EZ Server

General Category => Rants and Flames => Topic started by: JDFriend on December 01, 2010, 01:20:17 pm

Title: Subject: balanced classes
Post by: JDFriend on December 01, 2010, 01:20:17 pm
Just before server downtime someone said in ooc that all the classes should be balanced to deal same dmg/dps... thats an absurd remark. Possibly you play and love a mage etc, but why should your mage do same dmg as a war with 2x 4.0 or a shd or pally or monk.

Every class is unique, i personally have 11 of em now. All 70 all epic 3.0.

I can safely say mages have an uber pet, and at 4.0 i hear hes insane. A pally doesnt get a pet, his choice at living is to proc his sword, and yes we die when we dont proc. A war cant heal, he has no choice but to dps a boss/mob down or die, these are balances, a true balance is every class has their str's and weaknesses. Bugs the heck outa me when i see people crying over one toon get this & that because they dont roll that toon. Roll the toon and play it and see why people like/dislike some more then others.

The contant QQ about one class has to stop, getting old very fast.

Title: Re: Subject: balanced classes
Post by: Apology on December 01, 2010, 03:15:02 pm
Many of the functions of "class flavor" have been removed on EZ, perhaps inadvertently. The bard, for example, had very
low DPS on live, but still obtained value by providing things like mass mana regeneration. Clearly that isn't something the
bard can do anymore. Look to another bard-defining trait, swarm kiting, and youll find it absent on EZ as well.

There are without a doubt several classes stuck in a purgatory, completely useless to end-game play by the merits of
reasonable contrast. Some of these find niches. Enchanters are good for one or two buffs, so an end-game enchanter
gets to tab to his window once every hour or so and cast a buff. A druid is good for running your real characters through
ROA. Others are in the same boat.

You say that classes need to be considered by their lists of strengths and weaknesses. Perhaps you could shed some light
on the strengths of playing an enchanter as opposed to a paladin. If you cannot, maybe you will fully understand the
dissapointment of killing a T2-4 boss and finding cloth patterns.

Title: Re: Subject: balanced classes
Post by: Ponzi on December 01, 2010, 03:24:55 pm
You say that classes need to be considered by their lists of strengths and weaknesses. Perhaps you could shed some light
on the strengths of playing an enchanter as opposed to a paladin. If you cannot, perhaps you will fully understand the
dissapointment of killing a T2-4 boss and finding cloth patterns

You had me at hello.

Title: Re: Subject: balanced classes
Post by: Gnaughty on December 01, 2010, 08:56:41 pm
The pet classes especially the mage pet is still crap at 4.0.

Title: Re: Subject: balanced classes
Post by: Balthor2 on December 02, 2010, 05:18:17 am
I wish people would stop bitching about class X being to powerful and getting shit nerfed.
Remember the QQ about pofire crashes? Shit was generally caused by warriors but everyone and their mother pointed at bards and look what happened.
No seriously, some classes could use some love but not at the expense of wreaking other classes.
No one enjoys pumping time and effort into one of their characters to then have that class beat down.

Oh hai enc you can buff my paladins until I take the time to charm them. Its what I use my enc for

Title: Re: Subject: balanced classes
Post by: Brianlb on December 02, 2010, 09:01:12 am
I wish people would stop bitching about class X being to powerful and getting shit nerfed.

That's wishful thinking there. Since the beginning of EQ people have complained about classes being over/under powered. That's no different on this server too. Now I will say when the top tank is also the top dps that's a little odd. Hunter said he wanted to slow down some of the progression. Well if that's the case slow down the dps of a warrior so you can't just plow through a boss. T1/T2 for example are pretty much tank and spank bosses. Sure there are the adds in T2 but nothing that you can't heal through with a pally. So you have a small group of a warrior or two and a pally or two and you just plow through it all. Pretty basic and simple there. Pally's are another over powered class. Hunter even said they've taken the place of clerics. So now you basically have your best healer, who is a tank, and another decent dps class. Now that may upset a lot  who play a warrior and/or pallly but who cares it is what it is. But if that is the way Hunter wants it then that's fine. I play a SK instead of a Warr, but do use a pally and couldn't care less if one class is over powered or underpowered. All I do is just adapt to the game. I didn't start with my pally he was the last class I made and once i realized how beneficial it was I made one. Only reason I don't make a warrior is because I don't feel like farming that much plate and we already have enough in our guild to were I don't have to. EQ in general is an evolving game. Some classes are going to be better than others that's just the way it is. But if Hunter wants to avoid people just steam rolling through the content you either have to make much tougher content, some that would even require other classes to be involved or nerf the current classes to slow things down.

