EZ Server

General Category => Suggestions => Topic started by: kalzin230 on February 01, 2011, 02:08:38 am

Title: Enchanter fix??
Post by: kalzin230 on February 01, 2011, 02:08:38 am
I believe there was a silence spell in live that prevented casting on PC's perhaps the chanter could gain this spell to stop mobs from casting spells?

Title: Re: Enchanter fix??
Post by: Fabdibikya on February 01, 2011, 02:41:54 am
Personally, I think a lot of work has gone into enchanters, and as it stands (with a bit of uptweaking on the power of the doppelganagers), enchanters are viable as is.

I liked Secret's idea of having a group "stonewall" type spell, I would probably have it be unlimited in hps absorbed but short duration (3 minutes).

Also, being able to enchant weapons to have extra effects would be nice and in style - Aka, proc buffs.

I also would like to see the duration on the doppelgangers removed. They now poof at 60 seconds or when the mob dies. Removing the 60 seconds and keeping the Mob-Dies poof rule, they'd be more viable on longer fights (aka t3/t4/MCP), they'd keep the same utility in groups (mobs die in less than 60 seconds, usually), and would allow them to solo some of the lower tier content than they are (whereas currently that is not the case unless you go a lot of tiers down)

Title: Re: Enchanter fix??
Post by: Pukagiz on February 01, 2011, 03:16:06 am
Omg chanters can solo? Nerf chanters!!! :P

Title: Re: Enchanter fix??
Post by: Fabdibikya on February 01, 2011, 05:09:02 am
As it stands, a 3.0'd enchanter still has problems with dragon slave, depending on how many tiers of Enchanting defender she has. She needs at least t1, possibly also t2 enchanting defender and the CG pet completely buffed up to take him down (Just CG will not suffice, and I think just CG and base ED doesnt either)

Mock me though and I'll have ten miniature gnome enchanters whacking you slowly to death!

Title: Re: Enchanter fix??
Post by: Drezden on February 01, 2011, 07:04:05 am
 Yea less waste more time on a useless utility class while viable dps classes still lack.. Fix wizzys,monks,zerkers,necros and rogues ffs.

 I mean seriously..charm/mezz useless..slow useless... If you want a pet class play a mage. Hell beef up necros before fucking with enchanters anymore, least their considered a dps class and need help too.

Title: Re: Enchanter fix??
Post by: Fabdibikya on February 01, 2011, 07:44:55 am
Hell beef up necros before fucking with enchanters anymore, least their considered a dps class and need help too.

Last time I checked, necro 4.0 pwn'd the everliving fuck out of all the other 4.0 pets (with possibly exception 4.0 beastlord pet with hulkamania), and also procced a pally group heal that cures poison. They're effectively the only pet class that can solo every type of dragon in PoD, including the poison dragons.

Title: Re: Enchanter fix??
Post by: Drezden on February 01, 2011, 02:02:31 pm
 OK, mark necros of the list and replace with bards !