EZ Server

General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: Likkety on December 27, 2010, 07:58:36 pm

Title: The things that should be...
Post by: Likkety on December 27, 2010, 07:58:36 pm
Instances SHOULD be 1K each considering the server is a box realm and logging in toons is more painful than a proctology exam. Can we get a little loyalty sympathy or do you just not give a damn Hunter? =)

Title: Re: The things that should be...
Post by: Likkety on December 27, 2010, 07:59:49 pm
<<BUMP>> Cause you guys type/post too fast. lol

Title: Re: The things that should be...
Post by: L0stman on December 27, 2010, 09:14:52 pm
Group instances are 2k.
Guild instances are 10k up to T3 (Exception Guk).
Guild instances at T3 and above are 100k.

These prices seem good - maybe even a tad low (Exception Guk LOL).

Specifically, which ones do you find issue with?

Title: Re: The things that should be...
Post by: Gnaughty on December 27, 2010, 11:58:10 pm
The HoH one is expensive I think.

Title: Re: The things that should be...
Post by: Lucadian on December 28, 2010, 12:45:02 am
As much as I agree with you, Gnaughty, this probably won't be changed. Hunter has said many times how you can make back the cost of the instance within a couple hours, but I guess he doesn't take into consideration that not everyone sells the 3.5 book and pages when they go in there, and I don't care what anyone says, the amount of gems that drop are not enough to make back 100k. It's just simply not true.

Title: Re: The things that should be...
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on December 28, 2010, 01:51:38 am
Not only is it true, but it is also fairly quick.

Title: Re: The things that should be...
Post by: Balthor2 on December 28, 2010, 03:16:34 am
As much as I agree with you, Gnaughty, this probably won't be changed. Hunter has said many times how you can make back the cost of the instance within a couple hours, but I guess he doesn't take into consideration that not everyone sells the 3.5 book and pages when they go in there, and I don't care what anyone says, the amount of gems that drop are not enough to make back 100k. It's just simply not true.

Very true, doesnt take me long to make 500k or more in hoh.
It requires a decent portion of my day spent in there but I need pages and I need stones to spawn bosses so its all good.
Personally taking the time to loot the gems annoys me because it slows me down BUT I can now pay for a weeks worth of alt gearing off just a single day in HoH.
No more need for me to park toons in lguk farming crap to sell or whoring xiggies sister out to bring in the pp.

Title: Re: The things that should be...
Post by: Fabdibikya on December 28, 2010, 04:23:13 am
No more need for me to park toons in lguk farming crap to sell or whoring xiggies sister out to bring in the pp.

Pricecheck plz

Title: Re: The things that should be...
Post by: walk2k on December 28, 2010, 05:08:32 am
would like to see more 2k or even 10k GROUP instances but really the only one that is out of whack is Guk for...100k lol.  I know you can make your money back selling FG items.. don't care that's not what I want to waste my time doing... IMO

Title: Re: The things that should be...
Post by: Fabdibikya on December 28, 2010, 06:13:50 am
If Guk is overcamped and you're considering buying one or two items, you'd already be cheaper off getting the instance.

I would totally be pro a 3-hour 10k group instance, though, but the problem with that is that it's too easy to reset.

Consider someone with 100k to blow: He can either get a guild instance for 100k, which lands him 24 hours. He will not be able to use all 24 hours himself, in normal circumstances, so let's assume he has 8 hours to blow.
For the same 100k, he could get 20-30 hours worth of farming, spread over any amount of time as he chooses, with the option of going: Fuck it, I REALLY need that FBSS, I'm deleting and resetting the instance, which means he could cram 10 spawns of all mobs on as little as 2-3 hours.

Making an undeletable guk group instance for 3 hours, however? Win.

Title: Re: The things that should be...
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on December 28, 2010, 11:42:17 am
No more need for me to park toons in lguk farming crap to sell or whoring xiggies sister out to bring in the pp.

Pricecheck plz

The price was cut in half since she got clap, so $1.95 plus local taxes.

Title: Re: The things that should be...
Post by: Gnaughty on December 28, 2010, 01:12:24 pm
Silly me I forgot about the new gem drops, haven't farmed in there since the changes.

Title: Re: The things that should be...
Post by: Balthor2 on December 28, 2010, 01:28:09 pm
Another thing I find humorous is when I buy guk instances and I am done farming the crap out of it, I usually have like 8 hours left on it. NO one ever wants to tag up and use the rest of the timer on the instance for as cheap as 10kpp or whatever Im asking.
I see people bitching a lot but no one ever taking advantage of offers put out there.

I'll save my other rants about the stupid majority of the server for later.

