EZ Server

General Category => Updates => Topic started by: Hunter on January 09, 2011, 04:07:11 am

Title: Updates 01 09 11
Post by: Hunter on January 09, 2011, 04:07:11 am
Updating source code today.

Bird Baths are removed.
Augmentation Sealer NPC now sells an Augmentation Sealer Bag.
Augmentation Sealer NPC no longer spams text when walking near by him.

Hopefully the Augmentation Sealer Bag will prevent any further item loss when combine/removing augments. If anything weird (bad) happens with this new process, please take videos and screenshots so the developers can figure out what is happening. Loss of items should be at 0.0% now.

There is a small defect with the augmentation code currently.

If you get hit by lag as you are augmenting, you could see a "Duplicate Lore Item deleted" message and it would appear that your items were just destroyed.  If you zone / camp after you get this and log back in you will instead note that you have all the items you are supposed to.  Right now this appears to be an annoyance rather than something that will cause you to lose items.

A fix has been posted to eqemu waiting developer review.

It is -highly- suggested that if you get this message you zone / camp without doing other actions as your client is confused as to where things are in your inventory.  It could lead you to think you are destroying an augment you do not care about when you are actually destroying your tiered armor. 

Note:  This is only the case if you get this message.  If you did not get this message then everything is as it should be.

Title: Re: Updates 01 09 11
Post by: Balthor2 on January 09, 2011, 04:09:18 am
Just back from afk to catch this very awesome update.
I am sure many people will be thrilled when they see this.

Title: Re: Updates 01 09 11
Post by: Rocco on January 09, 2011, 04:24:10 am

Title: Re: Updates 01 09 11
Post by: Hunter on January 09, 2011, 04:41:55 am
This update with Aug Sealer is due to one of our EZ Server players pushing for this code to go through. He worked on the code with the devs from eqemulator.net to get it into the main source code.



Title: Re: Updates 01 09 11
Post by: lerxst2112 on January 09, 2011, 09:37:50 am

Assuming you updated to the latest code, this also includes a fix for excess haste lowering your proc chances when your weapon speed is capped.

Title: Re: Updates 01 09 11
Post by: Ponder on January 09, 2011, 09:38:01 am

Title: Re: Updates 01 09 11
Post by: Hunter on January 09, 2011, 10:23:31 am
Yeah, latest source as of today.

Title: Re: Updates 01 09 11
Post by: vpisu on January 09, 2011, 11:19:00 am
No video (did not read this forum before guildmates told me of the change) but removed 1k hp aug from T2 warrior gloves in order to make my T3.  Aug is removed fine, gloves are deleted with a system message of "Duplicate Lore Item deleted".  Combine was attempted in fighter's guild immediately after purchasing the sealer, and I had a stack of 100 Class XVIII augment distiller's in my inventory.  

(EDIT for additional)

Aug was put in bag, I zoned.  Upon zoning aug was on my cursor, gloves were in my inventory.  Little odd :p


Title: Re: Updates 01 09 11
Post by: L0stman on January 09, 2011, 11:26:10 am
There is a small defect with the augmentation code currently.

If you get hit by lag as you are augmenting, you could see a "Duplicate Lore Item deleted" message and it would appear that your items were just destroyed.  If you zone / camp after you get this and log back in you will instead note that you have all the items you are supposed to.  Right now this appears to be an annoyance rather than something that will cause you to lose items.

A fix has been posted to eqemu waiting developer review.

It is -highly- suggested that if you get this message you zone / camp without doing other actions as your client is confused as to where things are in your inventory.  It could lead you to think you are destroying an augment you do not care about when you are actually destroying your tiered armor. 

Note:  This is only the case if you get this message.  If you did not get this message then everything is as it should be.

Title: Re: Updates 01 09 11
Post by: Hunter on January 09, 2011, 01:29:50 pm
Thanks, I'll re-update the source code soon as its fixed + have time.

No refunds if you accidently delete an armor you thought was something else. I'm only one person and don't have time to research hundreds of players claiming they lost armor. If you get the lore message, just zone or camp to see your items. Don't delete items directly after seeing that message cause there will be no refunds.

Title: Re: Updates 01 09 11
Post by: Domeiz on January 09, 2011, 04:19:35 pm
this actually happened to me once a while ago in the bird bath. I didn't bother reporting it since it said no refunds and i was dumb enough to delete the extra lore item.

Title: Re: Updates 01 09 11
Post by: Likkety on January 10, 2011, 08:20:38 am

Assuming you updated to the latest code, this also includes a fix for excess haste lowering your proc chances when your weapon speed is capped.

