EZ Server

General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: Drezden on January 23, 2011, 08:01:15 am

Title: Exploiting Shadow
Post by: Drezden on January 23, 2011, 08:01:15 am
 So whats the word on this? Ive seen it done for hours on end ,one right after the other, and I know others have too. Folks have recently quit guilds because of it.

 Seems somehow a certain class can pull it to zone in with a click of the button? And fight safely at zone in without ever moving. I was told by the player I saw doing it and others this was an exploit. He even went as far as saying he told Hunter about it. But yet he continued doing it, over and over.

I just think before folks go on a witch hunt, they should make sure their own house is in order.

I will NOT post names or guild it was,so don't even ask ! I didnt SS it or fraps, although in hindsight I wish i would have. Just putting it out that it know some people are exploiting.

Title: Re: Exploiting Shadow
Post by: Hunter on January 23, 2011, 08:17:24 am
Yes, it needs to be fixed, and I know what it is. If you get caught doing it, you can and will get banned.

Title: Re: Exploiting Shadow
Post by: Drezden on January 23, 2011, 09:14:01 am
 Thanks for the response !

 Wish I woulda SS or fraps this. Just erks me that the same folks on a witch hunt getting others banned are doing it theirself,or letting it happen in thier guild. Even after it was talked about in guild chat. They know who they are tho  ;)

edit: I would to add this is not related to the guild I am in now in anyways. I left the guild I am talking about and moved on.

Title: Re: Exploiting Shadow
Post by: Gnaughty on January 23, 2011, 10:09:40 am
Hope the best fer ya Drezden!

Title: Re: Exploiting Shadow
Post by: Dragonmist on January 23, 2011, 11:20:38 am
Sounds like the old cleric monk ghostkillin,warping method to me  ???

Title: Re: Exploiting Shadow
Post by: JDFriend on January 23, 2011, 06:26:33 pm
Hope the best fer ya Drezden!

Love ya Gnaughty !! And hes an awesome addition to our guild now!! Keep Rocking everything the way it should be Drezden!


Title: Re: Exploiting Shadow
Post by: Gnaughty on January 23, 2011, 11:04:14 pm
Send Hunter the names of those people doing it Hoss, never know when Hunter is watching, even in an Instance

Title: Re: Exploiting Shadow
Post by: Fabdibikya on January 24, 2011, 05:33:45 am
Big Hunter is watching you! (And laughing at Hateborne)


Title: Re: Exploiting Shadow
Post by: Drezden on January 24, 2011, 01:56:46 pm
  (And laughing at Hateborne)


Aren't we all?!

 I think its kinda funny how the parties involved haven't posted anything. And I know they have been on the forums. Reasons being IMO:

A) It would bring the parties involved into the public light,and show how hypocritical one of the leaders is. After getting others banned for rule breaking.

B) They know I'm  right, as it was brought to the one leaders attention by the guilty party, after another guy quit the guild because he caught him doing it(all this took place in guild chat). Then /ooc the reason he disbanded. A lot of people seen this.

C) Guilty party just kept on exploiting even after admitting he knew it was an exploit and after having the conversation in guild chat. For hours mind you,he kept exploiting.

 Sucks when someones got you in their sights doesn't it?


Title: Re: Exploiting Shadow
Post by: Teehee on January 24, 2011, 02:27:32 pm
Just post who it was

Title: Re: Exploiting Shadow
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on January 24, 2011, 02:38:01 pm
Just post who it was

I second that.

Title: Re: Exploiting Shadow
Post by: Drezden on January 24, 2011, 02:51:28 pm
 I sent the leader a PM here stating why I left and promised I wouldn't go on a smear campaign. I'm going to stick to it. But I said nothing about baiting !

Title: Re: Exploiting Shadow
Post by: Agrias on January 24, 2011, 03:53:59 pm
Obviously you have something personal going on here, I'd suggest letting Hunter handle it.  Your original post bringing attention to it was fine, but using this to bait people is kinda silly.  If you're not going to name names or show screenshots, just keep to the main points:

If you know something is an exploit, don't do it
People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones
Just because you think you're alone in a zone doesn't mean you are, the Hunter may be there!

Title: Re: Exploiting Shadow
Post by: Lintrix on January 24, 2011, 03:57:31 pm
I sent the leader a PM here stating why I left and promised I wouldn't go on a smear campaign. I'm going to stick to it. But I said nothing about baiting !

Saying something completely truthful, devoid of your opinions, do not count as a smear campaign.

I am sitting at the edge of my seat... who is it!!

Title: Re: Exploiting Shadow
Post by: Drezden on January 24, 2011, 04:02:08 pm
 I agree, I don't have SS or fraps, why i want mention names either. But this was /ooc and admitted to in guild chat, so I'm not alone in seeing it. If I was I wouldn't have even made a post. And the 'glass house' thing does apply here too. And I guess I did take it a little personal about what erked me. But your right, I will let sleeping dogs lie!

