EZ Server

General Category => Suggestions => Topic started by: Hexavolt on January 15, 2011, 02:09:07 pm

Title: Leftover AA's
Post by: Hexavolt on January 15, 2011, 02:09:07 pm
Ok so flame away or whatnot but I wanted to start discussion on a viable way to use these leftover AA points without changing the flow of the game too much. (because I realize AA's are fairly easy to earn)


1) 1000 AA = 10000pp or 100000pp (can't decide on this one yet)
2) 4000 AA = 1 random charm upgrade
3) 8000 AA = 1 chosen charm upgrade

 Maybe this will get recognition... maybe it won't but i think.... no, I KNOW that there is a way to utilize them with tipping the scale (so to say)..we just gotta find balance... leave your suggestions below and I will append them to this post.

Title: Re: Leftover AA's
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on January 15, 2011, 02:18:31 pm
This idea has been brought up time and time again. A simple search of 'aa points' yielded the following topic where this idea was shot down completely by Hunter. It's not going to happen.

For teleporter clickie, that would require me to copy / paste the script in all the zones directories.

Also, Basher says no on spending AA points. Would only destroy more zones with trains, etc. AA is too easy to get anyways.

Title: Re: Leftover AA's
Post by: Ashar on January 15, 2011, 02:23:37 pm
allowing us to use AA points to buy/trade for items Hunter sells WONT HAPPEN

Title: Re: Leftover AA's
Post by: Caryatis on January 15, 2011, 02:51:17 pm
Just one small thing...

For teleporter clickie, that would require me to copy / paste the script in all the zones directories.

You just need to put the script in the quests\templates directory and then all npcs with that id will use that script, regardless of zone.

Title: Re: Leftover AA's
Post by: hateborne on January 15, 2011, 05:02:07 pm
I still liked my racist idea.

7500 AAXP = Stunty Punt

Put it in Vet's rewards area. 30s cd, unresistable zero-damage Gravity Flux (the punt effect) usable against only gnomes/dwarves/halflings.



Title: Re: Leftover AA's
Post by: Hexavolt on January 15, 2011, 05:45:18 pm
another idea just came to me.... how about some titles! no impact on gameplay and can be used for some hilarous braggin rights.... like maybe

1000AA = n00b
2500AA = Veteran
5000AA = Master
10000AA  = Grand Master
15000AA = Archangel
20000AA = God
25000AA = Timesink

Title: Re: Leftover AA's
Post by: Sickem on January 15, 2011, 06:16:02 pm
I still liked my racist idea.

7500 AAXP = Stunty Punt

Put it in Vet's rewards area. 30s cd, unresistable zero-damage Gravity Flux (the punt effect) usable against only gnomes/dwarves/halflings.



^^this = good idea.
I think it was on Irreverent server or something like that, they had an NPC that fluxed short races if within a certain distance. Hilarious I tell you.

Title: Re: Leftover AA's
Post by: Fliker on January 17, 2011, 05:27:31 am
another idea just came to me.... how about some titles! no impact on gameplay and can be used for some hilarous braggin rights.... like maybe

1000AA = n00b
2500AA = Veteran
5000AA = Master
10000AA  = Grand Master
15000AA = Archangel
20000AA = God
25000AA = Timesink

100,000 aa's = IneedAlife

Title: Re: Leftover AA's
Post by: stad on January 17, 2011, 06:00:25 am
100,000 I had a life :P

Title: Re: Leftover AA's
Post by: Padme on January 17, 2011, 07:34:39 am
another idea just came to me.... how about some titles! no impact on gameplay and can be used for some hilarous braggin rights.... like maybe

1000AA = n00b
2500AA = Veteran
5000AA = Master
10000AA  = Grand Master
15000AA = Archangel
20000AA = God
25000AA = Timesink

lol, i like this idea ;)

Title: Re: Leftover AA's
Post by: Dragonmist on January 17, 2011, 08:00:50 am
While on topic could we get veteran vendor aa added with reduced reuse timer to maybe 4 hours? Just a thought and easy way to add portable vendor.

Title: Re: Leftover AA's
Post by: Hexavolt on January 18, 2011, 11:06:41 am
lol or how about 100000AA = Fused To My Chair

Title: Re: Leftover AA's
Post by: walk2k on January 18, 2011, 11:36:44 am
I think the max unused is 9999 but I'm not sure... don't have near that.

Anyway I could see some uses for AA that won't encourage more training (like a no-rent item with 2 charges of a HP buff with 24 hour reuse timer, or things like that which can only be used once a day so there's no use stockpiling them..) but we've been all over this topic before and hunter has said "no" basically..

Title: Re: Leftover AA's
Post by: Dragonmist on January 19, 2011, 11:28:21 am
Titles or Veteran AA Vendor would both be okay

Title: Re: Leftover AA's
Post by: Fugitive on January 19, 2011, 01:24:42 pm
Have waaaaaayy over 9999 unused......

Title: Re: Leftover AA's
Post by: Melandril on January 20, 2011, 06:43:32 pm
Why not make them lead to incrementally more costly heroic stat boosts?

or else set priced power sources?

Title: Re: Leftover AA's
Post by: Fabdibikya on January 20, 2011, 06:52:49 pm
The only thing I could see work is if you could buy a short term HP boost with your AA's. 1 hour, every AA spent boosts your hps with 10. (that means all those guys with 10000 AA could have 100k more hps for an hour, before they could go out and farm 10k AA's again).

Not OP, interesting use for short term gain, and gets rid of all the UNUSED AA QQ.

Title: Re: Leftover AA's
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on January 20, 2011, 09:57:28 pm
The only thing I could see work is if you could buy a short term HP boost with your AA's. 1 hour, every AA spent boosts your hps with 10. (that means all those guys with 10000 AA could have 100k more hps for an hour, before they could go out and farm 10k AA's again).

Not OP, interesting use for short term gain, and gets rid of all the UNUSED AA QQ.

This would hugely increase training. And I know, we have zones and instances we can train in, but it is very obvious people don't use them for that when they should. From what I have seen of Hunter and Basher, this will never happen.

Title: Re: Leftover AA's
Post by: Fabdibikya on January 21, 2011, 03:46:04 am
I don't see how this would hugely increase training - you'd have to blow all your AA's for a noticeable difference, and even then it would only last an hour. Tell me the last time you were in a zone to farm something other than FG/CG stuff and spent less than an hour there?

Most people would save it up for their first 4.0 kill or something, and then maybe once again when the t5 bosses are out. Remember, it took you a few months of dedicated playing to even get over 10k AA's - and it still "only" would net you 100k, which probably is going to be similar to the shaman 5.0.