EZ Server

General Category => Rants and Flames => Topic started by: Fugitive on January 13, 2011, 11:33:18 pm

Title: Dupise <Fear Mongers>
Post by: Fugitive on January 13, 2011, 11:33:18 pm
So my turn to jump in..

Yet again <Fear Mongers> is Headlining tonight's posts!

WTF is Dupise <Fear Mongers> in LDON just checking (looting) corpses like he killed them.. wait a second he didn't kill them but yet he is going through them like and old woman at a yard sale..

It's this type of behavior that has been Identified...

I guess in some way you will condone this behavior also.. I guess it's an acquired skill set to ninja !!!

Title: Re: Dupise <Fear Mongers>
Post by: dracolick on January 14, 2011, 12:39:01 am
That's not cool. He should have asked first, especially since you were bugged by it. Did you try bringing it to his attention that checking corpses was not O.K. with you?

Title: Re: Dupise <Fear Mongers>
Post by: Aname on January 14, 2011, 12:47:34 am
It doesn't matter if Fugitive told him or not.  Looting corpses that you did not kill is not allowed.  Or, did something change and the rules only apply to some people?

Title: Re: Dupise <Fear Mongers>
Post by: lerxst2112 on January 14, 2011, 12:56:36 am

From http://ezserver.online/forums/index.php?topic=8.0

Don't loot mobs that don't belong to you unless the person/group that killed it gave you permission.

Title: Re: Dupise <Fear Mongers>
Post by: Drasnik on January 14, 2011, 04:46:58 am
Thank you for bringing this to our attention, we will explain to him that this behavior will not be tolerated and any repeat offenders will be kicked from guild. I'm sorry that this happened as we do not condone ninjalooting at all. Dupise is new to server and hasn't learned the rules yet. Hopefully, this will not cause you to hold the Fear Mongers in low regard. We are a group of friendly and helpful players and incidents like this only smear our guild's name. So once again, I apologize for this mishap. If you have any other problems with a member of our guild, feel free to send me a tell ingame. Have a good day and happy hunting.

-Drasnik, Officer of the Fear Mongers

Title: Re: Dupise <Fear Mongers>
Post by: Balthor2 on January 14, 2011, 08:23:30 am
He shouldnt fucking have to ask the dude to not check the corpse of something he didnt kill.
You guys really are fucking stupid and dense

Title: Re: Dupise <Fear Mongers>
Post by: dracolick on January 14, 2011, 10:40:20 am
I'm not saying it was Fugitive's responsibility to tell Dupise not to loot. As I said, "That's not cool. He should have asked first, especially since you were bugged by it." I was just wondering if he DID ask him not to loot or if he decided to come straight to the forums and start Bashing on <FM> immediately rather than solving the problem one on one with the person.

I don't condone what Dupise was doing, but simply letting someone know that "hey, what you're doing right now isn't O.K." can defuse most problems before they become problems.

Title: Re: Dupise <Fear Mongers>
Post by: Fugitive on January 14, 2011, 11:05:44 am
1st let me make my self clear so there will be no misunderstanding..


Fear Monger's have been in the forum news over the last few days...

This is not my 1st encounter with them.. normally I just sit in t3/t4 avoiding you fucks..

But no..... I have to go do something else then this is the reception I receive?!!

WTF yeah I'm going to bash.. this is the Flame forum...

Your reputation in whole has about as much credit as the listening to our government politics.

Reign your guild, before I just put up full time fraps and follow you all around.. I'm pretty much done till T5 anyway..

The only thing you can do to defuse this situation is pull your head out of your ass and realize you need to train your guild..

Title: Re: Dupise <Fear Mongers>
Post by: Lintrix on January 14, 2011, 11:28:41 am
Reign your guild, before I just put up full time fraps and follow you all around..

Hey maybe you should do that.  Then you might, i dunno, have an actual proof that these guys are cheats.

Until then, it just looks like you veterans are out busy stroking your e-peen because it doesn't happen IRL.

Title: Re: Dupise <Fear Mongers>
Post by: Fugitive on January 14, 2011, 11:31:34 am
Reign your guild, before I just put up full time fraps and follow you all around..

