EZ Server

General Category => User Interfaces => Topic started by: qualin on April 12, 2010, 02:43:49 pm

Title: Good Slim UI for Boxing?
Post by: qualin on April 12, 2010, 02:43:49 pm
Is there a good slim / efficient UI for boxing characters? One thats very functional?

Title: Re: Good Slim UI for Boxing?
Post by: Tacticulous on April 12, 2010, 04:13:57 pm

I recently changed the resolution on my boxes to 800x600 to enable me to see the better part of all 6 boxes on a single screen at all times. Now I'm constanly right clicking in chat boxes/etc. and throwing things all out of whack.

From looking at EQUI (I think), it doesn't seem like many people are making UI's that small anymore though. Anyone here have a good low resolution UI?

Title: Re: Good Slim UI for Boxing?
Post by: Lodar on April 12, 2010, 06:09:21 pm
Dual monitors for the win :)

Title: Re: Good Slim UI for Boxing?
Post by: Sickem on April 13, 2010, 08:51:21 am
I have dual monitors and it doesn't help me at all lol. I alt-tab and go to do something and nothing happens..only to realize i alt-tabbed to the 2nd screen. However...having a 32" primary monitor helps. Just stagger 3 or 4 clients and alt tab through them, or align them in the task bar in order of priority(windows 7 allows you to drag the icons around on the task bar...love it.) Usually put the primary toon first in order and my cleric last in order so i know i can just mouse down real quick at any time and switch between the 2. I've also found that most UI's DON'T work with SoF. I've tried it a dozen different ways and haven't gotten 1 to work correctly without a bunch of tweaking. Titanium seems to work flawlessly with it though.

Title: Re: Good Slim UI for Boxing?
Post by: Lodar on April 13, 2010, 09:34:58 am
I 4-box on a dual monitor with wineq.
4 windows... no alt-tab.. just clicking

Title: Re: Good Slim UI for Boxing?
Post by: robpickles on April 13, 2010, 10:00:09 am
I saw this ad for a program called ISBOXER that looked interesting.

Never tried multiboxing, but this made it look easy.

I think I saw it on the eqemu site or try a search for it on Google.

Title: Re: Good Slim UI for Boxing?
Post by: Lodar on April 13, 2010, 10:02:26 am
isboxer aint free though... wineq is free for basic version

Title: Re: Good Slim UI for Boxing?
Post by: robpickles on April 13, 2010, 10:12:10 am
isboxer aint free though... wineq is free for basic version

Ahh... figures.

Title: Re: Good Slim UI for Boxing?
Post by: Lodar on April 13, 2010, 11:19:02 am
WinEq basic is free.. you dont have all the options available to you but it works great for me.

I 4-box easily with it... 4 windows over dual monitor just click to switch.
I looked at isboxer... it looks pretty cool.. but i wont pay for a boxing tool when i have one that works great for me.

Title: Re: Good Slim UI for Boxing?
Post by: Reed on April 13, 2010, 11:38:42 am
The only problem i have noticed with boxing is, when you minimize a window by accident or on purpose, sometimes (or most of the time) you cant bring it back up. Anyone else notice this problem? maybe its just me and my W7

Title: Re: Good Slim UI for Boxing?
Post by: Lodar on April 13, 2010, 12:13:30 pm
I have W7... but never seen this happen to me.
All I seen so far if the window simply closing by itself lol... like it crashed or something.

Are you using WinEq?

Title: Re: Good Slim UI for Boxing?
Post by: Reed on April 13, 2010, 12:58:54 pm
i use EQLindows.

from this link here. I don't know which one exactly you're using... maybe you could post a link? if i could get this issue fixed, would be amazing.


Title: Re: Good Slim UI for Boxing?
Post by: Reed on April 13, 2010, 03:16:27 pm
So i downloaded WinEQ, it is sooo much better than what i was using. Thank you whoever mentioned it.
I spent a good 2 or 3 minutes minimizing and maximizing my char windows to see if they'd be unable to open again. worked like a charm.

