EZ Server

General Category => Suggestions => Topic started by: Drezden on October 20, 2010, 04:47:06 pm

Title: Post Your DPS Parse
Post by: Drezden on October 20, 2010, 04:47:06 pm
-) Noobie charm v2 ; 3.0's Anger IV/V(War),Mossy V(Rog,Ber) ; FG Buff w/self haste gloves ; Daggerfall Opening(Rog),Cry Havoc(Ber)

Practice Dummy on 10/20/2010 in 315sec

 --- DMG: 1367164 (100%) @ 4340 dps (4340 sdps)
--- DMG: 1367164 -- DPS: 4340 -- Scaled: 4340 -- Hit: 973500 -- Slash: 387710 -- Kick: 5954 -- Non-crit rate: 89% -- crit rate: 11% -- Attempts: 1782 -- Hits: 1782 -- Accuracy: 100% -- Avg Hit: 767 -- Max hit: 3000

 --- DMG: 1417231 (100%) @ 4499 dps (4499 sdps)
--- DMG: 1417231 -- DPS: 4499 -- Scaled: 4499 -- Backstab: 854856 -- Pierce: 562375 -- Non-crit rate: 81.8% -- crit rate: 18.2% -- Attempts: 1421 -- Hits: 1421 -- Accuracy: 100% -- Avg Hit: 997 -- Max hit: 18153

 --- DMG: 1183430 (100%) @ 3757 dps (3757 sdps)
--- DMG: 1183430 -- DPS: 3757 -- Scaled: 3757 -- Slash: 1022911 -- Hit: 160519 -- Non-crit rate: 79.1% -- crit rate: 20.9% -- Attempts: 1151 -- Hits: 1151 -- Accuracy: 100% -- Avg Hit: 1028 -- Max hit: 6000

Produced by GamParse v1.0.3

 I matched them evenly far as gear(T1)/haste and I didnt go full burn. I do have RoA,sorcerers,brawler,guardian for warrior. But not for boxes,so didnt try those. I'm using SoD client.

 I didnt know exactly what info to post or data.If more is needed can do.Can do longer fights if need too,these where 5 minutes. These are individual parses and not only collected on one char.

Title: Re: Post Your DPS Parse
Post by: Drezden on October 20, 2010, 05:12:40 pm
 Same as above except 10 minute parse and turned on misses.

Practice Dummy on 10/20/2010 in 613sec

 --- DMG: 2416445 (100%) @ 3942 dps (3942 sdps)
 -- DMG: 2416445 -- DPS: 3942 -- Scaled: 3942 -- Hit: 1812500 -- Slash: 594278 -- Kick: 9667 -- Non-crit rate: 90.7% -- crit rate: 9.3% -- Attempts: 3821 -- Hits: 3300 -- Missed: 181 -- Defended: 340 -- Accuracy: 94.8% -- Avg Hit: 732 -- Max hit: 3000

 --- DMG: 2208757 (100%) @ 3597 dps (3597 sdps)
-- DMG: 2208757 -- DPS: 3597 -- Scaled: 3597 -- Backstab: 1306081 -- Pierce: 902676 -- Non-crit rate: 85.5% -- crit rate: 14.5% -- Attempts: 2779 -- Hits: 2617 -- Missed: 162 -- Accuracy: 94.2% -- Avg Hit: 844 -- Max hit: 15478

 --- DMG: 2012199 (100%) @ 3267 dps (3267 sdps)
 -- DMG: 2012199 -- DPS: 3267 -- Scaled: 3267 -- Slash: 1700213 -- Hit: 311986 -- Non-crit rate: 79.7% -- crit rate: 20.3% -- Attempts: 2300 -- Hits: 2176 -- Missed: 123 -- Defended: 1 -- Accuracy: 94.6% -- Avg Hit: 924 -- Max hit: 6000

Produced by GamParse v1.0.3

 I've ran multiple parses and they all vary within +-75 DPS. I understand the RNG plays a huge part,thats why I ran so many parses.

