EZ Server

General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: Kwai on December 11, 2010, 08:58:46 pm

Title: Tacvi Instance bug
Post by: Kwai on December 11, 2010, 08:58:46 pm
In the past couple of days I have had an issue with Tacvi instances self-deleting.  I run a couple of toons in for possible drops and then call in guild mates and other alts when drops dictate.  However, they cannot enter the instance as it has no option to Enter Guild Instance.... just Create, Delete etc...

Is there a known workaround other than pumping another 10K into another instance and having everyone camp inside there in the hope their item drops? 

It probably wouldn't have bothered me so much but today I basically paid 10K for a chain bracer for the toon I took in there first thing this morning while the plate Leg and arms went to rot when an alt War couldn't zone in for them.  The only option I had at that point was to move out, create another instance (3rd one today) and camp all the alts and my main inside for the day until I got the drops I needed.

Tacvi is the only one I am having this problem with.  1.5, 2.0, 3.0, QVIC and POD are fine to date.

Title: Re: Tacvi Instance bug
Post by: Demin on December 11, 2010, 10:09:45 pm
Had this with HoH last night.  I was in, zoned a guy out to do an aug, couldn't get back in.  It just gave him the option to create a new instance.  There were like 4 hours left on instance.

Title: Re: Tacvi Instance bug
Post by: lerxst2112 on December 11, 2010, 10:48:04 pm

I've had this happen on many instances, not just Tacvi, although Tacvi seems to happen more because I'll leave and come back a lot.

I wonder if the way instances are tracked has some sort of limit in it so that it can only see the first X instances in the list, and if yours is off the end of the list you're stuck.  The reason I think this is I've had instances come back after they didn't work for a period of time.  I assume there's some churn in the list and somehow mine bubbled back up to the top.

Title: Re: Tacvi Instance bug
Post by: Skorp on December 11, 2010, 11:58:58 pm
I have a theory on this problem.  We know if no-one keeps the public Tacvi "awake" by being in it, it shuts down.  I proffer that if public Tacvi shuts down, the Tacvi Guild Instances get orphaned.  Maybe this doesn't happen the moment the zone shuts down, but eventually.  The problem is particularly noticeable in Tacvi since people clear it, then that zone can be empty for quite a while before someone shows up to check on respawn.  To fight this issue, I try to keep an alt in the public version when I don't want the GI to poof.  Since doing so, I have not lost a GI, though that does not prove my theory is correct.


Title: Re: Tacvi Instance bug
Post by: Thebone on December 12, 2010, 12:11:43 am
Hunter has already gave the reason for this in many other posts...  HE has max instances set to 100 or 200 and when this number is reach it may or may not effect others zoning in to said instance... Please people research before you post and save everyone the time.

Title: Re: Tacvi Instance bug
Post by: lerxst2112 on December 12, 2010, 01:27:41 am

Are you sure you're talking about the actual instance data or the number of dynamic zones that are available?  Hunter has posted in the past about dynamic zone limits, but I have not seen an explanation to disappearing purchased instances.

The number of simultaneous dynamic zones is limited because they have a cost in ram, but there's no reason the data for which instances have been purchased and what their expiration time is should be limited.

An instance is only active when someone is in it, otherwise it has no cost other than whatever housekeeping data is necessary to store in the database.  The mapping of purchased instances versus available dynamic zones shouldn't be 1:1.  If there's no dynamic zone to map the instance to then just have the npc say so, like the teleporter NPC does when you try and zone somewhere that can't be made active.