EZ Server

General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: hexorcist on November 21, 2010, 03:06:31 am

Title: Crashing on attempt to zone
Post by: hexorcist on November 21, 2010, 03:06:31 am
I am looking for some help/advice on a problem I have.
When I attempt to enter LdoN or Crushbone the game crashes and drops me back to desktop halfway through the "loading zone" bar.
I am a new player to the server and as such have not yet been into these zones on this Emu.
I have achieved 70 hence my intent to do LdoN and have not managed to zone in yet due to this.
I decided to do the FG/CG quests instead and then discovered the same issue with Crushbone.
When I relog the game the character select displays me as being in the intended zone but I can progress no further as I get booted back to desktop again if I attempt to load in.
I have used the Character Move tool on this website to relocate myself back to Nexus.

I am running Titanium on Vista
I appreciate your help in advance

Title: Re: Crashing on attempt to zone
Post by: BattleB on November 21, 2010, 12:56:34 pm
Hi hexorcist.

This is a known bug on the client side. Your character UI profile has become corrupt.

Close the game if its not already. Delete the ini pertaining to that character (UI_TOONNAME_EZ (Linux) x4 Exp.ini)

Now you should be able to reenter the zone you could not get into any longer.

Title: Re: Crashing on attempt to zone
Post by: Likkety on November 21, 2010, 08:16:39 pm
Also, make sure you have all the updated spell/zone files. I had a friend that would crash on EVERY zone and once he got the spell file, the issue was fixed.

Title: Re: Crashing on attempt to zone
Post by: hexorcist on November 22, 2010, 01:45:20 pm
Thanks guys but none of the above has resolved the issue.
I am currently doing a reinstall.

Title: Re: Crashing on attempt to zone
Post by: hexorcist on November 22, 2010, 03:01:33 pm
Complete reinstall but still the exact same problem.
I have even tried binding the affinity of the eqgame process to a single core incase it was a quad core issue.
I created new test toons to dispute the UI_PLAYER.ini corruption...still the same, crashed halfway thru loading crushbone.
Is there anywhere that this servers zonefile requirements can be checked against what I currently have clientside incase the corruption lies there?

Title: Re: Crashing on attempt to zone
Post by: Warriorstack on November 22, 2010, 03:33:39 pm
If you want PM me your email.  I will email you the zone files I have for those 2 zones.

Title: Re: Crashing on attempt to zone
Post by: zeebos on November 22, 2010, 10:43:27 pm
I was having the same issue with other zones. I checked the fragmentation of the drive. It was not that bad but ran it anyway. Have not crashed since. Just a thought. Sometimes people forget about defragging.

Title: Re: Crashing on attempt to zone
Post by: hexorcist on November 24, 2010, 02:24:00 pm
I have been reinstalling the Titanium client twice every night when i get home from work.
Finally after my 4th night attempting ....I have achieved an install that is now displaying the missing zones without crashing.

Thanks to all the above and those that sent me PM with offers of help.
Damn good crowd here on this server  :)

I'm looking forward now to LdoN and beyond.

Title: Re: Crashing on attempt to zone
Post by: Ryvva on November 27, 2010, 03:20:10 pm
i ran into this when logging off in the Casters guild and not able to log back on. I deleted the ini files, copied a working directory from another pc over, de-fragged the drive and still have issues. I am about to put SoF on to see if it happens with that client. I do not know which version of SoD works so not going to try that.