Title: Re: Exploiting Shadow
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on January 24, 2011, 05:01:48 pm
Taking it personal is completely normal. Someone else's exploitation diminishes your own accomplishments.

Title: Re: Exploiting Shadow
Post by: Teehee on January 24, 2011, 05:51:28 pm
Fine fine dont say who it is just say which guild you left

Title: Re: Exploiting Shadow
Post by: funkinmofo on January 24, 2011, 05:54:32 pm
Fine fine dont say who it is just say which guild you left

Unless he has been hopping guilds you can check which guild by popping his name in magelo....

Title: Re: Exploiting Shadow
Post by: Teehee on January 24, 2011, 05:56:58 pm
Fine fine dont say who it is just say which guild you left

Unless he has been hopping guilds you can check which guild by popping his name in magelo....
Tried it but since the magelo gets updated unfrequently it shows hes not in a guild.

Title: Re: Exploiting Shadow
Post by: Awzume on January 24, 2011, 06:54:40 pm
If you read one of this posts he says it was his former guild... not current, he left the problem guild and joined Illuminati

Title: Re: Exploiting Shadow
Post by: Drezden on January 24, 2011, 07:34:25 pm
 Its not the whole guild, theres a lot of good ppl I met there. So even if ya know don't hold it against the whole guild.

Title: Re: Exploiting Shadow
Post by: nuska on January 25, 2011, 11:40:34 am
i dont care i'll say it.. guild i am sure being talked about is forbidden prophecy

Title: Re: Exploiting Shadow
Post by: Domeiz on January 25, 2011, 08:16:31 pm
I just saw this happen. I didn't have fraps or was quick enough to SS it. I was after shadow and saw he was engaged and then on my map i see him going across the zone not aggroing anything with it. People in the group were Galoud, Kitai, Tavi, Tiva and Miva.Groups has war,monk,cleric,pally and sk i believe. This was in public. Not trying to be a tattle tail or anything but c'mon in public when people are after shadow?

Title: Re: Exploiting Shadow
Post by: Drezden on January 25, 2011, 08:28:45 pm
lol same circle of friends as the guy I'm talking about..these folks must not check the forums, but I know their leader does.

Title: Re: Exploiting Shadow
Post by: Domeiz on January 25, 2011, 08:31:28 pm
ya, ima keep a closer eye and try to get ss or fraps. i mean doing this in public is just reckless and asking for it especially with 28 people in the zone.

Title: Re: Exploiting Shadow
Post by: Tavi on January 25, 2011, 09:23:14 pm
I am not sure what you think you saw. First off my SK is only 3.0ed. I zoned into HOH and was running for Underworld to farm pages for the SK's 3.5 and found my self rooted by shadow. If someone SK pulled it was not me.


Title: Re: Exploiting Shadow
Post by: Domeiz on January 25, 2011, 09:30:24 pm
i guess i saw it wrong when i saw shadow pop near the entrance area with heavens and earth and then go through walls to you. btw sk 3.5 is line of sight so has nothing to do with this.

Title: Re: Exploiting Shadow
Post by: Fabdibikya on January 26, 2011, 04:17:24 am
Also, in normal circumstances Shadow *does* aggro avatars, even if they didnt aggro in their own right - so making Shadow do something that doesnt do that most definitely is an exploit, and a very big one too.

Wouldnt be half bad if Shadow would aggro the avatars around him - there's almost always going to be two or three of them coming - and if you're very unlucky, 17. Heck, would be a first to get banned from the game because you're training HoH lol.

Title: Re: Exploiting Shadow
Post by: Drezden on January 26, 2011, 06:53:21 am
If someone SK pulled it was not me.


Never mentioned once in this thread. But you seem to know exactly what he was talking about lol.

Title: Re: Exploiting Shadow
Post by: Tavi on January 26, 2011, 04:44:51 pm
I am not sure what the point of your post was; yes I understand that the main topic of the post is "Exploiting Shadow" and that there is an exploit that involves the use of the SK epic 3.5 and/or 4.0. The server has only been talking about it for weeks.

Do not attempt to tarnish my rep because you have bad blood with others in my guild, whatever that may be caused by.

I play this game honestly and openly, as I expect others to do around me.

Title: Re: Exploiting Shadow
Post by: Drezden on January 26, 2011, 05:30:50 pm
 Not directed at you. But screw it. Here it goes..

 Tell Brixu to log onto forums and tell me I'm wrong in all that I have said here. Many people seen the /ooc and the guild chat. And I will drop the issue.

 Solbash logged in and thats who Brixu started explaining what he did  to and why the other guy left the guild and /ooc what Brixu was doing. And I zoned into GI to see what it was about,guess what shadows corpes at Brixus feet. Went back later to farm stones for myself and guess what..Brixu still there with more shadow corpses at his feet. Seriously tho,tell him to post.

