EZ Server

General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: Zartaxis on November 30, 2010, 09:52:57 am

Title: What has changed?
Post by: Zartaxis on November 30, 2010, 09:52:57 am
I stopped playing several months ago, just before you could buy guild instances and just after the ultimate charm came out.  What big updates or changes have happened since then?  I think I read something about a rot bot for t2?

I have 10 or so full t2 chars and my War had 160k hp or so and I think I want to start again.  I stopped because I got burned out camping t2 for weeks without getting the right drops.  Can t3 be boxxed with 1 group?

Title: Re: What has changed?
Post by: Cracken on November 30, 2010, 10:10:24 am
           Indeed alot has changed. The warrior 4.0 now procs snow bunny illusion!

           Lol serious tho. Instance by far provide less of a headache with progressing your toons then competing for tikki spawns. FG/CG items have been serious nerf to the point one can be flagged in a few hours if not seconds if you just want to buy the whole set. Also a crafting guild has been added. Biggest thing probably is EZ went to legendary status on EqEmu so there is a greater flow of people coming and going on Ez now. And yes, rot bot added to pod so you can hand in 2 of the same items but different classes to the rot bot to get your mold for your class. (example: Leather bp + Silk bp = Bp of your class).

           Overall Ez server has become well easier but at the same time persevering the epic enjoyment of what Ez stands for....Good Times.  ;D

~GL of Classic Composers


Title: Re: What has changed?
Post by: BattleB on December 01, 2010, 02:33:11 am
Just to make sure there is no misunderstanding, its only T1 patters/molds that can be handed to Rot bot. T2 does not work that way.

I hope T2 is added to rot bot too. Would really help some of us newcomers catch up.

Title: Re: What has changed?
Post by: Kishii on December 01, 2010, 03:17:00 am
T2 has Dragon Class stuff, serves basically the same purpose but a little bit slower.  Hunter is after all trying to slow people down the higher up they get in progression.

Title: Re: What has changed?
Post by: Rostam on December 01, 2010, 04:52:28 am
  I stopped because I got burned out camping t2 for weeks without getting the right drops.  Can t3 be boxxed with 1 group?

Buddy, if you got burned out in T2 you're in for a rude awakening if you think T3+ is different...  ;)