Title: Re: Good Slim UI for Boxing?
Post by: Necosi on April 14, 2010, 06:18:32 am
Is there an advantage to using a 3rd party app like WinEQ over just opening multiple windows/instances and alt+tabbing between them?

Title: Re: Good Slim UI for Boxing?
Post by: Lodar on April 14, 2010, 07:33:07 am
Well its "Fullscreen" in a window so you dont get that mangled text.  Also it uses EQPlayNice feature which control system resources.  You can set different profiles for each shortcut etc.

If you get the paid version you get Windows Tiling and Picture in Picture as well.

Starting multiple EQ instance is nto the same... thsi you have control on alot more stuff.  WinEQA is LavishSoftware as well. You can download it from their website.

The only thing that might not work entirely well is using a 3rd party macro software, as most of them might require focus on your window. But beside that... its nice and dandy.

Title: Re: Good Slim UI for Boxing?
Post by: Reed on April 14, 2010, 10:11:13 am
Is there an advantage to using a 3rd party app like WinEQ over just opening multiple windows/instances and alt+tabbing between them?

None that i really noticed, i just preffer to use a windowing program like this. Of course i havent just opened multiple instances via launcher in a long time. Might be an advantage i dont remember about, thus making WinEQ better

Title: Re: Good Slim UI for Boxing?
Post by: shea851 on April 30, 2010, 11:51:27 pm
I always found it easiest to use 1 PC / 2 characters.

Title: Re: Good Slim UI for Boxing?
Post by: Dharkrah on May 01, 2010, 12:29:18 am
I started boxing by just opening multiple instances of the EQ client, it ran 2 fine, but when I brought a 3rd into it, everything got really choppy and unplayable.
I now use wineq2, it will run 3 instances fine, if i bring a 4th in, its playable, but a little choppy, I could probably fix this by adding more RAM, because the usage is up past 90% with 4 going.
The great thing about wineq2 is that you can customize the window names so when alt tabbing, you can actually see which window your bringing to the front.  Or leave the task bar up at the bottom of the screen and just click when feeling lazy :)

Title: Re: Good Slim UI for Boxing?
Post by: Reed on May 01, 2010, 03:05:15 pm
i just wish i could lock my windows in specific places. When i load up windows/ boxes it always appears in the top left corner of my screen. gotta drag it to center. Not a huge deal, just annoying.

Title: Re: Good Slim UI for Boxing?
Post by: Ninji on May 12, 2011, 02:08:25 am
I saw this ad for a program called ISBOXER that looked interesting.

Never tried multiboxing, but this made it look easy.

I think I saw it on the eqemu site or try a search for it on Google.

I use ISBoxer, and it makes wineq look like garbage, ISBoxer is amazing.

Title: Re: Good Slim UI for Boxing?
Post by: Gallus85 on May 12, 2011, 04:01:34 am
I just downloaded ISBoxer at your recommendation Ninji.  I have to say it's one of the most impressive programs i've ever seen as far as macros/multiboxing goes.

It's got so many options too, and I love the multi-window layout.  I can't wait to get it tweaked just right.

Also, Ninji, I could use some help getting my set up just right, please let me know if you can lend a hand.

Title: Re: Good Slim UI for Boxing?
Post by: Kuniko on May 12, 2011, 04:26:31 am
ISBoxer cost money?

Title: Re: Good Slim UI for Boxing?
Post by: Gallus85 on May 12, 2011, 04:55:43 am
Ya it's a subscription, without it, it deactivates when you try to use it.

It's 10 bucks for 90 days, or 35 bucks for a year.  Also has a 7 day trial, and if you buy, 14 day refund policy.  So if you're hard on cash you could try those first.

I'm liking it, worth it imo.

Title: Re: Good Slim UI for Boxing?
Post by: Dontee on May 15, 2011, 11:01:00 am
IsBoxer lets you send keystrokes to your "boxes" from your main toon. With a little work you dont have to switch screens at all to control your "team". Well worth the money in my opinion if you are going to box.