Title: Re: Subject: balanced classes
Post by: Balthor2 on December 02, 2010, 09:07:44 am
I know man I know.

man you shoulda seen how it use to be tho. Warrior was twice as OP then. Only reason warrior is so sick now is the content is dated and we have mega charms that people earned.
for a long time i rocked war pal clr mnk brd rng
this shit was pre pal change

Title: Re: Subject: balanced classes
Post by: Gnaughty on December 02, 2010, 10:08:20 am
Yeah me too Balth, I miss using my monks.  I still use my clerics though because I have to argue that paladins have not replaced them and those of you that fight in T4 know what I mean.

Title: Re: Subject: balanced classes
Post by: Brianlb on December 02, 2010, 11:01:46 am
I'm just going off what I read Hunter say in another thread that pallys seemed to have replaced clerics. I'm assuming he's looking in his database and noticing a lot more pallys created than clerics.

Title: Re: Subject: balanced classes
Post by: kaizen on December 02, 2010, 11:22:26 am
I don't think gnaughty wants to give away t4 and MCP strats

lets just say that clerics can cast something that the other classes can't

its not impossible to beat t4 or MCP without a cleric or 2 but it is easier

everything up to T3.. pallies can easily replace clerics

Title: Re: Subject: balanced classes
Post by: Mechules on December 02, 2010, 01:46:45 pm
I know a guy on server who boxes 3 pallies, all of whom crit proc heal for ~32k almost constantly with 3.5s (I believe)

Kinda beats the tar out of CCH =P

Title: Re: Subject: balanced classes
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on December 02, 2010, 03:06:07 pm
I know a guy on server who boxes 3 pallies, all of whom crit proc heal for ~32k almost constantly with 3.5s (I believe)

Kinda beats the tar out of CCH =P

I am guessing CCH = Chain Complete Heal. I don't know anyone on this server who uses CCH.

Title: Re: Subject: balanced classes
Post by: Brianlb on December 02, 2010, 03:11:22 pm
I know a guy on server who boxes 3 pallies, all of whom crit proc heal for ~32k almost constantly with 3.5s (I believe)

Kinda beats the tar out of CCH =P

I am guessing CCH = Chain Complete Heal. I don't know anyone on this server who uses CCH.

I did once while leveling up and had never played a cleric before. Then someone had shown me the light. But I think he may be referring to just spamming the quick heals or group heals....I think w/heal focus or epic click....or at least that's what I hope he was referring.

Title: Re: Subject: balanced classes
Post by: Mechules on December 02, 2010, 06:33:18 pm
I was referring to Chain CELESTIAL Healing... Hellooooooooo?

Nah. I was referring to Complete Healing, but I was using it as kind of an example. Say pallys in EQ Live could proc 7500 dmg heals as fast as they do here. Compare that to the casting time of clerics actually casting 7500 dmg worth of heals in that game. BIG difference. It's like comparing pennies to quarters.

It was kinda meant as a comparison, and yes I do understand complete heal is obsolete =P

But damn... pallies smackin' the crap out of something, healing 32k hp every 2-5 seconds... that's hard to beat. Get 2-3 of 'em on the team, that's DPS, AS WELL AS heals! win/win. Clerics don't DPS and heal at the same time, do they?

Title: Re: Subject: balanced classes
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on December 02, 2010, 09:20:49 pm
Cleric is still superior at healing. With oracle 12 my cleric heal crits for 48k. Cast time is 3.2. Getting oracle even higher and the difference gets even greater.

Title: Re: Subject: balanced classes
Post by: Gnaughty on December 02, 2010, 11:07:37 pm
What I meant was clerics keep you from eating death touches.  Not having to zone after a death on my tanks is godly wonderful.  Divine Intervention is awesome.  I use a mix of both healers as I need.

Title: Re: Subject: balanced classes
Post by: Mechules on December 02, 2010, 11:33:22 pm
Don't mean to argue with you, Xiggie, but the math speaks otherwise.

1 pally getting a proc every 3-4 hits... could be 2-4 seconds or so per heal. Chance to crit. DPS involved as well. Also able to proc 25k+ dd with weapon, and another 1-2k or so on clicky.