 Swing attempts is throwing me off tho. I dont see how,consistently,the warrior gets that many more attempts than the rogue. Both duel wield,same haste,same gear,same related AA's. Poor berserker falls way behind in every parse.

 Lets say Warriors are where Hunter wants them and we'll use them as a baseline. Only working with melee here. DPS classes should top the warrior,maybe not substantially,but consistently. This adjustment would not need to come in untill T2,where customs start getting a lil tougher and you start getting class specific armor again.

Rogue - new clik on 3.0..adjust dmg/delay of 3.0+ to more in line with warrior dps
Berserker - adjust dmg/delay of 3.0 to be more in line with warrior dps

 I realize there are crafted augs,but someone shouldnt be forced to spend millions of plat to bring their char in line. For one the Warrior augs are easy to get and put the warrior over the top.

 I'm not looking for nerfs,thats why I'm using warrior as a base. I love my warrior,but I also play a rogue/berserker and I can see the huge disparities between. I havent even got the my poor wizard that i had to shelf. lol


Title: Re: Post Your DPS Parse
Post by: Stuls on October 20, 2010, 09:39:37 pm

Here are a few toons that I had in..  Ran through on the Practice Dummy in chambersb also for like 5 mins each.

Warrior (Full T2, 3.0's, Angry Nerds V X 4, ROA 100, Sorc charm 35)
   Single Target:
-- DMG: 5836234 -- DPS: 9353 -- Scaled: 7473 -- Hit: 4980000 -- Slash: 856087 -- Kick: 147 -- Non-crit rate: 89.3% -- crit rate: 10.7% -- Attempts: 3863 -- Hits: 3714 -- Missed: 149 -- Accuracy: 96.1% -- Avg Hit: 1571 -- Max hit: 9000

   Multi Target :)  (Pulling as many mobs in PoFire as possible hah)
      Wasn't sure how to combne the fights in GamParse, but the total damage totaled a bit over 272K over about 12 seconds.. I'll call it 22K for AoE awesomeness but really, the sky is the limit here I'm sure.

Monk (Full T2, 3.0's, Dmg Augs V X2, ROA 62, Brawlers 17)
-- DMG: 2232219 -- DPS: 4301 -- Scaled: 4044 -- Punch: 2176741 -- Hit: 49200 -- Kick: 6278 -- Non-crit rate: 52.2% -- crit rate: 47.8% -- Attempts: 2729 -- Hits: 2547 -- Missed: 182 -- Accuracy: 93.3% -- Avg Hit: 876 -- Max hit: 2175

Pally (Full T2, 3.0, Dmg Aug V, Brawler 2)
-- DMG: 2357777 -- DPS: 4115 -- Scaled: 4093 -- Hit: 1462080 -- Slash: 895696 -- Bash: 1 -- Non-crit rate: 88% -- crit rate: 12% -- Attempts: 1465 -- Hits: 1405 -- Missed: 60 -- Accuracy: 95.9% -- Avg Hit: 1678 -- Max hit: 12000 --

Mage 3.0 Pet w/ spell haste :)
-- DMG: 234372 -- DPS: 6010 -- Scaled: 407 -- Slash: 233244 -- Kick: 747 -- Strike: 255 -- Bash: 126 -- Non-crit rate: 81.5% -- crit rate: 18.5% -- Attempts: 215 -- Hits: 162 -- Missed: 53 -- Accuracy: 75.3% -- Avg Hit: 1446 -- Max hit: 2834

Title: Re: Post Your DPS Parse
Post by: Archaius on October 23, 2010, 04:43:39 pm
Practice Dummy on 10/18/2010 in 39sec

 --- DMG: 1177425 (100%) @ 30190 dps (30190 sdps)

Archtank (Full T2, 3.0s, Angry Nerds IV x4, Sorc 23)
 --- DMG: 496992 (42.21%) @ 12743 dps (12743 sdps)

Archmonk (Full T2, 3.0s)
 --- DMG: 278428 (23.65%) @ 7955 dps (7139 sdps)

Archpal (T1/T2, 3.0)
 --- DMG: 197209 (16.75%) @ 5478 dps (5057 sdps)

