EZ Server

General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: krujo81 on November 11, 2010, 07:12:03 pm

Title: Warrior T3 spell
Post by: krujo81 on November 11, 2010, 07:12:03 pm
Am not sure why warriors get a useless pet spell lol. The npc that spawns isnt linked to being a pet at all and theres also a problem in the naming or at lest when you hail it, It says Lilliean'spet says: Lilliean is not my master theres no space between Lilliean's and pet

Title: Re: Warrior T3 spell
Post by: krujo81 on November 11, 2010, 07:17:31 pm
On another note are all melee (pure melee) t3/t4 spells done using clickys?. If so why not Create Flags and link them to the spell trainer so when you hand in the clicky to the spell trainer she will mem the disc for you and it would show up in your Combat window?.

Title: Re: Warrior T3 spell
Post by: Demin on November 11, 2010, 07:27:25 pm
On another note are all melee (pure melee) t3/t4 spells done using clickys?. If so why not Create Flags and link them to the spell trainer so when you hand in the clicky to the spell trainer she will mem the disc for you and it would show up in your Combat window?.

Love that idea.  Also, they really need a relook.  I have posted it before, but warrior, monk, etc T3 are worthless. The warrior pet doesn't do anything and it will die from the AE by the Metal Melter on LDON 4. Monk T3 makes you kick 6 times, but each kick it about 90 damage. Worthless.

Title: Re: Warrior T3 spell
Post by: Ponzi on November 11, 2010, 08:51:17 pm
The warrior pet doesn't do anything and it will die from the AE by the Metal Melter on LDON 4.

this made me laugh pretty hard.  :D

Title: Re: Warrior T3 spell
Post by: Demin on November 11, 2010, 09:29:29 pm
The warrior pet doesn't do anything and it will die from the AE by the Metal Melter on LDON 4.

this made me laugh pretty hard.  :D

Yup. Unfortunately, it is 100% true!

Title: Re: Warrior T3 spell
Post by: kimem090880 on April 07, 2011, 09:47:07 pm
So, whats the use for the War pet, if he can't buff or dps... :(

PD I like the flag idea, better than have the item on you always...

Title: Re: Warrior T3 spell
Post by: Strix on April 08, 2011, 03:35:53 am
Am not sure why warriors get a useless pet spell lol. The npc that spawns isnt linked to being a pet at all and theres also a problem in the naming or at lest when you hail it, It says Lilliean'spet says: Lilliean is not my master theres no space between Lilliean's and pet

Not sure about the flag idea - in the end the pet is still worthless regardless of your ability to fire it off as a disc.

I really don't think Warriors need a DPS pet.

I think the fix for this is fairly simple - make this a buff pet with 10k hps on it (kind of like a dropable CT pet).

My two cents anyway :)

Title: Re: Warrior T3 spell
Post by: walk2k on April 08, 2011, 11:14:24 am
it's not completely useless.....

it attacks and doesn't afraid of anything!

but yeah it dies pretty quick to riposte if it's in front of the boss and since your warrior is usually tanking...

would be a lot better as a 10k buff pet

Title: Re: Warrior T3 spell
Post by: Strix on April 08, 2011, 06:29:31 pm
it's not completely useless.....

it attacks and doesn't afraid of anything!

LMAO --> Kinda like a mosquito pet.  If Hunter wants to keep this pet as is maybe he should change the image to one of those mosquito's from Trakanon's Teeth? 

At least you know what you're getting then :)

Title: Re: Warrior T3 spell
Post by: walk2k on April 08, 2011, 08:37:59 pm
has anyone parsed it?  I tried but the attacks don't show up on anything with my filters on and I don't feel like messing with it..

edit: it hits for 1000-1500.. pretty slowly.
Probably 2-3k dps at most.