Title: Re: Exploiting Shadow
Post by: Drezden on January 26, 2011, 05:40:07 pm
 I mean what erks me is someone went after another guild and got some of them banned/suspend..but when it came to his guild nothing has been done yet, even tho me and Solbash talked about it lately. And others inside the guild know it went on too and saw the chat too. I just wish i could remember the guys name that caught him doing and /ooc it,then promptly guild your guild. He could back up this.

Title: Re: Exploiting Shadow
Post by: Drezden on January 26, 2011, 05:51:54 pm
I keep making post cause I dont want to edit..let them stand as they are..but

 I would still be in FP if it wasnt for this.. I even made snide remarks to the guy the brought all this up in /ooc, Im loyal to the end. I feel like a dick making those remarks and wish I knew who it was so I could apologize to him personally.

 Tavi, where you on when all this went down? Did you see the /ooc and guild chat about it? The only way you guys can back him up is to flat out lie. I seen it all with my own eyes period.

Title: Re: Exploiting Shadow
Post by: Teehee on January 26, 2011, 06:06:37 pm

Title: Re: Exploiting Shadow
Post by: Drezden on January 26, 2011, 07:17:21 pm



Make of this what you will...

Title: Re: Exploiting Shadow
Post by: Agrias on January 26, 2011, 07:55:19 pm

Well.. I see Droxed asking for a rez

Title: Re: Exploiting Shadow
Post by: Tavi on January 26, 2011, 08:09:38 pm
The point I was making, and your rant is a perfect example. I personely have no experience with your experience in the game. Yes, I am a member of FP along with 600+ toons. You chose to comment on what i posted and I asked you to not throw me under the bus because you have an issue with others in my guild.

I was not on when any of this went down, I don't even recall you being guilded with FP so must have been busy irl. FP has been good to me, helping me when I needed it in those parts of the game where we all need help the first time, and for that I stay and play with those that I enjoy talking and playing with

The only reason I even posted in this chain was because I was named when someone didn't understand what they saw, and I want the record and my rep to stay clean. I haven't and never will used this particular exploit or any other exploit for that matter. I don't want or need the drama, enoguh of that irl, and this is my escape from that.

As to your FP experience it is unfortunate that it was a bad one. I hope you find the resoultion you need .

Member FP

Title: Re: Exploiting Shadow
Post by: Drezden on January 26, 2011, 09:00:43 pm
easier on the eyes maybe. I suck at photo crap,as you can see.





Title: Re: Exploiting Shadow
Post by: Solbash on January 27, 2011, 12:44:52 am
Witch hunt? You may have some bad blood from one of the guys, but check the video. None of the characters i was on was Solbash. That was from me playing LEGIT alts, no power levels with me making huge trains. Please know everything about what i did, before you try and drag me into it. Yes i logged in after said event occured, i still don't know all what happened as i hardly play anymore due to lack of content or challenge. But feel free to try and drag me through the mud if you'd like, my rep stands as is, and i honestly don't think anything from this concerns me.

Title: Re: Exploiting Shadow
Post by: xxblitzkriegxx on January 27, 2011, 03:05:46 am
I just saw this happen. I didn't have fraps or was quick enough to SS it. I was after shadow and saw he was engaged and then on my map i see him going across the zone not aggroing anything with it. People in the group were Galoud, Kitai, Tavi, Tiva and Miva.Groups has war,monk,cleric,pally and sk i believe. This was in public. Not trying to be a tattle tail or anything but c'mon in public when people are after shadow?

Drezden, this the guy that saw all of it go down? just catching up on this thread, this sure sounds like the guy whos name you couldnt remember.... yes...no?

Title: Re: Exploiting Shadow
Post by: Drezden on January 27, 2011, 06:33:06 am
It was Obut and I already talked to him and apologized . Just ask him about it in game if need,he will tell you what happened.

 Not really trying to drag you into it, but those where the facts. You went after Fear Mongers hard core,whether on alts or not,it was you. Brixu brought his exploits to your attention in guild chat. Maybe you shouldnt be a co-leader then if your not going to police or take interest in your own guild ? You always seem like a stand up guy to me. He even stated in the SS the guild doesnt care about using exploits..this the kinda thing you want your name attached to?

edit: heres you words.
Solbash :As for the <Fear .........> yeah, check your guys some more, or it may be benificial now to ditch the name for good and start over.

link: http://ezserver.online/forums/index.php?topic=1591.0 (http://ezserver.online/forums/index.php?topic=1591.0)

Title: Re: Exploiting Shadow
Post by: Drezden on February 04, 2011, 12:00:00 am
Brixu couldn't resist the urge to let me know...I guess there are loop holes in every rule lol..


Title: Re: Exploiting Shadow
Post by: Pukagiz on February 04, 2011, 12:52:34 am
idk why i posted this but it just seems appropriate for this thread.........can't we all just get along instead of being..............

Title: Re: Exploiting Shadow
Post by: Gnaughty on February 04, 2011, 01:55:26 am
Wow I didnt know lightblade felt that way, there be some hate floatin around this here server!