EZ Server

General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: hateborne on January 05, 2011, 12:11:22 pm

Title: No LDoN Charm Drops in Instances?
Post by: hateborne on January 05, 2011, 12:11:22 pm
Sorry to bug everyone, but can anyone POSITIVELY say that have had a charm upgrade drop in INSTANCED LDoN?

I'm NOT looking for "well I think I did this one time" or "yeah soandso got one last week sometime".

Looking for "Yes I got one on <day> at <morning/afternoon/evening/end-of-the-world/etc>".

I am quickly approaching 12 hours over 3 days and haven't seen the first charm in instanced LDoN...

Hunter, are charm upgrades not intended to drop here? Did I miss/overlook a post about them? Is RNG just wearing out the sandpaper condom on me?

Any and all info will be greatly appreciated. Thank you!


Title: Re: No LDoN Charm Drops in Instances?
Post by: walk2k on January 05, 2011, 12:13:50 pm
Yes I got a couple oracles last week, in the 1k instances.  The 2k instances seem to be broken though, the Instance guy just eats my pp.  (Heard you can deposit the pp in a waypoint and use his option to zone in there, still would be nice to fix whatever bug is causing this)

Title: Re: No LDoN Charm Drops in Instances?
Post by: Zartaxis on January 05, 2011, 12:16:11 pm
I got an oracles in the 2k instance of 4 during the double loot weekend.

Title: Re: No LDoN Charm Drops in Instances?
Post by: Fugitive on January 05, 2011, 12:25:52 pm
I've 100% got drops in instances every day this week so far.

And charm drops a few and far between farm points...

Title: Re: No LDoN Charm Drops in Instances?
Post by: Cowtipper on January 05, 2011, 12:36:09 pm
Just got a Brawlers Charm in instance 1 on level 2 last night at 1:15 am EST. Was there about an hour and a half and saw 2 charms.


Title: Re: No LDoN Charm Drops in Instances?
Post by: Solbash on January 05, 2011, 12:40:00 pm
Ldon 6 is your best bet, i was in there for about an hour last night, got a sorcers within 10 minutes, and an oracle about 20 minutes later.

Title: Re: No LDoN Charm Drops in Instances?
Post by: hateborne on January 05, 2011, 12:45:51 pm
Ok, so to drive the point home not twenty minutes later I got a Brawlers (tried LDoN2i1 for a change of pace from 4/5).

Alright, thank you. For last day or so, I've not had one person confirm in ooc that they have received one. Thank you greatly for the responses.

LDoN3 we can still say is broken since pets refuse to buff, Waypoint NPC refuses to check our account balances, and that frog fuggin talks.


Title: Re: No LDoN Charm Drops in Instances?
Post by: Kwai on January 05, 2011, 12:48:01 pm
I had 2 Oracles in one pull (8'ish mobs) in instance 2 a week before Christmas if that helps.

Title: Re: No LDoN Charm Drops in Instances?
Post by: Hunter on January 05, 2011, 12:48:27 pm
I gotta fix instance #2, which requires you have a balance rather than turn in 2k pp to zone in.

Title: Re: No LDoN Charm Drops in Instances?
Post by: Tbuki on January 06, 2011, 05:32:25 am
I gotta fix instance #2, which requires you have a balance rather than turn in 2k pp to zone in.

Honestly, I prefer to have the balance requiring instance. Most of the time the LDoN instance 2's aren't filled with about 20-30 people like public or instance 1. Maybe if the drop chance for the charm upgrades were higher the LDoNs wouldn't be so over-filled? Just my 2cp.

Before flamed, I remember seeing somewhere that the chances for charms to drop in 2-5 is around 1 in 666 or something like that? Maybe take it down to 1 in 500? 400? 350? Still a rare drop, but it'd get people out of LDoNs and let the people who need the pages kill the bosses and not have to worry about being reported for ninja'ing something the original killer didn't need in the first place.

Title: Re: No LDoN Charm Drops in Instances?
Post by: Solbash on January 06, 2011, 09:03:31 am
It's been discussed way to many times. Charms are meant to be a pita to get.

Title: Re: No LDoN Charm Drops in Instances?
Post by: Mechules on January 06, 2011, 09:29:54 am
Hence why many players are offering services in exchange for EZ store credits now =P

Title: Re: No LDoN Charm Drops in Instances?
Post by: grizer on January 06, 2011, 09:40:21 pm
I just sold and oracle last night.