EZ Server

General Category => Rogue => Topic started by: Demeth on December 15, 2010, 02:02:38 pm

Title: Rogue Suggestions
Post by: Demeth on December 15, 2010, 02:02:38 pm
I just wanted to post some suggestion to make Rogues more effective. I play a Rogue main and would simply like to be able to continue to play a Rogue as my main without having to be drug around by guildies.

From what I understand, there is confusion as to whether a cap exists on a Rogue's backstab damage and whether or not it is client specific, yada yada yada. I think we might be able to work around that to still increase Rogue DPS.

Most of my suggestions though, work by modifying and emphasizing backstab mechanics. The Rogue was never meant to be a box-able character and I don't think we should dummy it down to make it one.

1. Increase rate of double and triple backstabs. It doesn't have to become a 50% thing, just maybe by 10% would help increase DPS in combination with the next suggestion.

2. Increase minimum backstab damage. Currently, I have 3.0's and if I'm facing the mob, clicking on backstab seems to have a greater chance to do a single backstab of 179 damage, in the midst of my regular damage which is at least twice that amount on a bad shot.

3. Decrease backstab reuse time? This would increase DPS quite a bit, but would then decrease rates of daggerfall enhanced backstabs, which could potentially keep the DPS generated the same. So maybe also decrease reuse time on 3.0 clicky and disc.

4. Poison mechanics, maybe make them a combat innate? In live, one of the cool things about a Rogue was being able to poison your dagger, sneak up, and backstab a mob to being near 50% quickly and risking minimum damage to yourself by maxing your DPS on first shot. Honestly though, a poison that works for one shot is almost useless on this server, especially at the amount of damage the old poisons used to do. This will probably require a lot of DB editing, so maybe instead make a set of poisons created with the Magic Box using things you find off of T1/T2 chests and mini-bosses? Or, of course, we could just get a super-cool poison DD on the 3.0's and above.

Anyway, just some stuff to think about, and I'll add more as I come up with ideas.

Title: Re: Rogue Suggestions
Post by: Lithiar on December 15, 2010, 03:34:28 pm
Adding a Unresistable Stun, allowing the rog to run behind mob and hit that backstab hotkey will be fun imo. Great for Soloing, beneficial in Groups.

Title: Re: Rogue Suggestions
Post by: Reid on December 15, 2010, 03:41:59 pm
As far as I know, rogue DPS is fine, just high maintenance. If you can post parses proving otherwise, it'd get more attention from gm's and I, for one, would be more inclined to banter about changes.

As it is, I am too uninformed to pitch in on any mechanics/class changes that may or may not be necessary for EZ rogues.

Your 2.) On the otherhand: This is a issue any person who has ever played a rogue and had the aa for "front stab." As far as I know the rng has always been more likely to hit for the minimum with backstab from the front. This was part of the code implemented on live to ensure that the rogues wouldn't become imbalanced. Now, on EZ you may see a significant difference with what the rng considers the "minimum" due to the way custom content, focuses, possibly broken aa's that boost damage, etc. work. -> I.e. the math on the Backstab attack includes a dmg boost from something like your +Backstab modifier from your epics or the +Attack from your custom gear, that it doesn't from the front.

Title: Re: Rogue Suggestions
Post by: Demeth on December 15, 2010, 03:43:42 pm
Last time I parsed, actually, my Rogue's DPS parsed lower than my 3.0 bard's. I'll post parses as I can.

Title: Re: Rogue Suggestions
Post by: Reid on December 15, 2010, 03:50:14 pm
With or without augs, t3 spells, equiv gear, etc.?

If you post less dps than my Bard, i'd be pouring over all the data I can trying to figure out if something is being left out of the parse, or if you are bad off.

Title: Re: Rogue Suggestions
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on December 15, 2010, 05:24:34 pm
If you parsed less damage than your bard then you were not playing your rogue to his maximum potential. Rogue with a 3.0 is on par with a monk 3.0 as far as dps just more click intensive. If I am not mistaken there are parses to support this somewhere on the forums.

Title: Re: Rogue Suggestions
Post by: Balthor2 on December 15, 2010, 06:37:59 pm
Bard dps is a joke

Title: Re: Rogue Suggestions
Post by: Reid on December 15, 2010, 08:54:47 pm
Bard's dps is measured like that of any other utility class, not in just his pure damage, but the damage he brings to the group. It's harder to quantify, but most assuredly is still trailing behind any other dps class. I see a bard as a welcome addition to the melee centric environment of EZ, bugs in coding aside.

But I digress, we were talking rogues...

Title: Re: Rogue Suggestions
Post by: slaughterhaus on December 22, 2010, 12:53:43 pm
I'm not sure a bard is really that useful. I would love to see a parse with a bard singing and a parse without a bard singing. I too digress..

I parsed a rouge the other day in FG Nesta I believe his name and his dps with 2 3.0 and Lifetap augs from fear. His dps on the dummy was solidly around 8k.

