EZ Server

General Category => Rants and Flames => Topic started by: Lodar on April 12, 2010, 07:51:24 am

Title: History Lessons... enough already
Post by: Lodar on April 12, 2010, 07:51:24 am
You guys need to ban that "history lessons" guy... he is annoying. Even if you ignore him that only last for a little since he creates a new char and do it again.  Nothing offensive, just spam over spam over spam.

No i dont have screenies or names since the names are long and mixed letters but Ill get a screenshot tonight unless someone else beats me to it.

People knows who I am talking about.

Title: Re: History Lessons... enough already
Post by: L0stman on April 12, 2010, 08:11:31 am
I assume you are talking about the gentleman who creates a new character every ~2 hours to keep spamming random facts from the wildlife channel?  The one that creates a misleading name that is hard to ignore correctly?

Yeah.  Didn't bother screenshotting it since I thought everyone else did.  Need to stop that - will take a screenshot next time I am on the server.

The names are like:  ill...vyvwvjic and similar ones.  Shows up in game as |||...vyvwvjic.  Classy.

Title: Re: History Lessons... enough already
Post by: Lodar on April 12, 2010, 08:13:54 am
Yes its that guy :)

Dont get me wrong i like history or facts like that... but not when i am playing this game.  I am pretty sure that guy have something else to do or he as no life at all.

Title: Re: History Lessons... enough already
Post by: Reed on April 12, 2010, 12:29:40 pm
I believe he's on some random fact generator from a website (you know, click the button and spits out a random fact in a window type deal). Of course i always document some jackass making a fool on himself when i can. Didn't intend to do anything with these but since it was already brought up, figured i would crop down and share.


