EZ Server

General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: Xiggie | Stone on January 02, 2011, 03:30:39 pm

Title: WTS Epic runs
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on January 02, 2011, 03:30:39 pm
Not sure how well this idea will take off but I figured I would give it a try anyway.

I want to sell epic runs, for details please see me in game. Though I can't offer the instant epic books as you would get if you buy them off the credits vendor I can offer everything that drops along the way. That includes charms, gems, plat, armor, everything.

I take the risk upfront. Because you are risking real world cash and I my risk is mostly virtual it makes sense that i would provide the virtual before you provide the credits. Of course, screenshots will be taken of any agreements we make and I suggest the same for you. Before anything is done, you need to already have the code.

If you have any questions please contact me in game. I will list all of my toons down bottom that I can be contacted on.


P.S. Hunter if this is inappropriate or something you don't want done, just let me know this is a no no and I will abide.

Title: Re: WTS Epic runs
Post by: Agrias on January 02, 2011, 03:34:09 pm
credits bought with real money?  gl  ;)

Title: Re: WTS Epic runs
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on January 02, 2011, 03:38:11 pm
Yep. Like I said, don't know if it will take off. But hey, there are people buying them already with credits.

Title: Re: WTS Epic runs
Post by: barrettd04 on January 02, 2011, 05:16:14 pm
No offense Xiggie, but this in my opinion is completely out of line.  The only person that should be making any real life money off this server is Hunter, and maybe some of the others that create content.  Trying to sell in-game runs for cash is low.  I hope you reconsider your actions.

Title: Re: WTS Epic runs
Post by: Smoka on January 02, 2011, 05:17:37 pm
No offense Xiggie, but this in my opinion is completely out of line.  The only person that should be making any real life money off this server is Hunter, and maybe some of the others that create content.  Trying to sell in-game runs for cash is low.  I hope you reconsider your actions.

They aren't selling for cash. They are selling for credits. Those credits are bought with cash that goes to Hunter. It's a win/win for Hunter, but I don't see anyone actually doing it, but you never know.

Title: Re: WTS Epic runs
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on January 02, 2011, 05:24:17 pm
Yeah, in no way shape or form am I trying to make real life cash off Hunters work. Not sure why there is any confusion on that unless you didn't read the post correctly. Like I said, it may not take off at all, but it's worth a shot anyway, lol.

Title: Re: WTS Epic runs
Post by: barrettd04 on January 02, 2011, 05:35:45 pm
Yeah, in no way shape or form am I trying to make real life cash off Hunters work. Not sure why there is any confusion on that unless you didn't read the post correctly. Like I said, it may not take off at all, but it's worth a shot anyway, lol.

Haha yea bro, I just got off work and have had a couple drinks so I'm a little buzzed.  Sorry for misinterpreting your post.  :)

Title: Re: WTS Epic runs
Post by: Collector on January 02, 2011, 06:10:58 pm
Good Luck with this, I honestly think its a pretty good deal, as you said they get everything, and not just epic, again Good Luck =)

Title: Re: WTS Epic runs
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on January 02, 2011, 06:14:28 pm
Thanks man. no tells yet but eh. Prolly not going to take off. I have thought of it before but always held off on putting it out there. Figured, what the hell, lol.

Title: Re: WTS Epic runs
Post by: Pukagiz on January 02, 2011, 07:23:50 pm
in my humble opinion this is actually a pretty good idea....i mean it's a double edged sword in a way......on 1 side you have people that can't wait and want things instantly.....on the other side you have people that can wait and would like gear and such along the way and would be willing to tag along for those things given it was done in a timely manner....but then you have people like me that are just too lazy to get their own characters things that they need or want and would be willing to do this simply because of that fact =P

Title: Re: WTS Epic runs
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on January 02, 2011, 07:55:17 pm
Lol, yeah, that's what I was hoping someone would take me up on. Plus if people want gear and such i am sure we can work something out where it comes along with gear.

