EZ Server

General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: JDFriend on November 12, 2010, 05:22:36 pm

Title: Switching Titanium to SoD - Beware
Post by: JDFriend on November 12, 2010, 05:22:36 pm
Hello EZ,

First of all this is my first attempt to post a guide persay, and not a rant. So please be patient.

Recently I lost my Epic 3.0 bow on my ranger Amalphia, now yes it did piss me off bad, but i got it back next day cause im l33t like that. However i was flaming and cursing the birdbath in nexus and i tried with all my might  to own it, but it was immune :(

After some research and careful time to try to regain what respect i do have on the server, i have discovered this and hope this helps anyone NOT go through the pain it takes to refarm gear and or epic's.... please post this as a newbie guide, and edit or modify where you see fit, thank you.

- If you use Titanium or SoD and you aug items with that client, and later switch to different client (I.E. going from Titanium to Sod), you Cannot remove or equip augs in that item. You can try and maybe be successful few times, but you will eventualy if not right away see that the insert button doesnt do anything, it just sits there like "hmm... u didn't press me". At this point you will see an error text saying in red (Error, server cannot locate item (230) or (-30)) and your item is good as gone.

If you try to click Insert Item button ever, and it doesnt depress remove your item instantly, forget the aug, because it will disappear and you will be sorry. It has come to my attention this is a client based issue, with switching clients once augs were equipped with prior client. Please be aware of this before augmenting items you care about. Goodluck and thank you all !!!

Title: Re: Switching Titanium to SoD - Beware
Post by: Smoka on November 12, 2010, 05:27:47 pm
This goes to show you, start off with SoD and stick with it! =)

Title: Re: Switching Titanium to SoD - Beware
Post by: Aname on November 12, 2010, 07:32:39 pm
This goes to show you, start off with SoD and stick with it! =)

The problem is that you can't equip your bow with the mossy tundra aug when using SoD.  You have to use Titanium to aug the bow.  Then, if you want to remove the aug from your bow, you have to switch back to Titanium to remove it.

Title: Re: Switching Titanium to SoD - Beware
Post by: Chunka on November 12, 2010, 10:26:20 pm
Well, best I can tell the bows arent supposed to have a mossy to begin with. It clearly states what type items the mossy can aug, "1 hand slash, 1 hand blunt or hand to hand only" right there on the item.

So dont exploit. Put a card aug in it and call it good, or email Hunter and bring it to his attention if you believe its just an oversight.

Title: Re: Switching Titanium to SoD - Beware
Post by: krujo81 on November 13, 2010, 12:02:09 am
lol don't think ive payed attention to that cus i have it on lots of ranged items /giggles

Title: Re: Switching Titanium to SoD - Beware
Post by: Aname on November 13, 2010, 02:31:53 am
Well, best I can tell the bows arent supposed to have a mossy to begin with. It clearly states what type items the mossy can aug, "1 hand slash, 1 hand blunt or hand to hand only" right there on the item.

So dont exploit. Put a card aug in it and call it good, or email Hunter and bring it to his attention if you believe its just an oversight.

I didn't notice that on the aug.  If it's true then I apologize.  Exploiting the system is never good.

Title: Re: Switching Titanium to SoD - Beware
Post by: Ponzi on November 13, 2010, 05:16:35 am
I didn't notice that on the aug.  If it's true then I apologize.  Exploiting the system is never good.

when the system is giving you 6 mana regen and 1hand augments for every HP augment (and/or components) that drops, you thumb your nose at the system anyway you can.

Title: Re: Switching Titanium to SoD - Beware
Post by: JDFriend on November 13, 2010, 03:11:03 pm
I agree with the last two comments and would like it added to the guide, if this is bumped to a guide forum. I found yesterday if i boot my ranger or whoever you need an aug in range with, using titanium, you can add the aug. Sod places restrictions on the aug where titanium does not, however it should be advised that DO NOT forget you are playing in SoD and you get a better aug and try to remove it, it will read that it isnt supposed to be ther in the first palce and delete the aug and item.

Thank you all for your help and reviewing of this, seems we now have a solution to problems occuring in the past.

Now, if we could just ban all the people that run in circles in the nexus, intentionally trying to crash the zone !!!

Title: Re: Switching Titanium to SoD - Beware
Post by: krujo81 on November 14, 2010, 10:05:04 am
BTW mossy tundra V says RANGED PRIMARY SECONDARY. dunno where you see that it doesnt have ranged on there

Title: Re: Switching Titanium to SoD - Beware
Post by: Nakemdun on November 14, 2010, 05:36:25 pm
Yes it does have slots RANGE PRIMARY SECONDARY But further says 1hand blunt, 1hand slash, Hand to Hand. ...and for the record there are tons of 1h blunt ranged items .....nowhere on the aug does is say bow usable ...so if you use the aug in a bow you are warned that you could lose the bow and aug.  :o

Title: Re: Switching Titanium to SoD - Beware
Post by: Aname on November 14, 2010, 05:59:30 pm
Yes it does have slots RANGE PRIMARY SECONDARY But further says 1hand blunt, 1hand slash, Hand to Hand. ...and for the record there are tons of 1h blunt ranged items .....nowhere on the aug does is say bow usable ...so if you use the aug in a bow you are warned that you could lose the bow and aug.  :o

Does any aug say bow?  I've never seen it but then I haven't looked at all the augs in game.  I'm curious because I don't want to exploit the system. 

Title: Re: Switching Titanium to SoD - Beware
Post by: lerxst2112 on November 14, 2010, 06:14:39 pm

The regular HP augs work fine in a bow since they don't have any extra restrictions on them.  Mossy has an extra restriction of 1h & h2h.  I don't know if you can see the additional restriction in Titanium or not, which might be why it lets you put them into bows.

Title: Re: Switching Titanium to SoD - Beware
Post by: krujo81 on November 14, 2010, 09:59:30 pm
Yeah i was talking to someone else who plays on SoD today and they told me under restrictions it only has like 1h some other but not bow or anything but on titanium the restrictions are blank
just like that lol