EZ Server

General Category => Guild Recruitment => Topic started by: Drezden on January 12, 2011, 03:14:21 pm

Title: Looking for T3 guild..
Post by: Drezden on January 12, 2011, 03:14:21 pm
 Well,I've done all I can solo(boxing) and don't have the will to go back and make 2 more pally's just to progress.
 That being said looking for a guild breaking into T3, as I just got in myself. I mean if a higher guild will take me thats fine too,but not looking for hand-outs, I want to earn it ! I'm not loaded with plat, as I give most of my rots away, so I can't buy my way to the top either.

 I 5 box,all fully T2, 3.0's. My main is a warrior, the others are pally, zerker, cleric, rogue. Looking for an adult content guild, as I might toss out the occasional cuss word, although not in /ooc. My play time is high, I'm always on. I'm not greedy, I don't mind helping others.. I like long walks in the park and holding hands while listening to air supply. Gnomes rock !

 My main is Drezden.

edit: I do still have some RoA left to do, I'm in the 60's. And of course new range to farm, and lack a few more charm upgrades to be at 25 for the T3 ones,but I did win a 50 sorcerer for warrior. So I guess I haven't done all I can,but I'm working on it.