Archrang (Full T2, 3.0s)
 --- DMG: 135981 (11.55%) @ 3675 dps (3487 sdps)

Archbard (Full T2, 3.0s)
 --- DMG: 68815 (5.84%) @ 2150 dps (1764 sdps)

Special: 7: 7th yr vet G: Glyph K: Kiss S: Staunch X: Slain $: Saved by DI
Produced by GamParse v1.0.3

Was done against FG practice dummy, full buffs and over-haste song from the Bard.
Monk and Ranger (DPS halved because of root) are still lagging far behind the warrior.
Working on getting some of those damage augs though atm~ Should even things out a bit hopefully.

Title: Re: Post Your DPS Parse
Post by: lerxst2112 on October 23, 2010, 10:27:35 pm

You should test on the chambersb dummy so you can have a fight longer than 39 seconds. :)

Title: Re: Post Your DPS Parse
Post by: Drezden on October 24, 2010, 01:49:28 am
 Same basic setup. Didnt use staff for spell damage,not going for max dmg just trying to make them as evenly geared as possible.
 War-Guardian lvl2 - 4 x Anger V's
 Rog-Brawlers lvl 1 - Mossy Tundra V
 Ber-Brawlers lvl 1 - Mossy Tundra V

Practice Dummy on 10/24/2010 in 618sec

 --- DMG: 2010788 (100%) @ 3254 dps (3254 sdps)
 --- DMG: 2010788 -- DPS: 3254 -- Scaled: 3254 -- Hit: 1448000 -- Slash: 551738 -- Kick: 11050 -- Non-crit rate: 91.1% -- crit rate: 8.9% -- Attempts: 3612 -- Hits: 3144 -- Missed: 158 -- Defended: 310 -- Accuracy: 95.2% -- Avg Hit: 639 -- Max hit: 2000

 --- DMG: 2191023 (100%) @ 3545 dps (3545 sdps)
 --- DMG: 2191023 -- DPS: 3545 -- Scaled: 3545 -- Backstab: 1248311 -- Pierce: 942712 -- Non-crit rate: 84.9% -- crit rate: 15.1% -- Attempts: 2861 -- Hits: 2677 -- Missed: 184 -- Accuracy: 93.6% -- Avg Hit: 818 -- Max hit: 15478

 --- DMG: 2605119 (100%) @ 4209 dps (4209 sdps)
 --- DMG: 2605119 -- DPS: 4209 -- Scaled: 4209 -- Slash: 2351202 -- Hit: 253917 -- Non-crit rate: 78.3% -- crit rate: 21.7% -- Attempts: 2908 -- Hits: 2793 -- Missed: 115 -- Accuracy: 96% -- Avg Hit: 932 -- Max hit: 5000

 Warrior crit/proc rate was lower than norm,hence lower parse..off by about 500-700 dps from my norm,usually like the 10 minute one posted above.

 Will do more,with staff maybe.

 If ya notice the rogue is about same as posts above. The difference between War,Ber dps and Rog is dmg procs/click. Swing attempts is fine for rogue. I think the rogue 3.0+ damge needs to be adjusted,by about 10-15 imo Or backstab damage need adjusted up if thats even possible. I hate the idea of just adding a proc or dmg clik to adjust,but if need be.

 Wish someone would run some good parses for a monk, I don't have one to play around with. Monk,Rogue,Berserker are the melee dps classes,be nice to bring them in line for viable options to play. Then figure in the Ranger, Pally and SK ...

Title: Re: Post Your DPS Parse
Post by: lerxst2112 on October 24, 2010, 06:02:01 am

Monk - mix of ldon/qvic/tacvi gear - 3.0x2 w/mossy II & icestrike I.  Full buffs from raid buff bot and ancient power from clicky.

Fights are with the practice dummy in chambersb.

