EZ Server

General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: Hunter on November 11, 2010, 03:14:36 am

Title: Paladin Crash ??
Post by: Hunter on November 11, 2010, 03:14:36 am
Which Epic? 1hs or 2nd? Augs? Any 3rd party like MQ or isboxer? Proc or click? Details please.

Title: Re: Paladin Crash ??
Post by: Medic on November 11, 2010, 04:54:31 am
using 3.0, not WinEq not MQ2 just my machine.

Right click it once seems to be no issue.  Click it a second time its over and done with it goes down.

Title: Re: Paladin Crash ??
Post by: Likkety on November 11, 2010, 06:00:59 am
Is it happening in all zones? My wife clicked hers in PoD instance a few times and no crash. 3.0 2HS, DPS aug on it, MQ2 and Wineq running with 3 other boxes.

Title: Re: Paladin Crash ??
Post by: lerxst2112 on November 11, 2010, 07:02:15 am
To be most clear with this I think we need to answer specific questions:

1) Which weapon including any augments and if it is 1h or 2h.
2) What zone?
3) What were you fighting?
4) Did your client crash or did the entire zone crash?
5) What time? (Be as exact as possible so logs can potentially be looked at)

From Medic's post I can't tell if just his client crashes or if the zone crashes.

I've also never seen a zone crash from clicking my 2H 3.0 in PoD.  I hesitate to test in other zones right now without instances since I don't want to crash potimea or qvic with a bunch of people in it.

I've had zone crashes in ldon and potimea.  I tested a bunch today in various zones including ldon 3 on mobs and both bosses and wasn't able to crash the zone.  I know I have in the past, but it may have been with a 2H 2.5.

I'm not going to get another epic just for testing, so if someone has a 2.5 it would be worth trying on ldon mobs & bosses and potimea mobs & bosses.

Title: Re: Paladin Crash ??
Post by: Jiponar on November 11, 2010, 10:31:49 am
This is relatively simple, whether I click my 2h or my 1h it crashes the whole zone for everyone in LDoN. All I use is WinEQ most the time but I have done it on regular client too. The flagged zones are definitely safe, I have never crashed Tacvi or Dragons. I don't bother messing with it in qvic cause I dont wanna risk it with all the adds in  there.

It seems to only crash zones that have stunnable mobs.

Title: Re: Paladin Crash ??
Post by: lerxst2112 on November 11, 2010, 11:28:54 am
This is relatively simple, whether I click my 2h or my 1h it crashes the whole zone for everyone in LDoN.

2.5? 3.0? Which?
Have you done it lately so the log file could be looked at?

Title: Re: Paladin Crash ??
Post by: Haterade on November 11, 2010, 12:29:11 pm
never had a problem with 1.5-2.5 crashing the zone, so its 3.o for sure, i use MQ2 and WinEQ2, life tap aug from fear, the 2k hp 20dmg aug from PoDragons. Seems ti for sure crash everything pre qvic, and qvic it crashes about 1 out of 5 uses, i have never had it crash  tacvi or PoDragons, using the 2hder, dont know if this is the same with his 1hder since i dont ever use it.

Title: Re: Paladin Crash ??
Post by: Drezden on November 11, 2010, 01:56:44 pm
 I'll have 2.5 later today,will test it before i do 3.0.
 As for 2.0 I ran thru ldon last night looking for oracle charm,never crash using 2hand 2.0 on SoD client. Stuff was dying pretty fast so I dont know if I recreated the same scenario.

 I'd be willing to meet someone with the crash problem and test see if it crashes me out. Just let me know.

Title: Re: Paladin Crash ??
Post by: Microdia on November 11, 2010, 04:45:20 pm
There has been days where I can click the 3.0 non stop and never crash.  Other times it crashes every other click.  In my experience it seems to crash a lot more often if it's clicked with a train of mobs on you then you click.

Title: Re: Paladin Crash ??
Post by: Demin on November 11, 2010, 04:49:15 pm
Why not just change them to weaker loh?  The loh aa doesn't work in sod anyway.

Title: Re: Paladin Crash ??
Post by: Kushie on November 11, 2010, 04:54:15 pm
2.5 was crashing sebilis as a 1 hander. The clicky effect would only crash the zone if the mob had more HP than i could handle before the effect wore off.

3.0 does the same.

Both 1 handers. I never tried 2 hander, but 1 hander is crashing.

I would get zone connect: sebilis.

I also did this in plane of time. Crashed time twice on accident before I realized it was me.

2.5 and 3.0. I run multiquest on titanium.

Title: Re: Paladin Crash ??
Post by: Thebone on November 11, 2010, 05:01:00 pm
I run 2 pallys and have never had any prob with clicking the epic even clicking 2 pallys and a monk epic at the same time every refresh... This has to be something on your end not server side... The server cant pick and chose who it wants to crash...

Also have you turned all spell effects off?

Title: Re: Paladin Crash ??
Post by: Drezden on November 11, 2010, 06:03:30 pm
 Got 2.5 went on oracle run for about an hour,couldnt make it crash me. Got 3.0 did same thing,same results. I couldnt make it crash me. This is with SoD and spell/particle effects off if it matters.

Title: Re: Paladin Crash ??
Post by: Hunter on November 11, 2010, 06:05:56 pm
Which Clients are people using? Titanium? SoF? SoD?

Title: Re: Paladin Crash ??
Post by: Thebone on November 11, 2010, 06:10:12 pm
I run Titanium with no crashes

Title: Re: Paladin Crash ??
Post by: Fugitive on November 11, 2010, 06:36:22 pm
run Titanium and SoD on 2 machines no issues..