I was interested because my Zerk and Ranger both are parsing at 4k and 6k with the same gear respectively. Rogue Dps is good out of the box with augs and sorc charm I'm pretty sure it would be pretty damn sick.



Title: Re: Rogue Suggestions
Post by: Fabdibikya on December 23, 2010, 05:31:27 am
Wonder if enchanter's arm also adds 15% to rogue backstab damage.
Would add 6k to that 40k backstab that they're so proud of.

Dem, next time we're both online we're going to pay a visit to Mr. Dummy.

Title: Re: Rogue Suggestions
Post by: Glennsi on February 06, 2011, 05:16:28 pm
i hear alot of rogue changes implimenting slowly there testing out bugs etc. But Rogues will be awesome like they are meant to be;).

Title: Re: Rogue Suggestions
Post by: Gnaughty on February 06, 2011, 11:07:49 pm
Hmm I checked my monks this week and wizards, I'll have to check rogue tonight with and without augments.  Tell me this, do we believe rogue dps should match wizards and monks? 

Title: Re: Rogue Suggestions
Post by: Glennsi on February 07, 2011, 04:44:00 am
yes wizards and rogues were always top dps and monks were good to but wizards were the king of spell and rogues king of melee..thats just my opinion..

Title: Re: Rogue Suggestions
Post by: Storm on February 07, 2011, 05:41:41 am
Hmm I checked my monks this week and wizards, I'll have to check rogue tonight with and without augments.  Tell me this, do we believe rogue dps should match wizards and monks? 

I beleive rogue dps should outmatch the monk dps, because rogues need a lot more active work (positioning, evading, backstabbing) than monks.   Besides, monks tank better than rogues.

As for wizards, I'm clueless...

Title: Re: Rogue Suggestions
Post by: Smoka on February 07, 2011, 06:36:36 am
yes wizards and rogues were always top dps and monks were good to but wizards were the king of spell and rogues king of melee..thats just my opinion..

Welcome to an EMU server. It might be shock, but this isn't live.

Title: Re: Rogue Suggestions
Post by: Gnaughty on February 07, 2011, 07:33:54 am
Well, wizards got a decent bump up earlier this week which I am happy about.  As you may have noticed the gentlemen have been working on the melee dps classes. Which is huge considering they have been the bastard children on EZ for awhile.  I havent tested yet since I lack augments on a rogue, Ill try to fix that today.  Oh yeah and the shaman spell that is supposed to help out.

Title: Re: Rogue Suggestions
Post by: Dragonmist on February 07, 2011, 10:04:09 am
On live when I quit around SoD release after playing for 8 years.

TOP 3 DPS for longest time Highend raid geared etc gamparse'd

Around DoDH-TSS
Started appearing at top of parse if they were played right, of course always some BST,MAG,and NEC doing so all depends on research and reading up knowing the classes. And what helped and what was time wasters as far as routine per dmg done on raid mobs.

Now this isnt live but maybe we should look into DPS increase to help. Yet again I know this is far from live so I dont expect miracles just would like to enjoy playing a dps class mauybe as a main instead of botting them around a Nascar Pit-Crew lol

Title: Re: Rogue Suggestions
Post by: Drezden on February 07, 2011, 10:18:05 am
 312k Backstab with 4.0 click ! Was biggest I produced last night on the dummy.

Title: Re: Rogue Suggestions
Post by: slaughterhaus on February 09, 2011, 04:46:35 pm
They fix the Sod bug yet for rogues?

From what I've read the BS was capped to low.
Thanks for info!!!


Title: Re: Rogue Suggestions
Post by: Nomras on February 09, 2011, 10:26:55 pm
lol 312 k backstab! hmm with IS V and Ninjastrike you will do dps that is equal to 20 rangers (with epic 4.0) all together.

oh ya yesterday i did 230k 220k 90k triple damage on single backstab u can add 5 more rangers to the above figure!

Title: Re: Rogue Suggestions
Post by: Fabdibikya on February 10, 2011, 03:52:22 am
Slightly over 500k damage. That's almost what a wizard does on a bad hair day!

Of course, with melee augs and dps in between, that's a nice and viable little stabbing session you had there.

Wonder how much DPS it takes to take down chambersb dummy.

Title: Re: Rogue Suggestions
Post by: slaughterhaus on February 24, 2011, 07:53:09 pm
Rog dps on the 2.0 dummy 14k over 1000 seconds. 4.0 and 3.0
No augs brawlers 2

Bst 4.0 out of the box.....32k no FG no augs just pet dps and basic melee damage.

With augs Rogs can be uber. I would like to see a little more pure melee damage maybe just a increase in Crit % on Backstabs.


Title: Re: Rogue Suggestions
Post by: Hurley on February 24, 2011, 09:42:48 pm
Anyone have any parse data on a 4.0'd mage pet?