Title: Re: Good Slim UI for Boxing?
Post by: barrettd04 on May 15, 2011, 01:41:35 pm
IsBoxer lets you send keystrokes to your "boxes" from your main toon. With a little work you dont have to switch screens at all to control your "team". Well worth the money in my opinion if you are going to box.

You can do the same with MQ2, yet those functions of MQ2 are "against the rules".  How is ISboxer different?

Title: Re: Good Slim UI for Boxing?
Post by: Dethundrel on May 16, 2011, 10:49:05 am
IsBoxer lets you send keystrokes to your "boxes" from your main toon. With a little work you dont have to switch screens at all to control your "team". Well worth the money in my opinion if you are going to box.

You can do the same with MQ2, yet those functions of MQ2 are "against the rules".  How is ISboxer different?

That's a mighty fine question.

Title: Re: Good Slim UI for Boxing?
Post by: Sickem on May 16, 2011, 12:13:24 pm
Ya it's a subscription, without it, it deactivates when you try to use it.

It's 10 bucks for 90 days, or 35 bucks for a year.  Also has a 7 day trial, and if you buy, 14 day refund policy.  So if you're hard on cash you could try those first.

I'm liking it, worth it imo.

The 100% main reason I play emu is to avoid the cost of a subscription. It doesn't matter what the 3rd party program does, even if it gave courtesy reach arounds, if it costs money then it's not worth it imo.  :D

Title: Re: Good Slim UI for Boxing?
Post by: Dethundrel on May 26, 2011, 12:42:36 pm
IsBoxer lets you send keystrokes to your "boxes" from your main toon. With a little work you dont have to switch screens at all to control your "team". Well worth the money in my opinion if you are going to box.

You can do the same with MQ2, yet those functions of MQ2 are "against the rules".  How is ISboxer different?

Any chance on an official ruleing of this? I see it happening a lot, not ratting anyone out, just wanna know if it's allowed or not.
That's a mighty fine question.

Title: Re: Good Slim UI for Boxing?
Post by: 6 Crazy Pirates on August 15, 2011, 09:44:14 am
My main boxing problem is changing resolutions every time I launch my instances. I 6 box on two monitors. My pc seems to have plenty of resources to spare and I don't even have eqplaynice, etc. Do any of these programs let you save the resolution you want for each instance of the client or is there a way to launch eq with a parameter for resolution?

I have 3 characters on each monitor, one larger resolution window on top and two across bottom of the screen. They mostly overlap but I can still see the target and casting windows for every character at all times.

Monitor 1 (1920x1200):
1680x1050 puller, centered so I can see the sides of the other windows
1024x768 tank
800x600 healer

Monitor 2 (1280x1024):
1280x720 enchanter
800x600 dps
800x600 dps

Title: Re: Good Slim UI for Boxing?
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on August 15, 2011, 09:54:49 am
If you are using SoD eqplaynice is not so nice, imo. I was able to play more without eqplaynice than with. Eqplaynice is part of isboxer. To do what you are wanting to do without any of that stuff you would need to have multiple copies of everquest. I have several copies of eq on my pc and load each one according to what I want. Having multiple copies will allow you to set lower graphics on some, hell I even have a stripped down global file for some of my clients because I hardly play them and it allows me to have more graphics on the clients I do play. It all depends on how much hard drive space you have. I can get isboxer or even just wineq and disable eqplaynice and probably get it to do some of that with the same copy. I don't know how to do that though.

Title: Re: Good Slim UI for Boxing?
Post by: 6 Crazy Pirates on August 15, 2011, 12:41:27 pm
Can I just copy my whole everquest directory to 6 spots or do I have to reinstall?

I play in xp3 compatability mode from windows 7. I had to turn off "ask for administrator permission when launching untrusted programs" setting because that would sometimes crash everquest. I haven't tried more than 6 instances of the client but my computer (just a quad core amd, total of around $400 in parts) runs 6 flawlessly. 8gb of ddr3 1600 ram is less than $50 nowadays. It's ridiculous compared to back when we all tried to run everquest on pcs less powerful than modern cell phones.

