EZ Server

General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: Vinven on November 03, 2010, 10:18:28 pm

Title: So...
Post by: Vinven on November 03, 2010, 10:18:28 pm
Basically what I've read about this server, is the only thing anyone should bother making is a warrior or a cleric. Anything else will not do as good for tanking, dps, or healing. Is this true?

I finally made it to 70 on my Wizard (my first character), only to be informed that Wizards are incredibly bad and I should reroll. So I got a Shadowknight up to 60, then read that they are no good compared to warriors. This really just makes me frustrated. Not to mention everyone here boxes so it is impossible to find a group, and just enjoy some teamwork and conversation. Maybe this server is just not for me?

Title: Re: So...
Post by: Fugitive on November 03, 2010, 10:24:39 pm
There are lot of different classes.. Play what you want to have fun.. sheesh this same topic keeps getting rehashed.. This isn't directed @ you vinven.

You don't have to play XYZ to be top / No not every class is equal.. but hell it's a far cry from where it was when eqmu rolled out.. /enjoy

Next will be boxing vs non boxers..

The point of the server is to have fun and enjoy whatever you like to do...

Do wizzy's have great dps till t3.. not really are they fun to play sure...
Do Sk's have the best dps ...not really are the hard as hell to kill .. sure..

Title: Re: So...
Post by: Bludlust on November 03, 2010, 10:26:01 pm
Rangers are high dps, mages are good till Tier 2/beastlords too. Monks do well overall.  Paladins and SK's are very good T2+ there are more options than just warrior or cleric :)

Title: Re: So...
Post by: Fugitive on November 03, 2010, 10:28:43 pm
But remember War and cleric are pretty much the staples of most grps.. Stonewall is.. to say the least.. awesome..

If you don't like war/cleric make some war/cleric friends..

even the delay change on the zerker looks interesting..

Title: Re: So...
Post by: Brianlb on November 03, 2010, 10:29:51 pm
Basically what I've read about this server, is the only thing anyone should bother making is a warrior or a cleric. Anything else will not do as good for tanking, dps, or healing. Is this true?

I finally made it to 70 on my Wizard (my first character), only to be informed that Wizards are incredibly bad and I should reroll. So I got a Shadowknight up to 60, then read that they are no good compared to warriors. This really just makes me frustrated. Not to mention everyone here boxes so it is impossible to find a group, and just enjoy some teamwork and conversation. Maybe this server is just not for me?

My main is an SK and I love it. I don't have a warrior alt to use either. The survivability of the SK is really good, maybe the best. They don't do as much dps as a Warr or even a Pally, but they are still a very efficient class to play.  I don't know what a pally's heal procs are once you get oracle, but my SK when had oracle 11 consistently did 40k heals and I even saw 80k heals from time to time.

Title: Re: So...
Post by: Fugitive on November 03, 2010, 10:32:02 pm
 I don't know what a pally's heal procs are once you get oracle,  

@ max oracle focus and 3.5 or 3.0s looks like 42.4k group heals

but like others say pick what ya like stick to it make it "you"

We even have someone that plays necro's and bard's ... !? in the guild..even though as of late a little dusty... oh yeah we got that ranger too..

Title: Re: So...
Post by: funkinmofo on November 03, 2010, 10:32:46 pm
pally 3.0/3.5 with level 12 oracle procs a 24k group heal

Title: Re: So...
Post by: Otaduke on November 03, 2010, 10:34:41 pm
Pick a class you like and stick with it to the end game before giving up and pending your happiness in game on others opinions. How far did you get on your Wizard?

Title: Re: So...
Post by: Brianlb on November 03, 2010, 10:41:29 pm
If you can box your SK/Wizz combo, I know it's an odd combo, but I started as a SK/Ranger combo, have since added a Cleric & Pally.

And thx for the pally proc info, I wasn't sure what to expect from mine now that I just got oracle 1 and 3.0. But I appears the heal procs aren't near what an SK is which makes sense though w/the pallly's being a group heal and have better dps. But I guess is also the reason the SK survivability is really good.

Title: Re: So...
Post by: Bludlust on November 03, 2010, 10:46:28 pm
a SK may not be able to heal a group but self heals with lvl 1 oracle charm crit at 54k Hp

Title: Re: So...
Post by: funkinmofo on November 03, 2010, 10:48:20 pm
Reply to OP:

People are going the war/pally/cleric/ranger base team setup because its the most efficient. That doesn't mean its the only choice. You also have to take into consideration that Hunter is by no means done doing tweaks to the various classes. (he just recently tweaked Zerkers epics weapon delay)

Regarding your Wizard, keep at it. Lots of cloth rots in qvic/tacvi/t1/etc. Other than the odd person gearing up an alt, there is almost always cloth rotting on my kills so i can imagine what its like for everyone else.

