EZ Server

General Category => Suggestions => Topic started by: Agilm on October 28, 2010, 12:53:26 pm

Title: Server population?
Post by: Agilm on October 28, 2010, 12:53:26 pm
I don't know if this is due to the server population growing now that EZ shows up as a legends server or not but camping for FG/CG items is now getting to the point where the lines get 5-6 people deep.

It took me 26 hours to get king's drop in lguk.

I'm finally 2nd in line at frenzy camp (guy ahead of us gave up), and Lord camp is 5 people deep.

Let me tell ya, I'm really looking forward to standing in ANOTHER line once I finally get a shot at killing frenzy.

So far I've watched this guy kill 10 or so PH's...

I understand camp's, and I understand the thrill of finally getting the item you need, but when you have to wait this long, it sucks all the fun out of it.

Cant wait to do it all over again for my Shammy box.........

My suggestion?  Lower spawn time?  Increase spawn rate of the actual mob you need?

Title: Re: Server population?
Post by: lerxst2112 on October 28, 2010, 01:19:39 pm

Make an instance.

Title: Re: Server population?
Post by: Agilm on October 28, 2010, 01:21:47 pm
Doesn't it cost like 100k to make an instance?

Title: Re: Server population?
Post by: lerxst2112 on October 28, 2010, 01:29:17 pm

Yes, it is 100k for 24 hours of a private guild zone.

Get some friends together, or just order pizza and take some No-Doze and farm every drop as many times as you can.  Make alts to hold extra sets.  Have a merchant toon selling stuff in the bazaar.

At the end of that 24 hours hopefully you'll be done in guk forever and have more than enough gear left over to sell and pay for the instance, or to keep for new toons when you roll them.

Title: Re: Server population?
Post by: Agilm on October 28, 2010, 01:41:05 pm
It's sad if that's what is required to get this crap.  I don't even have 100k....

A noob, such as myself just has to sit in line, for hours and days... watching someone else kill PH's for hours and hours, only to have to kill PH's for hours and hours myself to get what I need.

Maybe for people who's been here a while has that kind of plat laying around, but I don't.

Even if I did... who wants to camp a zone for 24 hours???  Who has that kind of time???  I sure don't.

Title: Re: Server population?
Post by: lerxst2112 on October 28, 2010, 01:51:40 pm

The point is that you have a choice.  I didn't have 100k either, so I farmed it.  Gems drop off mobs in several zones, including velketor and sebilis, and it doesn't take long to earn the money you need.

There are also many other parts to the fg/cg quest.  Farm those items and sell them or trade them for the items you need.

It's Everquest, farming and camping isn't going away any time soon, and these quests aren't meant to take a couple of hours to do.  If getting together these items is too much, then you're really going to hate the things you need to do to progress later.

Title: Re: Server population?
Post by: Boraxo on October 28, 2010, 02:06:23 pm
If you're only playing in prime time, yes it can be a pain, but try getting on the server in off hours a couple of times. Even Lower Guk is not camped 24 hours a day.

Or do what lerxst suggested and farm other items. There are lots of cg/fg items and most of them are not perma-camped.  You can sell almost any of them for 10 to 15K to people who don't want to bother. I can promise you that I could log on right now and have 10 fg/cg items in a couple hours without getting in anyone else's way.

Then buy your instance. Nobody says you hae to spend 24 hours in it.  If you can spend 8 to 10 of the 24 in there you will get what you need and have enough extras to more than pay for the instance.

It's not that hard if you think and put a little effort into it.  It may take a few days, but it took everyone a few days no matter when they started here.  It's supposed to be some work.

Title: Re: Server population?
Post by: Aname on October 28, 2010, 03:48:09 pm
A noob, such as myself just has to sit in line, for hours and days... watching someone else kill PH's for hours and hours, only to have to kill PH's for hours and hours myself to get what I need.

Even if I did... who wants to camp a zone for 24 hours???  Who has that kind of time???  I sure don't.

You don't have 24 hours but you have days and days?

Go farm the plat you need as suggested or don't.  The choice is yours.

