EZ Server

General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: Likkety on December 08, 2010, 06:23:27 am

Title: Has HoH been changed?
Post by: Likkety on December 08, 2010, 06:23:27 am
Last week in HoH I was farming pages/stones using War/Monk/Rog/Rng/Pally/Pally. 125k War and 2 pally's kept the healing just fine. This week, War dies on every mob. I switched the Rng out for a Clr and even that doesn't seem to make much difference. Still dieing alot more than normal.

It was suggested that after the haste change recently, that the proc rate was reduced again. Hunter said it wasn't but that's the only thing I can think of that would make this happen. Am I alone in this situation? Am I just having really bad luck lately or has anyone else noticed anything similar?

Title: Re: Has HoH been changed?
Post by: Demin on December 08, 2010, 08:24:31 am
From what I understand, instead of your augs procing 12 times per second, they now have a CHANCE to proc... So, your pally probably isn't procing his heal as often as before.

Title: Re: Has HoH been changed?
Post by: Kishii on December 08, 2010, 08:27:56 am
125k is right on the cusp of getting one shotted if a Avatar gets in some good rounds or a crit or two on a combat round.  I had the exact same problem when I was in there with 124ish K. 

Couple that with maybe pally procs not hitting as often

My suggestion is get to cracking on that RoA and your charms.  Its a rude awakening but unless you get more HP HoH will treat you evil.

Title: Re: Has HoH been changed?
Post by: Crawford on December 08, 2010, 08:32:46 am
Might also want to consider that the change to haste might have affected mob haste and that's why they are tearing you up.  Just something to think about.  I had someone else tell me that they were dying in PoD whereas before the haste change they never came close.

Title: Re: Has HoH been changed?
Post by: Brianlb on December 08, 2010, 11:36:11 am
Roll an SK and you wont have to worry about dying.

Title: Re: Has HoH been changed?
Post by: Apology on December 08, 2010, 12:18:02 pm
Roll an SK and you wont have to worry about dying.

Just as soon as you get 45% more health than a warrior to make up for not having stonewall, or an ultimate charm
and the T3 spell, this is true!

Title: Re: Has HoH been changed?
Post by: kaizen on December 08, 2010, 12:28:55 pm
what is the dps on sks these days?

have they been nerfed with the haste changes and resulting proc decrease?

Title: Re: Has HoH been changed?
Post by: Brianlb on December 08, 2010, 12:40:18 pm
Roll an SK and you wont have to worry about dying.

Just as soon as you get 45% more health than a warrior to make up for not having stonewall, or an ultimate charm
and the T3 spell, this is true!

I have 113k hp on my SK, depending on my group setup I use a sorc 50 or an oracle 22(my own grp of pally, cler, ranger, I use the sorc with the sk), and I do just fine. As far as dps, an SK dps was never awesome to begin with unless you have firestrikes. The only thing I've noticed is the proc getting resisted. Which obviously is going to effect the dps.

Title: Re: Has HoH been changed?
Post by: Apology on December 08, 2010, 02:10:23 pm
It's a paladin that only heals itself and a warrior minus stonewall and furious.
If you're going to box a big group like that, you may as well play two paladins and a warrior.


Title: Re: Has HoH been changed?
Post by: Brianlb on December 08, 2010, 02:46:41 pm
It's a paladin that only heals itself and a warrior minus stonewall and furious.
If you're going to box a big group like that, you may as well play two paladins and a warrior.


If I did that according to the OP I'd be dying. I like my group setup. I have enough tanking, dps and healing to get me through.

Title: Re: Has HoH been changed?
Post by: Apology on December 08, 2010, 06:00:47 pm
OP is dying to a widely felt proc bug -- or dying to having barely acceptable levels of HP.
OP is not dying because of his superior class selection.

You can like your setup all you want. It's just inferior.

Title: Re: Has HoH been changed?
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on December 08, 2010, 06:05:37 pm
Keep the cleric instead of the ranger. Set the cleric on direct heals to your warrior. Your pallys will help supliment your heals and will also keep the rest of the group alive.

Title: Re: Has HoH been changed?
Post by: Brianlb on December 08, 2010, 06:43:22 pm
OP is dying to a widely felt proc bug -- or dying to having barely acceptable levels of HP.
OP is not dying because of his superior class selection.

You can like your setup all you want. It's just inferior.

Kind of hard to justify mine being inferior when everyone is effected by the proc bug and he has more hp than me but he's dying and I'm not. A warrior, pally, pally setup may have more dps but I'll take my cleric and stay alive.

Title: Re: Has HoH been changed?
Post by: Apology on December 08, 2010, 06:55:30 pm
Kind of hard to justify mine being inferior when everyone is effected by the proc bug and he has more hp than me but he's dying and I'm not. A warrior, pally, pally setup may have more dps but I'll take my cleric and stay alive.


Title: Re: Has HoH been changed?
Post by: Funny on December 08, 2010, 09:40:06 pm
You touch my tra lala?

Title: Re: Has HoH been changed?
Post by: Gnaughty on December 08, 2010, 11:41:36 pm
Likkety send me a tell next time on or send me a pm via here.

Title: Re: Has HoH been changed?
Post by: Balthor2 on December 09, 2010, 03:48:23 am
Hell you made your point that you think his group setup is inferior but then again coming from you that means jack and shit. He is fine.

