EZ Server

General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: stad on February 02, 2011, 09:54:38 am

Title: Buffs to keep
Post by: stad on February 02, 2011, 09:54:38 am
ok you all have you pet to do the buffing.
But what buffs do you want on you if you have access to all classes?
dont forget to mention what class you are and what role you play.

Title: Re: Buffs to keep
Post by: Dragonmist on February 02, 2011, 04:22:27 pm
Okay for my toons I use:

(Top Junk Buffs)
FEET-Guide Speed
RANGE-10% Overhaste Clicky
SK/PAL/RNG self buffs-Any stackable HP/AC/ATK buffs your class has and for Paladin always Focus of Healing.
Then Enchanter-AMH/VT
Buffbot buffs-Block Reg Sow,Clairvoyance,Spell Haste,Ranger Atk buffs
Brells Brawny Bulwark
Tribute On
Group Leader AA's also

 Im also using SoD client .So buffbot only lands Attack and HP buffs on me I block ones I dislike.

If you have use of an enchanter use Vampiric Thunder always,and Ancient Melee Haste if you want.
Use Tribute for all of your characters alt+U pulls up that window. Can get HP/AC/ATK/and Second Chance is Divine Aura effect procs sort of like DI to save you but it lasts 24 seconds.Bard also has around a 1K Damage Shield I believe if you box one its helpful for that purpose only.

Also if its my sk,war or pally I try to keep mask or shoulder item clicky for dmg shield buff.
One more thing is from Newbie Vendor Buy the Improved Damage Rod for your ammo slot it costs like 50K per toon but increase dmg on your sk,pal,war or any class you have a DD spell or Proc going off.

My current Setup is SK,WAR,PALx3,RNG