Title: Re: Paladin Crash ??
Post by: Tanathos on November 11, 2010, 06:54:07 pm
Which Clients are people using? Titanium? SoF? SoD?

I use SOD and have noticed it crashes my paladin in LDON when I use his clicky. I am not sure of other zones cause I have not crashed in any those yet while using his epic.

This crash doesn't crash the whole zone it only crashes your client, it will show on the latency meter as 100% connected then gradually go down to 0 connection.

So my boxes stay in zone if they are with me, this happens only in LDON I noticed on paladin clicky and it happens with 2hander or the 2hander and noticed it started for me with 2.5 epic up to 3.0.

Also I noticed the crash happens in LDON when you have 5 to 10 mobs on you, if you use clicky like I said it lags you down to 0 connection, you just sit at screen frozen after like 10seconds after you used the clicky and are killing 5-10 mobs.

Title: Re: Paladin Crash ??
Post by: krujo81 on November 11, 2010, 07:09:42 pm
I run Titanium have had no Issues with any of my pally epics crashing any zone

Title: Re: Paladin Crash ??
Post by: Dawgrin on November 12, 2010, 12:23:02 pm
I run titanium and have had my 1 hand 3.0 pally epic crash in Tacvi, PoTime, and Qvic

Title: Re: Paladin Crash ??
Post by: lerxst2112 on November 12, 2010, 01:11:46 pm

When you guys say "crash" do you mean only you or the whole zone?  I personally have never experienced a "just me" crash, it is always the whole zone that dies.

Title: Re: Paladin Crash ??
Post by: krujo81 on November 12, 2010, 01:19:18 pm

Title: Re: Paladin Crash ??
Post by: Jiponar on November 12, 2010, 06:40:16 pm
This is relatively simple, whether I click my 2h or my 1h it crashes the whole zone for everyone in LDoN.

2.5? 3.0? Which?
Have you done it lately so the log file could be looked at?

3.0 for sure crashed LDoN every time I use it

1.5 for sure crashed BoT

I don't keep a log file going at all times. But I could easily go in and reproduce this bug with 100% effectiveness.

Title: Re: Paladin Crash ??
Post by: sadit on November 13, 2010, 12:32:59 pm
The Paladin 3.0 Epic at least, does have an added stun proc as well that floods the server ,and everything is immune to, im thinking its from an overflow of packets as I notice that proc speed is also increased, and not the amount of hp's healed. I like the procrate and only use it when im close to dieing, however, it does not always crash the server, only when used repeatedly. It could just be that the proc rate is higher than the server expected from the client, so the client talks faster than the server, and the server jsut quits listening.

Title: Re: Paladin Crash ??
Post by: Medic on November 13, 2010, 01:19:26 pm
1) Which weapon including any augments and if it is 1h or 2h.

1h no augs - 3.0 Epic

2) What zone?


3) What were you fighting?

various trash mobs

4) Did your client crash or did the entire zone crash?

Cannot tell however all my toons in the zone would crash

5) What time? (Be as exact as possible so logs can potentially be looked at)

don't recall

Title: Re: Paladin Crash ??
Post by: sadit on November 13, 2010, 01:43:45 pm
1) Which weapon including any augments and if it is 1h or 2h.

 2hs 3.0 with or Without Augs (Using Mossy V now though)
2) What zone?
Ive Crashed LDON 4 LDON 5 QVIC TACVI PODRAGONS POTIME and maybe a couple others.

3) What were you fighting?
Anything from Bosses - Trash Doesnt Matter

4) Did your client crash or did the entire zone crash?
Zone loses Connection,  Corpses Dissapear. Client reverts to Login Screen

5) What time? (Be as exact as possible so logs can potentially be looked at)
Last Time it happened to me was 11/12/2010 @ approx 11:47 Alaska standard time. Which is like 3:47am Eastern

Title: Re: Paladin Crash ??
Post by: JDFriend on November 13, 2010, 04:53:13 pm
OK, glad you posted this article, I found like you i cannot click my pally 3.0 in ldon ever, or time, or bot, and ow Tacvi, first boss 60% into it i decided to click it 5sec later we went ld, guild instance, so i know i think anyhow i iddnt crash anyone else. if i did sorry, its my epic, should be able to click it.

Anyow it works in pod fine, i can click it all day anywhere, have no issue, no clue why some zones dont like it and otehrs do, and why does it matter anyhow, its a self buff and dd proc with stun? how hard is it to make that a spell mobs recognize, im not sure why instances crash then.

Im no help, but anyhow thats what happened.

Title: Re: Paladin Crash ??
Post by: Drezden on November 18, 2010, 05:07:41 am
Whelp! I guess I jinxed myself lol. Tonight I crashed twice,back to back in PoD instance,becuase of the pally epic click crash I think.

 I been clicking it a lot more over past couple days,twice on some mob and its that second click that crashes me.

 2-hand 3.0 with mossy V using SoD client, PoD instance. Fighting trash,crashed all 6 of my toons,relogged em all back in and very next trash done same thing. I stopped using click the rest of the night and had no more crashes. Dont know if zone or client, I didnt drop to char select or desktop, it just did the slowly lagging out thing on lag meter so I just /q when it got below 50%. Early AM CST, pop. was at around 150 when I logged in i think.

Title: Re: Paladin Crash ??
Post by: Aname on November 18, 2010, 07:58:56 am

<thread hijack>

He said WHELP!

</tread hijack>

Title: Re: Paladin Crash ??
Post by: funkinmofo on November 18, 2010, 01:45:41 pm
Was in PoD for hours last night and used both my pally epic clicks and never crashed once. Running them on Titanium, using mq2 for stick and wineq for screen switch hotkeys.