EZ Server

General Category => Rants and Flames => Topic started by: Lodar on April 12, 2010, 08:02:11 am

Title: Trains... Why?
Post by: Lodar on April 12, 2010, 08:02:11 am
I am not pointing to anyone in particular but just to the whole "train" situation.  People need to realise that this is not live servers.  You dont need to train here.  If you die, there is no corpse run, you dont lose XP.  Why would you train people while running away. JUST DIE!

I have seen many people die by trains while they are sitting AFK at zone in.

Stop training.. there is no point beside pissing people off! 

You know I am fighting 1 mob near zoning and a guy comes training a bunch while running to zone... what do you think happens when he zone out?  anyways...

Dont train.. its useless... take the opportunity of dieing to refresh your buffs from the buff bot!

Title: Re: Trains... Why?
Post by: Reed on April 12, 2010, 12:33:52 pm
I've seen this before too.
I have no problem with people generating enormous trains, reall i dont.... as long as they can kill the whole train without killing someone else/ they dont crash the zone. (I.E. PoTimeA, a Warrior trains a bunch of trash mobs to himself, kills them all with his 3.0's augged with Anger IV).
What i do hate is what you mentioned, people who bit off more than they can chew, then run to the zoneline thinking someone will save them there (or decide to be a jerk and kill everyone they can) and die.
Its why we have to keep fraps on hotkey my friend. See a train coming your way, start frapsing. The train dies and you're alive? just delete the footage and go about your business. best we can do

Title: Re: Trains... Why?
Post by: robpickles on April 13, 2010, 09:47:31 am
I am not pointing to anyone in particular but just to the whole "train" situation.  People need to realise that this is not live servers.  You dont need to train here.  If you die, there is no corpse run, you dont lose XP.  Why would you train people while running away. JUST DIE!

You know.... I actually haven't died yet, so I didn't know about this. LOL!

When you die to you still have all your gear and stuff too?

This is good to know.  Good post.

Title: Re: Trains... Why?
Post by: Lodar on April 13, 2010, 10:07:21 am
Yup... full gear at bind spot.... re-buff then resume! And you didnt lose XP.
Well I never did... I have no xp in 70... and died many times and never lost my level.
No point in training really lol... lots of people probably dont know this!

Title: Re: Trains... Why?
Post by: robpickles on April 13, 2010, 10:11:12 am
Yup... full gear at bind spot.... re-buff then resume! And you didnt lose XP.
Well I never did... I have no xp in 70... and died many times and never lost my level.
No point in training really lol... lots of people probably dont know this!

Yup....really good to know. Thanks!