Practice Dummy on 10/24/2010 in 300sec
Using Guardian Charm Level 1
 --- DMG: 1459285 (100%) @ 4864 dps (4864 sdps)
 -- DMG: 1459285 -- DPS: 4864 -- Scaled: 4864 -- Punch: 1411206 -- Kick: 29473 -- Hit: 18606 -- Non-crit rate: 55.8% -- crit rate: 44.2% -- Attempts: 1981 -- Hits: 1856 -- Missed: 125 -- Accuracy: 93.7% -- Avg Hit: 786 -- Max hit: 2165 -- DMG to PC: 0

Practice Dummy on 10/24/2010 in 300sec
Using Brawler Charm Level 1
 --- DMG: 1455343 (100%) @ 4851 dps (4851 sdps)
 -- DMG: 1455343 -- DPS: 4851 -- Scaled: 4851 -- Punch: 1408535 -- Kick: 28472 -- Hit: 18336 -- Non-crit rate: 56.2% -- crit rate: 43.8% -- Attempts: 1979 -- Hits: 1821 -- Missed: 158 -- Accuracy: 92% -- Avg Hit: 799 -- Max hit: 2165 -- DMG to PC: 0

I'm surprised that the brawler charm didn't lower my DPS further.  With 2.5s and older gear with Cleave V just swapping between guardian and brawler was a ~200 dps loss with a much lower crit rate when using the brawler.  My current gear has Cleave VI which is almost identical to the brawler effect, so maybe that cancels the loss out.

Nindalf, why is your crit rate so low?  Do you have a charm other than brawlers you can parse with?

Title: Re: Post Your DPS Parse
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on October 24, 2010, 06:23:44 am
The haste, crit and damage modifiers on the Brawlers does not currently work.

Title: Re: Post Your DPS Parse
Post by: Drezden on October 24, 2010, 06:40:38 am
 Hmm didnt realize it didnt work,that really sucks and would change things alot for dps classes as well.

 So its either guardian or sorcerers for dps your left with. Ok for berserker maybe,but not so for rogue and others... Whats the fix? lol

Title: Re: Post Your DPS Parse
Post by: Fugitive on October 24, 2010, 08:14:08 am
Whats the fix? lol

Man, Hunter does have a lot on his plate he is fixing things little by little. This isn't live staffed by many programmers, This isn't live where every class is the the same, this isn't live...

Give some props to the recent changes.. take an adventure down the change log.

Also, read some stuff about the charms there are pages and pages and parses and parses...

again let's enjoy what we got.. I couldn't imagine a lot of people @ the beginning of eqemu life.. What only this many zones.. What only this many classes, what only this many spells BSBSBS.. This is ever changing and ever improving.

++++ EQEMU Dev Teams
++++ EQEMU Server Devs

also, he works many hours and no he is not going to allow any other then the selected few to touch his db. (this is very clear)

nor by any means I don't want to take away from your parsing please continue that's how we all say informed. The fixes are either in action or already in awareness.

Title: Re: Post Your DPS Parse
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on October 24, 2010, 08:28:12 am
Heh, it has come a long way since emu first started. I remember when there was 2 servers. Agro did not work at all, pathing did not work at all. The gm had to be on to give you new skills so the gm's on the beginning servers would ding you to 50 and give you all your skills when you saw them. Disc's didn't work for a long time. I remember the first day that agro worked. It was hilarious. To test it out I went to karnors castle. I got close enough to 1 mob, and the whole zone came after me, lol.

Title: Re: Post Your DPS Parse
Post by: Drezden on October 24, 2010, 03:09:33 pm
  I'm not knocking Hunter in any way,never have..and I know the man works 70 hours a week. Thats why I'm trying to help by running parses on the chars I have available to me. If the community pitches in and runs parses,tosses out well thought out ideas and suggestions and helps test some of the broken content,then its easier/quicker for Hunter to tweak/fix.

 Hunter even asked for parses a few weeks back,because I'm sure he doesnt have time,and yet no one has posted any but what you see here. But everyone complains.

 I mean if all this class balancing doesnt take into account the brawlers charm,then when it is fixed everything will be askew again.

 Anyways keep posting those parses ! lets see some rangers on auto-fire ! Wheres the pally/sk,need some of those too !