Title: Re: Server population?
Post by: Ponzi on October 29, 2010, 12:43:50 am
The World of Warcraft is an excellent way to bypass the rigors of spending valuable time and energy making actual efforts to progress toward set goals....

Everquest always has  (and always will) work like this:

scamper around worry-free for about 3 days worth of glory soloing moss snakes.

hitting the wall where mobs hit harder than you do and needing heals and crowd control and strength in numbers.. ZOMG I NEED TO GROUP.

Hitting another wall where a group of buddies just wont cut it to match content (esepecially here where you need guild instances once you hit CG/FG/POD/EPICS etc). ZOMG I NEED A GUILD.. TAGME..

Eventually it all devolves into Complete Heal Rotations, Phone Trees, Ventrillo, and god knows what else.

But yeah, that's EQ in a nutshell, no matter what form of it you are playing.

The time of day you're attempting to do things plays a big part of how successful your runs will be... Running LDON at high noon PST is suicide, same with mid-day Guk farming or Sro/SKarana epic mobs... The quickest way to breeze through content is to do all your "camping" type stuff at off-peak hours, and whatever...

But yeah, look on the bright side, once you get done with CG/FG, you'll be introduced to the Hidden Banquet, which will likely make you want to kick puppies.. just in time to ... run qvic.... and eventually, be one of the 30 people in public Plane of Dragons T1 wondering why no one rolled a healer class, everyone needs plate drops, and why no cloth classes wanna come dps for them.

There is simply no need to "hurry", it's not going to magically get less grindy and ridiculous at any point of your journey. :)

Title: Re: Server population?
Post by: funkinmofo on October 29, 2010, 02:16:32 am

Title: Re: Server population?
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on October 29, 2010, 02:43:13 am
I'm on a horse.

Title: Re: Server population?
Post by: lerxst2112 on October 29, 2010, 02:47:49 am

This thread is now diamonds.

Title: Re: Server population?
Post by: Cracken on October 29, 2010, 07:17:17 am
      GO BACK TO WoW PLEASE. That is all.  ;)

~GL of Classic Composers

Title: Re: Server population?
Post by: Skorp on October 29, 2010, 08:05:07 am
Thank you Xiggie and lerxst, that was lol-tastic  :D

Title: Re: Server population?
Post by: Nova5555 on October 29, 2010, 08:58:47 am
I dunno how possible this will be for you but I park a toon at each fg/cg camp and just rotate through them until I find something open. Sometimes nothing is open so I weep a little and do something else...

Title: Re: Server population?
Post by: Smoka on October 29, 2010, 11:36:58 am
Go to City of Mist and ask if you can loot the mass pile of corpses. Mos ttimes the people there don't care. If they allow it, welcome yourself to thousands of plat worth of gems.

Get the quest for Bot and make 4k plat.

Look in these very forums for these and other suggestions on how to make plat.

Save up that plat. Buy your FG/CG items so you can stop bitching about camp times.

Title: Re: Server population?
Post by: Ponzi on October 29, 2010, 08:45:10 pm
For those who aren't nearly as whiny and simply want to make their FG/CG quest easier...

/w all soldungb
/w all oot
/w all highhold
/w all unrest
/w all seb
/w all perma
/w all dalnir
/w all mistmoor
/w all common
/w all jagg
/w all crushbone

bang that out when you are bored.

ONE if not MORE of those camps will almost always be open.. cuts down on your zoning time tons, and allows you to gauge whats the most effecive way for you to score some lewtz to either use in your quest, or sell/trade to grab the more annoying items in the FG/CG line.

It's what i always did.. Lord knows how many times i would cycle from dalnir to perma to soldungb to oot to.. etc.. was a great way to gather a little army of drops to sell in /auction and gain some monies.

One other bonus to killing Vox a few times : she drops Kav's Mystical Pouch, a 0.4wgt 10 slot 100% weight reducer, which means little to the server veterans, but it's a NICE little score for people new to the server, when money is tight and you can't spare 5k a pop for tinker bags.

But yeah, use the /w all feature a lot to target your camp spots. Especially during offpeak hours, you can make some serious progress to amassing some loots and starting to make serious financial gains toward buying quk loots and a QVIC run.