Title: Re: Has HoH been changed?
Post by: Apology on December 09, 2010, 08:25:53 am
* Wishy-washy intuition based argument void of facts or reasons - check.
* Ad hominem attacks -- check

Based on your intellectual capacities, here's a website that might be relevant to your interests;

edit: if that one is too wordy for you, try;

Title: Re: Has HoH been changed?
Post by: JDFriend on December 09, 2010, 02:18:53 pm
These topics and any lately make me sick. Before you flame me listen to what i have to say please. Likkety is a guildie of mine, im backing him on his question.

Paladins suck now, yes they suck, idc who says they proc the same... we dont! So all i see here rather then saying " yes its broken, yes lets look at fixing it" is " roll sk" or " add another clr" .......

Who's fault is it that prior to Sunday everything worked, now we have to make new box groups to do the same crap we did before with setup we had. Why in Gods name is it acceptable to just say " oh, its ok, the code is all screwed up, so now we can just box 9 toons to do stuff instead of 4, or Roll the now UBER shd, and solo it all.

Why do we have to adjust to a screw up?...... makes no damn sense to me at all

Look for a solution i ask, not another timesink. Far too many timesinks already with T5 right around the corner.

Title: Re: Has HoH been changed?
Post by: Brianlb on December 09, 2010, 02:32:00 pm
These topics and any lately make me sick. Before you flame me listen to what i have to say please. Likkety is a guildie of mine, im backing him on his question.

Paladins suck now, yes they suck, idc who says they proc the same... we dont! So all i see here rather then saying " yes its broken, yes lets look at fixing it" is " roll sk" or " add another clr" .......

Who's fault is it that prior to Sunday everything worked, now we have to make new box groups to do the same crap we did before with setup we had. Why in Gods name is it acceptable to just say " oh, its ok, the code is all screwed up, so now we can just box 9 toons to do stuff instead of 4, or Roll the now UBER shd, and solo it all.

Why do we have to adjust to a screw up?...... makes no damn sense to me at all

Look for a solution i ask, not another timesink. Far too many timesinks already with T5 right around the corner.

Does this mean neither one of you are going to roll an SK?
If his group is war/monk/rog/cler/pally/pally and his war is 125k hp and he's still dying. I don't know what to tell you. Soloing them I have like a 50% success rate. Add a cleric and I'm golden.
As far as changing things you have a few choices. Wait to see if the people at PEQ change the source, ask Hunter change  the proc rates, or stop bitching and accept it. Pally's don't suck, neither do clerics. Sure the procs are a little less, but if you have a full group like just mentioned that I'm going to assume is mostly T2 geared and you're still dying it's something way beyond the procs.

Title: Re: Has HoH been changed?
Post by: lerxst2112 on December 09, 2010, 04:07:02 pm

Put the haste cap back at 100% and the procs will be the same as they were before it was changed.

Items with more than 127% haste will still be recognized, but your final haste value will just be capped at 100% plus whatever v3 you have.

With the low delay on most epics I would guess that most of the server doesn't even get any benefit from the haste cap being raised.

Title: Re: Has HoH been changed?
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on December 09, 2010, 04:25:45 pm

Put the haste cap back at 100% and the procs will be the same as they were before it was changed.

Items with more than 127% haste will still be recognized, but your final haste value will just be capped at 100% plus whatever v3 you have.

With the low delay on most epics I would guess that most of the server doesn't even get any benefit from the haste cap being raised.

Not trying to stir up an argument here but this is not true. When the haste cap was put on, my monk lost 30% damage. I parsed it, the parses are on the forums. When the haste cap was removed, my dps went back up. If you lower the haste cap, proc rates will go down even farther, because you will be swinging less. The chance was made fundamentally to the way procs work which is a separate issue than haste.

Title: Re: Has HoH been changed?
Post by: Balthor2 on December 09, 2010, 04:49:06 pm
Procs have gone down, Hunter doesnt believe us.
Not sure what to tell you guys.

Title: Re: Has HoH been changed?
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on December 09, 2010, 04:58:07 pm
Oh I believe procs have gone down. I think Balthor and others have explained it has instead of getting one chance per aug per swing, you now have one chance per swing.

Title: Re: Has HoH been changed?
Post by: lerxst2112 on December 09, 2010, 06:32:00 pm

If you look at the code, you will see that proc chances are based on your haste, uncapped. 

Your weapon swings are based on haste as well, however there is a cap on the minimum delay a weapon can have.

Because of this, having the haste cap set above what you actually can use because of the delay cap means that you gain no benefit from additional haste, but you get all the penalty from the reduced proc chance per swing.

Don't believe me?  Try it.  Reduce your haste to something ~100% and count the procs, then increase it and count the procs again.

The one proc per swing issue existed before the haste cap was increased, but the haste cap being increased made it much worse.

Title: Re: Has HoH been changed?
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on December 10, 2010, 12:43:12 am

If you look at the code, you will see that proc chances are based on your haste, uncapped. 

Your weapon swings are based on haste as well, however there is a cap on the minimum delay a weapon can have.

Because of this, having the haste cap set above what you actually can use because of the delay cap means that you gain no benefit from additional haste, but you get all the penalty from the reduced proc chance per swing.

Don't believe me?  Try it.  Reduce your haste to something ~100% and count the procs, then increase it and count the procs again.

The one proc per swing issue existed before the haste cap was increased, but the haste cap being increased made it much worse.

I second this. When using just spell haste and my brawlers 137% haste I proc ever single combat round. Not on every single swing, but once per combat round. When I use the monk T4 spell, which has 200% haste, my procs are severely reduced. There is sometimes 3 and 4 rounds that I don't proc anything. I will follow up with a detailed parse soon.

Title: Re: Has HoH been changed?
Post by: Gnaughty on December 10, 2010, 02:01:48 am
Yup I looked into it and shits broken again guys.