Title: Re: WTS Epic runs
Post by: Teehee on January 02, 2011, 09:19:44 pm
I know of people doing this but they kept it a bit of a secret. A person was paid real money to level up 5 toons to 3.0 and geared up back when that was the limit.

Title: Re: WTS Epic runs
Post by: L0stman on January 02, 2011, 09:22:10 pm
I know of people doing this but they kept it a bit of a secret. A person was paid real money to level up 5 toons to 3.0 and geared up back when that was the limit.

Hah - you could not pay me enough money to be on either side of this little chunk of stupid.

To log in / level / 3.0 toons in an environment where Hunter bans everyone who logged into a toon that is misbehaving badly enough?

No deal there.

Title: Re: WTS Epic runs
Post by: Teehee on January 02, 2011, 09:47:02 pm
I know of people doing this but they kept it a bit of a secret. A person was paid real money to level up 5 toons to 3.0 and geared up back when that was the limit.

Hah - you could not pay me enough money to be on either side of this little chunk of stupid.

To log in / level / 3.0 toons in an environment where Hunter bans everyone who logged into a toon that is misbehaving badly enough?

No deal there.
Both people still play, the one doing the leveling would steal balrog and chaos too but never had anything happen.

Hopefully no one cheats you Xiggie you've been here for a while. This is a good deal with the possibilities of charm upgrades.

Title: Re: WTS Epic runs
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on January 02, 2011, 10:47:39 pm
Thank you Teehee. Nice of you to say. If anyone was to screw me over I am sure most know it would end up on the forums in the very least. Even if I don't have a recourse with Hunter, the forums are wonderful for reporting nefarious deeds.

Title: Re: WTS Epic runs
Post by: Wack on January 02, 2011, 11:08:13 pm
Not sure how well this idea will take off but I figured I would give it a try anyway.

I want to sell epic runs, for details please see me in game. Though I can't offer the instant epic books as you would get if you buy them off the credits vendor I can offer everything that drops along the way. That includes charms, gems, plat, armor, everything.

I take the risk upfront. Because you are risking real world cash and I my risk is mostly virtual it makes sense that i would provide the virtual before you provide the credits. Of course, screenshots will be taken of any agreements we make and I suggest the same for you. Before anything is done, you need to already have the code.

If you have any questions please contact me in game. I will list all of my toons down bottom that I can be contacted on.


P.S. Hunter if this is inappropriate or something you don't want done, just let me know this is a no no and I will abide.

Haha this is epic.. Waiting to see what happens with this post.

Title: Re: WTS Epic runs
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on January 02, 2011, 11:41:48 pm
I would think that under cutting Hunter would be shady. I don't think there is anything in my idea that is taking advantage of anyone at all. I am sure that whoever takes me up on this will feel very well compensated. Your post seems to hunt for something to be wrong with it, lol.

Title: Re: WTS Epic runs
Post by: Teehee on January 03, 2011, 08:10:35 am
Gets to the point where its almost better to pay for a character copy and get the ultimate charm/ROAs and complete set of gear.

Title: Re: WTS Epic runs
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on January 03, 2011, 09:40:51 am
Just gtfo my thread. Your little ninny bitching post can be very slightly reworded and end up saying that Hunter is ripping people off by charging too much for the epic books. If that were the case then no one would be buying books and it is clearly obvious they are. You're just picking at my thread because you got butt hurt by me in a different thread. Just gtfo off my post and quit the game again.

Title: Re: WTS Epic runs
Post by: Mechules on January 03, 2011, 09:53:52 am
Just gtfo my thread. Your little ninny bitching post can be very slightly reworded and end up saying that Hunter is ripping people off by charging too much for the epic books. If that were the case then no one would be buying books and it is clearly obvious they are. You're just picking at my thread because you got butt hurt by me in a different thread. Just gtfo off my post and quit the game again.