Title: Re: Good Slim UI for Boxing?
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on August 15, 2011, 01:14:51 pm
You can just select the folder, press control c, the press control v. Really you can just copy the whole folder, eq does not have to be install at all to work. I have literally placed it in a shared folder and copied it from one pc to another. The intall process is useless once you have it on your pc once. I even zipped up my entire directory and sent it to my brother who has never had eq on his current pc and it worked, lol.

From that points you can change anything about the directories you want. I run one with new character models, one with old character models, and then the last with old character models and a stripped down global.

Title: Re: Good Slim UI for Boxing?
Post by: Brokyn on August 16, 2011, 07:46:49 am
One of the major advantages to WINEQ2 is that it does allow you to create different profiles for each client without having to have separate installations of EQ on your system.  You can set the XY coordinates of the top left corner of each window for each client, you can change resolution, you can change in game settings, etc.

It also allows for alt tab like functionality with custom keystrokes for specific windows.  The default is crtl-alt-1, ctrl-alt-2, etc.  So, if you always load your cleric as the 4th toon, you can go straight to your cleric by hitting ctrl-alt-4...

Title: Re: Good Slim UI for Boxing?
Post by: Jatrasis on August 17, 2011, 08:11:10 am
Maybe I'm just stupid or something, but I couldn't get WinEq2 to work for me.  It would load up EQ instances, but it would not put them in different spots on my desktop, and it did not make things run any faster.

Any thoughts?

Title: Re: Good Slim UI for Boxing?
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on August 17, 2011, 09:45:48 am
When I used wineq while using SoD I actually had a downgrade in playability. I had more pc lag. I believe that has to do with the built in fps limiter that SoD has. With wineq I could load up 3 or 4 before I start having trouble with /stick going haywire like /follow does. Without it I have pushed my machine to 12 and could prolly get more with no issues with /stick. I used the same settings I did with titanium and was able to load 12 with titanium with no issues. As for moving stuff around, that is only the pay version of it.

Title: Re: Good Slim UI for Boxing?
Post by: lerxst2112 on August 17, 2011, 03:06:31 pm

I use the free version and it puts my windows where I have saved them.  I don't remember exactly how to do it though.  I think it's shift + right-click to bring up the context menu and then you click save position or something like that.  You can also turn off eqplaynice which is what is probably causing the issues with /stick.

Title: Re: Good Slim UI for Boxing?
Post by: cycrost on October 03, 2011, 06:44:47 pm
I have been using / working on a UI called Ostime2 for the Seeds Client. It does not work on Titanium as it is just too old a client. I made it to help in boxing, it is fully functional and strives to stay the Hell out of the way as much as possible.

Feedback welcome, I take constructive criticism very well! Good - bad - Indiff, it is all good, hard to improve a UI without feedback.

P.S. Minor cleanup: Your Hit Points // Endurance // Mana numbers will correctly read 6+6 digits.... Hps-300000 / 300000 is how it would read....  End- xxxxxx ..... Mna- xxxxxx ... happy to have testers :) Email me

Title: Re: Good Slim UI for Boxing?
Post by: Appren on October 10, 2011, 10:31:02 am
@cyrcrost. I like the UI so far, but the cast bar is not one of my favorites. I'd prefer to have either all 9 gems in a row horizontally or vertically, and not in two rows as it is now.

Title: Re: Good Slim UI for Boxing?
Post by: cycrost on October 10, 2011, 11:56:38 pm
No problem, I can change that for you. I might include a folder with a Horiz x 9 and a vert x9 for you to tinker with.

Thanks for the feedback.
P.S. Ok, file sent your way. I made various clean ups as well. The default spellbar will be horizontal. Let me know what you think, After which I will use that feedback to roll up a Vertical bar, and mod the horizontal if needs be.