EZ Server

General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: Zartaxis on December 16, 2010, 08:46:02 am

Title: Rampage mechanics?
Post by: Zartaxis on December 16, 2010, 08:46:02 am
I feel like I remember rampage on live targeting just the second highest person on the hatelist.  Was there also a version that hit everyone in melee range?  How does it work on EZ?

Also there was a July update that said pets do not take rampage damage anymore.  Did that actually happen?

I never worried about rampage in t2 because I could easily heal through it.  Now that I am starting t3 I noticed that shadow was rampaging and killing my beastlord instead of my pally who has to have way more threat. 

I think my pets were dying to ripostes on shadow because he would randomly turn around even though he didn't lose my war as a target.

Title: Re: Rampage mechanics?
Post by: jck169 on December 16, 2010, 09:52:04 am
There's two separate rampage mechanics, single target and AE.

AE ramp will hit anyone within melee range of a mob.  Usually you can skirt the edge of melee range and not take it.

Single ramp works by a list.  The order that players aggro a mob is the order a mob will use to determine who has rampage.

Title: Re: Rampage mechanics?
Post by: gimpy on December 16, 2010, 10:11:52 am
Were you using a mage pet?  When the mage pet roots, shadow will spin to whichever PC is the closest. 

Title: Re: Rampage mechanics?
Post by: Zartaxis on December 16, 2010, 10:14:47 am
Were you using a mage pet?  When the mage pet roots, shadow will spin to whichever PC is the closest. 

Hmmm yeah I was using a mage pet.  I always figured that bosses were immune to the root but due to the stun/knockback I can't be sure my war was the closest to Shadow.  We really need to get that root removed from mage pets.

Title: Re: Rampage mechanics?
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on December 16, 2010, 10:19:16 am
Whether it lands or not it does not matter. Even attempting to cast a root will generate loads of agro. Same thing with stuns. In the past I have stolen agro from my warrior when he was using all anger V (no hate adjustment aside from proc hate) while using my monk and clicking on the 3.0.

Title: Re: Rampage mechanics?
Post by: Zartaxis on December 16, 2010, 11:05:12 am
Whether it lands or not it does not matter. Even attempting to cast a root will generate loads of agro. Same thing with stuns. In the past I have stolen agro from my warrior when he was using all anger V (no hate adjustment aside from proc hate) while using my monk and clicking on the 3.0.

Unless it generates enough agro to pull Shadow off of my 4 IV's then I don't think that is the reason shadow was turning around.  Like I said, in my HOTT he never lost my war as the target.

Title: Re: Rampage mechanics?
Post by: gimpy on December 16, 2010, 01:03:40 pm
I have noticed this as well on Shadow fights, if using the mage pet.  When root lands, the HOTT box shows the warr as the target, but I can see him spin to hit a person behind him. 

I put a manastone in a main inventory slot, and use it to break root and scoot closer every time I get knocked back if I am using a mage pet.  I know that root lands on Shadow.  I forgot to do a /pet hold when moving Shadow to the stairs, and the mage pet ran out and rooted him. 

Title: Re: Rampage mechanics?
Post by: Zartaxis on December 16, 2010, 01:10:08 pm
I have noticed this as well on Shadow fights, if using the mage pet.  When root lands, the HOTT box shows the warr as the target, but I can see him spin to hit a person behind him. 

I put a manastone in a main inventory slot, and use it to break root and scoot closer every time I get knocked back if I am using a mage pet.  I know that root lands on Shadow.  I forgot to do a /pet hold when moving Shadow to the stairs, and the mage pet ran out and rooted him. 

Thanks a lot for that info.  Also I had no idea that manastone breaks root.

Title: Re: Rampage mechanics?
Post by: gimpy on December 16, 2010, 03:18:16 pm
Yea, manastone will break root, but usually not the first time.  At least it is an insta cast, so you can spam it as fast as you can click it, pretty much.  :)  Your T2 and higher legs will also break root, but they are a much slower cast.  Any DD spell has a chance to break root, I used to hate that when I played a caster on live. 

Title: Re: Rampage mechanics?
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on December 16, 2010, 07:39:34 pm
To clarify, the mage pet root steals agro from any warrior I have grouped with. Whether he have all V's, a mix of V's and IV's or all IV's. It's not immediate but it is pretty much definite. I think it is because it casts over and over and over. It is the single reason why I do not use my mage anymore except to coth.

Title: Re: Rampage mechanics?
Post by: Balthor2 on December 16, 2010, 08:16:59 pm
I have a picture from when hunter gave us #hatelist.
Mage pet in 2min made like 8.5million hate
Balthor with 4 anger 4 augs made like 2.5million hate

Mage pet agro > warrior agro

Title: Re: Rampage mechanics?
Post by: Zartaxis on December 17, 2010, 05:58:13 am
Well damn I will have to go check those old SS with #hatelist but what would it take Hunter to get mage pet root removed?

Title: Re: Rampage mechanics?
Post by: Dood on December 18, 2010, 03:21:10 am
Another Mage pet root removal request! +1  ;)

Title: Re: Rampage mechanics?
Post by: Fabdibikya on December 19, 2010, 09:45:30 am
Add one for pet root removal (not just mage, also enchanter, rofl - Enchanting defender and epic clicks are built on the mage earth pet, until you get the AA's for componentless casting you even need malachites for Enchanting Defender lol)

+1 root removal, change enchanting defender spell to be hp buff + anger proc to offset tankability.