Yeah, latest source as of today.

Does this mean we can now keep haste on Pally's and they'll still proc like they should?

Title: Re: Updates 01 09 11
Post by: Drezden on January 10, 2011, 10:04:38 am
 I missed so much during my absence. Glad to see all the new stuff going in. Great work guys. Another reason why EZ Server is the best !

 I actually missed you guys haha !

Title: Re: Updates 01 09 11
Post by: Balthor2 on January 10, 2011, 10:15:43 am
several quick parses (200sec x 10 runs) shows haste does NOT hurt proc rate for my guys.
I will be removing haste buffs from my blockbuffs.

Ran 2 parses with zero buffs to compare to previous base line parses and to calculate my 'average total proc over 3min' then did 8 parses with haste buffs. 2 2 4 (FG buffbot, Enc Epic Buff, Enc Ancient Spell)

No I am not going to sit there and run it for 30min or more since last time I did that GamParse had a buffer overflow and crashed on me.

Title: Re: Updates 01 09 11
Post by: Otaduke on January 10, 2011, 11:45:34 am
any way to get gamparse to report spell damage? For some reason I am only seeing melee damage and wizards are not showing any damage.

Title: Re: Updates 01 09 11
Post by: walk2k on January 10, 2011, 11:47:12 am
SO this actually works worse than before... any ETA on the fix or can you revert the changes until it's fixed??  I never lost anything in the birdbath before but now I'm scared to use this!!

Title: Re: Updates 01 09 11
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on January 10, 2011, 11:50:19 am
I have used it and it works fine for me every time. Don't use it in a congested or raiding zone and don't try using it from your bank.

Title: Re: Updates 01 09 11
Post by: hateborne on January 10, 2011, 11:52:52 am
any way to get gamparse to report spell damage? For some reason I am only seeing melee damage and wizards are not showing any damage.

For some reason I am only seeing melee damage and wizards are not showing any damage.

wizards are not showing any damage.

wizards damage


I found your problem.

Title: Re: Updates 01 09 11
Post by: L0stman on January 10, 2011, 12:00:22 pm
SO this actually works worse than before... any ETA on the fix or can you revert the changes until it's fixed??  I never lost anything in the birdbath before but now I'm scared to use this!!

Hi Wall2k - There should be no issue with this besides the occasional UI defect showing "Lore Item Detected" that will affect you until you camp / zone.  A fix for this has been posted to the eqemu forums and is awaiting a developer to have time to review / submit.  Would then require hunter to update to that source code for the server.

Reverting these changes, if desired, should be easy - change the bagtype of the augmentation sealer to something other than 53 (find the bagtype of a bag and use that) and adding back in the bird baths.

Title: Re: Updates 01 09 11
Post by: Hunter on January 10, 2011, 12:26:11 pm
If the worse thing is that a user needs to zone if they get a Dupe Lore Item message, then I'll just leave it the way it is, and hope for a fix to go live in the source code asap.

Should be safe to use, just don't delete any items manually after getting such Lore message when you remove an Aug. Zone first to verify the items you have.

Title: Re: Updates 01 09 11
Post by: Caryatis on January 10, 2011, 04:45:04 pm
I'll leave the commit for Trevius since he did the last one but he is pretty quick with things so if it works out then it should be in fairly soon.

Title: Re: Updates 01 09 11
Post by: Valadra on January 10, 2011, 11:59:52 pm
What I have found is that sometimes after adding or removing an aug from an item, the aug's description text does not disappear from the window.
I think this may be causing the duplicate lore item problems.
If I close the bag and re-open it, the text is gone and everything works normally.
I haven't had any duplicate lore messages since doing this.

<Army of Darkness>

Title: Re: Updates 01 09 11
Post by: L0stman on January 11, 2011, 12:02:29 am
What I have found is that sometimes after adding or removing an aug from an item, the aug's description text does not disappear from the window.

Hi Valadra - this should be unrelated to the issue.  Just a simple issue of the order of operations.  IE:  Putting an item on your cursor, then removing items from your inventory vs removing items from your inventory and then putting them on your cursor.

Title: Re: Updates 01 09 11
Post by: walk2k on January 11, 2011, 11:37:57 am
Well I lost 3 items, luckily only some rings and pauldrons... I did get them back after relogging but still NOT gonna try this thing on my epics or tier armor!  Seems to happen more often when removing augs so I suggest not using this to remove augs (at least) until it's fixed.

