EZ Server

General Category => Shadowknight => Topic started by: Apology on December 12, 2010, 01:20:15 pm

Title: SK DPS Parsed v1.1
Post by: Apology on December 12, 2010, 01:20:15 pm
* All conditions are with no buffs (unless otherwise stated) and the Shadow Knight 4.0 weapon.
* All of the following were brief parses (5-8 minutes) and dps therefore may vary by marginal amounts.
* The 3.5 boomstick was not used, but adds roughly 5,000 DPS given an ultimate charm.
* AA is capped.

Condition One:
•   0 melee skills (ROA)
•   No augments
•   No charms

~2,300 DPS (from the 3.0 lifetap effect on the 4.0 weapon)

Condition Two:
•   Caped melee skills
•   No augments
•   No charm

 ~3,600 DPS (melee adding about 1,300)

Condition Three:
•   No augments
•   Sorc 50 charm

~5,000 DPS (lifetaps going from 6k to 9.5. Not sure why they're not being increased more,
but it's probably related to Soul Abrasion AA not stacking with the Sorcerer Charm.)

Condition Four:
•   FS4, FS4, FS5
•   Sorcerer 50 Charm

~31,000 dps

Condition Five:
•   FS4, FS4, FS5
•   Enchanter VT buff
•   Sorcerer 50 Charm

~32,500 dps

Condition Six:

•   FS5, FS5, FS5
•   Ultimate Charm

~38,300 dps

Title: Re: Shadow Knight DPS Parsed
Post by: Apology on December 12, 2010, 01:43:43 pm
Under similar conditions:

* 4.0/4.0 ranger melee ~3,300 dps.
Compare to melee/lifetap 4.0 SK. Nearly identical.

* 3.0/3.0 warrior w. Anger 5's//Sorc 1 ~5,500 DPS.
Compare to 4.0 SK with sorc 50. Nearly identical.

Title: Re: Shadow Knight DPS Parsed
Post by: Apology on December 12, 2010, 02:06:09 pm
For those who aren't interested in raw data, this post goes out to the FOTM warriors who have the
audacity to believe their welfare T2 augments should do more damage than the end-game augs available.

Title: Re: Shadow Knight DPS Parsed
Post by: Demin on December 12, 2010, 02:12:20 pm
Your warrior hatred is growing tiresome.  This is like the 5th thread I've read where you have complained about it.

edit: See below for my....apology to Apology.  My mistake.

Title: Re: Shadow Knight DPS Parsed
Post by: Apology on December 12, 2010, 02:29:57 pm
Your warrior hatred is growing tiresome.  This is like the 5th thread I've read where you have complained about it.

Ah, another imbecile who runs his mouth irrespective to the facts.
Since you're too lazy or too inept to do your own research;


These are the only three posts in which I have ever made mentioning warriors.
In these posts, I describe them as "superior" and argued for players to use them.

Of course, you can count the one I just made if you like, but it should be clear
even to someone with your meager reading comprehension that no complaint
is issued. Only data, and an insult to players who believe ridiculous things.

Go f yourself,
- Apology

Title: Re: Shadow Knight DPS Parsed
Post by: Domeiz on December 12, 2010, 02:31:36 pm
I've noticed recently some warriors saying how sk's are OP and can't die and are best dps in game. of course they said you  need UC and full augments with 4.0. sk's are certainly not OP, just find it interesting hearing all those comments from warriors. lifetap on 4.0 is exact same as 3.0, but the pally 4.0 gets a huge upgrade and can get epic heals for 80k+hp. I would just hate to see Hunter listen to these loud mouths and do something to lessen the SK's abilities.  Dont forget we dont get hate procs or anything like that like warriors do.

Title: Re: Shadow Knight DPS Parsed
Post by: Demin on December 12, 2010, 02:39:23 pm
First, you know, Apology, you're right.  I got you mixed up with someone else...I think because you were replying in some of the Warriors are OP threads that have been popping up.

So, I do sincerely...um.... apologize to Apology.

Second...wow!  What a reaction!  Take me off your bad-boy list, please!!!

Title: Re: Shadow Knight DPS Parsed
Post by: Fabdibikya on December 12, 2010, 02:44:51 pm
Apology - I'll be on later today, I'd like to see a (brief) parse of the impact of VT on SK dps.

If I see you on I'll /tell you.

Also, /concur. SK's are not OP imho, and like Hunter said, he rather beefs up other classes than nerf one. A SK on VT however is seriously badass, as the increase in proc damage directly relates to an increase in heal.

Title: Re: Shadow Knight DPS Parsed
Post by: Brianlb on December 12, 2010, 03:04:26 pm
I've noticed recently some warriors saying how sk's are OP and can't die and are best dps in game. of course they said you  need UC and full augments with 4.0. sk's are certainly not OP, just find it interesting hearing all those comments from warriors. lifetap on 4.0 is exact same as 3.0, but the pally 4.0 gets a huge upgrade and can get epic heals for 80k+hp. I would just hate to see Hunter listen to these loud mouths and do something to lessen the SK's abilities.  Dont forget we dont get hate procs or anything like that like warriors do.

