Title: Chat Channels Post by: Hunter on January 15, 2011, 01:42:21 pm http://www.eqemulator.net/wiki/wikka.php?wakka=ChatChannels (http://www.eqemulator.net/wiki/wikka.php?wakka=ChatChannels)
Client Commands Note that some commands begin with a / while some begin with a semi-colon ';'. Technically, this is because the / commands are intepreted by the client, while the commands beginning with a semi-colon are sent to the chat server to interpret. This allows us to code our own chatserver commands. Commands beginning with a semi-colon can also be written as /chat <command>, i.e. ;oplist 1 and /chat oplist 1 are equivalent. /join <Channelname>:<Password> e.g. /join general, /join Secretchannel:thepassword You can also join multiple channels at once, e.g. /join general,secretchannel:thepassword,Warrior /leave <Channelname> or <Channelnumber> e.g. /leave general or /leave 2 /leaveall will remove you from all channels. ;listall If you have the required admin status, will list all chat channels currently in existence on the server. /list will list all the channels you are joined to. /list <Channelname> or <Channelnumber> e.g. /list General or /list 1 will list all the players currently in that channel. ;set <Channelname> <Channelname> ... e.g. ;set general,warrior,planes will remove you from all the channels you are in and then join you to only those channels listed. /announce Will toggle on or off a message each time a player joins or leaves a channel that you are in. ;setowner <Playername> <Channelname or Channelnumber> e.g. ;setowner Derision Mychannel, or ;setowner Derision 1 will, assuming you own that channel, or have admin status, transfer ownership of the channel. ;oplist <Channelname or Channelnumber> e.g. ;oplist Mychannel, ;oplist 1 will list the owner and moderators of the specified channel. ;invite <Playername> <Channelname or Channelnumber> e.g. ;invite Derision Mychannel, ;invite Derision 1 will, assuming you own or are a moderator of the channel, send an invite message to the player to join the channel. Note that the invited player may join the channel without specifying the password (if one is set) one time only. I.e. if they join after being invited, and then leave, the next time they join, they must specify the channel password. ;grant <Playername> <Channelname or Channelnumber> e.g. ;grant Derision Mychannel, or ;grant Derision 1 will, assuming you are the owner of the channel, toggle moderator powers on or off for the specified player to the given channel. ;moderate <Channelname or Channelnumber> e.g. ;moderate Mychannel or ;moderate 1 This toggles the moderated status of the channel on or off. Only the owner, moderators and players given the right with the ;voice command may speak in the channel. ;voice <Playername> <Channelname or Channelnumber> e.g. ;voice Derision Mychannel or ;voice Derision 1 will toggle on or off the player's ability to speak in a moderated channel. ;kick <Playername> <Channelname or Channelnumber e.g. ;kick Derision Mychannel or ;kick Derision 1 allows a channel owner or moderator to kick a player out of a channel. There is nothing to stop the player rejoining the channel, providing they know the password if one has been set. ;password <New password> <Channelname or Channelnumber> e.g. ;password secret Mychannel or ;password remove Mychannel allows the channel owner or moderator to set a new password, or remove the password. ;toggleinvites Allows you to toggle off or on whether you receive a message when someone invites you to a chat channel. Title: Re: Chat Channels Post by: Drezden on January 15, 2011, 01:56:18 pm SoD users friends/ignore list should also be working with the implementation of chat channels.
Title: Re: Chat Channels Post by: Hexavolt on January 15, 2011, 05:24:23 pm awesome! now we could possibaly set up chat channels for so-called guild alliances