EZ Server

General Category => Rants and Flames => Topic started by: ozzy1133 on December 20, 2010, 02:26:08 pm

Title: Ommadon repeatedly training me in LDON 6
Post by: ozzy1133 on December 20, 2010, 02:26:08 pm
Although this area isn't hard to clear. When this kid pulls half the zone and FD's right at my feet its a bit much. Happened twice in 20 minutes.

Title: Re: Ommadon repeatedly training me in LDON 6
Post by: Domeiz on December 20, 2010, 02:29:33 pm
try and get some fraps of that or ss atleast.

Title: Re: Ommadon repeatedly training me in LDON 6
Post by: ozzy1133 on December 20, 2010, 03:05:23 pm
yeah, will next time. both times i turned the corner and he had 40+ mobs on him then he fd'd

Title: Re: Ommadon repeatedly training me in LDON 6
Post by: Reid on December 20, 2010, 03:23:45 pm
Instanced or no?

I'll look into it.

Title: Re: Ommadon repeatedly training me in LDON 6
Post by: ozzy1133 on December 20, 2010, 03:28:49 pm
not instanced, was in public

Title: Re: Ommadon repeatedly training me in LDON 6
Post by: Lintrix on December 20, 2010, 03:40:08 pm
Instanced or no?

I'll look into it.

I'm a little confused, is it legal to train in the instance version of LDoN?

Title: Re: Ommadon repeatedly training me in LDON 6
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on December 20, 2010, 03:43:47 pm
Instanced or no?

I'll look into it.

I'm a little confused, is it legal to train in the instance version of LDoN?


Title: Re: Ommadon repeatedly training me in LDON 6
Post by: lerxst2112 on December 20, 2010, 03:57:48 pm

LDON instances are just additional copies of the normal zone and everyone that pays the admission price shares the same zone.  As such, they are subject to the no train rule.

Only truly private instances, like bot or time, are where you can train as much as you like since you own the zone.

Title: Re: Ommadon repeatedly training me in LDON 6
Post by: Balthor2 on December 20, 2010, 05:43:24 pm
Get a good fraps and hope it meets whatever criteria Hunter has. Mine have never so I dont bother fraps anymore.

Title: Re: Ommadon repeatedly training me in LDON 6
Post by: Reid on December 20, 2010, 11:37:23 pm
Instanced still falls under the no train policy, BUT, be honest, how many times have you been caught "red handed" when you were farming shit and didn't see some one come in.

That aside, i'm sure it's a case of him flopping around to bypass sections so he won't die, albeit sloppily. I'll talk to him next time I see him and see if I can get the down-low.

Title: Re: Ommadon repeatedly training me in LDON 6
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on December 21, 2010, 12:53:53 am
Be that the case or not, and yes, I too have been caught red handed, he did it multiple times and that's why someone ended up putting his name on the forums. It really boils down to 2 things. Who catches you, and how you handle being caught. Me, I was apologetic, I ceased immediately and I offered help. I hope though that he does listen to you, you seem like a reasonable person from this and other posts. Your reaction has been A+.

Title: Re: Ommadon repeatedly training me in LDON 6
Post by: Tromi on December 21, 2010, 02:14:16 am
[ I hope though that he does listen to you, you seem like a reasonable person from this and other posts. Your reaction has been A+.

Bullshit,you are a forum troll who looks for fights.Its obvious,you just want to start shit with people.

Title: Re: Ommadon repeatedly training me in LDON 6
Post by: lerxst2112 on December 21, 2010, 02:28:50 am
Bullshit,you are a forum troll who looks for fights.Its obvious,you just want to start shit with people.

If that isn't the pot calling the kettle black I don't know what is.

Title: Re: Ommadon repeatedly training me in LDON 6
Post by: Fivesevenfour on December 21, 2010, 04:08:18 am
Look,its not like I trained you on purpose.I was simply trying to get a corpse to boss room and didnt notice you in the zone,second time there was no fd and im pretty sure I died due my comp restarting.If i've offended anyone then I apologize but like I said it wasent on purpose.

Title: Re: Ommadon repeatedly training me in LDON 6
Post by: Fabdibikya on December 21, 2010, 04:47:45 am
I don't buy the excuse.

A) No training. No, not even then. If you need to get to a corpse which is being held for you, and other people are in the zone, you could have asked them to clear for you. Also, FD more often and you won't have 40 on you as stated above.

B) NO TRAINING. Seriously.

C) /who is your friend. If you're going to train, do it in an instance or when nobody's around. Also, there are SO many ways to get to a corpse that don't involve FD - if OP sent you a tell asking you "wtf", you could have apologised then and asked him to drag your corpse to said mob.

D) Did I mention no training yet?

Kisses - Clev

PS: No training

Title: Re: Ommadon repeatedly training me in LDON 6
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on December 21, 2010, 05:46:56 am
I hope though that he does listen to you, you seem like a reasonable person from this and other posts. Your reaction has been A+.

Bullshit,you are a forum troll who looks for fights.Its obvious,you just want to start shit with people.

Fixed your post for you. That will be a $1.95.

Title: Re: Ommadon repeatedly training me in LDON 6
Post by: Wack on December 21, 2010, 02:25:59 pm
well if he only had ten mobs at a time and was fding it wasnt really training tbh and why where you running neck and neck with him lol? However I don't kno what all really happened with this and ill talk to him sry for the misunderstanding with this situation.. Good luck happy hunting ..

Title: Re: Ommadon repeatedly training me in LDON 6
Post by: Reid on December 21, 2010, 02:29:21 pm
I hope though that he does listen to you, you seem like a reasonable person from this and other posts. Your reaction has been A+.

Bullshit,you are a forum troll who looks for fights.Its obvious,you just want to start shit with people.

Tromi, this thread isn't about you, and your reply wasn't constructive to it in any way. Also, coming into it and starting shit shows just what a hypocrite you really are, but I digress. Kindly bugger off.

On topic: I talked to Omm today, and don't believe that his "training" was malicious in any way. As a member of the same guild I consider the matter closed as apologies have been sent and there is no lasting issue to discuss.

Title: Re: Ommadon repeatedly training me in LDON 6
Post by: Ryvva on December 22, 2010, 02:04:09 am
[ I hope though that he does listen to you, you seem like a reasonable person from this and other posts. Your reaction has been A+.

Bullshit,you are a forum troll who looks for fights.Its obvious,you just want to start shit with people.

Heh another example of Tromi taking the low road,

Title: Re: Ommadon repeatedly training me in LDON 6
Post by: Fabdibikya on December 22, 2010, 04:36:22 am
(no training)