Title: Re: The things that should be...
Post by: Brianlb on December 28, 2010, 01:33:02 pm
Another thing I find humorous is when I buy guk instances and I am done farming the crap out of it, I usually have like 8 hours left on it. NO one ever wants to tag up and use the rest of the timer on the instance for as cheap as 10kpp or whatever Im asking.
I see people bitching a lot but no one ever taking advantage of offers put out there.

I'll save my other rants about the stupid majority of the server for later.

Send me a tell next time you have that offer going on. I'll take you up on it almost every time.

Gnaughtly I think it's 5 gems now if I remember correctly. So it's not a ton, but it is a little help in getting the 100k back. I don't know what you'd consider the average value of the 5 gems, 400pp mabye(dunno), so you'd have to have over 200 kills to break even on the 100k. There's a lof of avatars in there not sure if there is more/less than 200 though.

Title: Re: The things that should be...
Post by: walk2k on December 29, 2010, 12:38:22 pm
I'm deleting and resetting the instance, which means he could cram 10 spawns of all mobs on as little as 2-3 hours.
You mean just like you can do with Qvic, Tacvi, T1/T2, and I assume T3/T4(?)


Really don't get the fascination with keeping GUK of all places super secure against TEH EVIL FARMERZ...  I mean it's only the 2.5 flag...  meanwhile I can get the 3.0 flag in about an hour or less, reset the instance and do it all over again... same for Tacvi... hell I cleared Tacvi with my crappy little group in about 15-20 mins then reset the instance, can do that 3-4 times per hour...

So if I can do that in Qvic/Tacvi and T1/T2 (though with random chance of tikis to respawn in 1-5 mins it's less worth doing) why not guk?

Title: Re: The things that should be...
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on December 30, 2010, 02:22:51 pm
Because the result of getting into one of the guild is greater than that plate bp you get from tacvi. As far as being able to reset qvic, it is pointless because it takes time to get back out to where the bosses are. With the rarity of the various pieces and gem components it slows you down sufficiently. Making the lguk and other zones that are used to get into the guild would kill a huge part of the market.

Title: Re: The things that should be...
Post by: Balthor2 on December 30, 2010, 04:23:41 pm
I still dont get why people bitch about the price of Lguk / Seb instances.

Get off your lazy ass and go farm one of a dozen spots that drops loads of gems, sell them, go buy your instance and farm more then just the 1 or 2 items you need.
Plenty of people will buy exe axe for 75k, ssoy 60k etc etc.

Yes it sucks to feel the need to set aside a portion of your game time to farm extra items just to feel like you got your pp worth out of the instance but its not super freaking hard and all the crybabies can gtfo ffs.

Of late its people asking to make hard shit harder or easy shit easier. Dont waste the mans time with this trivial shit, instead go start posting about balancing shit, something the majority would rather see addressed.

Title: Re: The things that should be...
Post by: TheBloodmoon on December 30, 2010, 06:09:27 pm
I still dont get why people bitch about the price of Lguk / Seb instances.

Get off your lazy ass and go farm one of a dozen spots that drops loads of gems, sell them, go buy your instance and farm more then just the 1 or 2 items you need.
Plenty of people will buy exe axe for 75k, ssoy 60k etc etc.

Yes it sucks to feel the need to set aside a portion of your game time to farm extra items just to feel like you got your pp worth out of the instance but its not super freaking hard and all the crybabies can gtfo ffs.

Of late its people asking to make hard shit harder or easy shit easier. Dont waste the mans time with this trivial shit, instead go start posting about balancing shit, something the majority would rather see addressed.

What he said....

Title: Re: The things that should be...
Post by: Balthor2 on December 31, 2010, 03:39:41 am
Walk2k you have a point but also look at it this way, when I casually grind qvic - pod for alts I only loot a handful of gems and then say screw it and I am constantly up PP every day.
I also overpay for everything I buy because I either want it, value it at a set price so bid that or dont care to haggle on price.

Title: Re: The things that should be...
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on December 31, 2010, 04:52:02 am
The 100k for instances in certain zones is a speed bump. If it were not for speed bumps like this then everyone would be end game in 2 weeks.

Title: Re: The things that should be...
Post by: Sickem on January 05, 2011, 09:18:40 am
If the instance price on lguk was lower, the prices on the items from that zone would be reduced due to larger supply. The instance could be still reasonable though, 50kish. The price drop in the items should be proportional so it wouldn't hurt the economy any. Might alleviate the congestion in that zone some too, since people would be more willing to buy the items due to lower price than to go wait in line to camp them (such as myself).

Title: Re: The things that should be...
Post by: Balthor2 on January 05, 2011, 09:24:44 am
Once again this is an easy server to earn pp on.
Hell you could whore your self out and make 100k easy.

Title: Re: The things that should be...
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on January 05, 2011, 07:28:29 pm
The 100k for instances in certain zones is a speed bump. If it were not for speed bumps like this then everyone would be end game in 2 weeks.