EZ Server

General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: Lodar on April 15, 2010, 08:24:10 am

Title: A Little Math on Gender-Bending
Post by: Lodar on April 15, 2010, 08:24:10 am
Given a hypothetical population of 1000 EQ players, where 15% of the players are female and 85% are male, and where the gender-bending rate is 30%, we would expect:

Number of Male players who have Female Characters: 850 x 30% = 255

Number of Female players who have Male Characters: 150 x 30% = 45

Using samples from the survey population, we know that the average male gender-bending player has an average of 37% of his characters being female. We also know that the average female gender-bending player has an average of 32% of his characters being male.

Assuming that gender does not affect a character's likelihood of being played, we would expect that at any given moment:
Number of Male gender-bending players who are playing their female characters:

255 * 37% = 94

Number of non-gender-bending female players playing their female characters:

150 - 45 = 115

Number of gender-bending female players playing their female characters:

45 x (1-31%) = 31

 Thus of the total 240 female characters in the game:

60% are played by female players
40% are played by male players

 But these numbers are a conservative approximation because:

1) We know that men give equal if not more play time to their female rather than male characters, whereas the opposite is more true of female players.

2) We have a small female sample and it's likely that men gender-bend at a higher rate than women, as the gender dynamics survey leans toward.

With more relaxed assumptions:
Number of Male players who have Female Characters:

850 x 35% = 298

Number of Female players who have Male Characters:

150 x 25% = 38
Number of Male gender-bending players who are playing their female characters:

298 * 40% = 119

Number of non-gender-bending female players playing their female characters:

150 -38 = 112

Number of gender-bending female players playing their female characters:

45 x (1-30%) = 32
Thus, of a total of 263 female characters:

55% are played by female players
45% are played by male players

Thus, assuming that 15% of EQ players are female, about 40-45% of all female characters you meet are actually being played by men.

Title: Re: A Little Math on Gender-Bending
Post by: Kaldar on April 15, 2010, 09:14:56 am
In my stats courses there was a concept called GIGO

I wonder if the 85/15 male female statistic holds true for emu? Where does a gender bending stat of 30% come from? And if its an accurate tendency of the population to gender bend, does that reflect a person's liklihood to roll an opposite sex toon in EQ?

It's still a good number crunch there, though I personally assume all female toons to be played by a male unless I have some pretty good reason to suspect otherwise LOL.

I guess if you play EQ to meet persons of the opposite sex to chat with you best expect lots of surprises if you meet up in real life /rofl.

Title: Re: A Little Math on Gender-Bending
Post by: Secrets on April 15, 2010, 10:01:58 am
I gender-bend irl!

Well, I do, but....that's an interesting topic.