EZ Server

General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: JalCristofel on November 05, 2010, 04:47:07 pm

Title: Funny bug in BoT instance (loading infinite loop)
Post by: JalCristofel on November 05, 2010, 04:47:07 pm
Hi guys

Just found an infinite loading loop in a BoT instance ;)
Part of the lower zone where you have all the thunderish elevators & porters back to the mini dungeon entrance.
From an instanced BoT zone, the porter you have when you go left from the entrance will port you back to BoT public / load you back to your instance / back to BoT public ... ad nauseam.
I'm not sure of the exact issue but the effect is there: a loading loop with no end :)
I did not have the chance to test other porters of the same type either.

I tried to exit game and enter back with on my toon, same issue atm.
I guess I will wait a few hours to check if the timeout/destruction of my private instance will stop the infinite loop.
Meanwhile, I guess EZ Server just told me that it was time to quit for tonite (GMT+1 here/ almost 11pm).

Title: Re: Funny bug in BoT instance (loading infinite loop)
Post by: elricward on November 05, 2010, 04:59:43 pm
I've had this problem a few times as well. When going through the port up on the wind side in an instance you'll get stuck an infinite loading loop.

I just ended up using the character move to get the toon out.
<--------------   It's over there on the left under EZ Server Tools

Title: Re: Funny bug in BoT instance (loading infinite loop)
Post by: Kreemo on November 05, 2010, 05:43:05 pm
Yep that's happened to me too. Had to use the character mover, make sure you use A Capitol letter at the start of your character name and I think username too.

I think it's a bug in the instance that is here to stay so don't use that side in a bot instance.