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General Category => Quest and Guides => Topic started by: hateborne on December 21, 2010, 03:38:49 pm

Title: Of LDoN, Charms, and Gnomes by Hateborne
Post by: hateborne on December 21, 2010, 03:38:49 pm
This is merely an attempt to pile 50 different posts into one, for ease of access. (Both for myself and new players)

LDoN is composed of 6 levels. Each level contains different doodads, charms, and NPC groups.

Levels of LDoN:
LDoN 1: No Charms, No Bosses
LDoN 2: Brawler  Charms, 3 Bosses (1 pageless, Alucard)
LDoN 3: Guardian Charms, 2 Bosses
LDoN 4: Oracle Charms, 2 Bosses
LDoN 5: Sorcer1 Charms, 2 Bosses
LDoN 6: All Charms, 2 Bosses

Drop Rate per SPECIFIC charm is 1/666. LDoN 6 has a 1/250 drop rate.

Universal Zone Info: All bosses drop LDoN 50 Credit Coins (50C), all trash CAN drop LDoN 10 Credit Coins (10C), and LDoN2+ can drop Loot Cards (or "Credit" Card, CredC)2.

All loot cards can be turned in, 4 at a time, for a corresponding piece of gear (i.e.: 4 Jesters Boots would give you a pair of...BOOTS). Randomly, a small blue stone called "Stone of Descent" will drop. These are used to port the entire GROUP up to the next level (in LDoN 1-4). One LDoN 5, EACH members needs one to get the LDoN6 key. The key can be used to teleport the player to LDoN6 at any time from anywhere. After getting the LDoN6 key flag, the player can talk to a miner in the guilds or Nexus to port to ANY LDoN level.

Charm Upgrades are combined with Noobie Charm v2 in the Magic Box. If you ALREADY own a charm, combine the old one and the upgrade in the Magic Box to complete it. No more running back to town per drop, HUZZAH!

-LDoN 1 contains no bosses and acts as a staging area. Nice to give players an intro to the EZ-LDoN system, as well as temporarily blind them from all the white. There is no loot card(s) that can drop here. It consists of ice golems, dust clouds, goblins, and lil polar bears.

-LDoN 2 contains 3 bosses. The Bloodguard and Malicious Shadow Scion both drop pages 1 and 2 (respectively). Alucard drops random loot and a 50C coin. The loot cards here are "Falcons Gloves" and "Jesters Boots". The mobs consist of mainly vampire folk, mummies, more dust clouds, and the occasional cultist in his dark emo robes.

-LDoN 3 contains 2 bosses. The mature sand frog drops page 4 and the petrified tree drops page 3. The loot cards here are "Kings Crown" and "Knights Arms". The mob base consists of mainly angry sand people, trees, golems, and beetles. NOTE: Beware of "a master flowkeeper", as they have an INSTANT cast Charm.

-LDoN 4 contains 2 bosses. The rebellious arcanist drops page 5 and the metal melter drops page 6. The loot cards here are "Queens Legs" and "Peasants Bracers". The mobs base consists of orky looking mugs, MORE goblins, boxes/barrels (yes..), and some wildlife (bears/dogs).

-LDoN 5 contains 2 bosses. The evil eye drops page 7 and the froglok ghost drops page 8. This zone contains the King's Chest cards. This is the only zone to get these cards. The npcs here consist of undead froglok, living froglok, and skeletal froglok. So...much...froglok. Note: Turning in a Stone of Descent to the gatekeeper here unlocks the ability to TELEPORT to any LDoN level you want from the miner in Nexus (or guilds).

-LDoN 6 contains 2 bosses. The npc Chaos drops page 9 and the balrog drops page 10. This zone drops a new CredC that has no credit value. This is the Illusion Card. These can be turned in 4 at a time for a random illusion item (unlimited charges, used from main inv, targetable, no group requirement). The charm drop chance is considerably higher, but so is the number of players active here. However, the charm dropped is...random. The selection of killables includes manticores, wolf-people-from-the-planet-xanadu, angryface spirits, LOTS of slime, good number of puma things, flying monkeys, and the occasional frankenstein monster built out of recycled raid mobs. NOTE: The bosses have had their charm and 50C token chance murdered. Right now, killing the LDoN6 bosses for anything other than pages is a waste of time and energy (unless they look at you funny, then they're asking for it).

Falcons Gloves   300
Jesters Boots   300
Knights Arms   400
Kings Crown      400
Peasants Bracer   500
Queens Legs      500
Kings Chest      600
Illusionists   600

All of these can be purchased for the price listed, or conversely sold for 10% of their purchase price (minus the Illusionist's).

This guide was done quickly while eating lunch. Please post/whisper me any corrections and I'll get them fixed. Thanks


EDIT: Minor corrections 26/12/10
EDIT: Added cards
1 - Yes I know it is spelled s-o-r-c-e-r-e-r, it's spelled like sorcer on the game. Lemme alone
2 - These are listed in each LDoN description.

Title: Re: Of LDoN, Charms, and Gnomes by Hateborne
Post by: lerxst2112 on December 21, 2010, 03:46:47 pm

On level 1-4 giving a Stone of Descent to the gatekeeper on level 1-4 will teleport your entire group to the next level.  Level 5 is different in that every toon must hand in their own Stone of Descent to get to level 6 and get the key.

The Stone of Descent can be pretty rare on the lower levels, so make sure everyone has one from the upper levels if your plan is to get the key.

Title: Re: Of LDoN, Charms, and Gnomes by Hateborne
Post by: Likkety on December 21, 2010, 04:05:33 pm

The Stone of Descent can be pretty rare on the lower levels, so make sure everyone has one from the upper levels if your plan is to get the key.

Upper levels being the lower number and lower levels are the higher number. LDoN goes down underground, not up like a tower. That always confused me at first. lol I know stone of DESCENT suggests down but meh. Still confused me.  ???

Title: Re: Of LDoN, Charms, and Gnomes by Hateborne
Post by: Zartaxis on December 21, 2010, 04:10:39 pm
Nice guide.  Couple or minor corrections.  The chance for lvl 6 bosses to drop 50 credits and charms have been so reduced that it is barely worth mentioning as being possible.  1% for charm and 5% for 50 credits if I remember correctly.

Also Kings chest cards are very rare in the earlier lvls but they can drop.  Again not worth farming there for them but they can drop.

Title: Re: Of LDoN, Charms, and Gnomes by Hateborne
Post by: Likkety on December 21, 2010, 05:56:12 pm
I got 37 King chests in an empty instance of 5 today in 4hrs so not "that" rare but you are correct on the creds/charms on lvl6 sir! lol

Title: Re: Of LDoN, Charms, and Gnomes by Hateborne
Post by: Fabdibikya on December 22, 2010, 03:39:09 am
I got 37 King chests in an empty instance of 5 today in 4hrs so not "that" rare but you are correct on the creds/charms on lvl6 sir! lol

He did say the earlier levels. 5 is where they're supposed to drop, so it would make sense that you got that many :-)

But yes, the credits have all but been removed from the bosses in 6 - worth mentioning in OP.