hehehe, I just didn't get to bug you yet!

Title: Re: The Thank You Thread
Post by: lerxst2112 on October 19, 2010, 10:27:38 pm
So many people to thank...

Kuniko (I hope I spelled that right) for help with my first 1.5.

Uxtalzon and Pedobear for just being cute and fun. :)

Crabthewall for scavenger hunts that led me to explore zones I haven't seen in years.

Gnaughty, for being purple.

Sudrx for helping me and so many others with MoW.

Simeon for LDoN 6 help and advice.

Yasuka for more help with MoW and putting up with my random EZNoob questions.

Therous for helping me with so many things like MoW, Qvic, Tacvi, 3.0s, and putting up with even more random EZNoob questions.

And all the other nice people that play here.  You may not have helped me directly, or I just forgot your name (I miss the friends list), but it is people like you that make it fun to play here.

Oh, and a huge thank you to Hunter for making all this possible!

Title: Re: The Thank You Thread
Post by: funkinmofo on October 20, 2010, 12:29:50 am
Hmm where to start:

Aname for being a sweetheart when i first started out and would pst her questions from time to time.

Fugitive for going above and beyond when it came to lending a hand. That 90 minute Qvic marathon to get my War all the plate pieces was epic and I shall never forget. The PoD tours, inviting me into Rage, and everything else I can't think of right now.

Dordaaf for being courteous when I gave you that 1.5, 2.0 run on your pally.

Dordaaf's buddy from Seekers of the abyss (sorry forgot your name) for being courteous when I helped you get page 9 and 10 for 2.0.

Believe it or not: Rostam for being fast and courteous when he gave me my very first qvic token run.

And everyone in <Rage> for being so damn fun:

Title: Re: The Thank You Thread
Post by: Bludlust on October 20, 2010, 12:52:46 am
I want to thank (not playing anymore) Gnomz and Shimian for getting me a big start on the server and keeping me interested in EZ!

Title: Re: The Thank You Thread
Post by: Aname on October 20, 2010, 02:27:53 am
Thanks to the original members of Slayers of Slaw who helped me out when I hit the wall known as Qvic.

Thanks to everyone in ooc who put up with my noobness and answered questions.

Title: Re: The Thank You Thread
Post by: sohami on October 20, 2010, 07:24:33 am
thanks to...

hunter... the server

uxtalzon.. my first qvic run..

and sadly, im terrible with names (especially in EQ) so thanks to the 15+ people over my lifespan of EZ that helped me/my alts with a MOW kill, quillmane, ldon, etc etc etc etc etc..

Title: Re: The Thank You Thread
Post by: Fugitive on October 20, 2010, 06:06:28 pm
That 90 minute Qvic marathon to get my War all the plate pieces was epic and I shall never forget.

we got lucky and got all the pieces in around 90 mins.. some people sit on it for days =)

Glad to have ya bro!!!!

I get no love here :'(

Thanks Gnaughty for MCP info and being a good mentor.!!

Title: Re: The Thank You Thread
Post by: Kishii on October 20, 2010, 06:10:11 pm
Thanks to Zeriag for being awesome and helping me tons and giving me my first real start on EZ.

Thanks to Fugitive for putting up with my many dumb, stupid questions your awesome bro.

Thanks to Nyzin (AKA Wargod) for dragging me through PoD and showing me the ropes there.

Title: Re: The Thank You Thread
Post by: Vadeem on October 26, 2010, 04:36:43 pm
Gnaughty for helping me get a cleric caught up when I realized my second toon was mostly useless (he was half awake prolly doesn't even remember).

Hunter for the server

Aampally (sp?) for being cool and doing extra during two page runs.

Lordlarwin always helping out

Ketamine for grouping fun. The old days of grouping for exp/loot were fun got a little of that back when we kill stuff.

The multiple people in /ooc who give usefull information when asked a question.

Acks been answering a lot of my questions. The more he has the right info the more I ask him stuff. Sorry about the Zerker thing....

Rippet for joining me on EZ even though he is a frog here.....

Title: Re: The Thank You Thread
Post by: nicemeeny on November 01, 2010, 08:42:37 pm
My toons and I would like to thank Gweedo for his help the other night!

Nadya monk
Drykaa war
Raogen bard
Kathryn druid