1 cleric healing once every 3.2 seconds. Chance to crit. No DPS.

Group aspect:

3 pallies, 3 warriors - you're set.


2 pallies, 1 cleric, 3 warriors.

And yes, I agree with high lvl Oracle charm or UC, they DO heal for better. But pally with full lvl Oracle or UC would be right up there alongside them.

............ You know what I better shut up before I get pallies nerf'd =(

Title: Re: Subject: balanced classes
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on December 03, 2010, 12:36:01 am
Have you done the MCP fight yet?

Title: Re: Subject: balanced classes
Post by: Mechules on December 03, 2010, 12:38:57 am
No. Therefore I should shut the hell up. You're right =(

I just like to think mathematically and overthink everything. I bet if I spawned MCP tomorrow and went into the battle I'd just run around like a chicken with its head cut off.

I just heard from a guy that 12-boxed him. He had 2 clerics per grp though, so my math didn't do it justice. Maybe I'm just trying to jerk my pally-peen a little bit. I dunno. Friends? =P

Title: Re: Subject: balanced classes
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on December 03, 2010, 01:07:12 am
Definitely friends, and was not meaning for you to shut the hell up, lol. What I meant was though the math might work, practicality trumps.

Title: Re: Subject: balanced classes
Post by: Ponzi on December 03, 2010, 01:34:36 am
The real issue is this:

T3/T4, both 'ideal' setups you listed, Merc.. require 6 toons wearing plate armor.

at least 6 firestrikes, potentially 9.

A gaggle of shadow kills.

A boatload of red stones.

A screaming meemie of oracle charms.

And positively no legitimate use for 75% of the items their Cyan stone pops will get them.

Which =


Title: Re: Subject: balanced classes
Post by: Zadar on December 03, 2010, 09:18:16 am
Simple Solution to fix a lot of things.  Charms and healing focus should not affect procs. They are to enhance you not your equipment.  Fixes Warrior dps, fixes pally procs, makes clerics useful, makes dps classes useful.  Adds skill back into the game as opposed to pressing q on 4 characters. People might actually seek out grouping and soucializing instead of running 6 bots.

Title: Re: Subject: balanced classes
Post by: Kishii on December 03, 2010, 09:31:37 am
Hmm Zadar, interesting.  If you lower warrior dps and lower pally heals, the cleric update better be HUGE to handle the top tier stuff to keep tanks up.  The making dps class usefull better be scaled up HUGE to make up for what the warriors used to do.


Hunter will have to go through and retune everything to handle lower dps and lower heals.

If you have even actually done the Shadow fight, you will understand what I mean about why you would want to lower warrior dps /boggle

Title: Re: Subject: balanced classes
Post by: Zadar on December 03, 2010, 10:00:34 am
If procs are nerfed in such a way maybe add instant cast clickly spells on gear with x delay. This would allow the dps to still be acheived but require people to play the character instead of q botting them.

Title: Re: Subject: balanced classes
Post by: Gnaughty on December 03, 2010, 10:26:42 am
Yeah Ponzi is right about not getting much for your cyan stones.  Its gonna hurt man, like I said before none of my group have a T4 BP yet and I've been hunting there for along time.  One of my guildmates finally got 1 war BP this week and hes been doing T4 for 4 mos now.  :(

Title: Re: Subject: balanced classes
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on December 03, 2010, 10:28:33 am
More nerfing would only make the end of the game longer. Adding clicks is not going to force anyone to group up.

Title: Re: Subject: balanced classes
Post by: Mechules on December 03, 2010, 10:58:47 am
More nerfing would only make the end of the game longer. Adding clicks is not going to force anyone to group up.


Now, instead of jumping from one mob to the next and constantly grinding for that one piece of gear, you gotta stop after every fight and wait for the delay to finish before you pull again =P

Not gonna make anyone go "gee, golly-gosh... I should get some friends now!"

If you've been boxing for, oh, lets say a year or so... and you've gotten to T2-T3ish by boxing... you may find yourself a little ticked if hunter nerfs your pally procs, warrior deeps, or turns your cleric into a wizzy (which he already said isn't gonna happen). I've heard many times that boxing makes the EZ Server world go 'round. To blatantly force people to group up by adding clicky effect procs with a longer delay, Hunter would be hindering our ability to box effectively without premium boxing software, which we'd have to purchase.

