EZ Server

General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: Buckler on December 14, 2010, 06:20:26 am

Title: Hello from New Orleans
Post by: Buckler on December 14, 2010, 06:20:26 am
Hello again EZ,

Been a while since I've been on here as I can no longer play without a PC, but I figured I'd stop in and say hey to everyone! The backpacking adventure has sort of turned into a life in the French Quarter of New Orleans with a job being a bouncer on Bourbon. Having a ton of fun starting out here, and living in The Big Easy. Hopefully some of you remember me! Take care EZ!

Title: Re: Hello from New Orleans
Post by: Ponzi on December 14, 2010, 01:13:33 pm
Hello Buck!

Hope your travels have been fun! We do miss ya :)

Title: Re: Hello from New Orleans
Post by: Buckler on December 15, 2010, 11:54:53 am
Ponzi! How goes it? Is the guild still active and Buckler still being used? Gimme some info :-D

Title: Re: Hello from New Orleans
Post by: Ponzi on December 15, 2010, 08:45:36 pm
Nah, your roomie took your toons to Rock Lobsters, then went MIA.. Xferred guild leadership of QDC to pajama, who went MIA. So i reformed under a new guild name with a buncha new folks.. Then I took a little break.

You know, typical custom server lifestyle. :) I'm sure it's all there waiting for ya when you pop back in. Just enjoy your experiences, sounds like a blast to be seeing the world like that :)

Title: Re: Hello from New Orleans
Post by: Buckler on January 08, 2011, 07:20:07 am
Yeah I figured something like that would happen, but oh well at least there was some use out of them after I left. Yeah man its totally crazy here, loving every minute of it. The backpacking thing is sort of out of the window at the moment just because I love The Big Easy, but maybe I'll pick it up again one day. My business is going fairly well out here and I've started on a project with a friend that has an ATM business. We're working on building our own custom ATMs and selling them, but the security protocols make coding insane. So much fun though and the moneys not bad either. Still working at a bar on Bourbon St as DJ/Doorman/Bar Back/Floor Manager. I may be back around in a couple weeks, but probably after Mardi Gras. Just reading some of the recent changes I see a ton has changed. Keep in touch and if any of you come to New Orleans hit me up!