Hey maybe you should do that.  Then you might, i dunno, have an actual proof that these guys are cheats.

Until then, it just looks like you veterans are out busy stroking your e-peen because it doesn't happen IRL.

Reread the topic ass hat I didn't accuse him of cheats did I?

Title: Re: Dupise <Fear Mongers>
Post by: dracolick on January 14, 2011, 11:34:46 am
Reign your guild, before I just put up full time fraps and follow you all around..

Hey maybe you should do that.  Then you might, i dunno, have an actual proof that these guys are cheats.

Until then, it just looks like you veterans are out busy stroking your e-peen because it doesn't happen IRL.

At least SOMEONE here isn't totally off their rocker.

Title: Re: Dupise <Fear Mongers>
Post by: Solbash on January 14, 2011, 11:36:12 am
HAH! I just happened to go through my fraps this morning and guess what i found! Someone from Fear Mongers that i recorded a few weeks ago. Not only was it in once, but in two different zones. Just figured you might want to add that tiny bit to the pile.

Title: Re: Dupise <Fear Mongers>
Post by: Gwendlyne on January 14, 2011, 11:38:53 am
Is it really easier / more effective to rage on the forum as opposed to sending him a tell while he was doing it?

I'm not condoning what he was doing, and it may not be your "responsibility" to, but if you really gave a flying fornicate about what was on the corpses, I bet you would have sent a tell first.

Seems to me you're not really trying to do anything other than pound your chest and make a spectacle.

Title: Re: Dupise <Fear Mongers>
Post by: Lintrix on January 14, 2011, 11:46:42 am
Reread the topic ass hat I didn't accuse him of cheats did I?

You know how this whole ordeal about this guild started and how you guys all jumped on the <Fear Asshat> bandwagon.  It wasn't about Dupise mindlessly looting random corpses.

HAH! I just happened to go through my fraps this morning and guess what i found! Someone from Fear Mongers that i recorded a few weeks ago. Not only was it in once, but in two different zones. Just figured you might want to add that tiny bit to the pile.

If you found a member offending you or doing something to you, it may be beneficial to post it and/or speak to their guild master about this.  

I've met these guys and have played with them, and they have never came off to be how you guys described them.  They are good-hearted folk that, unfortunately, got the crap end of the stick.  They are not 12 year old kids who don't give a fuck, but rather mature adults who are well mannered.

Since none of you people who have a problem with this guild were actually willing to speak with their guild master and would rather go straight to the keyboard warrior approach, i took the initiative to speak with him directly on this matter.  He has since taken actions to educate new members on the rules, and is making sure that things like this doesn't happen again.

Its not surprising that proper communication goes a long way.

Is it really easier / more effective to rage on the forum as opposed to sending him a tell while he was doing it?

I'm not condoning what he was doing, and it may not be your "responsibility" to, but if you really gave a flying fornicate about what was on the corpses, I bet you would have sent a tell first.

Seems to me you're not really trying to do anything other than pound your chest and make a spectacle.

I whole-heartedly agree.  If it is actually your intention of making this server/community a better place by removing the bad people, then these situations would have been handled differently.  Instead, it sounds like your motives were ill-conceived and to single out a new guild that may not be up to par of your standards.

1st let me make my self clear so there will be no misunderstanding..

You're absolutely right.  You are not obligated in any way shape or form.  However, do note that people don't have to help others kill Dragon Slave, or help them through PoT or BoT.  Nobody is obligated to post a Walkthrough or show people how Epics work on this server. 

Nobody is obligated, but what makes this server great are those individuals that do positive things that they are not obligated to do and build relationships/communities.

Title: Re: Dupise <Fear Mongers>
Post by: Solbash on January 14, 2011, 12:14:04 pm
Its not surprising that proper communication goes a long way.

Surprisingly it does, that's why these boards are here to COMMUNICATE THE RULES to the player base. Lack of communication on anothers guild part doesn't tell me that i need to stand in for the slacker and do it for him. Not my damn fault or anyone else heres' fault that the people of that guild, and many others cant read simple rules posted and follow them. Hmmm what's the saying..."Ignorance of the law is no excuse." Same here IMO, and just my 2cp.