I've seen some warriors complain about this too. Pretty fun when you consider they are still the top dps and tanks in game. But hell anything w/4.0 and UC is going to be overpowered. Some people just like to complain I guess.

Title: Re: Shadow Knight DPS Parsed
Post by: Teehee on December 12, 2010, 03:35:49 pm
I was told that if it was not for MCP death touch that an SK would be able to survive without ever needing outside heals?

Title: Re: Shadow Knight DPS Parsed
Post by: Gnaughty on December 12, 2010, 05:49:11 pm
I shouldnt answer since I dont rock a sk here.

Title: Re: Shadow Knight DPS Parsed
Post by: kaizen on December 12, 2010, 05:59:32 pm
the server just got overloaded with mass amounts of SKs being created

Title: Re: Shadow Knight DPS Parsed
Post by: Domeiz on December 12, 2010, 06:53:19 pm
I was told that if it was not for MCP death touch that an SK would be able to survive without ever needing outside heals?

Could say same about Pally's then.

Title: Re: Shadow Knight DPS Parsed
Post by: kaizen on December 13, 2010, 09:05:53 am
do you have any guess for how much dps SKs put out for these conditions?

3.5 w/ 2 fs5 + UC? around 40k?
4.0 w/ 3 fs5 + UC? around 35k?


face it guys.. SKs are OPed
4.0 warr with all anger4s and UC are only putting out around 26k dps
are SKs meant to be the highest DPS on this server?

i haven't done any parses myself just basing this on what gnaughty posted a couple weeks ago.. just search for DPS and his post will come up

Title: Re: Shadow Knight DPS Parsed
Post by: Brianlb on December 13, 2010, 09:34:58 am

face it guys.. SKs are OPed
4.0 warr with all anger4s and UC are only putting out around 26k dps
are SKs meant to be the highest DPS on this server?

This is a dumb comment. No one's put any parses of pally's w/the same conditions. No Monks or rogues with multiple icestrikes. You just assume that sk's are the highest dps w/a 4.0 and max sorc 50 or UC because you just saw some parses of it. Before making an assumption how about comparing all the available classes first.

And after all those comparison's have been made, if SK's are still the top dps, so what. How long have warriors been tops? SK's only started to become decent dps due to FS augs. Another class finally get's some love and people have to raise questions about it. WTF!

Title: Re: Shadow Knight DPS Parsed
Post by: kaizen on December 13, 2010, 10:21:57 am
dude STFU
i don't care what you think of my comment

i guess if you think you are so much better than other people to make comments on what other people post then other people can say stuff about you..
Get a job and get out of your mom's basement
clearly you play way too much to be so concerned with your sk

25k dps vs 35k+ dps.. case closed
the SK and PAL classes didn't get "some love" they became overpowered WTF!

Title: Re: Shadow Knight DPS Parsed
Post by: Fugitive on December 13, 2010, 10:23:42 am

We are forgetting to just have fun. If it isn't fun... well...

Title: Re: Shadow Knight DPS Parsed
Post by: Brianlb on December 13, 2010, 10:33:18 am
dude STFU
i don't care what you think of my comment

i guess if you think you are so much better than other people to make comments on what other people post then other people can say stuff about you..
Get a job and get out of your mom's basement
clearly you play way too much to be so concerned with your sk

25k dps vs 35k+ dps.. case closed
the SK and PAL classes didn't get "some love" they became overpowered WTF!

Wow, someone pissed in your cheerios. Again show some parses of other classes. Maybe some with 4 icestrikes and UC before you go running your mouth about what is over powered. And now you've added Pallys, before it was just SK's, you have no idea WTF you're talking about do you? Thanks for showing how Fing retarded you really are. And you must obviously care what others think of your comments, because it prompted you to go on a tantrum like you just did.

Title: Re: Shadow Knight DPS Parsed
Post by: Nomras on December 13, 2010, 11:06:33 am
Sk's overpowered? hmm you know i have a monk with 5 icestrikes V augments on epic 4.0 almost close to SK dps? oh well i am twinking a beastlord now and i am defiantly confident he will also beat all classes dps!.

instead of saying SK OP nono Warrior OP nonono Pally OP! go and play more twink your characters and then you will realize that they are all the same!

if you dont have a high end character with UC/ augments dont post here saying OP? because with all my respect, you dont know what the hell is going on.

Title: Re: Shadow Knight DPS Parsed
Post by: Gnaughty on December 13, 2010, 11:19:50 am
Nomras has spoken!

Title: Re: Shadow Knight DPS Parsed
Post by: Apology on December 13, 2010, 04:57:32 pm
Second...wow!  What a reaction!  Take me off your bad-boy list, please!!!

You was never bad enough to battle with Canibus. You out of luck. I crushed you the minute I got tattered up.

Apology - I'll be on later today, I'd like to see a (brief) parse of the impact of VT on SK dps.

Ill be around all weekend :3

Title: Re: Shadow Knight DPS Parsed
Post by: Apology on December 13, 2010, 04:59:49 pm
do you have any guess for how much dps SKs put out for these conditions?