Title: Re: Updates 01 09 11
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on January 11, 2011, 11:41:54 am
Not sure why you are having such an issue. I have been doing lots of reauging, moreso that i have done before and I have not had any issues. What zone are you auging in?

Title: Re: Updates 01 09 11
Post by: Balthor2 on January 11, 2011, 11:52:22 am
If you have a crap connection (either connection sucks or you get a lag spike) then yes you will have issues but being that you just need to relog it is not a big deal.
So far no one has credibly reported item loss.
Everyone has said "omfg my shiz is gone and I had to relog"


Yea what if Hunter stuck by his "No refunds at all period" policy and you had to use the bird bath.. correction chose as augs are not required, and you lost that epic weapon or that tiered armor.

On topic: If you discover any issues or bugs beyond what has been brought up so far please try to provide as much detail as possible, screen shots if a message appears on screen, fraps if you happen to run it while using, stuff like that assists in figuring out and fixing issues.
Other information may provide clues as well such as which zone you used it in, how many where in the zone, where you removing aug or adding aug.
Be detailed so the person who wrote this code can debug it as needed.
Thank you.

Title: Re: Updates 01 09 11
Post by: walk2k on January 11, 2011, 11:55:22 am
I got the "lore item deleted" thing, the aug was on my cursor so I put that in a bag but no item appeared on cursor as usual.  I instantly camped out and came back.  After coming back, the aug I put in my bag before I camped became the "lost" item instead (!!) and then the aug was on my cursor.

First time this was in nexus, so I moved to FG and had the same thing.  Don't think it's lag or anything I had a perfect connection all night.  Like I said before I used the birdbath in nexus (and FG) all the time and never had 1 issue, now bam 3 in one day, don't think that's my connection there's obviously a bug here.  You may get your item back but some people did not.  Fair warning.

Title: Re: Updates 01 09 11
Post by: L0stman on January 11, 2011, 11:59:02 am
Hi Wall,

I have not heard of a single person that has lost an item on that so far.

Do you know any users that have had an item lost that did not reappear?

I recall someone in /ooc saying that it happened to him the other night, then about 2 minutes later he said that he found it in a bag.

The issue is that your client has gotten confused as to what item is what.  This means when you put your aug (really your item) into your bag, you will log / zone and find that the aug (really your item) has turned into an item in your bag (as the server knows it really is) and the augment is on your cursor.  This makes it confusing in that you may think an item is missing when, in reality, its simply in another slot than where you thought it was.  This is why you are advised to zone / camp if this happens so that you do not accidentally lost armor if you delete "that stupid augment (really armor) that I dont care about and just want to get rid of."

Title: Re: Updates 01 09 11
Post by: walk2k on January 11, 2011, 12:03:12 pm
Yes if you delete the aug you don't want you're actually deleting the item/gear instead, that's the problem and that's (probably) how people have lost items. 

Sure if you come here and read forums and know to immediately camp out and not delete any items if you get that error message you will probably(?) get your items back but not everyone reads forums (unfortunately including the rules thread :)

Title: Re: Updates 01 09 11
Post by: Balthor2 on January 11, 2011, 12:14:10 pm
Yes that is a valid point and I say its the players problem.
People do not need to troll the boards as hard as we do but if they want to avoid many common issues they should spend 20 or 30min on the forums and use the search feature as well as reading the threads in the news section.

edit: teh is the, troll speak is innate it seems.

Title: Re: Updates 01 09 11
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on January 11, 2011, 12:21:54 pm
Personally I like it much better than the aug pool. It is mobile, there is a solid chance you can get your gear back and I can do it on the fly. I have prolly used it 50 or so times since it was put in and have not had even the slightest problem.

Title: Re: Updates 01 09 11
Post by: Likkety on January 11, 2011, 01:22:31 pm
Bugs on this aside, is there any way to make this a collapsible container?

Title: Re: Updates 01 09 11
Post by: Balthor2 on January 11, 2011, 03:38:09 pm
I was wondering why he didnt just use something else for this then realized it would open a can of worms.
Of course if you do not have a banker clicky you are kind of screwed into either blowing a bag slot or only using it once in awhile.
Myself I only aug my guys once a week or so. Not unusual for me to wait until I get 3 or 4 upgrades before I bother to hit the aug station.

Title: Re: Updates 01 09 11
Post by: walk2k on January 11, 2011, 06:30:16 pm
Oh I love it, was just thinking how much I needed it the other day... just don't love the bugs.

Actually would be awesome to have a portable vendor (ala banker) with distillers and other noobie vendor junk, and for selling your gems to :)