Don't step in someone else shit, if you don't want it on you.

Title: Re: Dupise <Fear Mongers>
Post by: Fugitive on January 14, 2011, 12:22:57 pm
lol did I post SS or a FRAPS.. did I once say ban him?!

I agree with solbash .. this is a place to communicate and it's funny watching you ppl try to band together..

I will not sit there in tells with you in game, plus if you aren't going to see what I saw and watched on my screen happen...

Also how does one "noob" be T1/T2 and not know the rules..

And also if you knew anything about me I'm very Noob friendly it's kinda my motto, no I won't run your 4.0 for you but I randomly grab a noob 2 or 3 x per week and run them through qvic, potimea, kill TT give them pointers for nothing.

BTW, if this was my 1st run in with <FM> it would have been a tell.. but it's not period..

I'm off this thread my point has been made,  you solved it in game <shrug>

Title: Re: Dupise <Fear Mongers>
Post by: Aname on January 14, 2011, 12:36:46 pm
This is where people come to express their dislike with the actions of others.  THIS IS THE PLACE!
This is where all the BS is hashed out. 
When in game, most people are PLAYING, not trying to solve problems with others.
There are a lot of people on the server that have limited game time due to real life responsibilities.  They don't want to waste their play time b*tching about rules that should be known by others.  There is no way you get to the point where you can run around solo in an LDoN and not have been on the server long enough to know the rules.  If you're being called out, you deserve it.  Deal with it.  If you can't, find another server because most people don't want to hear your whining and excuses.

Title: Re: Dupise <Fear Mongers>
Post by: Madthrok on January 14, 2011, 01:20:05 pm
This is very unfortunate.

I know alot of good people in Fear Mongers. I for one help people all of the time with 1.5, 2.0, Qvic, 3.0, Tacvi and T1/T2 content. I take my reputation very seriously and although I have enjoyed playing with most people in the guild, I will need to disband from Fear Mongers.

One or Two members in a guild can really ruin things for everyone in the guild. I mean no disrespect to the respectable members of Fear Mongers, but due to the lack of seriousness from some of the members of the guild and unwillingness to comply with the server rules, I am out. This is what happens when just anyone is let into a guild.

I thank the officers for letting me be a part of the guild.

Title: Re: Dupise <Fear Mongers>
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on January 14, 2011, 07:23:42 pm
Remember that little question about why reputation matters? The answer? This whole thread. And this is only the beginning.

Title: Re: Dupise <Fear Mongers>
Post by: JDFriend on January 15, 2011, 02:53:51 pm
Watch them Exodus peoples too, I was in tells with a buddy, when i was /auc off a qvic plate bracer, nd this dude Manarath sent tells to get it to 125k+ then used his alt to have it it a lst bid of 145k, made me clear all way to entrence and sit and wait 10min for an offline toon, all the while my friends was in tells telling me he was in chat with the dude and said dude was asking if i had a clue it was his alt that bid, and he thought it was funny, not knowing that my friend in tells was chatting with me.

We both confronted the leader of Exodus on it, who proceeded to tell us we were full of shit, and he didnt care what his guildies did. As a leader that is a fail response sir, if my guildies Fuck up, i boot em, i have 110 of em right now, and any one of em screws anyone over they are gone.

I got into a big fight in ooc and everyone thought is was haha funny jokes on Lightblade, when it happens to you its not too funny at all. Watch them Exodus kids, they have no respect for anyone but themselves according to their leader. If we had a guild war on server, id smash em all with a 2 box!!!!!!!

Title: Re: Dupise <Fear Mongers>
Post by: Gnaughty on January 15, 2011, 03:05:18 pm
I helped some dudes from Fear Mongers yesterday hope they werent the ones screwing with you Fugi.  I look like an idiot if it was.  Can you post their names so I can know who I'm dealing with from now on?  Mad I'm sorry you lost your guildtag over this, reputation is a big thing here and I'm glad it is just like it was on live.  There are so many new guilds here that are awesome find one of em Im sure if your willing theyll take you in.