False =)

I never quit the game... so I can't do it "again." I'm also not holding a grudge towards your other post, and if you've noticed I've been a pleasant little "ninny bitch" and have excluded all swear words to please your eyes.

I just posted my opinions, and it's cool that you were the first to blow up with your opinions on my opinions. However, I carry no hatred or bad intentions towards you, Sir.

I apologize that it came to this. Good day, and happy hunting =)

Title: Re: WTS Epic runs
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on January 03, 2011, 09:56:40 am
First off, it's in my post, if Hunter has a problem with it he can squash the whole thing. Second, you have stated your opinions yet you're still trying to force your opinion on people. Just get off of my thread. I don't care about your opinion, and quite frankly, I don't know anyone who does.

Title: Re: WTS Epic runs
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on January 03, 2011, 10:03:58 am
Thanks Solbash. Couldn't have said it better myself.

Title: Re: WTS Epic runs
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on January 03, 2011, 10:07:00 am

You guys can do whatever you want at your own risk. If someone scams you, then I can't help. And if your IP gets linked to someone that was breaking the rules, then you could get banned as well. Don't share account info or else your account could get "linked" to their account via IP resulting in ban on all linked accounts. If someone steals your account or items, then I can't help you. Hope makes sense. I'll be home later to reply to the many emails as well lol. As long as there is no mass scamming and mass spamming, then I could care less.

If anyone has any questions or concerns, you can ask me here or in game. For the record, no accounts will be linked because no one will be logging into anyone elses account. No passwords or usernames will be shared as there would be no need. See me in game for pricing details and such. I am able to do up to 3.5 on the epics.

Title: Re: WTS Epic runs
Post by: funkinmofo on January 03, 2011, 08:09:07 pm
Xiggie, you may be better off advertising a full toon service of some sort instead.
What I mean is break it down into packages like: ( you would probably have more people buying this if you provided the  cg/fg set)

package 1- lvl 1-70, 3.0 flag, epic 3.0 + qvic through t1 gear = X credits
package 2 - lvl 1-70  3.0 flag, epic 3.5, qvic through t2 gear = X credits

People would probably use a service like that to gear up alts or people with limited play time to gear up their main.

Hell you could probably get people interested in exchanging credits for mind numbing stuff like:

package 3 - 4 x anger 5 aug mats = X credits

By describing packages rather than just saying trading 3.5 run for X credits will give people a better understanding of why its technically a better deal for them to give you the credits than simply buy the item from the credit vendor.

Title: Re: WTS Epic runs
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on January 03, 2011, 08:14:02 pm
That really is a good idea. Thank you. I will come up with some deals and edit my first post with them.

Title: Re: WTS Epic runs
Post by: funkinmofo on January 03, 2011, 08:23:18 pm
That really is a good idea. Thank you. I will come up with some deals and edit my first post with them.

NP, after reading this thread and the other one made when you closed this one temporarily it was easy to see why it got trolled so hard. People just didn't understand the invaluable service you were planning to offer.

By the way if you want to advertise it...
Xig-Xag your way past all the grind!

Title: Re: WTS Epic runs
Post by: gimpy on January 04, 2011, 10:14:14 am
Ok, I am not sure how this would work.  
Lets say I have limited playtime, so I pay for this service to get my gear / epics / flags.  With no shared logins, I basically get to follow someone around and loot until the contract is fulfilled?  
Are you going to work around my playtimes, or do I have to log in on your schedule?  

Do I give you the credit numbers in advance, or do you wait till the end?  Hunter pretty clearly stated that he will not take part i this.  If I give you the credits in advance, I take all the risk.  If not, you take all the risk.  Maybe split the credits up into $5 increments, and transfer them a bit at a time on completion of a milestone?

Does the 3.0 include FG/CG?  How do you get me the 2.5 book without logging in to my account?

Say you kill Shadow, but I LD and am unable to get back in to loot the book.  Does that count against me, or will you do the kill again?

How often will you rez me?  Speaking from experience, if you jump a toon straight to qvic for the gear, rampage will kill most toons in a single round.  