Yes, I've parsed 4.0 SK's with firestrike 5's around 40k.

The point of this thread is to show that any class with strike augs is going to be putting out the same ridiculous
damage, because there's nothing inherently strong about Shadow Knight damage, as the data shows.
If you want strike augment damage on your warrior -- go get strike augments.

The fact you're seriously asking why free anger 4 augs aren't putting out the same damage as the most difficult and expensive
augments in existence illustrates precisely:

(a) you're an illiterate and/or blind to post three on this thread
(b) the absence of a single critical of analytical thought in your head.

At this point I could derail and mention that anger 4/5 augments are so easy to get they're virtually free, and
they let warriors put out damage in multiples of what other classes are capable of prior to completing 12 million
or more in strike augments, but I imagine you stopped reading four sentences ago and are already preparing
your witless rebuttal.

Sorry you were born in the south,
- Apology

Title: Re: Shadow Knight DPS Parsed
Post by: Demin on December 13, 2010, 05:50:13 pm
Why are you resorting to personal attacks in your posts?  Is it some sort of defense mechanism?  If you are so easily offended/ticked off/whatever by this sort of thing, you should probably stay away from the internet. 

Also, since we're splitting hairs.....
(a) you're illiteracy and/or blindness to post three on this thread

It should be "your illiteracy."  When you try to make fun of someone's "illiteracy," it's a good idea to double check your own "literacy."

Title: Re: Shadow Knight DPS Parsed
Post by: Apology on December 13, 2010, 06:03:07 pm
For those who care,

Did a short parse with VT // haste buff on.

VT added about ~1.5k dps, which is to be expected, since it was modifying the base damage of the 3.0 effect found on the 4.0.

Title: Re: Shadow Knight DPS Parsed
Post by: Demin on December 13, 2010, 06:09:25 pm
Hence the quotes. 


Title: Re: SK DPS Parsed v1.1
Post by: Balthor2 on December 13, 2010, 07:09:10 pm
Thank you Nomnom for posting.
Thank you Apology for posting.
All you haters please go /wrist irl
Balthor has spoken.

Title: Re: SK DPS Parsed v1.1
Post by: slaughterhaus on December 13, 2010, 11:51:04 pm
Thank you for the information here. I appreciate the time and energy put forth to illustrate the power my millions of PP are bringing me. It's taken me a fortune to catch up the dps my warrior after his first week in pod.
OP heh you make joke, I laugh.

Just a quick parse question.
My guildie has a parser he uses during our longer fights. I'm always at the bottom but I know I'm doing more dps than say my 3.0 pally with a fluxing staff and oracle 2 but he shows well above me on the dps chart.
I have a 4.0 with augs no UC. What gives brosuffs?


Title: Re: Shadow Knight DPS Parsed
Post by: Reid on December 16, 2010, 02:25:24 pm
Sorry you were born in the south,
- Apology

Damn Yankee Ess Kay's be uh messin' wif mah parses!

Wut'chu got aginst Chicken feeried steak cuntry?

Title: Re: SK DPS Parsed v1.1
Post by: Balthor2 on December 16, 2010, 02:41:37 pm
Dead you might be out of his logfiles range or he has some parts of it turned off and isnt catching all your dps.

Title: Re: SK DPS Parsed v1.1
Post by: slaughterhaus on December 17, 2010, 04:01:03 am
Tried again today. Not one of my DD epic or proc showed on his log file. Yet Pallys showed np.
lame -o-
I did a quick parse myself and was parsing live at 10k. At least I know now I'm not at the bottom of the pile:P


Title: Re: SK DPS Parsed v1.1
Post by: lerxst2112 on December 17, 2010, 06:37:14 am

Not all procs show the damage in logs other than the person using the weapon.  If you want the full damage you need to have each toon generate their own log.

Title: Re: SK DPS Parsed v1.1
Post by: hateborne on December 18, 2010, 09:16:30 am
Do I need to remind you gents how terrible the SK was 3-4 months ago? Do I need to remind you how extremely high warrior DPS used to be before the Augs were tuned down some? Do I need to remind everyone that SKs take the DPS hit for survivability?

"You trade certain things for certain other things man." 


Title: Re: SK DPS Parsed v1.1
Post by: Balthor2 on December 18, 2010, 09:49:21 am
Hate i have #hatelist's that show that.
People that are new come here and go QQ sk/pal are OP
Then I go "stfu because bards use to out dps them and bards suck"

Title: Re: SK DPS Parsed v1.1
Post by: undeadanger on December 19, 2010, 01:54:19 pm
i just got to ask i keep seeing QQ  in alot of post ,,, help a noob out and tell me what QQ  means lol ,,,, ty

Title: Re: SK DPS Parsed v1.1
Post by: barrettd04 on December 19, 2010, 02:46:11 pm
it's supposed to be the "crying" emote.  look at it as two eyes open with tears at the bottom.

Title: Re: SK DPS Parsed v1.1
Post by: undeadanger on December 19, 2010, 03:05:13 pm
ty for the info