 My goal here and with these parses is not too see how much DPS your class can put out,but to get a general idea of where evenly geared classes stand compared to each other. Testing a ultimate charm,RoA 100 isnt what I'm after here,yet lol !

 I'd like to see more rogues,berserkers,monks and rangers in use,even as box dps.

 If you want your class looked at,then post some numbers !

 Thanks Hunter and the other devs for all your hard work !

Title: Re: Post Your DPS Parse
Post by: Fugitive on October 24, 2010, 03:53:55 pm

Title: Re: Post Your DPS Parse
Post by: lerxst2112 on October 24, 2010, 06:16:13 pm
The haste, crit and damage modifiers on the Brawlers does not currently work.

Can you help us actually test this so we can help Hunter fix it?

Here are parses of me completely naked except for 2x3.0 with no buffs so I can measure haste.

No Charm
Practice Dummy on 10/24/2010 in 60sec
DMG: 101548 -- DPS: 1692 -- Scaled: 1638 -- Punch: 97167 -- Hit: 3372 -- Kick: 1009 -- Non-crit rate: 90.8% -- crit rate: 9.2% -- Attempts: 232 -- Hits: 184 -- Missed: 16 -- Defended: 32 -- Accuracy: 92% -- Avg Hit: 551 -- Max hit: 1952 -- DMG to PC: 256

Brawler I
Practice Dummy on 10/24/2010 in 61sec
DMG: 162822 -- DPS: 2669 -- Scaled: 2669 -- Punch: 156945 -- Hit: 3138 -- Kick: 2739 -- Non-crit rate: 86.5% -- crit rate: 13.5% -- Attempts: 293 -- Hits: 237 -- Missed: 22 -- Defended: 34 -- Accuracy: 91.5% -- Avg Hit: 687 -- Max hit: 1968 -- DMG to PC: 365

Guardian I
Practice Dummy on 10/24/2010 in 62sec
DMG: 151253 -- DPS: 2440 -- Scaled: 2401 -- Punch: 146349 -- Hit: 3318 -- Kick: 1586 -- Non-crit rate: 89.7% -- crit rate: 10.3% -- Attempts: 298 -- Hits: 232 -- Missed: 24 -- Defended: 42 -- Accuracy: 90.6% -- Avg Hit: 651 -- Max hit: 1952 -- DMG to PC: 305

Clearly the haste on Brawler I is working, and I did have more crits with it than with no charm or guardian charm.  Without the #mystats command I can't know exactly how much haste was applied, but it would appear to be close to the 50% shown in the stats.

Title: Re: Post Your DPS Parse
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on October 24, 2010, 06:56:06 pm
Going to log in and run some parses right now. If the haste is now working on the brawlers that would be figgin awesome. In the mean time here is a quote from a post I made when the haste first went away. I will follow up with 2 new parses under the same conditions.

Ok I have figured out what is going on. Brawlers is not giving any haste at all. I did two parses back to back, one with 70 haste (T2 monk bp) and one with 137 haste, (brawlers 31). These parses were done with the same exact conditions, (minus the charm moving) and came up with about the same amount of dps, attempts and other stats. I did not make a video but if it is needed I can do it again and make one. My fps was 39/50 for the entire parse. It was done in chambersb guild instance with only one other toon in there with me. Below is the html pic from the parses and I am also ziping up the logs and posting a link to that. The fight with 70% haste was 301 seconds and the fight with 137% haste was 305 seconds. There should have been a strong and noticeable difference between 70% haste and 137% and there has been before.


http://www.filefront.com/17233390/Xiggies parsing data.rar

Title: Re: Post Your DPS Parse
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on October 24, 2010, 08:40:04 pm
For a moment I got excited. I am not sure where you are getting your numbers but you showed a 57% increase in dps from no charm to brawlers lvl 1. I did 5 minute parses on the practice dummy in a guild instance of chambersb. There were no other guildies on and I only had 1 toon logged in. The best increase I saw was a 9% increase in dps with the brawlers and that was me completely naked but for epics and switching out brawlers vs no charm. Though it is a bit of a stretch I think the 9% could be attributed to the RNG. With all my gear on, it was a 2% increase. These numbers are very very far away from the 57% you reported. Now, with no gear switching out to the guardians (lv 22 46% haste) my dps went up by 36%. That to me is substantial.