While I agree that people should be able to play their characters efficiently, it is also my belief that this is EZ Server, Hunter's planet, and that we're here to have fun and basically play as we wish. If you wanna play one character and not box, find a guild or some buddies. Better yet, get your RL buddies into the game! If you want to box 3 full groups of toons, go right ahead! Either way, the end-game content is still getting harder. Harder for boxers to keep up with all their characters on tougher encounters, and harder for single players to find groups.

Title: Re: Subject: balanced classes
Post by: Mechules on December 03, 2010, 11:20:45 am
The real issue is this:

>T3/T4, both 'ideal' setups you listed, Merc.. require 6 toons wearing plate armor.
>T3/T4, both 'ideal' setups you listed, Merc..
>setups you listed, Merc..
>you listed, Merc..
>listed, Merc..


It's "Mech" lmao. I was being very silly (drunk perhaps) when I came up with the name. Mechules (like Hercules) was the name of my old band. I think we renamed it to Zombijak (hmmmm SK name?). But yeah, it's a Mechanical Hercules basically. VERY silly. Not very RP at all though.

Title: Re: Subject: balanced classes
Post by: Ponzi on December 04, 2010, 07:55:46 pm
If procs are nerfed in such a way maybe add instant cast clickly spells on gear with x delay. This would allow the dps to still be acheived but require people to play the character instead of q botting them.







Title: Re: Subject: balanced classes
Post by: Fabdibikya on December 11, 2010, 02:49:30 am
I would like to re-quote the idea of not having the charms apply to augs. Those quoting the Shadow fight should realise that this fight is on the verge of being nerfed, with Shadow having a lot less hps. It would also make people pick more different classes to add to dps instead of just war war war pal pal clr.

Also, by what logic is a warrior using Sorcer's charm? The char
ms were (in my head) clearly defined for certain classes - brawler for dps melee, guardian for tank, oracle for healers and sorcers for nukers. Now we have no warriors whatsoever that would look twice at a guardian charm except to do UC, and it's a public secret that brawlers is broken.
You can make a case for paladins having oracle, since they proc a heal, but it's still iffy, and a paladin focusing on dps should have a equally viable alternative in brawlers.

My proposition: Up the dps and/or usability of classes, restore the aug balance as it was (imo) intended, and give me 5mill pp (hey, I had to put something in there that is actually feasible :P)

Something  else that bothers me: Anger IV is made from droppable components in PoD, and drops as an aug in HoH. V is a simple combine of two anger IVs. Costprice: Free in HoH, if you want to buy the components I think they're 10k per piece, and I think 4 pieces for a IV. 40k per aug, 80k for a V. Total cost for having two 4.0's with IV's and two 4.0's with V: 720k.

One aug IV for paladins has a costprice to make in several million pp and requires crafter's guild access (which in itself is also a plat and time sink).

Any reason for this huge gap in obtainability?

Title: Re: Subject: balanced classes
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on December 11, 2010, 03:23:33 am
Nerfing one class to bring other classes in line is a huge mistake in my opinion. The shadow fight was just one example. The mobs in t3 up all have tons of hp.

Title: Re: Subject: balanced classes
Post by: Hunter on December 11, 2010, 03:27:04 am
I usually try to beef some classes instead of nerfing to balance.

Title: Re: Subject: balanced classes
Post by: Fabdibikya on December 11, 2010, 05:58:10 am
Then here's an easy thought for beefing some classes: Allow the bird bath to combine items that are no drop and unusable by your class, so pet classes can put anger augs in a weapon to give to a pet.

Title: Re: Subject: balanced classes
Post by: Hunter on December 11, 2010, 06:59:42 am

Title: Re: Subject: balanced classes
Post by: Fabdibikya on December 11, 2010, 08:30:03 am
Short and to the point; Thanks hunter.

I do still think pets could use some love, though - not necessary dps, but some other things - perhaps have 3.5 and 4.0 enchanter epic pet proc a manadrain that give mana to the entire party? Would be rather useless except for the wizards in the group.
Have them proc a v3 haste?

Title: Re: Subject: balanced classes
Post by: Balthor2 on December 11, 2010, 08:42:27 am
Hey you know that if you have haste on atm and break a certain value your procs go down the toilet..
Maybe want to shelve that procing of a haste idea until such a time as this is not the case.

Title: Re: Subject: balanced classes
Post by: Demin on December 11, 2010, 08:51:45 am
Pets still root, as far as I know. It'd be nice if that was removed.