How do I get the set of Dulak gear if I desire to have it later for RoA?

What happens if I accidently delete a piece of gear, or lose it in the aug pool.  How do you prove I had it?  Do you get it for me again?  Are you going to screenshot each piece of loot, or go on the honor system?

You need to set some limits, otherwise there is a good chance you will get jerked around by some people.  


If anyone has any questions or concerns, you can ask me here or in game. For the record, [/b]no accounts will be linked because no one will be logging into anyone elses account. No passwords or usernames will be shared[/b] as there would be no need. See me in game for pricing details and such. I am able to do up to 3.5 on the epics.

Title: Re: WTS Epic runs
Post by: ricorez on January 04, 2011, 10:26:41 am
Basically this is worth it for Epic 3.0 b/c you get to run through qvic and you have 15 shots at loot for you.

Is it worth the Time you spend thats up to you.

It is also worth it for 3.5 because think of all the stones/augs you could get while trying to get all the pages.  I mean by the end you would have more than enough stones to summon 4.0 if you could find someone to do that for credits.

No offense to Xiggie in this just pointing out the positives.

Title: Re: WTS Epic runs
Post by: Solbash on January 04, 2011, 10:35:20 am
If he got some one to do the 3.5 run, i would be willing to help kill the 4.0 boss for him if he needed the help, as long as the person has enough stones to spawn it.

Title: Re: WTS Epic runs
Post by: Pukagiz on January 04, 2011, 02:58:07 pm
If he got some one to do the 3.5 run, i would be willing to help kill the 4.0 boss for him if he needed the help, as long as the person has enough stones to spawn it.

i'll also be willing to help dunno how much help i'll be but i'll help :)

Title: Re: WTS Epic runs
Post by: Solbash on January 04, 2011, 03:10:59 pm
If he got some one to do the 3.5 run, i would be willing to help kill the 4.0 boss for him if he needed the help, as long as the person has enough stones to spawn it.

i'll also be willing to help dunno how much help i'll be but i'll help :)
You can eat the DT's for me  ;D Haha

Title: Re: WTS Epic runs
Post by: Pukagiz on January 04, 2011, 03:36:33 pm
If he got some one to do the 3.5 run, i would be willing to help kill the 4.0 boss for him if he needed the help, as long as the person has enough stones to spawn it.

i'll also be willing to help dunno how much help i'll be but i'll help :)
You can eat the DT's for me  ;D Haha

lmfao i remember doing that for? brixu? i believe that's who it was lmfao hahaha

Title: Re: WTS Epic runs
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on January 04, 2011, 03:57:18 pm
The 2.5 is not included for obvious reasons. I would rez unlimited and if someone went ld I would reschedule with them. If the stuff disappeared in the aug pool I'd do it over. I would be doing this on that persons schedule, not mine. Sure there is a risk in someone exploiting that and I know that Hunter won't get involved. As far as someone outright not paying me? The whole event would be recorded with camstudio. It allows you do do unlimited recording. I know I have no recourse with Hunter but I can post them on the forums. Quite honestly I would rather take the risk of getting scammed than take the risk of getting banned because I linked my ip to someone who is warping or whatever other foolish stuff. What is not mentioned in my post is the knowledge I will give that I have acquired over 2 years on this server. The grouping and playing experience, the aa's and all the rest of the stuff you can't get by putting a code in and getting your epics.

Title: Re: WTS Epic runs
Post by: Balthor2 on January 04, 2011, 07:39:42 pm
If you use the aug pool in the nexus, then I get to call you a fucking moron and laugh at you when items poof AND I will strongly encourage Xiggie to not replace said item.
If you are to stupid to aug in a guildhall which is, shitty but the safest option, then its on you.

Title: Re: WTS Epic runs
Post by: Fugitive on January 04, 2011, 07:49:45 pm
Can buy a 2k group instance of nexus as alternative too..