EZ Server

General Category => Suggestions => Topic started by: Demin on November 11, 2010, 06:11:41 pm

Title: Save me from carpal tunnel
Post by: Demin on November 11, 2010, 06:11:41 pm
I have no idea if this is doable (it MUST be) or how difficult it is.  I also know that it's a fairly minor thing

Anyway...wouldn't it be neat if, when combining the stones from HoH, instead of having to do two at a time, you could put 100 reds in the magic box, hit combine and it would give you a stack of 50 orange?  Do that again and you get 25 yellow, etc...

My arm would love this.

Title: Re: Save me from carpal tunnel
Post by: Solbash on November 11, 2010, 06:14:47 pm
I have no idea if this is doable (it MUST be) or how difficult it is.  I also know that it's a fairly minor thing

Anyway...wouldn't it be neat if, when combining the stones from HoH, instead of having to do two at a time, you could put 100 reds in the magic box, hit combine and it would give you a stack of 50 orange?  Do that again and you get 25 yellow, etc...

My arm would love this.

Title: Re: Save me from carpal tunnel
Post by: Tibador on November 11, 2010, 09:38:59 pm
Ya that would be awesome.

Title: Re: Save me from carpal tunnel
Post by: Fugitive on November 11, 2010, 09:50:56 pm

Title: Re: Save me from carpal tunnel
Post by: krujo81 on November 11, 2010, 10:11:08 pm
Maybe 10 = 5 but don't think stacked items work in a combine container

Title: Re: Save me from carpal tunnel
Post by: Fugitive on November 11, 2010, 10:18:27 pm
could always make a npc to turn them into and get xxx back..

Title: Re: Save me from carpal tunnel
Post by: Demin on November 11, 2010, 10:20:27 pm
Maybe 10 = 5 but don't think stacked items work in a combine container

I know the stacked stones don't work....that is what I am asking for.  It is not too hard to rack up a ton of stones in HoH. End up with 200 reds, and it's a crap load of clicking to get them all to cyans.  

Pickup one red, drop it in magic box. Pickup second red, drop it in magic box. Hit combine, have orange on cursor, put orange in inventory.  That is six clicks for every two stones.  200 reds become 100 orange, become 50 yellow, become 25 green, become 12 cyans with one left over.  That's a lot of clicking.  

Anyway, it's in the suggestions forum. Just something that would be awesome to have.  

Title: Re: Save me from carpal tunnel
Post by: krujo81 on November 11, 2010, 10:59:14 pm
Maybe 10 = 5 but don't think stacked items work in a combine container

I know the stacked stones don't work....that is what I am asking for.  It is not too hard to rack up a ton of stones in HoH. End up with 200 reds, and it's a crap load of clicking to get them all to cyans.  

Pickup one red, drop it in magic box. Pickup second red, drop it in magic box. Hit combine, have orange on cursor, put orange in inventory.  That is six clicks for every two stones.  200 reds become 100 orange, become 50 yellow, become 25 green, become 12 cyans with one left over.  That's a lot of clicking.  

Anyway, it's in the suggestions forum. Just something that would be awesome to have.  

Dont think you understand what i was saying STACKED ITEMS of any type WONT work in a combiner it will see a stack of 100 the same as if it was just 1 item so in the end 200 stacked side by side would still only get you 1 orange stone, this is something that cant be changed its client side. however you can return 10 for 5 because you can stack items on the cursor

Title: Re: Save me from carpal tunnel
Post by: Ponzi on November 11, 2010, 11:11:56 pm

So? I can't think of an easier way than that to "reduce the number of stones in ones' inventory"  ;)

Title: Re: Save me from carpal tunnel
Post by: Tibador on November 11, 2010, 11:19:35 pm
He could put a vendor in just like Ldon that give you X amount for Y amount of stones.

Title: Re: Save me from carpal tunnel
Post by: gimpy on November 11, 2010, 11:22:08 pm
Maybe a NPC with a linked menu.  Red, Orange, Yellow, etc.  Click the link, and it combines all of that color stones.  Kind of like the ldon coin / card NPC, or the LDON miner.

Title: Re: Save me from carpal tunnel
Post by: krujo81 on November 11, 2010, 11:26:19 pm
These ideas are basicly the same but works well it would be like buying differnt collors and the cost would be redstones so 16 red = 1 cyan? =) i like

Title: Re: Save me from carpal tunnel
Post by: Demin on November 12, 2010, 07:03:37 am
Kruj...I follow what you're saying now.

The vendor idea would be great, too.  That would absolutely make many people happy.

Title: Re: Save me from carpal tunnel
Post by: Hunter on November 12, 2010, 12:18:06 pm
I'd have to create the 'recipe' for the magic box and try it out. Might not be a bad idea.

Yeah, NPC would require 1 item at a time, where a bag could have a stack, but dunno if that'll work yet, need to test maybe this weekend or whenever I get some time.

Title: Re: Save me from carpal tunnel
Post by: lerxst2112 on November 12, 2010, 01:10:23 pm

Doing it like the ldon vendor where you sell all of your items for points and buy the items you want with them would be really simple for the player.  I don't know how complicated that would be for you to implement.

Title: Re: Save me from carpal tunnel
Post by: Tibador on November 12, 2010, 05:25:10 pm
Sell them all for points and with those points you buy back cyans at 16 points per etc just not sure on what would keep track of the points, as i dont think there is a system to do so other then ldon which is already used.

Title: Re: Save me from carpal tunnel
Post by: Fabdibikya on November 15, 2010, 07:32:51 am
"Ldon is used", but if I recall correctly ldon had different point lists that were seperate from eachother, so maybe just a different point list can be started for gems.

I do think that making the "recipe" for the gems makes more sense, though. Also, adding recipies so that you can combine 8 reds into... whatever it is it turns into. That would save you a metric ton of clicks (basically, instead of going "move 2, click" for 7 times, you go "move 8, click" once.)

Are the intermediate gems used for anything anyway?

Title: Re: Save me from carpal tunnel
Post by: Demin on November 15, 2010, 07:42:50 am
Moving 8 and then clicking still would suck and wouldn't cut down on the clicks all that much. And, no...the orange, yellow and green stones aren't used for anything other than getting closer to making cyans.

Title: Re: Save me from carpal tunnel
Post by: Hunter on November 15, 2010, 11:02:11 am
I'll consider a solution, just need time to put it in game. Back to work and have no time at all until Saturday. There are 100+ things to do on my list for EQ.

Title: Re: Save me from carpal tunnel
Post by: Demin on November 15, 2010, 05:47:33 pm
Thanks, Big-H.  I wasn't expecting it to be an overnight fix.  I'm glad it's on your RADAR.

Title: Re: Save me from carpal tunnel
Post by: Aname on November 15, 2010, 06:28:15 pm
I'll consider a solution, just need time to put it in game. Back to work and have no time at all until Saturday. There are 100+ things to do on my list for EQ.

Poor guy.  I have my list narrowed down to two things ... PLAY AND HAVE FUN!

thanks for all you do!  (http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j167/Ayrianth/emotes/lovehearts.gif)