EZ Server

General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: Hunter on December 05, 2010, 03:31:55 am

Title: Haste Cap Updated
Post by: Hunter on December 05, 2010, 03:31:55 am
Let me know if you notice any changes in DPS with updated Haste Cap.

Title: Re: Haste Cap Updated
Post by: Balthor2 on December 05, 2010, 03:34:43 am
expect 200 posts in the next 20min

Title: Re: Haste Cap Updated
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on December 05, 2010, 03:45:16 am
Not 200, I promise to only make 1 or 2 or 5. Maybe 15 or 23.

Title: Re: Haste Cap Updated
Post by: lerxst2112 on December 05, 2010, 04:05:52 am
Let me know if you notice any changes in DPS with updated Haste Cap.

Care to share with us what the cap is now?  I assume you changed it using the rule from one of the recent code updates?

I'd really love to be able to use #mystats here, especially since I'm at the point now that I don't actually know how many HP I have. :)

Title: Re: Haste Cap Updated
Post by: Hunter on December 05, 2010, 04:15:50 am
Its currently 300

Title: Re: Haste Cap Updated
Post by: lerxst2112 on December 05, 2010, 04:41:50 am

Here are two parses under the same conditions against the Practice Dummy in the Fighter's Guild.  I let it run until I had killed the dummy in both cases.

Pally 3.0 w/FireStrike IV and Sharpening Stone of the Sky V

Practice Dummy on 12/3/2010 in 164sec
 --- DMG: 1877166 (100%) @ 11446 dps (11446 sdps)
 --- DMG to PC: 276 @2dps
Practice Dummy: -- DMG: 1877166 -- DPS: 11446 -- Scaled: 11446
-- Hit: 1456268 -- Slash: 405311 -- Strike: 11000 -- Bash: 4587
-- Non-crit rate: 87.6% -- crit rate: 12.4%
-- Attempts: 559 -- Hits: 485 -- Missed: 18 -- Defended: 56 -- Accuracy: 96.4%
-- Avg Hit: 3870 -- Max hit: 22000 -- DMG to PC: 276

Practice Dummy on 12/5/2010 in 225sec
 --- DMG: 2149883 (100%) @ 9555 dps (9555 sdps)
 --- DMG to PC: 148 @1dps
Practice Dummy: -- DMG: 2149883 -- DPS: 9555 -- Scaled: 9555
-- Hit: 1563726 -- Slash: 580194 -- Bash: 5963
-- Non-crit rate: 87.6% -- crit rate: 12.4%
-- Attempts: 769 -- Hits: 671 -- Missed: 34 -- Defended: 64 -- Accuracy: 95.2%
-- Avg Hit: 3203 -- Max hit: 22000 -- DMG to PC: 148

I seem to have lost some DPS, and I don't see a haste cap change, although that may just be because my weapon is 20 delay and there is a lower bound on delay. 

My item haste is 70% from T1 BP, Spell Haste is 75% from Ancient Melee Haste, and I have 10% v3 haste from Ancient Power.

In both fights dividing the total number of attempts by the number of seconds the fight lasted I get 3.4 attempts per second.  Using just the slashing attempts which removes procs from the fight I get 2.18 attempts/sec in the first fight and 2.23 attempts/sec in the second.

Slash DPS went from 2471 to 2590, but proc DPS went from 8879 to 6980.

I'll see if I have recent parses from any other toons and check those when I'm more awake.

Title: Re: Haste Cap Updated
Post by: Tibador on December 05, 2010, 05:01:13 am
dont use fg dummie go to 2.0 zone =/

Title: Re: Haste Cap Updated
Post by: Apology on December 05, 2010, 05:20:16 am
Don't see increase in ranger DPS, would like to hear from others on this though.

edit: Also parsed firestrike 4 // buffed SK. DPS turned up nearly identical to earlier this week.

Title: Re: Haste Cap Updated
Post by: Rostam on December 05, 2010, 05:32:53 am
doing a parse now since i have data from before the change, will post it in a few minutes.

Title: Re: Haste Cap Updated
Post by: Rostam on December 05, 2010, 06:21:13 am
Hunter take a look at the parse i made after the haste cap increase, i think the code change reversed the proc per minute back to 10.

Title: Re: Haste Cap Updated
Post by: Hunter on December 05, 2010, 10:35:35 am
Nope, its still 12

Title: Re: Haste Cap Updated
Post by: lerxst2112 on December 05, 2010, 02:03:47 pm
dont use fg dummie go to 2.0 zone =/

In this case, I had to since I wanted to compare two like fights, and the only parse I have with identical gear is on the fg dummy.

Title: Re: Haste Cap Updated
Post by: devination on December 07, 2010, 11:12:00 am
anything further going to be done about aug procs hunter?