I say again, brawlers is broken. My dps with the brawlers should be somewhere north of 4700 with no spells but is instead 3613. I have logs but am not going to pretty it up to put the same boring information up here that I did months ago. I did save them and load them up to file front though and will provide a link. The logs are labeled. If anyone has any questions about the logs just ask away.


P.S. I would really really love to see this fixed. It would be absolutely wonderful to actually have even just the haste working on brawlers again.

Title: Re: Post Your DPS Parse
Post by: lerxst2112 on October 24, 2010, 08:50:34 pm

What level brawlers?  What is the reported haste on it?  You were completely naked except for the charm and no buffs?

Title: Re: Post Your DPS Parse
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on October 24, 2010, 09:58:05 pm
I had my 3.0 weps on. Brawlers is lv 31 but all the ones from 25 to 31 do not work. At one point they did but it does no longer. The haste is reported as 137%. The crit mod and damage mod has never worked. As a matter of fact, in ever parse I have ever done I get a very slight increase in crit % without the brawlers.

Title: Re: Post Your DPS Parse
Post by: lerxst2112 on October 24, 2010, 10:06:21 pm

Hmm, I wonder if it is just that worn haste over 100% isn't working.  Are there any other worn items that give over 100%?

The focus on brawlers is just a copy of cleave with higher percentages except for the line 12 effect.  It might be worth just removing line 12 and seeing if it makes a difference.

I think since we do not have access to the #mystats command to see what the calculated haste is on a toon there's only so far we can troubleshoot this as players.  I'd also love to see brawlers work, but I think it is going to take Hunter summoning the various levels, equipping them , and looking at the #mystats output to see where it's going wrong.

Title: Re: Post Your DPS Parse
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on October 24, 2010, 10:27:46 pm
Hmm, I wonder if it is just that worn haste over 100% isn't working.  Are there any other worn items that give over 100%?

If anyone who has a UC who is reading this cares to do a parse that can be answered quite quickly. Would mainly just need to see the difference in attempts to tell if the haste is working.

Title: Re: Post Your DPS Parse
Post by: Tibador on October 24, 2010, 11:43:08 pm
doesn't roa give 150 or the t2 bp ?

Title: Re: Post Your DPS Parse
Post by: lerxst2112 on October 25, 2010, 12:39:32 am

Ok, I investigated this a bit on my private server.  Worn haste over 127% will not work.

Here is the relevant code:

bonuses.cpp - line 293
	//FatherNitwit: New style haste, shields, and regens
if(newbon->haste < (sint8)item->Haste) {
newbon->haste = item->Haste;

Since the haste value is a signed 8 bit number, anything over 127 is a negative number and will not be applied.

I checked this file back to June 2009, and it has always been that way.  I would assume that if it ever worked it was due to custom code that is different from the eqemu sources.

Haste is also hardcoded to be capped at 100% for the sum of item haste, spell haste, and spell haste v2.  Spell haste v3 is added on top of that.  Allowing haste past 100%, excluding haste v3, would need to be done with custom code.

Title: Re: Post Your DPS Parse
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on October 25, 2010, 05:27:51 am
Hunter moved the haste cap higher, at one time it was anyway. At one time I was getting the haste benefit from my brawlers (at least lvl 25), spell haste, bard haste and bard overhaste. That is definitely way about 127%.

Title: Re: Post Your DPS Parse
Post by: lerxst2112 on October 25, 2010, 05:33:26 am
Hunter moved the haste cap higher, at one time it was anyway. At one time I was getting the haste benefit from my brawlers (at least lvl 25), spell haste, bard haste and bard overhaste. That is definitely way about 127%.

That is completely possible with custom code, but if at any time that custom code was overwritten to get new changes from the eqemu code, like for the blocked buffs and zone crash fixes, then the custom code would need to be redone.