EZ Server

General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: Cowtipper on December 08, 2010, 06:52:03 pm

Title: Plane of Dragons bugged or just me?
Post by: Cowtipper on December 08, 2010, 06:52:03 pm
Was in Plane of Dragons not 20 minutes ago gearing out my mage and I was unable to loot any of the crystals there - T1 or T2. Kept telling me I already have this lore item. I checked my own inventory twice and then summoned a banker and checked my bank over twice. No crystals at all.

Just noticed this today; haven't been in PoD since the weekend though.
Is anyone else experiencing this problem?

Paladin of Forbidden Prophecy

Title: Re: Plane of Dragons bugged or just me?
Post by: Hunter on December 08, 2010, 07:29:37 pm
I'll check your inventory in the database when I get home to see if you already have those items already.

Title: Re: Plane of Dragons bugged or just me?
Post by: Balthor2 on December 09, 2010, 03:50:05 am
this randomly happens if you hand in the wrong crystal to a tiki.
You need to then go hand in the correct crystal to that tiki and it pops the named and gives you back the wrong crystal you handed in before.
Of course if its not letting you loot anything then that falls into the wtf zone hates you realm and I really cant help. Good luck and hope you figure it out.

Title: Re: Plane of Dragons bugged or just me?
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on December 09, 2010, 04:29:59 pm
There is a '/' command to auto inventory things on your curser. This happen to me once and I used that command and it cleared me up.

Title: Re: Plane of Dragons bugged or just me?
Post by: Cowtipper on December 13, 2010, 01:36:14 pm
Hunter - Still having problems in PoD. I now can loot all crystal except Earth - still says the same thing that I already have one. Checked my inventory 3 more times.
Did you take a look at this? Was there something bugged? Looks like I still am.

What troubles me even more then that is what happened Saturday afternoon - it really appears I'm loot bugged in addition to crystal bugged in PoD.

Was in PoD in a Guild Instance at Water Tiki and at 4:31 pm EST 12/11/10 I killed Shai-Halud. Was lucky enough to have him drop a Plate Bp.

I didn't need the BP and no one in my guild did either so I put it up for sale and cleric named Dontheal came to buy it.

It was in a guild instance.
There were only 4 people in the guild instance - myself on 3 toons and this guy Dontheal who was buying the BP.
When Dontheal zoned in I immediately invited him to group and CoTH'd him to the corpse. The whole time he was in zone he was in my group - so I could see any looting going on by anyone.

At 4:49 pm EST 12/11/10 Dontheal went to loot the plate BP and it had vanished. I did not loot it; there were no loot messages in group and there were no other people then myself (on 3 toon) and this 1 guy (who was in my group). All other loot (aug material) stayed on Shai-Halud - not like the corpse itself vanishes - just the BP.

Hunter can you please look through the logs and tell me who looted the BP? Or did it vanish? I know a T1 BP isnt the end of the world but then again its still a T1 BP.

I'm beginning to be afraid I'm completely bugged in POD - which will make life way more difficult when I try to lvl a Wiz and ranger here soon that I been contemplating.
Please let me know.
Thanks -

Paladin of Forbidden Prophecy