If you are going to play classes other than the ones considered "bread and butter" and you don't want to box my advice is make the effort to either join a guild or form a guild. Try find like minded people who want to play things like zerkers, rogues, etc. A full group of "alternate" classes will do fine if you have sufficient survivability.

Do what you want to do and have fun. No one said conform to what everyone else is doing. Play and have fun, if its not any fun its not worth doing.

Title: Re: So...
Post by: Fugitive on November 03, 2010, 10:52:02 pm
Other than the odd person gearing up an alt

I think I just got called odd...


But agree with all the other very supportive posts here.. Pick your class and make it "YOU" it's the char we remember not some mindless AI warrior... .... er....

Give me hit in game we can run qvic a few laps... or something.. see how many times I can get ya killed AAs and some tokens or something

Title: Re: So...
Post by: funkinmofo on November 03, 2010, 10:54:07 pm
Other than the odd person gearing up an alt

I think I just got called odd...


But agree with all the other very supportive posts here.. Pick your class and make it "YOU" it's the char we remember not some mindless AI warrior... .... er....

Give me hit in game we can run qvic a few laps... or something.. see how many times I can get ya killed AAs and some tokens or something

Hehe take him up on his offer...but wait til Hunter sends system message making guilds. The lag usually ends up killing Fugi when he runs the tunnels :p (muhahahahaha)

Title: Re: So...
Post by: Fugitive on November 03, 2010, 10:55:06 pm
Only cause I have like 50 trash and 5 or so bosses following me..  :o

(have to justify death in qvic heh)

Title: Re: So...
Post by: funkinmofo on November 03, 2010, 10:56:54 pm
5 bosses, 50 trash and Sandworm decides to slide on by just as you exit tunnels...

Title: Re: So...
Post by: Vinven on November 03, 2010, 11:01:39 pm
Thank you. I do not box myself, I really only like playing one character, but I will stick with my sk and wiz. I was having a lot of fun on my sk. Myy wiz is fun too I just ended up dying a lot due to root breaking or getting adds, which is why I was trying to find a group.

Title: Re: So...
Post by: Gnaughty on November 03, 2010, 11:32:46 pm
Until recently wizards were bottom of the heap on dps but now the T3 spell hits very hard.  Which is why I am making a few alts wizards.  Stick at what you like man, SK is hella fun as well as a paladin.  My paladin crit heals his group for 93k hp's and that goes off every few seconds its just spam blasts of healing goodness.  Play any of those classes and have fun or maybe play pme pf the pet classes?  I started here a year and a half ago with a little gnome mage named Homey which I loved to death because I could just kick ass on BoT solo.  Send me a tell in game deuring the day I'm usually on wither Gnaughty or my warrior Boshog.  I'll throw some love our way big daddy ok.

Title: Re: So...
Post by: Aname on November 04, 2010, 04:49:29 am
.. oh yeah we got that ranger too..

I saw that.  (http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j167/Ayrianth/emotes/hobbyhorse-1.gif)

Title: Re: So...
Post by: Balthor2 on November 04, 2010, 09:14:45 am
Reply to OP:

People are going the war/pally/cleric/ranger base team setup because its the most efficient. That doesn't mean its the only choice. You also have to take into consideration that Hunter is by no means done doing tweaks to the various classes. (he just recently tweaked Zerkers epics weapon delay)

Regarding your Wizard, keep at it. Lots of cloth rots in qvic/tacvi/t1/etc. Other than the odd person gearing up an alt, there is almost always cloth rotting on my kills so i can imagine what its like for everyone else.

If you are going to play classes other than the ones considered "bread and butter" and you don't want to box my advice is make the effort to either join a guild or form a guild. Try find like minded people who want to play things like zerkers, rogues, etc. A full group of "alternate" classes will do fine if you have sufficient survivability.

Do what you want to do and have fun. No one said conform to what everyone else is doing. Play and have fun, if its not any fun its not worth doing.

OP: Your fucked dude.
Hunter once stated that he thought it was bullshit players only used war/clr and war/clr/rng and that other classes should be used as well.
Since that time Paladins got fixed and its now war/clr/pal/rng however most other classes got ignored or got bent over and stuck in the ass hard.
Blame it on the retards that played like dicks and crashed zones on people on purpose. <Final Dream>, <China> and shit spring to mind.

However its not that hard of a game to 'beat' using oddball classes. I mean shit look at that ugly gnome gnaughty he played wack classes for a very long time and was cool to chill with.
If you really like the combo you have atm dont worry about it, play those classes and just have fun. At some point in time you either have a good rep and get hooked up or you have made friends and gotten hooked up.